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. . . FLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT FOR # “CHAMBAL,SUB ZONE<1(b) “METHOD BASED ON INIT HYDROGRAPH PRINCIPLE van 4 : : AYOINT WORK OF we oo CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION % + (MIN, OF WATER RESOURCES) RESEARGH DESIGNS & eN STANDARDS. ORGANISATION (MIN. OF RAILWAYS ) : |MIN.OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROAD WING) ‘(DIRECTORATE OF HYDROLOGY * (SMALL CATCHMENT: 4 EN TRAL WATER COMMISION & INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPT: ELHI-11006 6 (DEP TT. OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOG’ BLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT FOR CHANBAL SUB 20NE 1(B) WAS PLACE BEFORE FLOOD ESTIMATION PLANNING AND COORDINATION COMMITTEE IN IT 46TH MEETING HELD ON 16TH SEPTEMBER 1988 AT BHOPAL (M.P. Sa/— (S. VIJAYAKONARAN JT. DIRECTOR, STDS. /B&F AND CHATRMAN-CUM-CONVENER OF FLOOD ESTIMATION PLANNING AND COORDINATION COMMITTEE MINISTRY OF RATLWAYS, LUCKNOW Sd/- (DR. D.S. UPADHAYAYA) DIRECTOR (HYDROMET) INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI. 8a/- (K.J. RATS INGHANI) DIRECTOR, HYDROLOGY (SMALL CATCHMENT) DIRECTORATE, CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION NEW DELHI. sa/- (R.R. KALRA) SUFERINTENDING ENGINEER MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT (ROAD WING) NEW DELHI. BLOOD ESTIMATION REPORT FOR CHAMBAL SUBZONE 1() A NETHQD BASED ON UNIT HYDROGRAPH PRINCIPLE DESIGN OFFICE REPORT NO. C/16/1988. HYDROLOGY (SMALL CATCHNENTS) DIRECTORATE CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION NEW DELET DECEMBER 1988 FOREWORD The hydrologic design of rail and road bridges across suall and modiun streams, does not, in general, get as uch attention as the design of bridges across major rivers, with the consequence, the waterway and other paramsters Provided in these bridges prove, in many a case, grossly inadequate, The Committee of ‘Engineers set up by the Governnent’ of India in 1957 under the chairmanship of Dr. ALN. Khosla went into this problem and after reviewing the nethods available for eetinating the design flood discharge: recommended the adoption of the rational — nethodoleg: involving use of design storns and unit hydrographs for tho estimation of design flocds. Rational methodology is not nornally adepted for small and nedium structures partly due to lack of adequate rainfall and runoff data for such analyses end partly due to the time and cost involved in such analyses, For overcoming these problems and as a follow up on ‘the reconmendations of the Committee of Engineers, tour organisations concernec with the design of bridges,’ viz. , Research, Designs and Standards Organisation of the Ministry of Railxays, the Ministry of Surface Transport, the India Weteorological Department and Central Water Commission have Joined to gether. This joint effort ains at collection of rainfall-runoff data for a period of about 5 years in the catchments of small and medium bridges, analyeing the data and developing a rational methodology based on unit hydrograph which could be generally applied. ‘This nethodelogy would enable, through a set of charts and graphs, quick estimation of design flood for ungauged catchments. For this purpose the data collection vork 1s being carried out both by the Ministry of Railvays and by the Central Water Commission (on behalf of the Ministry of Surface Transport). While the rainfall analysis 1s being done by the India Meteorological ‘Department, Central Water Commission develops the unit hydrograph based nethodclogy. Since 4t would be dmpracticable and grossly arronoovs to attompt dovelopment of a single set of reference charts and graphs for the whole country, the country has been divided into 26 hydrolouically homogensous subzonss. With vho data presently avaiable, 22 subzones covering 81 percent of the geographical area could be studied. So far studies on 16 subzones have been completed and 14 reports covering these studies have been brought out. The present report is the 15th in this series and covers the studies on Chambal Sub-zone 1(b)._—_‘The methodologies contained in these reports will drastically reduce the time and cost involved in the hydrologic design of small and medium bridges. In order to familiarise the design and construction engineers of various organisations with the mothodology developed, CWC has © conducted workshops at Calcutta, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Patna and Bhopal. Similar workshops are also being planned in other regions of the country, i am sure that this very useful report would be widely referred to by the designere of small and medium bridges in this sone. I would like to place on record my commendation of the excellent cooperative effort of the officors and staff of the four organisations mentioned above in producing this report, New Delhi. C¥.D. PENDSE ) Nov. , 1986 Member (Water Planning) Central Water Commission PREFACE Design Engineers essentially need the design flood of a specific return period for fixing the waterway vis-a-vis the design HEL and foundation depths of bridges, oulverts and cross drainage structures depending on their life and importance to ensure safety as well as economy. A casual approach may lead to under-estimation or over-estimstion of design flood resulting in the loss and destruction of structure or uneconomic structure with problematic situation. The use of empirical flood formulae like Dickens, Ryves, Inglis etc., has no such frequency concept though has the simpli- city of relating the maximum flood discharge te the power of catchment area with constants. These forumlae do not take into account the basic meteorologic factor of storn rainfall intensity and other physiographic and hydrologic factors varying from ost- chment to catchment. Proper selection of constants in these empirical formulae is left to the disoretion of design engineer, involving subjectivity. Recognising the need to evolve a method for estimation of design flood peak of desired frequency, the committee of engi- neers headed by Dr. A.N. Khosla had recommended, in their report “Systematic and sustained collection of hydro-meteorologi-— gal data at selected catchments in different climatic zones of India. The conmittee felt that design discharge should be the maximum flood on record for a period not less than 50 years, Where adequate records are available extending over a period of not mach less than 50 years, the design flood should be 50 year flood deter- mined from probability eurve on the basis of recorded floods during the period. In case where the requisite deta, as above are not available, the design flood should be decided based on the ground and meteorological characterstics obtained on the basis of design storn”. Economic constraints do not Justify detailed hydro- logical and meteorological investigations at every new site on a large scale and on @ long term basis for estimation of design flood with a desired return period. Regional flood estination studies become necessary for hydro-meteorologically homogeneous regions in the