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Ballfield Lane

Ballfield Lane
South Yorkshire
S75 5EF
Tel: 01226 382568
Fax: 01226 382350
Email: mail@dartoncollege.co.uk
Web: www.dartoncollege.co.uk
Kate Davies BSc, MEd.

9th June 2015
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 11 Visit to Alton Towers 20th June 2015
Following the recent accident at Alton Towers I wanted to update you on the visit.
At the time of writing this letter there are no plans to cancel the visit and we are continually monitoring the situation along with
the Local Authority (LA).
Alton Towers re-opened on Monday 8th June following a 5 day closure to enable a thorough investigation to be carried out.
The Health and Safety Executive has placed a prohibition notice on the ride involved and this will remain closed for the
foreseeable future.
Mrs Derbyshire, the Educational Visit Coordinator, and I along with the trip leader, Mrs J Woodhouse will continue to monitor
the situation very closely and will be communicating with the Local Authority Educational Visit Advisor should new information
become available. We will also all be taking part in the visit along with 7 other members of staff to ensure that the visit is well
managed and as enjoyable as possible.
Obviously we understand that you may wish to cancel your childs place on this visit and we will issue a refund. If you do wish
to cancel your childs place could you complete the slip below and return to the Admin/Finance office as soon as possible no
later than Friday 12th June. This will enable us to adjust the trip transport and ticket numbers accordingly. After the 12th June
it will not be possible to offer a refund as final numbers will have been confirmed with the travel company.
We will keep you informed if we become aware of any further developments and be assured that we take the safety of all our
learners and staff very seriously.
Yours sincerely

Ms K Davies
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REQUEST FOR REFUND ALTON TOWERS 20TH JUNE 2015
I wish to cancel my childs place on the above visit and will require a refund. I understand that I must notify the college by
completing and returning the slip below no later than Friday 12th June after which date no further refund will be available.
Learners Name: _____________________________________________

Date: ________________

Parent/Carers Name: _______________________________________

Signed: ___________________________________________________ Parent/Carer

Registered Charity no. 1062490

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