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FATTAL KONE ATPHEALE CTAAN bLCA WIE INA FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETTE OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA Mnrene A228 APCS TOAD PATH FONE FMC MA MmEHEY FON 19 YearNo.4 ADDIS ABABA 29" November 2012 aT 28 HPC ECITLE 9.7" PRIMO MN AFOET ANIC OWL ANY. PENA PMG CONDE LUTTE FNC MP Pon i AR IEG, aR RRL orimei.. rune ghc Ah PRAtAS Lene APHEALR ETHAN NNER MMI MAMIE PC Aeron? Noma APE HPC WEINER DER ENT ANTI A: NPE ere HERIIRTLN NER BB OLD: 27 LIN DOTA: hea noe mena A NEG con BU RID TIN INEAFPTT ANIC OAT AnuAtE —eEhAd Psd. oedn reLuateH rhe a Re RC REIT" | PA Auth LFA 2cat fom NM AA CO erLehmaD NabHC MLV LIA amterss nav A ORPET 1M eRATIOE ATE HTC RESWATO 10-1 ANP NER K rhae ACIP E any SAW ALL LUE5001 FI PD Unit Price 12.85 CONTENTS Regulation No, 27072012 Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulation Page 6646 Schedule Page 6653, ‘Thit Regulation is issued by the Council of Mit 1 of Powers and Duties ‘of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic ‘of Ethiopia Proclamation No, 691/2010 and Amicle 39 of the Investment Proclamation No. 769/2012. pursuant 10 Article $ of the De PARTONE GENERAL 1. Short Title “This Regulation may be cited as the “Investment Incen- Lives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulation No, 2702012" Definitions In this Regulation unless the context otherwise requires: Vv “Proclamation” means the Investment Proclamation ‘No. 76972012; 2/ the definitions provided for in Anicle 2 of the Proclamation shall also apply to this Regulation; WDE DMM PAH HTD Nogarit Gazeta 80,001 a 1m FRETS Ktoh 126% WM HTC BAC B49 AS Or ti BARI" VAI neRLnACE we Ar Kn HPC RESIATLE NILIT PheRoVD ERIE AMINO NEW dor! W PCE” IN ALUN vnc A 20 HTC RISWNTL DIR MA) P-rovan-ta rramTinrenys acs 10> BRITA be IA CD APE? one MAU | Avhmr PLENEN por ORF MAT ohm emiesPT opr 692% XS ANAAEPF FO Av AdiILU NAMA PMO POCKET AG PANE PALLPE, ODES LAPLNI a eee TA RLSM wre IV savanna: HW tag tee" TA) NIN. OPE ag. Vor A AOE PAU PnOFIT Laren 8) “FIN, IAC? IAT RA LeM OI OL PHAR eoFI Hb M29 PUrAL P2d- mM, PUY AECE AL PEMA nd yw ANIC ONT MOUNT Nathan tee. eohht H eeunrnd Peed ohh NIECE WT AAO AUOEE AF emNL esr U) POINT PADRE AG dD! PACS PHM eT 110.0% o) O9P) rem remrAaT AS ForChA ONAT NIAID i oh) PARMA IT NATO oe) POVIGE ANk) ee. W) PENT AT PAT OTHE NIAMD 2) NCAP AUN oR DET TIDE 4) eeIna@eer preety ne etcre PEPE 1) Ah Y aw} Poms Aro" NAO ADCTAS POLAT PMC ONT Fo07 UTE ENC DEATH MAM W AILU RIFKIN ATER (8) ALAR NIE re smc ATPASE LT MD PeLan@ rere NEPA omn Noort DRIP SOSD MONIT eI AUT ws! 3/ “Agency” means the Ethiopian Investment Agency re-established under the Council of Ministers Regulation No, 2692012; 41, “Board” means the Investment Board referred to in Article 6(1) of the Council of Ministers Regolation No. 26912012; ‘S/_ “eapital goods” means machinery, equipment end their accessories needed to produce goods or render services and include workshop and laboratory ‘machinery and equipment necessary for same; 6/ “construction material” includes inputs necessary for the construction of investment projects; 7/ “customs duty” includes indirect taxes levied on ‘imported goods; 8 “income tax” means tax levied on profits. from business and categorized as the revenue of the federal government, regional governments or as their joint revenue, > Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors The following areas of investment are exciusively reserved for Ethiopian nationals: 8) banking, insurance and micro-credit and saving services; ) packaging, forwarding and shipping agency services; ©) broadcasting service; 4) mass media services; ©) attorney and legal consultancy services; preparation of indigenous traditional medicines; advertisement, promotion and translation works; hy air transport services using aircraft with a Seating capacity up to $0 pastengers. 2/ For the purpose of sub-artcle (1) of this Article, a business organization may have Ethiopian rationality, provided that its iol capital is owned by Ethiopian nationals, ii 2k TALIS area 20h aun ere @ UAC #7 KLE 9, Be AOE NAVA Nib kt me too oot w w uv iLY LH OC tPRE NOLT@ wince he aPC RELLY ROE) BAT RRET B60) EET TET BRT ORT DE AG Te nreankt ANbeC NUMZ A-booA Deh hee tee ooOn® fara navn AMO RET Vee EAT Oe PHLU AIPR ION NOR (f) S422 ACH APR DEK HG) AT NAVE ILD LU NER UG) toon adrec foe MAUTEE NUL beens OF MMF Kee oot NAA 00% ALR LF AAW MY AIR -IOA AER (®) wLM «&) owed: ANTI: me ppv THOM COT AAU Ardea ere A6AIO FI FTTE Powe maeAAr FOHCHE ANA AU? LAR DAN RCE aeVeEP AITO PeLeLCD MAUR hy LN IC MAES wm 2 Aten cower em MC WEEE hae, USE. DAD 2CRD nen. 9) A2ran aM now: 4) IT MAooN HAA! sh) ANGE HAA (HAP OF AO Te ha Uc 266 45 he ana eE nares AIA nAAL MCLE MAA MRT nes WH or 2) MA AE AdaenOeS ane HAD AEN Age HOT AAT (RET APIET PWG MCA) Adan ane Hr OnE eM ro a HT Mae IT Ant 1 Ofe ANTS Ante AR Oca: atin reLeeC7 aaa nwrmere Atedht@ ore reusrio em. Mc MLE Uh htmitt 990 Ant INSTR Gorht MRI Pi Nook FIN, SING 57 BRITO: =} “) v y AA foreign investor shall be allowed to invest in ‘reas of investment specified in the Schedule attached hereto, except those areas provided for in number 133, 1.42, 17, 1113, 1114, $3, 62, 82, 9.2,0.3 and 12 ofthe Schedule. Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-aricle (1) of this Amicle, the Board may allow foreign investors to invest in areas other than those specified in the Schedule, except those areas provided for in Article 6 (1) and (2) of the Proclamation and Article 3(1) ofthis Regulation, A foreign investor who invests pursuant to sub- antisle (1) or (2) of this Amicle may acquite a private commercial road transport vehicle necessary for his business operations. ‘Any investor who invesis to establish a new ‘nierprise shall be entitled to income tax exemption {8s provided for in the Schedule attached hereto. ‘Any investor who invests 12 establish a new enterprise in 8) the State of Gambeia Peoples; 1) the State of BenshangulGumnuz; ©) the State of Afar (except in areas within 15 kilo meters right and left of the Awash River); 4) the State of Somali ¢) Guji and Borena Zones of the State of Oromia; 1) South Omo Zone, Segen (Derashe, Amaro, Konso and Buri) Area Peoples Zone, Bench. Maji Zone, Sheka Zone, Dawro Zone, Kaffe Zone or Konta and Basketo Special Woredas of the State of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples; shall be entitled to an income tax deduction of 30% for three consecutive years afer the expiry of the income tx exemption period specified in the ‘Schedule atached hereto. Te MEATS Kxeon 126% awe #7 & UAC #7 1 AMG RCE inser og TNs NATLAT Fm, TAG INES OXPH ATER KG) cow: WAC LCE HY LNs oe FAA AAU NeINGePa OL heviiew ALSTON ravers mM, WHY LIN DC MEFFIOY vIMeIE eur hin, 7c 7 Foor? cons SAK \ THOT AUT AF Sheek CoLvrror> PCR) OFF NATED @% OF FLAN OF OF OT ALAN MUA FCI wR AdaATH -T9T9T PeLPECA hurr nurrMLIE Wtersar Wranre Av-Ar deo) hm, 2G A eusae #. emer nnenernnt ws ALU RIN AIR GAT FORT ECT fete PIF OEE maT ete ait ALTA hiLy KM 2G TEE NeLTIO: vndic Mrownik? PIPEF IANS MLM CercAT ors “ENT AST Pee ehh bend. TROP MUO PLsrio. em, 7c MNLF Nema Nee cobb hrheAinho ANd Sook Ph LUGAH 2B. aodX nneeccn “THOT WUT OLY KTM NR GI DNT H frteonie Fm, TAC TN INGA FH tose PLUTO ALATA? oP% NN Ata FHC Anan, omer Od ASeCH LTA" 1. Wa 20G 14 PeoU Hew) come NALEMC 0 at Bh. C19 POOLS Nee) ohne renET” co MAUR IPL OLE MATT ohm i> NECN Ub AME LUGO MAIL ATER VON AIR (A) ABRAT NIN Pha PRMD AHA WAUAE eWeI wer NA ohh Koons Ue AlerAhto PMc ANIA emer Mr PhD sae Té, 000, 0G 94 Poors Hew) 10.9 NATO? tm TAC emer tme ew TOT AAUa HIN, AC VE AUT Nee? PLEIN"? mM. MINA Adar ETN, TAC MAND, sHrES Nedeon IAM? LECRNAT 10, ‘Any investor expanding or upgrading his existing ‘enterprise pursuant to Article 2(8) of the Proclamation shall, with respect tothe additional income generated by ‘the expansion or upgrading, be entitled to income tax exemption as provided for in the Schedule attached hereto a i ‘Exporting Products or Services ‘Any investor who export or supplies 10 an exporier as production or service input, at leas 60% of his products cor services shall be entitled to income tax exemption for two years in addition to the exemption provided for in the Schedule auached hereto. Condition for Reducing Incentive [Notwithstanding the provisions of Amicle 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation, the income tx exemption tobe granted to an investor who engages in an area of manufacturing industry oF information ane communication technology development, without consirucing his own production or service rendering building, shall be one year lesser than what provided for in the Schedule stached dere. it ta ‘An investor shall be entitled tothe exemptions specified in Article 5, 6 and 7 ofthis Regulation provided that he submits all the required information to the relevant tax authonty. ‘Commencement of Period of Income Tax Exemption \/ The period of exemption from income tax shall begin from the commencement date of production ‘or provision of service by the investor. 2/ For the implementation of sub-article (1) of this ‘Amticle, the appropriate investment organ shall notify the relevant tax collecting authority the commencement date of production or provision of service by the investor, ‘Declaration of Income During Income Tax Exemp- sion Period ‘An investor who is entitled to income tax exemption shall declare, every year, the income he has obtained during the exemption period to the appropriale tax collecting authority. ww ROUEN aeons 26h ane rE 8 UAC HD ATU i i. 1. hore? naTIbrAAE Ah, 7A Mh koory mINerF armor | Hoo ONT he Somew eTo HUM WM TAC A koe Nowy ihm itt 039A Plu New TI am UL Mea P-PANEAS AY HOLY AER OD MER (i) FERYTIO ASCH NAS? PeNHAAG thew'd HOA 077 eek SIME NIBUT NILOM VIN, “MIC News Ronde fy OLY AIR ON AIK —) AG (K) rena AsCr mn TAC TM rows Moo} hie. Pecan THOR aun? PRAM hed HAMA PM, PAE toes ONE. oTHAAG NEFA: 20h HEA UAT Perch en V8 NIT f ter 14 hoor ff hiLy R91 2c AtSeHOn wIMeiIr re PC A TK! OG He roman Edy ARGC MUMMLIE Whee eae. eth ANIA. hue Oy aaUAt | AMUSO MAD RCE we 19C RCELI AMINA MLE HOTA vere 60% PUESOT KIM OSPF NOEN PET A ONIN: LF MANLY AOEK OD AER (8) renKT Aauek here eer KI Pee ADTa-) MTHS PII bP UCUC AMeoAWba errilh-oos} rid OP RLE NTRCN INGE ESCH TA WHEN PTL LDF tmeer ey AAUAT HNIC ONT IEE NIKE TE PITA Of TH bePTY Am DFP EY NIZE NINGI® AVA Pe OF P% ofa Nuev® ag trnen@ vrrGn PLT boon LRLAH: W OLY AIR omer fren Her MPF ONLOAD OVROM AAU PTO MTSA 699 mdr Pr J foot FRNA oOAPOM PTY TCR: WAY DEP NAT oon NEwoci- UL EPC Ahh APY Good Lat heen TOT TNIASIIN BarR ATA: PeTINChe PE hegeh oer 1 ootry TTNCEPY cote Neem OL" MEA HTS PET TN vor eM VED PRITIN oY TORNTHD 98015 Wd Cured NLT OCA OL SaM@ comes FeLOn? EUSA: Na = Fede Negart Gatete _No.4 Novenber 29° 2012 Page 6650 12, Loss Carry Forward VY. Aninvestor who has incurred loss within the period ‘of income tax exemption shall be allowed to carry forward such loss for half of the income tax ‘exemption period after the expiry of such per 2/- Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-articl (1) of this Amie, for the purpose of caleulating the period of loss carry forward, a halfsyear period shall be considered asa full income tax period. 