country. Broadly two main regional approaches are open tor adoption depending on the availability of tha storm rainfall and flood data. The firet approach needs long term dis- charge observations for the representative catchments for subjec- ting to statistical analysis to develop a regional flood freauency model. The other approach needs concurrent storm rainfall and runoff data of the representative catchments over a Period of 5 to 10 years to develop a regional design storm rainfall-loss-unit- graph (runoff) model. The latter approach, in line with the recommendations of the high level committee of engineers, has been adopted in the preparation of flood estimation ¥eports under short term plan and for each of the 22 subzones (out of 26 subzones) in the country under long term plan, Systematic and sustained collectich of Hydro-meteo— rological data at the representative oatohnent numbering 10 to 30 for a period of 5 to 10 years in each of the 22 subsones has ben carried out in 2 phased manner by different zonal railways since 1865 under the supervision and guidance of Bridges and Flood Wing of Research Designs and Standards Organisation of the Ministry of Rallvays. Similarly the Ministry of Transport has undertaken the collection of data for 45 catchments through Central Water Commis sion since 1979. Such rainfall and runoff data was supplied to Hydrology (Small Catchments) Directorate of Central Water Commis- gion and vainfall data alone to India Meteorological Department. (IMD) for necessary studi Hydrology (Small Catohnents) Directorate of CHC has cer- ried out the analysis of selected storm zainfall and flocds for the gauged catchments to derive unit hydrographs of mostly 1-hr undt duration on the basis of data of rainfall, gauge and dis- charges collected during the monscon season. ‘The bridges and floods wing of RDSO has provided assistance as required fron tine to time in interpretation of data, removing inconsistencies and other additional information during analysis stase. Representative I-hr. unit hydrographs have been obtained for each of the gauged catchments. The characterstics of the catchments and their unit hydrographs prepared for several catchnents in a subzone have been correlated by regrescion analyaia and the equations for synthetic unit hydrograzhs for the subzone were derived. The loss rate and bess flow studies were also carried out. Studies of Rainfall-Depth-Duration-Frequency, point to areal ratios and time distribution of storm rainfall were carried out by Hydromet Cell of Iti) and‘ results were provided to Hydrology (SC) Dte., for prepsring the full report for the subzone. The reports are approved by the Flood Estimation Planning and Coordi- nation Committee (FEPCC) during their neetings. A ‘Voreword” as provided in the report by Member CWO recommended the extensive use of the report. for eatimation of design flood fron small and medium catchnonts. The reports are published by the Central Water Commission. Blood Bstimation Reports for the following subzones have alccady been prepared, approved ty FEPCC and published end circu- lated to various States and Central agencies for the use of design engineers: A UNDER SHORT TERM PLAN 1. Retination of Design Flood Peak (4973) B UNDER LONG TERN PLAN 1. Ldwex Gangetic Plains subsons-1(g) (1978) 2, lower Godavari subzone-3(£) «3981) 3. Lower Narmada & Tapi subzone-3(b) (1962) 4. Mahanadi subzone-3 (4) (1982) 5, Upper Narmada & Tapi subzone-3(c) (1983) 6. Krishna & Penner subzone~3 (h) (1983) 7, South Brahnaputra Basin subzone-2(b) (1964) 8. Upper Indo-Gangs Plains subzone-1(e) (1984) 9. Middle Ganga Plains subzone-1(f) (1985) 10, Kaveri Basin subzone~3 (4) (1986) 11, Upper. Godavari subzone-3(e) (1986) 12, Mahi & Sabarmati subzone-3 (a) (1987) 13, Bast Coast subsone-4(a), (b) & (0) (1987) 14. Sone subzone-1(4) (1988) The present report for Chambal subzone - 1(b) 1s based on the detailed rainfall and runoff studies of 19 representative catchments. The data at each of the 22 catchments was collected for a period varying from 1 to 10 years by Western and Central Railways undex the guidance of R.D.S.0. Besides this, the data of 180 ordinary raingavge stations maintained by IMD/States alon- gwith data of 62 self-recording raingauge Stations maintained by IMD/Railways has been made use of in preparation of this report. The Chambal subzone- 1(b) report deals with the estime~ tion of design flood of 25-yr., 50-yr. and 100-yr. return periods for small and medium catchments in this subzone covering the parts of Rajasthan, H.P. and U.P. states based on design storm rainfall and synthetic unitgraph. The report is divided into five parts. The part I deals with the summary and contents of the approaches of estimation. Illustartive examples covering both the approaches are also given. General description of the subzone detailing locatons of gauging sites, river systems, rainfall, temperature and various types of soil are given in part II. It also brings out the SUH relations of the subzone along with the various regre- seion equations for estimating @, @ | and.@ The storm 5 50 100 studies carried out by IMD are dealt in part “III of the report, The part IV is the portion where the utility of the report is described. The last part i.e, part V desenibes the limitations, assumptions and conclusions made in the report. The report on subzone-1(b) is recommended for estimation of design flood from small and medium catchments varying in areas from 25 to 2500 sq. km. This report may also be used for cat- chment areas upto 5000 sq. lm. judiciously after comparison loss rate values in the neighbouring catchments having more or less similar characteristics. This report is a Joint effort of Central Water Commis- gion of Ministry of Water Resources, “Research Designs & Standards Organisation of Ministry of Railways, Roads and Bridges wing of Ministry of Transport (Surface) and Hydromet Directorate of India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Science and Technology. The methodology adopted and conclusions arrived at are subject to periodical review and revision in the light of further data being collected and analysed as also the advancements in theory and techniques. (K, J. RATS INGHANT) DIRECTOR, HYDROLOGY (SC) Dre. CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION CONTENTS. Foreword Preface List of Tables, Plates, Figures and Annexures, Symbols and Abbreviations 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.3.0 Detailed SUH Approach and Illustrative Example Simplified Approaches (Regression Formulae) and Illustrative Example, Computation of H.F.L. PART = 12 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CHAMBAL SUB-ZONE, DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS. 2.1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CHAMBAL SUBZONE 2.1.1 Location 2.1.2 River System 2.1.3 Topography & Relief 2.1.4 Rainfall 2.1.5 Temperature 2.1.6 Soils 2.1.7 Land use 2.1.8 Irrigation 2.1.9 Communication 2.2.0 DESIGN FLOOD, DATA AND THE METHOD ADOPTED FOR ANALYSIS. 