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FAQ/Unit -4/Human Resource Management

Unit-4 Recruitment and Selection

Muzna Zafar
Faculty, Management and Commerce
Q-1 What is Recruitment?
Ans-1 Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for
employment. It is the practice of soliciting and actively seeking applicants to fill recently
vacated or newly created positions using a variety of methods (i.e., internal job postings,
advertising in newspapers or electronic job boards/sites, utilizing search firms, or listing
position with trade and professional associations, etc).
Q.2 What is Selection?
Ans. Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill
existing or projected job openings. It is the process of choosing individuals who have
relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.
Q-3 What are the internal methods of Recruitment?
Ans: Following are the internal methods of recruitment:
Information on Internal Bulletin
Board/notice board/Intranet,
Transfer/ Promotions
Q-4 What are the external methods of Recruitment?
Ans-4 The external sources of recruitment are:
Employment agencies,
Campus recruitment,
Employment exchange etc.
Q-5 What are different types of Interviews?
Ans- 5 Following are the types of interview:
Preliminary Interview,
Patterned Interview,
Stress Interview,
Depth Interview.
Q-6 What is Headhunter?
Ans: Head hunters are independent employment service (or individual) that seeks out
personnel for high-level executive positions; formally known as an executive search

FAQ/Unit -4/Human Resource Management

company (or consultant). Headhunters are generally used by companies that are looking
outside their present staff to fill executive positions.
Q-6 What is Job Description?
Ans. It is a written description that summarizes the most important features of a job,
including a description of the work that details the required tasks, knowledge, skills, abilities,
responsibilities, and reporting structure.
A job description states the purpose, responsibilities and reporting structure of a job. It
clarifies exactly what a job involves and provides the individual, their line manager and
others in the organization with a clear picture of the purpose of a post.

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