3/_ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1) and 2) ofthis Antcle, an investor who has incurred loss during the income tax exemption period may not be allowed to carry forward such loss for moce than five income tax period. SECTION TWO EXEMPTION FROM CUSTOMS DUTY, 13. Exemption of Capital Goods and Construction ‘Materials from Customs Duty Any investor engaged in one of the areas of Investment specified in the Schedule attached hereto, except those specified under numbers 7,11, 14 and 15 of the Schedule, may import duty-free capital goods and construction materials necessary for the establishment of new enterprise or the expansion or upgrading of an existing enterprise 2 For the implementation oF subsanicle (1) of this Aisle, the investor shall submit, in advance, the list of capital goods and construction materials to be imported duty-fee and get approval of same from the appropriate investment organ. 3/ fan investor entitled to a duty-free incentive buys capital goods or construction materials from local ‘manufacturing industries, he shall be refunded with the customs duty paid for the raw materials or components used a inputs for the production of such goods. 4! An investor eligible to a duty-free incentive pursuant t0 this Article, shall be allowed to import spare parts the value of which is not greater than 15% of the total value of the capital goods within five years from the date of commissioning of his project. 14. Exemption of Motor Vehicles from Customs Duties ‘The total or partial exemptions of motor vehicles from ‘customs duties shall be determined by directive to be issued by the Board based on the types and nature of investment projects. 2 MAES 2220 120% 2um we § URC 99 KEE TG, baech $29 18 Ve P90 649 NAewbAAE wen eeT ue eM Isto NTA OLE LINZ OF OFF HTINCHE PoMAAR LIEN ET V1 ewth anor har ALPAAE FAA ALY AIR ON NIK (A) PrLITIO® Ascr Ne tO tPEH Ker THR MEA OL" TNA da OL atinchen Prrch eT 1 eon Aano hor dcrang FAA OA MaeEh eT UT soot MEAD WLP CTH 1% OFM “MINCE OAD HNIC MIADM MEL LEAN: flu? AIK RIPE Crane. “TOT AAUAY NTA Aha FITSH NEE £22 soured: pabMae nea_vni: AR AL £92007 OATS PA RYH NOTES CeO IH? A OMAN NEAT ET AMC oriT AAUAET dathAd tee edt komo LeRLATCE PHC MA LIN TC HTD OILAA) MIU SN ETE My RN 2G FLED eITOr Kent woes wLr Thee AFR Mm £70 fata PANE Areenhet obéRen agtewr: Leviionee £7.29 AT OY LH NR Tk erRTO Ace AAAI MEZI PES ANIC amir AMUN Aarhad ted aehh nama PULdICE PHC MA AN RTC HATE: CARI) AG RIN AMAL oar mone sP% aOVIeD PLWH CML HEP: PAKeLY gern: DAI IETF PTT ANIC anit ANE NaThAA Revd aotb Nama PLLCT FHC MA LM PC HTD QoeHTMA) AS RIK AMINLRE Nom ees PE aves Meth MEAT OK Aik UT neon satmter aauTT Aiky EM ove NAA MMLIFHE bene Aer) hese LUT AM Ado PdCITIN Vey comee MP NIDAOr Forty Am Ped, Aaor's LFA: & x Federal NepainGazete _No 4November 20% 2012 Page 465 15, Transfer of Dutv-Free Imported Goods 1" Vv Capital goods or construction materials or motor Vehicles imported free of customs duty may be ‘wansferred 1 persons. with similar duty-free privileges. Notwithstanding the provision of subartile (1) of this Article, the capital goods or construction ‘materials or motor vehicles imported free of customs duty may be transferred, upon effecting payment of the appropriate customs duty, to persons having no similar duy-ftee privileges. 3 The investor may re-export the dutj-free imported capital goods or construction materials or motor vehicles 4/ Any investor who contravenes the provisions of this Article shail be punishable in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Customs Proclamation, PART THREE ‘MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, ‘Repealed and Inapplicable Laws The Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulation No.84/2003 (as amended) is hereby repealed [No regulation, directive or customary practice shall, in so far as itis inconsistent with this Regalation, be applicable with respect to matiers provided for in this Regulation, . Transitory Provisions 1/ Notwithstanding the provision of Amticle 16 of this ‘Regulation, incentives granted pursuant to the Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulation No, 84/2003 (as amended) and the directives issued there under shall continue tobe effective Where an investor eligible for incentives granted Pursuant to the Investment Incentives and Investment Areas Reserved for Domestic Investors Council of Ministers Regulation No.84/2003 (as amended) and directives issued there under has not yet exercised his right, opts instead to be a beneficiary of incentives provided for in this Regulation, he may notify the appropriate investment organ and be entitled thereto, ae ENE L224 yeh oun wre 8 uC #49 ME ar. 8, 20 genes ait PY RM Need 126% I 4 hon $7 Ree P09 prs: DAN NOM VAC H #7 Ki 4, DRAPE EM 2AA% PATPRE LEGAE APHLALE ETA MPAR LLNS Federal NegaitGazete _No 4 Nowenber 29° 3012 Page €6 ~* 18. Effective Date This Regulation shall come into force on the date of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazette. Done at Addis Ababa, this 29" day of November, 2012. HAILEMARIAM DESSALEGN PRIME MINISTER OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA 7K TATE DW #TC & womeir VAC fh 4) KL ome, Anan ANS PAMIN oe} ooh AAA ANA hes OMe preas agi | Met B | ReweF nats BR SPIN NITE BEE PIGLMD OMFS ONC AER 9S 994 OMAK) eH NNC BBE BORG NG/ML AI-nAT TP MC RRB OPIN WE IML BRE Ot THING AGOLP POF | AE Gav% non, | A Soom NN. OME? IPC INC 14 Poors | TAC A Poors BEE OCEAT LOFT OMT? ala A REE Bh PLM ALAC PETS! PEAT AVA DLT AA Ava ere9aNe REE Mee PIT oI = Z AG 90} hi, | AR 4o07- han, BD OC O99 oat Si INC 11 PooD | 7G 11 Poo 7 thar r RAL Phat! heetat thir? age act AK 400% tm, | AR 400% WM Meer °10FY (ALONGI AT hn? 99C 4 eos | 24 19 PaoUs ALGOIC) PIL i BATE MCL! THI AG OLT foodier |AE Get han, | AB Geer han, Pm ome. PAC 14 Poors | 7G 11 PooU'y Federal Negarit Gazett No.4 November 29" 2012 Page 6653 SCHEDULE ESTMENT AREAS AND INCOME TAX EXEMPTIONS In Addis Ababa and No. Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa 1 Manufacturing 1.1 Food Industry L.l.l_ Processing of meat and meat products 1.1.2. Processing of fish and fish products 1.1.3, Processing of fruit and/or vegetables 1.1.4 Manufacture of edible oil , , Exemption from | Exemption from 1.1.5, Processing of milk and/or manufacture of | jngome tax for 3 | income tax for 5 dairy products years years 1.1.6 Manufacture of starches and starch products 1.1.7. Processing of pulses, oil seeds or cereals, ‘excluding flour production 1.1.8 Manufacture of other food products Exemption from | Exemption from 1.1.9 Manufacture of sugar income tax for 5 | income tax for 6 years years 1.1.10 Manufacture of chocolate, candy, biseuits Exemption from | Exemption from and other sweets (excluding ice creme and income tax for | | income tax for 2 cakes) year years Exemption from | Exemption from 11.21 Manufacture of tacaront, pasta andlor eimilar'| © “"P” eo income tax for 3 | income tax for S products years years 1% HORE. beSded 26 WA TC HVAC #44 Midi MAAA ANAS ea, PA AMINoerY ooh Ahan Ana thee ieee ACLS AR I BRTE LAR PING OFT PAT PELL OS! LOLI WS! Lt act! ym, 1 PILI Aa fet arc! NPAs Prcucoegt [A Gemb tan | Af Geet: nan, in aes at PAS WG A kaos | 7G 9 FeoU"s ome RARIE Ona? oo OTH BR LoOMT IANS As Goo} hI, | AK Goo han, BRA PRADA ovaT CIP Cr Inc 1 foous | TAG 11 Paes Ae S004 nin, | AG Goo han, AC VA Poors | PAC V4 PooU"s AK Geet han, | AE Gee HIN, “Pac A roouy | 7G 11 keeU"s REG ANAA conP! PML WLI" AA Soot nin, | AK 4eo han, PotD hat ODT) TIL PNG 19 PooUs | INC V4 PooU"s BRE COR Me oIR24 BME Nee NGIDLI Cd MPA CTTET AE PACHACTST PHL OEE AIANTS BLE CTT! ORE FHC NG Feed | Ag qoot han, | Ae Sam N. PALCPACH PLM MILNE | rac xq pooury | PC 19 PoOU"s othe FER GCHALCH oviian's! Tees | NG Geet HIN, | AK Get hm, one AC 8 vows | TNC 11 feeus BEE Me act! nct xcs ory! DANA AS Ade FARCE arity NTI! NeVEATE Ne eTE NeTEMA! NeTMIC! OCKIG hoods haomnr ogy Nene eset Ag 40% nan, | AB Sed han, “TAC V1 Foo | TC A PooUs BEG AMT PaAcraack Maser AK Goo} nm. | AR Goo) Win, POPt ING 1A Leo's | PAC 11 PavU'd | No. Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas i Oromia surrounding Tins Addis Ababa ese ene 1.1.12 Manufacture of baby food, roasted and ground coffee, soluble coffee, tea, yeast, vinegar, ‘mayonnaise, artificial honey, iodized salt or similar food products Exemption from income tax for 2 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 1.1.13 Processing of animal feeds 1.2 Beverage Industry 1.2.1 Manufacture of alcoholic beverages Exemption from income tax for 1 year Exemption from income tax for 2 years 1.2.2 Manufacture of wine ‘Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 1.2.3 Manufacture of beer and/or beer malt Exemption from income tax for2 years Exemption from income tax for 3 years 1.2.4 Manufacture of soft drink, mineral water or other bottled water Exemption from income tax for 1 year Exemption from income tax for2 years LH 13. Textile and Textile Products Industry 1.3.1 Preparation and spinning of cotton, wool, silk and similar textile fibers Exemption from income tax for 4 years Exemption from income tax for 5 years 1.3.2 Weaving, finishing and printing of textiles Exemption from income tax for S years Exemption from income tax for 6 years 1.3.3 Finishing of fabrics, yam, warp and weft, apparel and other textile products by bleaching , dyeing, shrinking, sanforizing, mercerizing or dressing as Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 1.3:4 Other textile finishing activities Exemption from income tax for 2 years Exemption from income tax for 3 years ELEN 1961 TNA PC VRC F 9 RI Anan ANI ohh, PAHTIN-eo? ooh OdAD ANA hes wee POOLS AR I BLE Ten OL" GM 9-2) REA hAQAt AhEeC ere 40 Ga} han, | A Goo han, BCHOCHEY 17°C IMC 9 Raot’s | 206 V4 Poor's aLA Pan oct RES CoCr ach naar (ta77Cr AANA GPC) IPCI AG Soo! HIM, | AK Sa7 HIN, BLY Pacral? Omtt 185 TAG ANAT, hae 19 Panes ahads (ahanen) e927 Ba C489 PBA OMAT AIADTS AG 9007 han, [4% 900% In, LB MAPAT L2H A oo ane aH AAS im MAST | ne aa cao) [Inc 19 Poor? rm. 7c Pm. FC GR NAGA LEH TT # n s an AGA ert £05 A MF MLSE aerie aerie BOE POS Ont s (IMACAT ESR da AT PomAAd-) 77974 5 NG So0%- HIN, | Ak Soo} NIN, LLL ncaa TC 1 Pars | INC 1A PooUrs RBG PBR OEE 144% NHAT (ahanen) °79"27- BG RIA OME RIANTS PATA OMAK (Wad? ory! oe nor ares ns teva cine, — [ME AeeE HM fa yao wn, PAI OMT commmsI”s ALcazC) | PC 14 PU | nc v4 fooUy ee RE ROLE AG POLE OMAT AINE BOTAY ICT de 4o0r tn, | M8 400% IN, BR Derr oy2% TNC 14 fous | C1 LooU's ‘ AE 40% han, | AR 407 han, Sf - ey 1923 RRE POOLEY TASTY IMC? tne ter? |e i reer Federal Negarit Gazette _ No.4 November 29" 2012 ge 6655 | ; In Addis | ‘Ababa and No. Inyestment Areas Special Zone of | In Other Areas | | Ie Oromia surrounding t Addis Ababa rT 11-35, Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics ae i Exemption from | Exemption from weed 2 ea In “1-3-6 Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except | income tax for 4 | income toe for 3 i apparel years years 13.7 Manufacture of carpets 1.3.8, Manufacture of wearing epparel (including | Exemption rom | Exemption from eu Spot eRD). income tax for 5 | income tax for 6 | | 1.3.9 Manufacture of accessories for textile products | Years years. [14 Leather and Leather Products Industry ach Exemption fiom | Exemption from en 1.4.1 Tanning of hides and skins up to finished level | income tax for 5 | income tax for 6 years years eee gible for gible 1.42 Tanning of hides and skins below finished _| Not eligible for | Not eligible for ea income tax: income tax ‘exemption ‘exemption 1.4.3 Manufacture of leather products (luggage, hand ‘bags, leather balls and similar products) Exemption