2.2.1 Design Flood 2.2.2 Data Required 2.2.3 Data Collected 2.2.4 Description of the Method Adopted 2.3.0 DERIVATION OF SYNTHETIC UNIT HYDROGRAPH 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.8 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.3.10 2.3.41 2.3.12 2.3.18 BLL 3.1.2 B13 Be 3.1.5 3.1.6 Analysis of Physiographic Parameters of the Catchment, Seratiny of Data and Finalisation of Gauge Discharge Rating Curve Selection of Flood & Corresponding Storm Events Computation of Hourly Catchment Rainfall Separation of Base Flow Computation of Infilteration Loss (0-Index) and. 1- Mourly Rainfall Excess Units Derivation of 1-hr. Unitaraph Drawing of Representative Unitaraphs and Measuring their Parameters Establishing Relationships between Physiographic and Representative Unitgraph Parameters Derivation of 1-Hourly Synthetic Unitgraph for an Ungauged Catchment Design Loss Rate Design Base Flow List of Hydrometerological Subzones, PART =11L STORM STUDIKS DESIGN STORM INPUT Design Storm Duration Rainfall Depth-Duration Frequency Studies in (60-yr 24-hr Point Rainfall Map) Conversion of Point to Areal Rainfall Time Distribution of Input Storms Procedure for Estimation of Design Storm Rainfall PART = 1¥ OPILITY OF RERORT 4.1.0 ESTIMATION OF DESIGN FLOOD FOR ONGAUGED SMALL CATCHMENT 4.2.0 Other purposes. PART = ¥ ASSUMPTIONS. LIMTTATTONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1.0 Assumptions 6.2.0 Limitations §.3.0 Conclusions REBERENCES LIST OF TABLES, PLATES, FIGURES AND ANNEKURES TABLES 4-1 Computation of Slope A-2 Areal to point rainfoll ratios hourly for 24-hours, A-3 Thue Distribution Go-efficients of Areal Rainfall 4-4 Computation of Design Flood tydrograph 1, dst of Selected Railway Bridge Catchnents tn Chabal Subzone - 1(b) 2. Basin Characteristics 5. tHe, Representative 0,6. Parameters 4. Lose Rate Ranges 5. Base Flow 5. Point to Areal Rainfall-Ratios (Percentages) Statement of highest recorded daily reinfall in suozone 1(b) 8. Flood values’ by smchetie unit eraph and flood formulae in sub zone f (B) PLATES 3. Location Map of Chambal Subcone - 1(b) 2. River systen 3. Phystography 4. Rainfall. 5. Temperature 6. Soll Classifications 7. Lend Yao 8. Map Showing Rainfall-depth for 25-yr Return Period for 24-hr Duration Map Showing Rainfall Depth for 50-yr Return Period for 24-hr Duration 10. Map Showing Rainfall-depth for 100-yr return period for 24~hr duration. FIGURES Catchment Area Plan of Guna Maksi (WR) at Railway Bridge No. 221. 4-2 ihr. Synthetic U.G, A-3. Design Flood Hydrograph 1, Physiographic Parameters 2.‘ Uniteraph Parameters 3, “Relation Between L//S and t P 4 Relation Between tp and a P 5. Relation Between a. and W P 50 6, Relation Bewteen q and W P 75 7. Relation Retveen’a and WR P 50 8, - Relation Between a and WR Pe 15 9, - Retation Between tp and T B 10. Conversion Ratios for Short Duration Rainfall 11. (a) -Foint to Areal rainfall Ratio (%) upte to 6-hours. (%) Point to Areal Rainfall Ratio (%) 12-hours and 24-hours. 12. Average Time Distribution Curves of Storms of Various Durations ANNEXURE . List of hydrometeorological sub zones. GYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS SYMBOLS 4s far as possible well recognised letter symbols in the hydrological science have been used in this report. The list of symbols adopted is given with the units. 4 Catchnent Area in, ARF Areal Reduction Factor. ca. Centre of Gravity Cumecs Cubic metres per second ems Contimetres D .D Depths between the river bed bed profile 4-1 4 (L-section) based on the levels of (1-1) and ith contours at the inter-section points and the level of the base line (datum) drawn at the point of study in metres. E.R. Effective Rainfall in cms. Hr Hour H(SC) ,CHC Hydrology (Small Catchments) Directorate, Central Water Commission, New Delhi. 1.M.D. India Meteorological Department. In Inches Km Kilometres L Length of longest main stream along the river course in km.“ L Length of the longest main stream from a point © opposite to centroid of the catchment area to the gauging site along the main stream in km. L Length of the ith segnent of L-section in km. 4, Ministry of Surface Transport (Roads Wing). 4 Metres. Min Minutes nn Millinetres and R 100 R.D.5.0, 8.0.8, 8. He (D.B. Ht.) Sec Sa Sq. km Peak Discharge of Unit Hyérograph in cubic metres per second. Maximum Flood Dischaxge with return periods of 28-yr, 50-yr and 100-yr respectively in cumecs Poak Discharge of Unit Hydrograph per unit area in cumecs per sq. kn. Point Storm Rainfall Values with 25-yr,50-yr and 100-yr return periods respectively in cw, Research Designs & Standards Organisation (tinistry of Railways), Lucknow. Equivalent strean slope in m/km. Synthetic Unit Hydrograrh Surface Runoff Hydrograph (Direct Runoff Hydrograph) Seconds Square 2 Square Kilometres, Kw ‘Time Duration of Rainfall in hours Base Width of Unit Hydrograph in hours Decign Storm Duration in hours ‘Time from the start of rise to the peak of Unit, Hydrograph in hours Time from the centre of Unit Rainfall Duration to the Peak of Unit Hydrograph in hours Unit Rainfall Duration adopted in a specific study in hours Unit Hydrograph Width of U.G. measured at 50% maximum Discharge Ordinate (@) in hours P 75 R50 RIS Width of the U.G. measured at 75% maximum Discharge Ordinate (@) in hours. Pe Width of the rising side of U.G. measured at 50% of maximum Discharge Ordinate (Q ) in hours. P Width of the rising side of U.G. measured at 75% of maximum Discharge Ordinate (@p)in hours Percent. Curmation ediddon ste) po! BARR = E he LEME SUNMARY AND CONTENTS OF APPROACHES - Pp was related to various U.G. varameters Like W, . WR» WR» The = 5 T_ could be significantly correlated to tp. The priniciple of B least squares was used in the regression analysis to get the relationships in the form of equation to predict the parameters of the Synthetic unitgraph in an unbiased manner. The 19 following relationships have been derived for estimating the i-hr unitgraph parameters in the subzone - 1(b). Relationships Equation Fig.No, correlation No. Coefficient @) Lt . 2 3 4 0.826 + = 0.339048) 2.3.91 3 0.958 5 -0.610 a = 1,251(tp ) 4 0,817 P -1.034 i W# = 2.235 ¢qp) 5 0.984 50 21.057 w = 1.191 (qp) 6 0.968 75 1.077 W = 0.834 (gp) 7 0.948 R50 1.065 W =0.502 (ap) z 8 0.932 RTS 0.613 1B 662 (tp) 2,3.9.7 9 0.877 T = tt 72 2 r Q =a x A P P The above relationships may be utilised to estimate the Parameters of 1-hour synthetic unitgraph for an ungauged catchment with its known physiographic characteristics like A, L and S. ~ 2.3.10 DERIVATION OF 1-HOUR SYNTHETIC UNITGRAPH EOR AN UNGAUGED CATCHNENT . Considering the hydro-meteorological homogeneity of Subzone-1(b), the relations established between physiographic and unitgraph parameters in section 2.3.9 for 19 representative cat- chments are applicable for derivation of 1-hour Synthetic unit- graph for an ungauged catchment in the sane subzone. The steps for derivation of I-hour unitgraph are : 20 i) Physiographic parameters of the ungauged catchment viz A, L and § are determined from the catchment area plan LA/S is calculated. 