DR Mehm Tin Mon Who Determines

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Whe determines ow Fate and Destin by Da. Piguet Tm “on Professor , STBMU The Theory of Creation. Wath negard tothe question: Whe determines owr fote and destiny 2%, we Bhaukd {erst find out few did we come to the present existence According to Theological Religions an Almighty Ged created tha universe and all Living kaings. The Book of Genesis desenibes Hat God created Me earth, the ocean, the shy Adame and Eve, af kinds of akants and animals, the san, the moon and the stars in aie 4 This description 4s nat im accond tha findings of tdence, and seientists do nat fond any avidence of creation as weil as the existence Ya Creator, Tha veup basic daw of science known Mass an energy totes: “matter and energy tan ay the Law of Conservation neither be created non destroyed “bend. maduunal fans anplain the orderly system ob the ators and the planets, Also the French Chemist Louis Pasteur UB-9S) | hase research Led te cloning - a naw PACE & prcducing an ancesier. In England scientists onc ae cetsfally produced (9 fambs fram a discov CBasiles Dor ('09- esplly 9 a ed by Charles Donesine (1609-90) gs Li seity — all the amis ane * stoted that ~bife must offspring asexually The Theony of Evolution f. ispraved the S action. L 4 é, alsa disproved Theany of ne tion ‘edentical with Fein yotler jw apee The renowned Enghich wonld fistorian zane. Tt seams at they % eG Welly wrote an fis book.” When we ge able to produce L000 Btls tnt atady own boty hook we ane fold that God tin Mons pom my cranked, His world six thousand years f° seem to be doing the work of God. Tf When-we study geology , we can undersiond they could do 40, there sno reason that ut hos toleen billions af yaors for Laamam beings to surrender to God this earth to cool dows and settle befone Acconding ta the scientific stands Life became pestible. Therefore few can we are He dinect products af Re sper snd oveam calls af our parents. Buk sles does not anplain Re development of # rind, whsah is en we bélceve what is winitien in oun Aaly toe The Discovery of Science Scentists pat an ovune {ram a barter, . “ nee Fit take ark add the perms thaw the machinery of nanls materia body. Neither can science explain He « ferences in mental attitude, intellg. fy mone import woman dn a test of fer Gusband. When a aperm pencinates Ante the ovun , & fertifijed agg called zygote 2 formed. Wha this Fosilined — Laval, rlerest and temperament soci os posed ime He wow ofa wemen, identical tains whe are developed jx ib atinkes te te wall f He womb ond he came cel ant wrougat up unde pregnancy tokes place, Thus mony same environment. Sdentisis stl “ane vivurn 2e vi manmol test-tube babies were born te many asserting “Emre see harren uples, Tread in the newspaper dige from bf) maintain that mind ¢ feat an Ttalian woman gave bint tosin fife evolve from the tast-tube babies 4on ain couples in a Y Agatn from the felentizic standgei single bint we ane absoldiel, parent-trony. Thus out A mone wonderful researk being Lives ane necessarily praceed by shase carried out by scientists of present ts om our parents and 49 04, In thet way 4 ae pracedad by Life anti one goes back to the finst pnotoplarm. As regards the Onigin of Has finst protoplasm , tat is setentish plead ignorance, Life after Life ha acientist oullook upon fife i ndterialistic because science is anceaned only with matter and energy whieh ane dntercenvertoit, accanding te Atbert Eiwatain, According to Re explanation of Life by sdence, alt beings all Live gust for one ence , There are no past oe quture avistences for cack person Adse according to Theology there i no past eristences for cack individual aud. mo Amnmediate Guiune existence after Bis death. His soul will dave to anit in Gls tombe or some place El Tadgement Dag when Ba. wtih be judged by God toga aiiher to Heaven on Hell. Thak Ridgemont Bag will wome afonbal Ha end of 42us a] untinue to exist for avon’ hick five mone Killen years auording te he borence estimate. So if would be a very Ang viack ( Gut Here are mang concrete avi- dances fon Life after fe of ack indivi dual, We aith wasidey several cares, a. knowledge 2 ain. pask ex csfences (4) Parsons with 4h Teme bears CHakissanes RE, - They s (2) De. fan Stevenson of Virginia Grvversity studied about 4000 cates world wide about ; | thein, pasheristencer. He putisted several books and confiamed that these persons could truly Nemember ARetr. pat anistences gain Tat Kone, Myanmar, oat bonn with two flashy Lumps Lke Aanns om Sern head, She remembered hal in Fer