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PACE Academy

Professional Development Evaluation

PD Title: Increasing Student Performance Through Physcial Activity__ Staff Name: Debby
Date of PD Session: _04/20/2015__ Provider: __Oakland ISD________
What School Improvement goals did this professional development session address?
(Check all that apply)
__X__ All PACE Academy Students will
___X__ All PACE Academy Students will
be proficient in Reading and Writing.
be proficient in Science.
__X__ All PACE Academy Students will
__X__ All PACE Academy Students will
be proficient in Mathematics.
be proficient in Social Studies.
Comments: We were able to take our data from the survey and compare with other
school district and analyze same problems and how they are dealing with the
What is your overall rating of the effectiveness of this session to help attain the
School Improvement goal?
Least 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Most
Comments: Overall, all schools are trying to increase performance through physical activity
in the classroom or gym.
How will this session impact your instruction?
(Check all that apply)
__X_ Lesson planning
__X_ Instructional Techniques
___ Classroom Management
___ Individualization

_X__ Classroom Climate

___ School Climate
___ Team/Staff Building

Comments: I can use things learned in this workshop to observe quick and easy strategies to
integrate skills and activities into the gym or classroom.
Would you modify this session to better serve your needs?
Please check your position category: _X__ Teacher ___ Support Staff ___ Administration

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