41) Substitute L/S in the equation 0, 826 t = 0,339(L//S) ‘to obtain t in hours. ‘Then Pe P T =t +tr/2 = (t + 1/2) hours. m P . P iii) Substitute t in the equation to Pp obtain a in cumces/per sq km P 0.610 q = L.2ugss(t ) P PB : and Qp=4 x A in cuneos. P iv) Substitute the value of q in the following P equations to to obtain WW 50° 75 W and Win hours. R50 RIS 1.034 # = 2.215/(a ) 50 P 1.057 W = Ligiv(a ) 7 P 2.077 W = 0.834/(a ) R50 P 1.065 Ww = 0.502/(q ) RIS P v) Substitute the value of t in equation 3.9.9 Pp 0.613 T = 6.862 (t) te obtain T in hours. 5 P B vi) Plot the parameters of 1-hour unitgraph viz. T n Tso @,W , RW 4 andW , ona B P 50 75' R50 RIS graph paper as shown in illustrative Fig. 2 and sketch the unitgraph through these point. The discharge ordinates (@ ) of graph at i-hour (t ) 4 r 21 interval are summed up and the direct runoff depth in cm, is obtained from the following equation. 0.36x<« @ xt) ior as- a A where d = depth of diroot runoff in om. Qi = discharge ordinates at 1-hour interval (cumecs) A= Catchment area in sq. km. In case the depth of runoff (d) for the synthetic unit- graph drawn is not equal to 1.0 cm, then suitable modification may be made in falling and rising limbs of the unitgraph to obtain 1.0 cm depth of runoff. The shape of the modified unitgraph should be kept smooth. 2.3.11 Design Loss Rate Direct (surface) runoff is the end product of storm rainfall after infiltration into Surface soils, sub-surface and ground besides abstractions like evaporation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture and filling up of surface depressions. It is diffi- cult rather impossible .to record these various paraneters at various representative locations in the catchment except by the analysis of observed storm rainfall and flood events. Conversion of gross storn rainfall units into effective rainfall units for application to unitgraph is normally done by substraction of constant loss rate (B-index) for the catchment, even though the loss rates in the catchments, a complex phenomena, vary due to Soil conditions, soil cover complex and topography alongwith ten- poral and spatial variations of storm rainfall. Following method of estimating design loss rate was adopted Constant loss rates were estimated based on various selected observed storm rainfall and flood events of reasonably higher magnitude for derivation of unitgraphs. About 144 flood events were analysed for 19 bridge catchments. Number of flood occasions for each bridge catchment under different loss rate ranges at intervals of -2mn/hr were tabulated. All flood events have been considered for estimating the model loss rate shown in Table-4. The modal value of loss rate of 0.17 cn/hr is reconmon- ded for adoption as Dosign Lose Rate. 2.3.12 DESIGN BASE ELOH Studies were carried out relating average base flow rate (q_) based on ‘analysed flood events in cumecs/sq km for the gauged b 22 catchments with their catchment area (A) in sq km. The following relationship was derived: 0.290 a = 0.207(A) beeereer = 0,634 b The above base flow rate fornulae may be used to compute base flow rate for ungauged catchments. The total base flow is the product of catchment area (A) is sq km upto the point of study with the base flow rate (q ) in cumecs/sq km. b Number of floods occations for 19 bridge catchments under different base flow ranges are tabulated as shown in Table - 5. 23 PART IZ STORM STUDIES S.1.1 DESIGN STORM INPUT The areal distribution and time distribution of the xainfall are two main meteorologeal factors deciding the design flood peak and the shape of the design flood hydrograph. This input has to be converted into effective rainfall and applied to the transfer function ( synthetic unit hydrograph ) to obtain the response (flood hydrograrh), 3.1.2 DESIGN STORM DURATION The duration of the storm rainfall which causes the maximum discharge in a drainage basin is called the design storm duration (I). The design storm duration (1) for a catchment adopted equal to 1,1#t (time basin lag (t ) of I-hr P P synthetic unit hydrograph) for this subzone based on sample studies. T = D The design storm duration T obtained by the above formula may be rounded off to the scene ean hour. 3.1.3) RAINRALL ie = ANALYSIS. India Meteorological Department have conducted this study utilizing the data of 11 Self Recording Raingauge Stations and 13 Ordinary Raingauge Stations maintained departmentally, 167 Ordinary Raingauge Stations belonging to the States of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujrat and §1 Self Recording Raingauge Stations maintained by Railways in their 11 bridge catchments falling in Subzone 1(b)- ‘The annual maximum series of one-day rainfall were for- med for each of 180 ordinary raingauge stations in and around the sub-zone using the rainfall records of 50 to 80 years. ‘The annual extrene values series were subjected to frequency analysis by Gumbel’s extreme value distribution and the rainfall estimates for one-day corresponding to 25, 50 and 100 year return periods were computed. The daily values of 25-years, 50 years and 100 years rainfall estimates were converted into 24 hour rainfall estimates of corresponding return periods by using the conversion factor of 1.15, These 24-hour rainfall estimates for all the stations in and around the sub-zone were plotted on base maps and isopluvial maps of 25-year, 50-year and 100-year return period were drawn. These maps are shown in plates 8, 9 and 10. a4 The hourly rainfall data recorded at 11 Self Recording Raingauge Stations maintained by India Meteorological Department wers analysed by frequency analysis (partial duration series) method and the rainfall estimates for various return periods (viz. 2,5,10,25,50 and 100 years) were computed for duration 1,3,6,9,12,15,18 and 24 hours, The rainfall estimates correspon- ding to duration from 1 to 18 hours for each of the 11 stations wera converted into ratios with respect of 24 hours estimates for each of the above mentioned’ return periods. Averaged ratios for various durations for each return period were computed for the hole sub-zone. It was noticed that for a specified duration the average ratios, except for return period less then 5-years were independent of return period. The averaged ratios for various jurations for converting 24-hour rainfall into short duration rainfall are given below :- Duration Ratio 1 0.35 3 0.53 50-yr T-hr Point Rainfall 8 0.67 == 9 0.74 50-yr 24-hr Point rainfall 12 0.80 15 0.85 48 0.90 24 1.00 Fig. 10 shown the ratios for short duration point rainfall with respect to’24-hr point rainfall. The short duration rainfell estimates for various short duration (1,3,6,9,12,15 & 18 hrs) can be computed by using the respective ratios, The value of 24-hr rainfall estimates for a particular tations for 25-yr,50-yr and 100-yr return period can. be obtained ® 8, 9 & 10 and the short duration rainfall estinates$ From (1 can be obtained by multiplying with the corresponding ratio for that particular short duration obtained from Fig. 10, Statement of highest ever recorded daily rainfall atselected stations in the subzone is at Table - 7. 