past ewistence she wes Daw Mya whe fined Persons who could Pa Thain Tin (id years ofc.) and Aer mathon te wonk on Aer farm. she paid only half rhe wage of an adut to. Ma hein Tv Rough the Letter worked as muchas her wasther. when Daud Mya died, she became & buffalo at Ma Tein farm , wore three es and died te be rekon as dhe daughter of a Thain Tin with che name inte: Hoy’ ) Shanti Devi was born in Neat Beth ive ere, when afa wer Whras yeor old, she toll haar, perants hak she, head a husband bythe mame of Kadanate Chauti, a tertite trade, dw Muftara, She var Ais une Ladi in Rew past axistence and che dted tem doiys after ging teint to a sen. Her father wast te Kadenatt, Cawkt whe came to Delhi te comfinm He stor, A om travelled % utlars by trode. Shan greeted about 50 former refatives by same “Ra nailuoy atin, She alse xememberrd fea woes farmed fo study thes ese, 6 Aer former frouse in detail and a sur of wo rupees buried under ground belo tha parlour (4) Trforat thodigies ait WO Paustian Heineken, could talk. fous Bours of Bis binth, repeat pasiage from the Bible ot ha age of One year, ansuier any quation on geograrhy at age of T20, specie French and beatin a age of tree, and serome a atudent 0 pertorophy at tha age of four te bes , wenden d 4 States } wuld read and w ak the age of toe, speak French, Ruse German with some Lolin an Eughsh, Greek of the age of aight (3) Macaulay in England wud o a world Listony af the'age af 4% <6) Kyin Kyin in Bina understood Chinese and English when fe was im old, spoke these Languages at the age naod Engbisband Chinese at the age Hose, Levrned igi skool metheme oe age of four and was admitted Vahan Universst te youngest stax ww logs. ao wang (5) Mo Hfa Gye im Plyonrman fe (95% could read PE and understand th meaning of He age of aK. She remer eerad tar cast hfe ai a Learned € ment - z So Kere anise ine this ont faight developed personalities , and Porsact Ones Kike the Guddhas. Could they be He produdd of a single existence | Could they be exceptional with extraordinary brains? Seievtist otadied the train of AChet Einstein aftan Ris death. Thay Lk not fret avy antraondenany (eatures. He podiges could How sparat abthtias due fo Bain past leamingr te Kein past vecstemces “se Ge) Age-deqnession by Hypnosis These who auld nat remembor Hein past enistences can be Rypnatisad and asked to fall about Mer pad exter wg teekndque ty ruck atiadied amd practi ated ge United States of Ameria, <2) Mas.n baken in England ded wot apeale French and had never heen 1 france, ween Aypnotised, she apelie abou many events that Aad caused tn Bris i Franch flaentty, ce) Rev. Moxtin from Pennsylvania Coptic Bar and 12 sducated hunk members Lymnaticed hain devotees anc asked Rem to tatk about ihein past exis fences. Tha tatks wert ruronded evel played back fo them when Reg ware very. surprised 1 hear them talleing about Rein past existences since they 2 nat believe tn past existences. Their pat extctances wene investigalid ond found fo be true. A bork way published. a) tins. Vonginca Tghe au USA anes Aazprctised ax times im (45t- 1453, She soles, about Zor past fife as Bridy rlumahy sv Belfast, Trsland, about 52 years agoTshe aes Fer Pustomd owt popuves of fawn Queen's College ia abou! 1207. Hor story hecame well eran an USA aftin research comunatier conpinmed far story (4) Edger Cayce, the minadle man iv ush, whew Rgpnotized , auld Hagnose connetly the conditions of many. patients woth such and suck names im suck and such addresses and prescribe certain modes af treatment. Thousands of patients were cured of Hein Bronic: diseases during, Be years from i904 f 1925. An Ean Cayce Foundation was built in Virginia. Beak whee afl he records of treats ment one kept En 1925 Edgar Cayce was asked by a. onan fo give im an astralogccal Rant, Cayce mentioned casually pom Bis uncon- scious stot. Hat mone important Haw the anges from the plancliny. inplcences were the drives, talents and abilities whack came to the man pom previous dives on earth. han followed “Life readings “Ge aah Cayce described some details of previous existences on ant, apparently pide! out only Rasa that were most: pleat tial iw the present. He then praquentty 4 gave names, dates, and placer as we as Rarocerist unges of talents, wee messes, and abilities, and sometimes Physical and psychological anvilems arising as a result, he axplamed, of memory carried over at a deep unco scious Level from these previous Lives fe acadings an Cayce Aimself reve thet ba had bean a Aigh priest in Egyp many centuries ago, who possessed grea occult powers ; but self-woitt