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There is a space at amazon.

com called Amazon Marketplace where

numerous sellers throughout the country sell new and used books at very
attractive prices. The marketplace makes visible in each amazons book
page the amount of marketplace sellers that have new or used editions of
that book. The user can browse the index of sellers and choose from which
will buy the book.
Any application implementing P2P technology could revolutionize the
business of used books, because people who has used books at home could,
without having to become a business owner, sell, swap their books, or even
find books that are rare and difficult to find.
Usually the P2P tools have chat functionalities, which could be the channel
for the users to negotiate prices and shipping conditions.
The users, as in any P2P tools, could make available at their computers, one
directory where all the data about their books the ones to be sold and
books that the user desire to buy. This would be the only information shared
by the user.
That would be something easy to implement, very feasible and of interest
for lots and lots of people around the world.

Uma soluo para venda e troca de livros usados, antigos e raros com
arquitetura P2P.
A soluo permite que se disponibilize em uma pasta do seu computador a
informao de quais livros voc possui e que gostaria de trocar, vender e
tambm comprar.
A partir da tecnologia P2P seria mais simples compartilhar estas
A ferramenta tambm poderia trabalhar com indicaes de livros e

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