3.4.4 PQINT TO AREAL RAINFALL ‘The short duration rainfall data of 11 bridge catchnents ere used for this study. The data of remaining bridge catchments could not be utilised as the period of data were either less than 4 years and/or concurrent years data were not recorded conti- nuously for 4 years over the stations in a bridge catchment. 2-yr point rainfall values for specified duration for each station in the catchments were computed by frequency analysis. Arithematic average of 2-yr point rainfall of all the stations in the ca‘ chment was calculated to get the 2-year representative point rainfall for the catchment. Events of maximum average depth for a particular duration in each year were selected on the basis of simultaneous occurrence of rainfall at each station in the cat~ chment. ‘The areal rainfall series thus obtained was subjected to 25 frequency analysis of 2-year areal rainfall depths for specified durations were computed. The percentage ratio of 2-year areal vainfall to 2-year representative point rainfall for the catchment was calculated and plotted against the area of the catchment for various durations. The best fit curves were drawn for specified durations on the points obtained for all the catchments. Fig. 1i(a) to 11(b) give the curves for conversion of point rainfal into areal rainfall for 1,9,6,12 and 24 hours. The areal reduc- tion factor (ARF) at different intervals of catchment areas for the above durations are given in Table 6. 3.1.5 TIME DISTRIBUTION STUDIES The time distribution studies have been carried out for the following rainfall durations: 1) Rain storm of 2 to 3 hours 2) Rain storm of 4 to 6 hours 3) Rain storm of 7 to 12 hours 4) Rain storm of 13 to 18 hours 5) Rain storm of 19 to 24 hours 1163 rain storms of various durations upto 24 hours ecourring in various parts of the subzone were analysed baced on 104 stations year data, Rain storms selected at each station were grouped under the above 5 categories and plotted on difforent graphs as dimensionless curves with cumulative percentage of the total rainfall along the abscissa. Thus, five different graphs Were prepared for each station corresponding to various durations, and were then examined. The average time distribution curves for the various durations wera draun for each station. All the ave- rage curves for the stations thus obtained were plotted on a single graph and a single average curve for the subzone as a whole ge drawn for storms of different durations and are shown in Fig, 12. 3.1.6 PROCEDURE EOR ESTIMATION OF DESIGN GTORM RAINFALL ‘The following procedure is recommended to be adopted for estimation of critical distribution of storm rainfall to cause the maximum flood due to rainfall of a specified duration: ‘ 0.724 Step-1: Estimate T = 0.539(L//8 } (round off the nearest D full.hours) by substituting the known values of L and § for the catchment under study. Step-2: Locate bridge catchment under study on the 50-yr, 24-hr isopluvial map (plate-9) and obtain the 50-yr 24-hr point rainfall value in cms. For 26 Step-3: Step-4: Step-5: Step-6: Step-7: catchment covering more than one isohyte, compute the average point storm rainfall. Read the conversion ratio for T_ hours fron D Fig. 10 and multiply the 50-yr 24-hr rainfall in Step-2 by the ratio to obtain 50-yr T —hr point D rainfall. Convert the 50-yr T -hr point rainfall to 50- D yx T -hr areal rainfall by multiplying with the D areal reduction factor (ARE corresponding to the given values of catchment area and T -hr duration D from Table~6 or by interpolation from Fig. 11(a) and 11(b) in section 3.1.4. Apply the cumulative percentage of total rainfall against the cumulative percentage of storm duration curves in Fig. 12 or from Table A- 3 corre- sponding to design storm duration T to obtain the D depths at I-hr interval since the unit duration “of synthetic U.G. is 1-hour. Obtain the 1-Hourly rainfall increments from sub- traction of successive 1-hour cumilative values of rainfall in step-5. Rearangemont of rainfall excess values in a specific sequence depending upon the necessity. (Peak only or full hydrograph) er PART IY UTILITY OF THE REPORT 4.1.0 ESTIMATION OF DESIGN FLOOD FOR AN UNGAUGED CATCHMRNT. The following procedure is recommonded: Step-1 Determine the 1-br synthetic uniteraph vide section 2.3. Step-2 Determine the design storm rainfall input vide section 3.1.1 to 3.1.6. Step-3 Adopt the design loss rate as recommended vide section 2.3.11. Step-4 | Obtain the hourly effective rainfall units upto the design storm duration T by subtracting D the design loss rate from the hourly effective rainfall units vide section 3.1.6. Tabulate the $.U.G. ordinates obtained from Step-1 at i-hour interval. Arrange the effective rainfall values against the 1- hourly synthetic U.G. ordinates such that the maximum value of effective rainfall comes against the peak discharge of synthetic U.G., the next lower valve of effective rainfall units comes against the next lower discharge ordinate and so on upto T hour D duration. The sum of the product of unitgraph ordinates and the effective rainfall valuesas tabulated above gives the 60-yr flood peak value after addition of base flow in Step-8 given below. However, the subsequent Steps-5 to 9 should be followed, for computation of design flood hydrograph. Step-8 Reverse the sequence of effective rainfall units obtained in Step-4 which will give the critical sequence of the effective rainfall. Step-6 Multiply the first 1-hr effective rainfall with the synthetic ordinates at 1-hr interval which will Give the corresponding direct runoff ordinates. Likewise repeat the procedure with the rest of the hourly effective rainfall units giving a lag of 1- hr to sucessive direct runoff ordinates. Sten-7 Add the direct runoff ordinates at 1-hr interval to get the total direct runoff hydrograph. 28 Ster-§ Obtain the base flow rate in cumecs/ vide section 2.3.12. Multiply base flow rate in cumecs/ with the catchment areas under study to get the total base flow. Ster-9 Add the total base flow to the direct runoff ordinates at 1-hr interval in Step-7 to get the 50- yr flood hydrograph. Plot the hydrograph. ' Likewise 25-yr flood and 100-yr flood hydrographs are computed following the above steps in section 3.1.6 and 4.1.0 corresponding the 25-yr and 100-yr storm rainfall Zor design storm duration T = 4.1 t D P 4.2.0 OTHER PURPOSES. The report may also be used for estimation of frequency flood for the following categories of structures as per the Indian Standard, 4) Small Dams The Indian Standard - gudelines for fixing spillway capacity of Dams under clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 of IS :11223 - 1985 recommends 100-yr floods as inflow design flood for small dams having either gross storage behind the dam between 0.5 to 10 million mt. or hydraulic head (from normal or annual average flood level on the downstream to the maximum water level) between 7.5 to 12m. The report may be made use of for estimation of 100-yr flood for safety of small dams. 100-yr flood may be estimated using the modal loss rate of 0.17 om/hr. ii) Miner Gross Drainage Works The Indian Standard - code of practice for design of cross drainage works, part-1 General Features under clause 6.2 of 1S : 7784 (part-1) - 1975 recommends 10 to 25 years frequency flood with increase afflux for the design of waterway of minor cross drainage works. The report may be made use of for estima- tion of 25-yr flood for fixing the waterway of minor cross drai- nage works. The flocd of different return periods say from 10 to 20 years may be estimated by using the detailed methodology given in the report on the basis of 10 to 20 years 24-hr. point storn rainfall determined for the ungauged catchments under study. 