from Exemption from Manufacture of wood products (excluding saw , milling timber making and assembling of semi- “finished wood products) in fo for6 1.44 Manufacture offeather shoe ace years years iif 14S Manufacture of accessories for leather products 1.5 Wood Products Industry Page nas eee income tax for 2 years income tax for 3 years 1.6 Paper and Paper Products Industry 1.6.1 Manufacture of pulp {1,62 Manufacture of paper Exemption from income tax for $ years Exemption from income tax for 6 years 1.6.3, Manufacture of paper packages Exemption from incorte tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years TK WARE Bhd IDET WM PC WY VAC #17 KT 9. aT \ Aa. ANG te Praintes? ehh MAN ANE | ng ao Peon AR Aa dor hn, [AK Gee) hon, MC 1 Kooy | TAC 11 LeU Fm. 70 Fm, “7G omer ree emer® nsTier ERG DAF ROLET arOETs CIE A LOTUS IDES FE PRUAT PUA OPT AIAN. r KBB COWLTL NOT (hITA> are) wer A Gee han, | AE Gant han, KEK “ane? NEIOLI” KILEY PAG SoU eee? O-vRF IIT BRE PIMdEN AG/OLT Chor viet 27 PL Og PES IPL AE G0} han, | AG 904 NIN, | AR oc-tagt oLnue wer vetiox | oe era i BBG CILIA ages CLT WLI ene ANNEP PI LVL LE LIRSS ong emba bae” aes HMMS | Ay gee pan, | AB 4o07> HIN, set 7c 11 coos | NG VA FaeU"y KBE MWOGG ALCEN 1OKG oanast Tt AT aed 1 ao PN PPE PPE REE ho we Be: AG Geer HM, | AR Good N70, ele sac A too) | 7G 9 Pau" RBH dtr PAA Ol (MELE | ay goo} han, | AE Gao nan ! ETAT EATER SA HS “TAG 1 Peo | PAC A PaDU"s Foonnat?) “17 eT Fi Poe Pe GOLD POV AG CrRUT UIE NIADTS Fa ARPA MPT PMO COVE SR POLAT DAK oypds eMaET ng soo nan, | Ae 4207 ban, 20C 14 FooUy | TAC A LeU Ae Geer hI, [AG Goorin, KDE CoP TIPLE OL MIEN | Ae vq caoys | TAC VA POU) Federal Negarit Gazette _No.4 November 29" 2012 Page 6656 In Addis f Ababa and No. Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas + Oromia surrounding ‘Addis Ababa the _ Exemption from | Exemption from 1.6.4 Manufacture of other paper products income tax for 1 | income tax for 2 year years Not eligible for | Not eligible for 1.7, Printing Industry income tax | income tax | ‘exemption exemption 1.3 Chemical and Chemical Products Industry | i TET Manufacture of basic chemicals Gncluding : f | ' aad Exemption from | Exemption from Tt 5 income tax for 5 | income tax for 6 1.8.2 Manufacture of fertilizers and/or nitrogen | years ae jp compounds TE Manufacture of plastics andlor synthetic rubber : in primary forms Exemption from | Exemption from { F _ income tax for 3 | income tax for 5 | 1.8.4 Manufacture of pesticides, herbicides or in —s - fungicides 1 7.8.5 Manufacture of paints, vamishes or similar coatings: printing, writing and painting inks and | Exemption from | Exemption from | mastics income tax for 2 | income tax for 4 Pl. 1.8.6 Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning | ¥°™> ae | and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet } [aie preparations | Exemption from | Exemption from | 1.8.7. Manufacture of man-made fibers income tax for S | income tax for 6 | i years years { 7.8.8 Manufacture of other chemical products Exemption from | Exemption from | (propellant powders, explosives, photographic | income tax for2 | income tax for 3 | films and similar products) years years T9 Basic Pharmaceutical Products und Pharmaceutical Preparations Industry z Exemption from | Exemption from 1.9.1 Manufacture of inputs of basic pharmaceutical | OOM car's | income tax for 6 SEE ee | ay ‘ products and pharmaceutical preparations at Exemption from | Exemption from \ 1.9.2 Manufacture or formulation of pharmaceuticals | income tax for 4 | income tax for 5 L years years IR WAAL SRE 12ET DUM HTC HVAC F 4°) KLE 9.9". PANE PED IPL agri ha ANAT Pama oth MAA ANA hee | NACE AHULPT FACOLS AR I BI e9e1s eTANtH GMP r AAS Ak S00} win. | ag Geo nn, PAC * 1 AF! + ; eee IAC V9 eaou's | 19 Pooe's ALK AdvIR THA-* ATTNChE OL9" ANAT PAINTS POET IG Four Anes Aeon BY | Ag gant han, | Alt 40% hn, IC PIEANL LTT NIKI ATAT aac 11 toe? |99 cory TOA LLSIAT ETANLN PFD WLI LOBED AS IMME EY MPLA BLE 202A ALOIS AME eTANEH | As Soot NIM, | AK Seo NIN, TC OmtEs IPC NC 14 Poou's | 99 Pours RIB LE LAUT PE? OOP IANTS EIBG ovnrPr NS! MRI Fees-w- 7. + OmtFs Ld AX Sa0% nn, | Ae S04 NIN, 7C 20 V4 Roos | 14 PaoUs KPC OAK 1A mn, VG Ag Go0% han, 7 BIKE ALE per ners ~ esi - aerie ean, C , IAC MLA F A188 rims KALI omy ere | nes F coed agri RIRG O07 MLE AG PFS LIL. HLT Ay goer non, | A Goo% HIN, TAC FO6 TOM DT INE (KH. | Ae 44 Poours | 94 PaO" SIME OM ALAAFC) Pan, ANC 169°, ohh han, 24 BIRR TE1 KO NIOLH eorrdd ae AK Goo han, TIC 11 Pood j i 4 ; Federal Negarit Gazette _No.4 November 2: 9" 2012 Page. 6637 ==) In Addis H Ababa and ‘No. Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas : Oromia ‘ u surrounding Addis Ababa | 1.10 Rubber and Plastics Products Industry | Exemption from’| Exemption from | | 1.10.1 Manufacture of rubber products income tax for 3 | income tax forS | 7 fi years years 1.10.2 Manufacture of plastic products used as inputs ad for construction of buildings, vehicles or other. | Exemption from | Exemption from industrial products plastic pipes or tubes and | income tax for 4 | income tax for $ fittings used for irrigation and drinking water | years years supply as well as for sewerage system Ex from | Exemption fro 1.10.3 Manufacture Of other plastic products ee Oe ate ae sae tues d income tax for 1 } income tax for 2 excluding pl ping bag: rae — 20 | 1.11 Other Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industry Ist. Maraudhoture of glass and/ox glass peoducts | S=st=ption ftom | Exemption fom : income tax for 4 | income tax for $ sy PE? Manufacture of ceramic products [yes ae Not eligible for | Exemption from 1.11.3 Manufacture of cement income tax | income tax for 4 exemption years Not