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Cassandra Romero

Chicago, Illinois
Chicago High School for the arts -Graduation 2016
Playwriting Seminar- Summerset Arts Festival (2012)
Improvisation class-University of Baraboo (2010)

Awards Received
Ox-Bow landscape drawing scholarship- Chicago School of the Art Institute July 2015
Art Excellence Award in Visual Arts 2015
Scholastic National Gold Key Award winner Drawing 2014
Junior Student of the Quarter Creativity 2014
Scholastic Gold Key & Honorable Mention Regional level Drawing and Digital Art 2013
Buckminister Fuller Award 2014
Scholar artist of the month-April 2013
Spanish national Honor Society Member
Nominated for National Honor Society

LaLuz Gallery Exhibition Chicago, IL (2015)
Chi Arts Junior Jam Chicago, IL (2015)
Fall Juried Exhibition Chicago, IL (2014)
Spring Juried Exhibition Chicago, IL (2015)
Scholastic National Award New York, NY (2014)
Chi Arts Sophomore Show Chicago, IL (2014)
All City Chicago, IL (2013)
Chi Arts Freshman Show Chicago, IL (2013)

Related work experience

A+ Media
3-second animation for Du Pont Elementary School Science Fair (2014)
After School Matters- Summer work, Experimental Animation (2014, 2013)

Illustrated front cover of Galileo Scholastic Academys yearbook (2011)
Published poem-A celebration of poets (Creative Communications) (2011)
Story and illustrations about Van Gogh produced in an episode of Green Screen TV program (2005)

Community Service
Summerset Arts Festival Baraboo, Wisconsin (2014 & 2012)
-Art Exhibit assistant and general set up
Chi Arts-photographer at Passport Photo booth (2014)

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