29 5.1.0 5.14 5.1.2 5.2.0 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3.0 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 PART V ASSONPTIONS. LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS. Assumptions. It 4s assumed that 50-year return period storm rainfall produces 50-year flood. Similar is the case for 25-year flood and 100-year flood. A generalised conclusion regarding the base flow and loss rate are assumed to hold good during the design flood event. Limitations The data of 19 catchments has been considered for developing a generalised approach for a large sub- zone, houaver, for nore reliable relationships the data for more suitable catchments would be desirable. The method would be applicable for reasonably free catchments with interception, if any, limited to 20% of the total catchment. For calculating the discharge, the total area of the catchment has to be considered. ‘The approach developed mostly covers the catchment with flat to moderate slopes. Conclusions, The methodology for estimating the design flood of 50-yr return period incorporated in the body of the report is recommended for adoption, which also holds good for 25-yr flood and 100-yr flood. The report also recommends the adoption of design flood of 25-yr and 100-yr return periods taking in to account the type and relative importance of the structures, The flood formulae with different return periods shall be used only for preliminary design. However, for final design, the design flood. shall be estimated using the detailed approach in illustrative example under Part-I. Formulae for fixing tho linear waternay of cross drainage structures on streams in Chambal subzone 1(b) may be used at the discretion of the design engineer. 28-yr, $0-yr and 100-yr flood may be ostimated using design loss rate of 0.17 cm/hr. 30 5.3.6 The report is applicable for the catchment area vanging from 25 sq km to 2500 sq km. Further the report may be used for large catchments upto 5000 Sq km based on sound judgement and considering the data of neighbouring catchments also. However, in- dividual site conditions may necessitate special site study, Engineer-in-charge at site is advised to take a pragmatic view while deciding the design discharge of a bridge. at RERERENCES 5. 1 8. 10. 11. Report of the Khosla Connittee of Engineers (October, 1959) Government of India, Ministry of Railways. “Hand Book of Hydrology", Ven Te Chow “Open Channel Hydraulics”, Yen Te Chow Guide to Hydrological Practices (Third Edition) World Meteorological Organisation No. 168, 1974, Estimation of Design Flood “Recommended Procedures, September, 1972 Government of India, Central Water Commission, New Delhi. “Enginesring Hydrology” Wilson E.M. Code of Practice by Indian Railways (Revised 1985). TRC : 5 - 1965 ~ Standard specifications, and code of practice for Road Bridges, Section - i, General Features of Design 6th Revision) 1985, Indian Roads Congress. IRC : SP i 13 - 1973 - Guidelines for the Design of Small Bridges and Culverts. Flood Studies Report. Vol. 1 Hydrological Studies, Natural Environment Research Council, 27, Clering Cross Road, London, 1975. “Economics of Water Resources Planning’ L. Douglas James Rober Lb. Lee. 32 ANNEXURE - 1 LIST OF HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL SUBZONES Subzone Name of subzone River Basins included in-the subzone 1a) 1(b) Me) 1d) ue) A(£) Me) 2(a) 2(b) 2(e) 3(a) 3(b) bunt Chamba Betwa Sone Upper Indi-Ganga Plains Middle Ganga Plains Lower Ganga Plains North Brahmaputra South Brahmaputra Barak Mahi and Sabarmati Loner Narmada and Tapi~ uni river, Thar (buni and other rivers of Rajasthan and Kutch and Banas river). Chambal river. Sind, Retwa and Ken rivers and other South Tributaries of Yamuna. Sone and Tons rivers and other South Bank Tributaries of Ganga. Lower portion of Indus, Ghaggar Sahibi Yamona, Ganga and Upper portion of Sirsa, Ramganga, Gomti and Sai river. Middle portion of Ganga, lower portion of Gomti, Ghagra, Gandek, Kosi and middle portion of Mahanadi Basin. Lower portion of Gangs, Hoogli river system and Subarnarekha. North Bank Tributaries of Brahuaputra river and Balason river. South Bank Tributaries of Brahmaputra river. Barak, Kalden and Manipur rivers. Mahi and Sabarmati including Rupen and Mechha Bhandar, Gzat Shetaranji rivers of Kathiawar Peninsula. Lower portion of Narmada Tapi and Dhadhar rivers. 3(e) 3(a) 3(e) 3(f) 3(e) 3(h) 3qay 4(a) A(b) 4(e) 5 (a) 5(b) Upper Narmada and Tapi Mahanadit Upper Godavari Lower Godavari Indravati Krishna Kaveri Upper Eastern Coastal Region Lower Eastern Coastal Region South Eastern Coastal Region Konkan Coastal Region Malabar Coastal Region Andaman and Nicobar Western Hinalayas Upper portion of Narmada and Tapi rivers Mahanadi, Baitarani and Brahmani rivers. Upper portion of Godavari Basin, Lower portion of Godavari Basin except coastal region. Indravat), river. Krishna and Pennar rivers except coastal region. Kaveri, Palar and Ponnaiyar rivers (except coastal region). East flowing coastal rivers, between deltas of Mahanadi and Godavari rivers. East flowing coastal rivers, Manimuther, South Pennar, Cheyyar, Palar, North Pennar, Munneru, Palleru, Gundalakana and Krishna Delta. Rast flowing coastal rivers Manimather, Vaigai, Arjuna, Tamraparni. West flowing coastal rivers between Tapi and Mandavi rivers. West flowing coastal rivers between Mandavi and Kanyakumari. Jhelum, Upper portion of Indus Ravi and Beas rivers. ‘COMPETATION OF BQOITALANT SLOPE ($} OF BLIUGE MC. j —224(1B) Gad Wodvced Histauce | Pelaced Levels {Starting foe | of River fed Leagit of Hach Segarat Weight Moore | Taian boi (0): Uitterence | (tt) to) iit i Bridge Site #6) 8.10.4 foint of Staty) ‘ ' (tt a) (tt) 1 ! (hy 4 teh Wey | T 7 t 5 Pe tT ¢ 0.00 0.00 0.09 700 AB a6 a2 2a ante ae. 483 2.82 54.06 eu 451.20 12 0 96.12 9.51 anes 333 ints st-08 165.56 Su8.18 8.0L 14.26 216.04 1604.54 519.68 oat 2st Sm (AO 4D) = MARAT iat i = (eo +09) doit 42d z 1arst 4 = OLY te ‘SDATEN = 293.9). RIDICED LEVEL OF RIVER BRD AY TER POIRY OP STODY ‘errno zy ogee Forte aja any sya sme oO G'S 5 OH RN ROARS Hp 2 aii ie ante ne an eo pL aw 5 fy att ae ya op en oe THROW ( ‘w a ott on wo we wa os ae on ast a ws Os on wa ws i au est st wo ee wm on wst we at wn ee uw wu ue n we a we Hs NE we OH wet ; : wen sou wom wot, ome, ne mesa Se Meet HAAR aT aT aa (aovaaona) s.onve yrantee stem ance rer TaD TALE = Ae 2 2 ROUS nL ua Baggage Reesecssya sas "" 6 u $0800 1(b) DISTRIBORION CO-RERECIENTS FOR DESIGH STOEM DORATION OF 2 -24 HORS ul 10 THE DISTRIBOT ION CO-RPEICIEETS OF BEAL RATHPALL 9 Sqygageesgcesass S858 5 2255985 SSasaesseqqs BRee Sn eeeassenr enw Reurly rainfall