eligible for | Not eligible for ° 1.11.4 Manufacture of clay and cement products. income tax income tax exemption exemption ~~ | Exemption from | Exemption fr cemption from | Exei om + 1.11.5 Cutting, shaping and finishing of marble and | “7? ae : an ; income tax for || income tax for 2 imestone (excluding quarrying) a ee ot ' | i : Not eligible for | Exemption from 1.1.6 Manufierure of lime, gypsum andor similar | TTS” | icame tax for 2 coatings : exemption wo | | ee | 1m WRENS boklod 1261 WA REC HVAC H+) KO 9.9". Anat ANT te, PATINA FT conn MARA AND HES | NAAT ANIL PACOLE AR HS AIRE PORE KIL! CCH OL4 | yg qawtr nan, | AK ae’ bm, 7G OL PEIR OAS OLP ait Ran ees fav} oohAne PORTE IPT BIG POWLFE NLT NE ANTS (WEP ION ALAIC) RRA COULLR NLVG PALA LI AG Soot HIN, | Ab Goo) NIN. 7G mu TAC 19 Kaow’s | 14 Poor's REM CoveIL KHNGT PLT LAV AE aor hm, [Ab 4a0% han, TAC Anan Aer ACTED TAT — | 7NC H1 PeeU"t | 44 PaoU"s RAKE WALT AG ALN NLA 67 AG a0) han, | AG Gee han, AC RAPE POPES MDM) 20 14 gaours | 11 Foou"D BIE ROIPLE CoMIZEPEIG 6H PT) PLE PI LEPC PILANLY bIPT IANS BILG LOTPRES NLT CMT! ENT ACAI TPH AG NPL FF ORF CNA At Pao AP} 1c TRH PNA nad CHES POPC ¥ sceltine ACEC AACE COL neon ey Deen | OM Seedy NIL aac (ORE ooercp sweat 26 Conaanr-y) |'2AC V9 Leos |" FaoUrs pe $18 SHPTRAC! PhANCLAN AG PLA OF PT IANS AE Geo} han, | Ad $o04- nN. 7C IAG A Kooy"s | Pavt’s BIGE PRAMPEIND NiO TT AAAI | AG Geo HIN, | AG Geet hI, MAC met “TAG VA PaoU"s | 1A PeoU"s ThE POPLREG AG TAY OPP TD ome RLGE PoeIGE orig sPTS VPLT AE Go0}- hn, | AG Sao} NIN. WAC Rese i 28 Poors | 99 Poms AGG PRED Danrernh it ALA LEP AT Pandad-) Ose Ts IMT | st Netter 5 pyle Investment Areas November 29" 2012 In Addis Ababa and ‘Special Zone of Oromia surrounding ‘Addis Ababa In Other Areas 1.11.7 Manufifeture of millstone, glass paper or sound-absorbing or heat- insulating materials Exemption from income tax for 1 year ‘Exemption from income tax for 2 years 1.12 Basic Metals Industry (Excluding mining of the mineral) 1.12.1 Manufacture of basic iron and stee! Exemption from income tax for S years Exemption from income tax for 6 years 1.12.2 Manufacture of basic precious and other non ferrous metals Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 1.12.3 Casting of iron and steel Exemption from income tax for 4 years Exemption from income tax for 5 years 1.13 Fabricated Metal Products Industry (Excluding Machinery and Equipment) 1.13.1 Manufacture of structural metal products, tanks, reservoirs and containers or steam ‘generators Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from ‘income tax for 4 years 1.13.2. Except corrugated metal sheets for roofing and nails, manufacture of other fabricated metal products (hand tools, articles and similar products) Exemption from income tax for 1 year Exemption from income tax for 2 years aes) 1.14 Computer, Electronic and Optical Products Industry 1.14.1 Manufacture of electronic components and boards Exemption from income tax for 4 years Exemption from income tax for S years 1.14.2 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 1.143 Manufacture of communication equipment 1.14.4 Manufacture of consiumer electronic (television, DVD, radio and similar equipments) Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from ‘income tax for 4 years = 18 WIRED ALLA 1961 TM § VAC 8 #7 Kia $$$ ET MAD NAAT +e, PAMnreer ohh MAD AND hee | NAA ANA! PACTLS AK ND i PoPAHL! Pookbit PavHy! foopamer brP I wee Ao eure At dee hin, | AB 4ee% WIN, 2G Decora AL ee 4. MIC 94 Paou"s 7 TIAL CA nase) GLARTRL | seme nema AMNEC-$BANA OL! hANTC- sbeTatch) eet BIOL POLA OLE LEE OTH br PT ped Ak deo? ha, | AE Geed hon, 7IC Ateeorrmeamrany caret | CT ter? |e omret BUG Phanren 697% AIANTS BIER thANTeh PEC! BSAC! TEMECOE OST Thinten AG oe) nan, | AG Soo} HAN. 2G MhbP DLP SNMLE O9PFS| INC 1A feud | 19 PeeUr> ower BIER FANS ALA MMF OL" abe omer BIGE Phanteh PLA Ta) aL 100 RS (P4LMC AT ANY arc) Ae -tesic Oe RY Tree AE Geor nan, | ab Go0% han, 7G era cma rnanven'acts eta oops | rea oped: Ph OT Ine rRANrcH Oe B hy oI BRIGE Ad PrAMTEN OFPTT ome Federal Negarit Gazete No. 4 November 29" 2012 6659 In Addis Ababa and No, Investment Areas Special Zone of | ty Other Areas Oromia surround Addis Ababa 1145 Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating, Control equipment or watches and clocks 1.14.6 Manufacture of medical equipment (irradiation, clectro-medical or electrot- Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 3 | income tax for 4 ears ears herapeutic equipment) 2 i pss 1.14.7 Manufacture of optical instruments or Exemption from | Exemption from photographic equipment income tax for2 | income tax for 3 ——_{ 1.15.1 Manufacture of cleciric motors, generators, Exemption from | Exemption from transformers or electricity distribution or income tax for4 | income tax for 5 control apparatus years years +— 1.14.8 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media years years Bi. 1.15 Electrical Products Industry 1.15.2 Manufacture of secumulators or batteries 1.15.3 Manufecture of electrical wires or cables Gineluding fiber optics) and related products Exemption fiom | Exemption from income tax for 2 | income tax for 4 1.15.4 Manufacture of electric lighting equipment ighting equips oa 1.15.5 Manufacture of domestic electrical appliances 1.15.6 Manufacture of other electrical equipment adie 1% HOES KLGD 1IET TM ATCO VAC BHD KLE 4.9”, Adah ANG bt, PATI eeT? coh MAD ANG heP | NAA ANAT FACOLS AR It BITE LUCIA ooh, COMES PTS OP PE IANS BILE VATA aOMIESPE (PHC! OF OTE TPT AG Pomddadd) rer BIRR AAR GATPT (W7NCT Ment APT HHL EL! AaomTt AMLCH CPS MTR AeIILA PLUS Norah -e-PT) Plan woes PTs edd AG 4oo nm, | AG deo} HIN, 7G 20C V4 kaos | 11 PaoU"s B.Tt Coons! PEI AG nal bd DIADS