Tag Update Sept 2014

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The TAG~Teacher Connection

TAG Update
From the Coordinator...
Hello Sherwood teachers and staff.
I hope that this newsletter finds you
rested and ready to tackle another
school year!
As mentioned last spring, the purpose of this newsletter is to form a
connection between the TAG Department (me!) and the teachers
doing the important work for our
advanced learners. I will be creating and distributing the TAG Update throughout the year. This
newsletter will include, but not be
limited to, information about the Academic Mastery Program (AMP),
professional development opportunities, classroom resources and

upcoming events and procedures

pertinent to TAG.
This year I am excited about working for a full year in this position. I
will be offering more AMP Work
Sessions (starting in October) and
training around advanced classroom strategies. My hope is that
you look to me as a support and
resource in meeting the needs of
these students in your classroom.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me at extension 5015. I
wish you all a successful school

Academic Mastery Program

Last year the district dedicated funds to implement the Academic Mastery Program (AMP),
giving teachers time to create AMP options to include into their units of study for their advanced learners. I am happy to tell you that this year the district has doubled the funds for additional AMP Work Sessions. Look for information regarding the first work session to be held
in October. Below is a refresher on how to AMP up a standard...
W.5.1. Write opinion pieces on
topics or texts, supporting a
point of view with reasons and

Students will write a persuasive

piece relating to a local issue (i.e.
the new Walmart) that states
their opinion, provides reasons,
and includes a logical concluding

AMP ~ After selecting a historical issue, advanced students will

identify multiple perspectives
about the issue and clearly state
their opinion. They will provide
reasons supporting their opinion
and reasons for alternative views
before framing an opinion.

VanTassel-Baska, J. (Ed.). (2013). Using the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts With Gifted and Advanced Learn
ers. Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press Inc.

Brain Booster
A logic puzzle for your students.
There are 4 bungalows in our cul-de-sac. They are made from these materials: straw, wood, brick and glass.
Mrs. Scotts bungalow is somewhere to the left of the wooden one and the third one along is brick. Mrs.
Umbrella owns a straw bungalow and Mr. Tinsley does not live at either end, but lives somewhere to the
right of the glass bungalow. Mr. Wilshaw lives in the fourth bungalow, whilst the first bungalow is not made
from straw.
Who lives where, and what is their bungalow made from?
Answer: #1 Mrs. Scott (glass), #2 Mrs. Umbrella (straw), #3 Mr. Tinsley (brick), #4 Mr. Wilshaw (wood)

2014-15 TAG Identification

I will be starting the TAG identification process early this year. Since the OAKS percentiles have recently been published, I am
in the process of vetting the students that
qualify for additional testing. My hope is to
start testing in late November once you have
had a chance to get to know your students
and recommend those that have the qualities and evidence of an advanced learner.

the student has data that reflects high ability,

I will add them to the list for further testing.
Regardless, this will be a collaborative decision.

In late October, I will be sending you a document asking for these recommendations. If

I value your input and appreciate your support of the TAG program and its identification

Since CogAT scores do not come out until

later, and this is used as the screener at the
2nd grade level, I will be testing the 2nd graders at a later date.

Classroom Strategy
Socratic Seminars
The Socratic Seminar is embedded in the thought that deep learning is highly social in nature.
This is a robust strategy that fosters discussion, critical thinking and collaboration. It benefits all
students, not just your advanced learners, because there is no ceiling on individual thinking.
Following is a link to a video of Socratic Seminar in action:

Professional Book Library

The purpose of the TAG Update is to provide teachers
with information and resources to help meet the
needs of their advanced

We are in the process of creating and organizing a District Professional Book Library. Once this is complete, I
will send out the list of texts and resources for you to
check out in order to support your classroom practice. Included in the library are a variety of materials that address the advanced learner.

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