distribution cc-effecieats are given in the vertical coluans for various design stora durations fron 2 - 24 bouts. ote 68°P2I Fh'vT GETOTT FI'6T G6T'@L O8'TT 92°T 00°0 00°0 o0°ZT 42°80% Ve'VT E8°88l Gz°LZ O8'SET Z¥'ss SGT'E 0270 00'S 00°9T GS"162 bh'bT IT'LlZ eZee Ib 'Esl bE'8E 66'S OS°0 00'S 00'ST Z9'SOY bh'bT BITES G12 GS TLZ Q¥'SG OF'OT S60 09°6 00°bT v8°2SS Vy'yT O¥'8EG 09°69 LO'VLE BB°LL TB8'WT 99°1 09°9T 00'8T Oy VEL PR VI ZO°0ZL O2°S6 O8ESh BE LOT 6L°0Z SES OS's O0-st QC'O00T Fh FT PE'SGS OFCLT 86°CL9 OO'THT L9'8e OSE CO-E OO'TT 2v'SLET WY 'VT © 860SET BY'LLT G¥'9¥6 OL'FET O8'LE GS°F OS'S 00°0T 6ESI81 Ph vT GELELT 8E°60S GI'6SZI OV I4e BETS 00-9 00°09 00°6 WVHd---> G6°ZOTZ PR'PT FS°R9OZ HZT9T 297SRVT BO'T9E Gh'ZL GzZ°s OG"29 00'8 VY 'OBLT VE'VT OO'9SLT 9T'B8 LE“EFIT BE'SZY GE°9G OSIT OO'STT 00°L 8Z'OVII Ph PI VB TET OE bY Bv'SZ9 POZE SL ETT OST OO'EST 00°9 OL‘TL9 bb'bI 9ZLS9 0G°2Z BL EHS GE"ELT L518 GO-8T OS'0BT O0°S QI ‘9s Py'yT FLTZE 00°0 99°6ST OCOOT OG'2b O6"ET CO'BET 00'F 096 pr yt gt "08 00°0 = BLP BL'SS OGL = 00 BL 00E 1606 bb bT | Lb ST o0°0 }«= @zetG2"b | OS *Zh Oe sogand somWad soso SOBAND NI 420 Na aovaGAS LOBITA NI_ MOTE NI adonng o@nN0 NI Goold Mold LOMBId ett e298 96° €9°0 Of°0 BIVNIGHO sanoH WLol asva =‘ TWLOL SRO AY _SSHOXH TIVINIVE ATEQOH-T “H'O'S NI _ORIL “ay-bs g0°T96 = VO 12s “ONE (4) T ~ euoZqns HaVEDOUGAH COOTE NOISE gO NOLLVLNdROD b-¥v - Tae, rout: A= conpotanton oF RUETAGENT StOEE (8) OF BEIOGE MO, | 224(ID) CLL. = 361.05 fg Ke feed Distance | elaced Uerels {Length of Wit teow 1 eo): tw ay! lng frou | of River Bid | Tah Sogaat Dataa oat fiat Jtridee Stef 00): Bitfernee {"(8) weet 4.40. j (oat of Sted) | iow 1 i (eet) | i) w) Pot fetwen the} i i : hy) fater and the | i { i ith ae) | i i T z a i 74 et ot wo 1.0 oi 118 a8. tte aH 2. 8 were « mete au Bu 431.00 a2 a0 msst au ais a3 $2.18 165.56 m5 i816 scab ESE wa si ut 2254 smu 4b) = RT ii i $= drm eon tole roan wns t > OLA SDNTUM = 99,81 1.0, RIOUGRD LAYEL OF RIVER EXD AT THE FOUBT OF TOOT vot 0a ea a a ts & Fs rs 8 Fs 8 s wo we we ms wat w ie wu cy ee ase wea a ee we wa w seo toon 000 fay at att eye mn 122A ae aH set 2h (aomanona) s.oare anism 01 202 RRPRESHATATIVG 1-HOOE HIT GRAPE PARMAGTERS TUBLE - 3 SUB 20KE 1 (b) SL.M0, WEDGE tp PTE pte TRY WOON WS I WHO NTS TW Wo, HOTS COWES SQ/THHoNRS HORS HOURS HOURS ~. HOUES'” " ROURS 12 a ‘ 5 t 1 1 + 0 tt 1 at eT WO TLS 10.80 6.20 2 su 6 1.50 40 3.13 2.00 3 tt a AS 85 288 4 285 06 160 240 501.00 5 rt) 016 hie 4, 0.98 0.88 6 zat OL hid 1 1.00 0.70 1 m tot $30 1.85 1500.15 6 rT) L@ 2 1.20 00. 9 4st OT 100 40 2. 1200. Ww 3 fe £0 102. 1500. rT st st 100 402. Lr 4. 2 4 a 1.0 LL 0.35 045 B 495 850 100 i 2 1.80 0.80 u 405 LM 100 19 1050.8 04S 6 1 10 LT, 165105 0.05 0.55 6 308 6 100 S40 LD Lud 20 w Mw 0s 140 29 LM 095M we % 0.16 1.00 A 1. 140. 19 1 016 1.00 015090 OL [BU 9 SE THON TIER (cume/ote 0. OF ton ofS TORS an) st sk 1 8 204 oD 24 6 ot to4 wb 2 o 8 oot o 8 oot o 8 soy ar) oo a) oot # oot ‘ oot 0 oot € ot o tot ‘ 47d Ho ew toy oe TABLE - 6 AREAL TO POINT RAINFALL RATIOS (PERCENTAGES) drea in 1-hr sq. kn. 60 87 91 93 94 97 100 «78 = 84 B98 150 71079 84 BBD. 200 66 75 81 87 91 250 63 72 78 85 90 goo 606818 kB © O-br 12-hr 24-hr 350 ee 75. 88 400 67 74 82. 450 66 73 81 87 500 65 72 Bi 86 800 79 85 700 138 84 800 17 83 900 77 82 1000 7 = 82 1500 80 2000 19 2500 18 TABLE -7 STATEMENT OF HIGHEST RRCORDED DAILY RAINFALL IN SUBZONE 1(b) S.No. State District Station Maximum Date Rainfall 1. Madhya Pradesh Ujjain Tarana 359.7 8.8. 1977 2 . Mohidpur 434.3 29.7. 1950 3 Ratlam Sailana 359.0 11.8. 1941 4 Mandsaur — Garoth 323.9 29.6. 1945 5 Dewas Dewas 334.3 26.9, 1961 8. Rajgarh Biaora 431.8 7.7. 1952 7. Shajapur Agar 321.3 8.9. 1932 8 Morena Joara 304.8 28.8,1919 9. Sehore Ashta 310.4 11,8, 1941 10. Ninar Harsod 264.5 18.8. 1972 11. Gujrat Sabarkantha Ider 463.3 13.8,1941 12. Rajasthan Kota Hangrol 391.7 26.6, 1933 13. Kota Chechat 393.3 29.6.1945 14. Kota Atru 338.0 21.7. 1908 15. Kota Bairam 413.2 13.8. 1967 16. Kota Shahbad 328.9 10.7. 1968 it. Bharatpur Nadboi 320.8 2.8. 1966 18. Nagaur Parbatsar 306.8 24.7. 1929 19. Ajner Todagarh 328.9 30.7. 1947 20. Bundi Hindoli. 413.3 22.8. 1942 al. Thalawar Jhalawar 350.2 17.8. 1969 22. Jhalawar = Khampur 396.2 13.7. 1914 23. Sawai Sawai 386.2 11.7. 1967 Madhopur = Madhopur 24. Ajmer Kekri 313.7 8.7. 1894 25, Pali Desuri 381.0 31.7. 1952 ‘LON TALOES BY STATGATIE UHTT GRAPE AND 1LG0D YORNULAE SOR 20NE 1(b) a 10 at at 4 as 6 We us % 1 (sak) 2091.33 teis.6t e281 1.83 ase BLO wen m3 21. 545 Mod 108.18 $631 nai an ant aa wat 8 0 By 08 a) ce cw 2919.40 $282.41 1592.51 61.40 Me7.27 2102.87 10.38 BSL 1265.48 1181.17 0.19 900.31 10.4 1009-03 TM 68.68 416.68 425.04 MOS? 488.15 UTS 55.10 39.200 3827 ats a BU ASS M927 200,25, 2.58(H) 2.315) 2.51500) oe con $123.95 m3. MOLD 2008.82 UOT. 29.48 2107.26 15.21 105.91 128.68 61.88 s00.s1 56.51 car 151.31 36.8 est arn oat og ws on By Mood Forasiae wo cu THES 691.99 1010.61 11278.35 1838.15 295 259.8 m wad 15.88 10 3.15 087 U8 601 2.22 a2 Be 206.51 519.50 soui2 202.18 1599.21 me mu. 153.68 162-60 995.80, 368.20 su 4013 55.18 51.09 3031 « 337 2M 02m 3) 3) e288 Ae o “ azte8 6182.52 wi st 388.26 176.38 205.31 26.21 190.95, Ute 1120.98 18.38 umes 558.45 588.81 m0 sat A NB (ast) ane) (ae) “15.18 (9598 ser 100 = ore 0.991 0.1698 Puse-t mA 1 Oven JARADiAN. é Qe 2 / A Dy ag Sh SUB ZONE 3 tb) weoun “x -v [Widen ts Shaan Sae tars eee ce ve gunen AHdvuoOdOL = ds Rwmeusces eecn as es esos sayvanao anor one 4 vanyH? SESWSVTTTE SiVWSTSRUT 378 TRDCTORETT wal WHLNa9 WorssiM Viawt 40 4NaNNAaAOD oe\iave aNnozans \ es of OF 02 Gt sme of cor Oe 08 312s f-Ow suytd (e201) vionr do SYTUY NOlLVOIUM! AWA MOUS wave waze cyw ave sul LON WME. « occi~ 006 « T« - 006 - 009 + EEE]: -- 008 - oof s+ poe 7 os! % —— ewsiaM wi gant ongo31 €-31v1¢ waows a» ¥ | eatin “ae omnaaKe 2uoGN1@ YOITYMD® Unuivan@ —unat¥e@, e or vemnore * waNoz ons ivnMNY WeMoR) “mm ME TweWVvH vyHO ari satan sant aeatanos + fs fauworsawia Cas) nooToWaAR ~ = NOISGINNOD U3LVR TWHLNIO Sea gRA SE iow 40. SuaMMA¥AGD Le Ele —e co og 0% 0 02 Ob swe ost od! Of 0 aqvos # sens win! $0. SvTay Nom: Wows WAYWO NaZE SYM AVN SCL y . -awaos cwnnwy wvan a¥4 04 ¥a¥on 34 Yreauivy 40 sowinzayre ana [Fe siivatow wertoo 4va 40-7103 ‘Dua 1 ©aHr7 OHM IA HOUKL THA \ (azenz210 ou uweuye mows) MiNOn WOVE os Tivinive AMAMOR MYD 2H lawasaueaw wunse3 wwoluMaA WO¥3 = on srmve ain a swouvas wnos aoa sarwoorsms | | =," asiion [z~o a He ak se ve v-ALv 1d ole =| WSoKD xv “xa 0303H9) saMALVUaaWaL IWANNY TyRUON! (i 3Noz ans CBS R28 NIIMAID “AN © IveNWVvHO En) 2e8e-aree wazmaze amas 1 Bivwousawia 96) AooIOwG AN ‘Tyonaeasse WOISSINNCD ULV TULNID ‘WreMT—20_raMNNRI08 -:310N auoan, @ 4 uagive @ ra 2,0 mand 2, apa ‘ape 2p9) 2,98| s-31vid MEOW DY n Sas avxand YOKE 1] Wishes a Nouvaisigev7> 110 198. e~oM saetd (acer) WICH! 40 (i anoz ans TVG@NvVHO TawaaaMION 376) AEoTOWOAN Mogsimnes wanve Tveina? tan 40-ssimwvanoo ae tay € 3NOZ ONS ——— 2 — A 61H sw or os! Obl GSO awos Orr eee “SNMOL IL Been SUaAry OH casos suuvennoe anor ane € SSneaw sos awnerwe [1S © + ar06 wwavraas | ee FETs wove oxy cay oem 2 + a1es xov7e HnIaaM “Wos wove 4330 ¢ “TWos NmONG ARuO 2 on3937 9-31v1d