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The Controller of Examinations
Pondicherry University
Puducherry 605 014.
Respected Sir,
Sub: B.Tech. Degree Examinations Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Part II
(Mechanical) 5781010 Question Paper Common to Mech., Civil and CSE
dated: 04.06.2015 correction Reg.
With respect to the above subject matter, the B.Tech Degree Examinations May 2015 for
the subject Basic Mechanical Engineering is held on 04.06.2015 for Mech., Civil and CSE
students bearing Question paper code 5781010. It is found that there are two errors in the Part
II (Mechanical) question paper.
As seen in the question paper:
18. (b) Compare water tube and fine tube boiler.
21. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Turing, (b) Drawing (c) Grinding
Correction1: (18.b) Fine should be given as fire.
Correction 2: (21) Turing should be given as turning.
We request your good self to kindly consider the above errors found in the question paper
and favourably do the needful for the student.
Thanking you,
With kindest regards,


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