and rensue ty paoved Ris undoing. Tn a baler oxiiter wm Persia Re Rad been a physiclan. On ha Bad been wounded jn desert wary amd heft to die on He sands. Afone, wi food, weer, on shelfer, Le sent three and nights iw suck physical agony Ha: made a supreme effort to release be consdousness from Ris body. He was 44 cesspl dw As abtemat. Thes was in part the vaste for hrs (reubly iw He present gor releasing Ais mind dram th Aomitakions of bis body. A gewng woman tehpagh opoat ia. New Yonk ciky became curios about te shange teagnams that she war asked several occasions to send te Vinginia bau She made inguuines about Cayce’s identit: Kar cuniasity Gargdianed , and she decide te have o Life reading, She mares told in the reading that tas wasting Rare time as a telegraph Lo 4 operator, and Hat she 5 . . se ” ne we Si Berl das - The English video tlm “The bast sklstonces of all persons together will er lustrated such imetdents hain gaat ka nd © competent artist for several paut Life was cin paatkammas, talents natural bents ~ fra 4 Estelle Roberts and Red Lead invited the OA Aboges of porfactions, times and could be one again. gcd ; The nation of entertny commercial Péeple several tnas % come to Kingutall ev ___, Mem Arakanis abo daw tRelv past feats oi existences and ranrote ; cn any cher hind ant Bad never wets Hall om saath suds dle and apie ales sos pn fe ben enteral har Lead; but on the strength Hme to contact uth Leia dead TR Nocona ee St Barina rr fe 5 bead. TRowtands of Nowadays succerrpal meditate of o daring sense that she might as People and Aundueds f ahoct Lome’ fe aritatons cs sarin 4 f sheets s20uld come,’ abro develop Hie aangertonmal poner anally omything once, she put Aerselp and citale Rebels would ull oul te mae t (£) Baba-cakkhu and Yathakammupaqa% Phrougi ant achat. To er surprise the relatives eek ghost ond told Kem — Bivineeye thal wuld see all the 3) planes the found Haak sha hod genuine what the abot wanted ay. existence with the kammas Hal gue nse tobent; she soon became « highby suc- Laticn Estelle Roberts and Red Cfoud condudad Such existences. People with «fis power wu fax alse see beings who are dying anal being cessful commercial artist, and inciden- “Direct Voice Contact “by using a trumpet, Lady . > a het t ——asho.ane being born according 1 Hearn Ka folly transformed her personality in Ye Segneave tabhed o Rar hushane, Soar Sepranie, ) 28 7ONE TUM MANNE 1 Es Nom pageess. (Ref: Mans Mansions Te Gigar layer ory ake died in a boat nate,sevenal times and (G) Self wesiication m Trsight Meditate ore Read Clete pha) Gave an intervicar to reoonte so, ity Buslblst meditation, ater develog } podium «unt payin cower J Dy. Kubler 8 Lisa wzonkced in a AE MGM concenthadion, the medztaton modu, < gow S) De Rubles Rass in Usa 7 charackenijes all he uthinate realities here ane three means f entact ¢ ) wanth those ashe hove died: Mang aged Fersons, after their death, besame ody ay asell as ln others’ rants amd bed Ci} Automatic aoniting , celestial beings, and came to hank Aer and 4, get nid of Re unany 7 Gi) Dye Boards te spelt words, even want Letters of Hanks amd signed the “Then he meditaton finds out rhe casa cil) Thaough medinms with pychis power. Letters. Dr. Kubler Ross contachd with dam relations between uttimota malities as d 1d) Estelle Roberts in England, during trough Aor psychic power and abo gave caibed in. the Discourse of Dependents Arisiny [gas ~ (970, A he help of a cilesaal antewieus to reporters, ‘ CPaficcasamuppada), In doing <0, Ae ot oh Aacak group avtiche helzed lonely aged perme, cists, as, Mpa being named Red Loud, fated mang Dering the time of the Buddha many celestial with observe hin former existences toges people to contact with Hain dead relatives. beings came to Hank the adie or Ris discples aft, wR the causes whith give ntse fo leo A motden requested batale Rebate to Math death. from Bauman exisenees, 29, candatt, oa ang dwloretting xporiones aoene 2bte at this alga of meditation in Ptemation Fakp Ror to coninct with Aer Lover acho PMgn Matthakundat, Antthapindika, ete Pocak Forest Sudha Sdsana, Conner in Myo diedin an accident, he was told that Re () Pubbenivasdnussati- Rana ~ the suger f Se a an 459 by har side trying to contact asi, nonmal power op remembering past existences WH thers many concrcte evidences Fhe pass wonds “mot Moody dkely "the words The Buddha, with this power, tran all one ahould Aave no doubt about Life thay Radagneed upon befor he died. his former existences and ats the former agter bije of cock tndividuad,

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