cweone xv ] AAManYN at uLOen Hs . asf any GON Fivtd (z4611 WGN) 40 Wit aNoz ens Tvan H : ¥ a BLON Raseiomos ualen avuuiae _ e SS Snwek oe Ber ss ewan o7>"" + “guvawnos 3MozeNS -9 HE 2+ sircuensacoovan + TT “onyos any anvTeey¥S © sors 5 susswou'e [+++ ona revert GN3037 cord aNoZ ae 7 PLATE -8 ~ SUB ZONE fied 2) e V Leceno y 4 1 sue roe sounoany panes tk gs “Uf 2 towns 3. + Sy ts 4 isorcuviaus: See ¢ Ss aminge sites INST SUB ZONE 3 © ‘Sevcomse se nas cert inte PLATE-9 SUB ZONE [led Leoeno SUB ZONE 3¢b) CHAMBAL SUB ZONE Ibi SO VEAR 24 HOUR RAINFALL (emi PLATE-10 ay SUB ZONE {tay 2 Leceno 2 mien aad ‘e P%o spe 2 Toms > 4 IsoPLuviaLs GeeeD oo page te soap eee gee nes pp ig io ap apse CHAMBAL 505 ZONE Tie) 100 YEAR~24 HOUR RAINFALL Imad ‘Motuasion ‘gf tas aunreyoe etmeRA OF Ute © covennmem oF snore cormment wee FIG. Avs NoTes~ L ALL LEVELS CORRESPOND TO GS DATUM “ 2 HfL, AT BRIOGE SITE 401-00 METER REFERENCES~ CATCHMENT AREA. c 2. mane Lie — = S ANGRS MD Oe THNVTANIES oe * 4 * Teo x . cana a. cenrae OF Gaamty_—_- @ DETAIL OF CATCHMENT AREA 1 AREA OF THE CATOWNENT_—nigaoso,aues a. share or tue careuunr——ran 2 panes t20eevnes * Lr miues 26 Hnnd . —s01M im. foc] wane or wo Be sec Location ]starrons TOKE: TAIT ves, 1223S iore 0.054 | amtoce sire anon oz 2 3.| puuronuRD ‘| 280 | BAsRANG GAR axee MOTE: oto LEVEL aT nROGE SITE TAKEN FROM OATA SCALE eed ses 28.04) LIM reer (werens) wvemoLeay (SMALL CATEAMENTSIDTE. CATCHMENT AREA PLAN FOR OR.NO.. 221 AT KMIOOMD ON GUNA-MAKASHI SECTION WESTERN RAWWAY SUB ZONE CHEERED OF i280 RO I MILES (Kua or cnoran tewnows ania WHS ier O69 Im0>) J04vHDsta TVTIWN NvaoHa NOuES ON "we! KavuoowcsM coors woisae awoz ene veWwvHo eave (sunow) amis [sann9 c6: isoanna) auynosta Where S: Equivalent stream slope (m/km), L=Length of longest stream course (km.). Up bprlgrbs « Segment lengths (km.), Gis eo ern e2~ contour elevation (m), Dis 9 401, D2 = (@9~ @q))(0,~ eg) ----— - fen- eo) tm) Az Catchment Area( GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION HYDROLOGY (SMALL CATCHMENTSI OTE, Les Length of Longest Stream course trom a point opposit tha contre of Grovity of the Gotchmant to Yhe point of Study ( Km.) PHYSIOGRAPHIC PARAMETERS DRAWN BY S.N. MALHOTRA BLN: BHALLA CHECKED BY A.K.GHOSH U.G. + fro: Tm Qp tp Wso: W75 = WR50* WR7-5* Te = A * FIG. @ (CUMECS} Te 3 -]—_TB (hr), ——+} Unit Graph Unit Rainfall Duration adoptedin a specific studythr) Time fromthe start of rise to the peak of the U.G (hr) Peak Discharge of Unit Hydrograph (cumecs ) Time from the centre of effective rainfall duration to the U.G pack (hr) Width of the U.G. measured of 50% of peck dischorge ordinate ( hr.) Width of the U.G measured at 75% of peak discharge ordinate (hr) WIdth of the rising limb of U.G, measured at 50% of peok discharge ordinate (hr) Wrdth of the rising limb of U.G. measured of 75% of peok discharge ordinate (hr) Base width of Unit Hydrograph (hr) Catchment Area (Sq. km.) Ip =Op / A= Cumec per sq. km. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION HYOROLOGY | SMALL CATCHMENTS OTE. UNIT GRAPH PARAMETERS DRAWN BY CHECKED BY S.N-MALHOTRA Bhicnrtiny A.K.GHOSH NazML3@ NoLLVIaY tani aNoz ans TvawvHo 901x901 - 37¥9S vine ee Mis naveo (sunOH) 4, ooo = ova aoe on OF e160 ve —— + + 0 mt 20 foo 0 <0 os cinelty) 158164, * i i i t } oF f f 01 901x907 -31¥9s vows /soanns) dy Ware A] WA ST Shu ana “he navuo| Om ONY ey N33M138 NolLvaa" (rt aNoz gas TvaWVvHO Nowannna? vaLvh Twuawa> orsfoovo| zi | « arelcoreles | os swrfecve lei] ai owe loseo|ooc] » ern] 1 | si owrifooe| os oro|see] cs reoles | a reso fre | iy ‘ ‘. ong Faas 7 sane ot D S22 + 08m 9071 x 907 <0 ooN (sunowy -awos WON AT valowivn we Sie e920 ‘Zhe wmrua| By any Me wagaiza wouvTay (ww te 7s9ann9 | Ob | anoz ons TvaWwvHoO "ig einanvaura Wen! APOTOUIO No1sSWnOD UDAn aM “WHLN33 GNI 40 LRBMNERROD or Jone] az | er e949 ° 990 Pn ” * a 901 x 907 - a1v9S Ofu, ony ay N33mMi30 NOILYTay rymersoswng) 1 anoz was gmrresswnas dy TyawvHo 001 oso Tr ivie We “au 9349909 “iat waves Stim any 4p N3amM430 NOWWIDE yanoz ans TIvaWvHo 908 ‘oot “FTatenaaive Fens eaTore WOK 40 suanmusnce cen y saan! Sp ory 100 isunon sey, on} @ zal a “ oo voz|evz0| 16 a 907X907 = F1V9S a) ty [zea] INIT aT sa 0949309) Tag Syanv 4 WaBML3a NOILVIZE anoz ans JvawyvHo ooo! cor isunour dy ool oF oH ° os Sor 0.001 901x907 -31¥9s tsunow © isunom) sNouvend wena Te Me tomn| ene 3OVINIDNad OVE TWINIVELNIOd OL W380 1a) 1 3NOZ GOS TVEWVHO Fivep masse 1p $10 osinmed wsAvR WGN) 40 AN TMNUD ose ww sy *20vINaDua4 ) OUYY TIYANIVE LMIO8 FWAKY = 19 o3¥9aM2 Wa aT 39 vIN3Duad OLLWETIWANIVY LNIOd OLTVIEY (a) 1 3NOZ ans TaWVH OS wx P51 vaur igus 40 sw3 mM 7A00 (lovingouIe) UWE THVaKINE AMIOg ¢ TaNY FNOlAVEAG EACIWvA 40 SMBOAE a eS = ver oy 40 s3nun2 NOLneiAsI BMIL OVEZAY NvaH Bicamor os TweWyHo on aera nr wT ae sin ree) 19 srveus swt 01 €6 49 smvous oo: 0 00 oo 0 enon too of 0 00 oF oY OF of ° © : : of of or og oot oe 4 a on? F oe 001 7 oot” o0r sun zine 40 srucat au ory 40 Emuout ‘Suu €-2 40 Smuois NAME OF THE OFFICIAL ASSOCIATED \. STAGE DISCHARGE AND RAINFALL DATA COLLECTION ) BDS.0. (Guidance and Supervision in Data Collection) 1. 8h. 2. Sh. 3. Sh. 4. Sh. 8. Thirunalai, Dy. Director Stds. (B&F). PLN. Gupta, IOW (BUF) Inder Sain, IOW (B&F) R.K. Magundar, 10W (BLE) 2, STORN STUDIES DIRECTORATE OF HYDROMETROROLOGY (1.M.D) - Sh. Sh. 10. il. D.K. Gupta, Meteorologist ALK. Mehra, Asstt. Meteorologist PLR. Guha, 'P.A. Roop Chand, Y¥. Prasad, ’S Ik. Sachdev: PK. Sharna, 8. Groosh Kumar, 8.0. Ramji Lal, 8.0. J.D. Mahato, UDC . Nukhtiar Singh, D’Man 3. ANALYSIS OF DATA STUDIS AND PREPARATION OF REPORT, HYDROLOGY (SMALL CATCHMENTS) DIRECTORATE, CENTRAL WATER COMMISSION Shri S/Suri 8/Shri S/shri 8/Shrt Shri Shri 8/Sbri 8/Shri Shri Smt, R.K. Gupta, A.K. Ghosh - Dy. Directors. C.S. Agarwal, G.S. Rao & 3.K. Gandhi-Asstt. Directors. KK Aich, AP. Khanna, K.N.Roy ~ E.4.Ds. S.N. Malhotra, T.R. Arora, S.K. Bhatia, 1.5. Sokhi, P.S. Bhatia, $.8. Jhas, K.B. Ahuja ~ D/Man Gr. I. L.P. Nautival, Ramesh Chander ~ D/Man Gr. IT. LK. Pant - D/Man Gr. TIT $.C. Jain - Profescional Aostt. Narsd Lal, K.C. Sharma, D.S. Kapoor, Neora Kakkar, Raj Singh - Senior Computer. Rajkumari Tahiliaranani, V. Suresh, B.S. Bist, Neelam Sehgal, Sushila, Sudesh Sharma - Jr. Computor. .L. Khanna ~ Assistant. Nirnal Chaudhry ~ Steno Gr.. IIT. LIS? OP P1000 ESTIMATION REPORTS PUBLISHED UNDER SHORT TERM PLAN 1. Estimation of Design Flood reck UNDER LONG Tene PLAN 2, Lower Gangetic Plains subzone-1(g) 2. Lower Godavari subzone-3(£) 3. Tower Narméa & ‘api subzone-3(b) 4. Mahanadi subzone-3 (a) 5. Upper Warmaca £ Tapi oubrone-3(e) 6. Keichna & Penner subzone-3(h) 7. South Brahneputra Basin suzone-2(b) 8. Upper ido-Ganga:Plains subzone-1(e) 9. Middle Ganga Plains subzone-1(f) 10. Kaveri Basin subzone-3 (i) 11. Upper Godavari subzone-3(e) 12. Mahi & Sabarmeti subzone-3(a) 33. East Coast subzone~dta), () & (c) 34. Sone subzone-1(a) «2973) (asia) (981) (982) (2982) (1983) (2983) (agea) (1984) (985) (986) (986) (1987) (3987) (3388) Designed & Printed at Pblication Division of Cental Water Commision Rik. Param Now Deli-1100s6. Publication Nov 61/99

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