RILR ooh 172% Ag soe ham, [AR Se°% hon, 7G 7c fooy) | 11 Kooy RARE PoonG PHAM MEY ATOLM haa rd WI | AE get nm. | AW de0% hI. 7C BILE PaHG CoAPORP IH) dG 1445 | PC 4 Pood | 1A kaos nnd’ emg: RTLG PAC PACT AG 229% Ak Goo) NM. “AC ome TAC A Paes | 49 Rat's RIG ANTE PAINT CH OF PHY AK 40} nan, | A 400% hI, TAC BAA anMAT! PC OHA? AS | one 19 gooUD | 11 PoCU" Paani s ICT ee BIE ACT PLT ONT oIA1S 09 PT? (nd.eonn PmWEI ALGATC) PIL RTD NAF 6h DF (PIMITS “Hee OFPEE Pood oOMEeePT! LAT CT OFPE! comOF PTT NATAL WT Pavan) 2y9"C4 AB So0% tN, | AK Fee} IN, 7G INC A Rao" | 9" Poo") AB Goo) han, | Ae Ge07 hI, “2C iB TA ’ Pre air BA NTMCT 26 CEESE COIMEE KIADIS [OA econ [a9 power ‘No. Investment Arcas Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa Federal Negarit Gazette _No. 4 November 29" 2012 Page 6660 of In Addis | Ababa and Special Zone of In Other Areas 1.16 Machinery/Equipment Industry 1.16.1 Manufacture of general-purpose ‘machinery (motor, lifting and handling equipments, Pumps and similar) 1.16.2 Manufacture of special-purpose(ior agriculture, food processing; beverage, textile and mining production and similar activities) machinery Exemption from income tax for $ years Exemption from income tax for 6 years 1.17 Vehicles, Trailers and Ser i-Trailers Industry 1.17.1 Manufacture of motor vehicles Exemption from income tax for 2 years Exemption al income tax for 3 years 1.17.2 Manufacture of bodies/components for motor vehicles, trailers and/or semi-trailers 1.173 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 1.17.4 Manufacture of railway locomotives and Exemption from Exemption from 1.18 Manufacture of office and household furniture (excluding those made of ceramic) 1.19. Manufacturing of other equipment (jewellery and related articles, musical instruments, sports equipment, games and toys and similar products) Exemption from income tax for 1 year ibee sofia? income tax for $ | income tax for 6 years years ha Exemption from | Exemption from L 1.17.5 Manufacture of other transport equipment income tx for 2 | income tx for 3 (boats, bicycles, motor bicycles and similar rates ee | equipments) | Pr - T Exemption from income tax for 2 years 1.20 Integrated Manufacturing, with Agriculture Exemption from income tax for 4 years Exemption from income tax for $ years TH RARER bho DEI DMA KPC HVAC R49 KILE 9.9". beeen #48 ACNE AS foohhat) Aer are Anan ANF tat, PAMINow > aon AWAD had thes | AeA ANNE PRO! AK HD & | 70Cs [7 [xa enc act REE L4COLR HAF ACT GARR Pace! enim erere [em aac [AE deer bmn Aa AGmey PHA AvAST — | PME 11 Poors Ag GU Ie neriee BARK DINO AG/OLI 60- AR Gee? ban, | Aw Geo? han, 2AC mpg 19 0c 1 goo | 71 foou"y mn, 7G : HARE eared Onacks orca | ome. tee are aeriee KALE AMF Goose an (axINAT aogTt 34 we : Mee uNEL. WATT ster er iF Abaoprh AF darrian? POLL PCR) IPL KBBG Pre 27M MCT NC AE 4204 han, | Ad Goods hon, -C rll TAG 1A faou"s | 49 Peour> Kb. Poonhay wb Ke tht Ae iwa enna AT KKK PoonnAy I TEKoeT [AL Seer HIN | Ad gan} NI. “FAG (are net am ae as |7AC 9 Pooury | 44 PamUrs Petter) AM ERLE Poohhat IL ebay 20n| NG/@L9" ? tort ton tone [eM TAC layne. ton, 200 a a WA Poor's 2 Federal Negarit Gazette _No. 4 November 29" 2012 Page 6661 = ‘Addis feed, medicinal crops, aromatic, spices and similar.crops) income tax for 2 years Ababa and re Tovestment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa Agriculture — ab | Yaa ctepiredeston 2.1.1 Annual Crop Production Growing of cereals, leguminous crops | Not eligible for | Exemption = and/or oil seeds and rice dias | si] moan ee exemption years Exemption from | Exeniption from fas . income tax for 3 | income tax for 4 2-Growing of vegetables and/or herbs | rn foal Not eligitle for | Exemption ftom Growing of fiber crops income tax | income tax for 5 exemption years Growing of other annual crops (enimal | Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 3 years Production of certified seed i Exemption from income tax for 3 years Exemption from income tax for 4 years 2.1.2 Growing of Medium-Term Crops i Growing of flowers Growing of medium-term fruits Exemption from Exemption from crops) ‘ income tex for3 | income tax for 4 i (strawbemy, blueberry and similar | searg aa ‘crops) ' 1.2.3 Growing of medium-term spices, Novéligile for. || Exemption from aromatic and/or medicinal crops (hulu, |" ; ia bie Spek eracetlar | RSoase income tax for 4 ae ‘exemption years IR WA AESY BLD VDL SLM PCF vaC oe) KG OT Anan ANG tt, PA MiNteo dt oof MAAN ANG ee | NAA ANNE POOLE AR I KALE PRL thot Av KALB SCE Ub BERET Cerys ATAE gots aces TIOLs — | en, 2 THY GEA AG PoAdAD) | ome s-F ne eer Re Tae Aor oe A tous RRLH PN thd (SE THe AG Seon) AoT HEBEL PAteh #1 that (ey | em, MC ust neat Tar ne [omeeF te eae pas Poohhady that) Ae | ASTI we eR vA AT ERA CLE WINAT AT PY (OTT! 7 AHAAT PIE OFC AS PoONAO-?) ae i rt han, | AG Gent NIN. INC 20C 11 Peog"s | 71 PeeU"d aert BRE PAC HINA AS PPP (WET! soy AE 400% fran, 7G AHEAD AG PooAdAT) A 1 eoou's aeriy AK Gant hI, | AG doe) WAN, “TAC LE ores ect ALE acre Salt Tac 4 Roos | 44 Poo KER AG IAT AE oot nin, | Ad de07* hI, 7A WAG Nha wei he G1 7IPeA IMG VA PooU's | 98 PaoU'y 4 KE PaMove 2CF (PACA AG HINT) At soo} nin. | Ag GoeT HIM, PAC an 9a 18 Paws | 99 PaeU"> Ag oot wan, | Ad Sot han, 20C ot ream TNC 11 Laos | 19 RoOU"> : PoOIGES DICT ANT “VUES no 4oo% tn, | Ag 900 han, 76 fesamar ovanee eerie KaPLIS IS | ogc ¥4 gooy's | v9 FaeU'D “ENT tA, AST: ohh Federal Negarit Gazette _No. 4 November 29" 2012 Page 6662 In Addis Noe vith. Investment Areas Ababa and Special Zone of | tn Other Areas Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa 2.1.3 Perennial Crops Production Growing of perennial fruits (mango, avocado, banana, orange, papaya, grapes, passion fruits and similar