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Musical Instruments ‘An orchestra ts « group of mustctans playing instruments together. They usually play cfassteal muste, although they can alse play soundtracks, faze, or any other mustc style. & large orchestra with over 100 players &s usually called a symphony orchastra, and a small erchastra with 20-40 players ts called 4 chamber orchestra, ‘Tha orchestra ts divacted by tha conductor, who halps the players to play together, te get the right Balance se that everything can bs Heard clearly, and te encourage them te play with the same Find of ‘fesling, 1¢ was usual until the Minetsenth Century te ses and listen to a chamber orchestra playing without « conductor. ‘The instruments én the orchestra are divided inte four sections: the strings, the woodwinds, the Grass and the percussion. Bach suction have a player who ts the *boss*, called concertine, ‘The string family includes violin, vita, calle, double bass and harp. The woodwinds are flute, oboe, cfarinet, saxophone and bassoon, The instruments in the brass section are trumpet, trombone, French horn and tuba, Percusston family has the largest variety of instruments, including timpant, drums, cymbals, xylophons, gong, and se on.

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