crops) Growing of beverage crops (coffee, tea and similar crops) Not eligible for | Exemption from income tax income tax for S exemption ‘years Growing of other perennial crops (rubber tree, palm, jatropha, and similar crops) Noteeligible for _| Exempiion from income tax income tax for 6 exemption years 2.2 Animal Production r =| 2.2.1 Farming of domestic animals and production of milk, eggs, raw wool and similar products Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 3 | income tax for 4 2.2.2 Farming of wild animals and production of milk, eggs and similar producis years years Not eligible for "| Exemption from income tax income tax for 3 exemption ‘years 2.2.3 Farming of bees / production of honey Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for2 | income tax for 4 years years 2.24 Production of silk 2.2.5 Fish farming in artifi ponds (aquaculture) Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 3 | income tax for 4 years years 2.3 Mixed (crop and animal ) farming 1 Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 3 | income tax for 4 years years ne 24 Forestry Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 8 | income tax for 9 years years (| teformation and Cotmmunication Technology Development in areas to be determined by directive to be issued by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Exemption from | Exemption from income tax for 4 | income tax for 5 years rears VAC fi AKO ANN ha, PATI ood dA ANT thee) AAAS ANINOT PROTLE AR HD 8 PANT SLA Tootanl! IEAATT Ad Feet hI, | AG Ge0% hI. 7G ecco ING 11 Foo? | 11 PooUy UAT “keUe GB PNA LEH Shor UEDA (AIC UA DIC)E RAL AE AT Btn GR RAK POI Mara GL WCAHS" eur eerie AINA PRIMEY HL PRET Pn, IG Ne»: Aerie BH PLEA BITTY pd. keer (Pars RAS He AG APES GAD PULL bcs GLI"C) en, 7G fan, 20 “mer ¥ LH neem bOI eu errsnbenTiy aye. | MME ev | ns AREDTD (LOD IRAL hh NG AMOR) BAP LULL bE GAT") Fa TID (6A Alver) es & [Prucrs 2am BAR PONE A NeoTIA? PLAT PUrdt SORT PHRF TL UCT BA PENT AH Noort PLAT PooPon — | FM. “WC ean, 1G OME ATT PNIRE RCAF Loony UAH | CML? aprign SOK Prucd ner BE PenUnG fowe HAMS (A7CT? Gare) NIA | eas d1e7N-7 DE fond A hoor erLAT FUE A ara7ner aes AH Pony avn neerw rei tcoed | Ti TM em. 7G ome IF 1d baie ae aprien DE PEN WI NeeTINA POLAT PhAdLH rere: Federal Negarit Gazette _No.4 November 29" 2012 Page 6663 — In Addis Ababa and No, Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas ’ Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa Exemption from | Exemption from 4 __| Electricity generation, transmission and distribution income tax for 4 | income tax for 5 years years 3” | Hotel and Tourism 5.1 Star-designated hotel (including resort hotel), motel, | No! cligible for | Not eligible for cmos income tax income tax ‘is exemption exemption ‘Not eligible for | Not eligible for $.2 Grade 1 tour operation income tax exemption Not eligible for | Not eligible for 5.3 Tour operation below grade 1 income tax income tax exemption exemption © | Construction Contracting 6.1 Grade | construction contracting (including water ; ‘well'aid mineral exploration drilling) Noteeligible for | Not eligible for income tax income tax 6.2 Construction contracting below grade 1(including | exemption eaenpien ‘water well and mineral exploration drilling) Not eligible for _| Not eligible for ¥ Real Estate Development income tax income tax exemption exemption 8 | Education and Training 8.1 Provision of secondary and higher education by constructing own building 8.2 Provision of kindergarten, elementary and junior secondary education by constructing own building 8.3 Provision of technical and vocational (including sports) training service Not eligible for income tax exemption Health Services Not eligible for income tax exemption 9.1 Provision of hospital service by constructing own building, 9.2 Provision of diagnostic center service by constructing own building 9.3 Provision of clinical service by constructing own building Not eligible for income tax exemption Not eligible for income tax exemption TK RAREST BRON 126% MA ATC HVAC #17 KG AF”, AEWA ait AAA ANOS te PATINA oohh AAD ANA Hee | AAA AHIR POLE AR 7 | PAChANTC AS PRINT Hew! Pihich POOLS MEG ———_} LR PhCh-bh FCs PAIICID HEME AG | em, TC enn, 2 PHeTE Pen TING NINE omer F oe aneet aes asrir LE PRMIN PCOKeS AMS sa PI, MAIC INC MINe: Prareurh He omer F es aa agri Pm AC 5 Pm. IAC MN Te | thhches eerecarc tht PA dA PT hee | omedF . i neriee nevi i |em oe ee em. 7c omer F Wd 21 OL Navy enema Neel ner HB | rom ve FS NGI AP! PETE AVA! PETS! ¢hNs | Pan, 2c OSTA AT FAT AM HME Neo M+ omerF uae mee PETC LY OPE AT AITINS Gtr ners aoe HLVFar NEC NT BRAT “IOOA! PHILS £297 HAT NEP orn? ALGAMPC Te | cera a8 fake ne Pm, 2G ML HF VAT PAK CRED eTREA AT een MEH | "ME? asrr agri Federal Negarit Gazetie _No. 4 November 29" 2012 Page 6664 In Addis Ababa and No. Investment Areas Special Zone of | tn Other Areas Oromia surrounding Addis Ababa 10 Architectural and Engineering Works, Technical Not eligible for technical consultancy services income tex 10.2 Technical testing and analysis exemption exemption Not eligible for | Not eligible for 11 | Publishing income tax | income tax exemption exemption Not eligible for | Not cligibl (Cortial Goods\ Leasing Eadiiding Lessing of Moscf Ce 12 income tax | incometax Vehicles exemption exemption Bie Not eligible for | Not eligible for 13 ; a income tax | income tax Importation of LPG and bitumen edi ian ecaition Export Trade Export trade excluding exporting of raw coffte, ‘chat’, | wot eligible for | Not eligible for 14 oil seeds, pulses, precious minerals and hides and skins | one tax | dopouns'tox bought from the market; natural forestry products and | &

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