Group 4 Project 2015 Information Booklet

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The IB Group 4 Project - May



Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015


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The Group 4 Project is a collaborative project undertaken by all students together, during their IB/BSQ Diploma
course. The collaboration may extend to other local institutions and IB schools or to schools in other countries,
through the internet. The Project is a group experience and the emphasis is upon:


Interdisciplinary cooperation;

The methodology involved in scientific investigation.

Collaboratively, students explore aspects of one scientific question or topic or problem, within the different
science disciplines offered at BSQ - Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Successful participation in the Group 4
Project is an obligatory component of the IB Diploma course, and therefore also of the BSQ Diploma.
The products of the research and investigation are not as important as the process and the collaboration.
The Group 4 Project should attempt to address #10 of the IB Group 4 Sciences Aims, that is to:
develop an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and their influence on other areas
of knowledge.
The Project may also be used to address Aims 7 & 8:
Aim 7: develop and apply 21st century communication skills in the study of science.
Aim 8: become critically aware, as global citizens, of the ethical implications of using science and
The Group 4 Project as BSQ is also used as a full introduction to the needs of the single, moderated IA
practical investigation, which is carried out by every student in the second year.
The Group 4 Project Process
10 hours is allocated to the Group 4 Project, divided into three stages:
ACTION completing research and/or investigations, usually in class/lab time
EVALUATION preparation and display of presentation, and sharing of results

<2 hours
<6 hours
<2 hours

The Group 4 Project may be used to contribute a maximum of 10 to the total of 40 (SL & BSQ) or 60 (HL)
hours required in the practical Portfolios, assuming the Project is satisfactorily completed.
The group 4 Project cannot be used for IA assessment criteria.
Practical portfolio requirements
Evidence for satisfactory participation in the project is required. This evidence should be collected together in
one place (this booklet with any extra pages or photos attached) and may include the following:
A copy of the initial instructions and guidelines for the project (this booklet) (obligatory)
A students Project log (obligatory)
The completed planning document (Ps 7 & 8)
A statement written by a student about his/her own individual contribution (P 10) (obligatory)
A copy of the self-evaluation (P 9) made at the end of the project (obligatory)
(A laboratory report or complete project report) the presentations which complete the project
Rough work and/or data collected by a student
Photographs or some other evidence of the final presentation poster (obligatory)
Several students at BSQ do two sciences physics/biology and chemistry. The evidence for participation in the
Group 4 Project should be included in both sciences, though dual science students need only conduct one
A Blog has been created for the Group 4 Project: All the
content from this booklet will be available from the Blog, and more. Some components for assessment must be
submitted or contributed onto the Blog.
Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

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Individual performance in the GROUP 4 PROJECT will be assessed according to an overall team
assessment which is then adjusted for each member of the team. The adjustment will result from a
teacher assessment and a self-assessment made by each member of the team.
The GROUP 4 PROJECT will serve as a useful introduction into the demands of the Independently
Assessed Practical Investigation (IA), which is the single, long piece of course work submitted for
moderation in each of the sciences offered for the IB Diploma.
The expectation is that students will review and closely follow the IB assessment criteria and band
levels, doing their best to obtain as a team the highest score out of 24. From the IB assessment
criteria will be derived an assessment for each team


2 marks







Full details of the assessment criteria and band level descriptors, as well as a check list at completion,
will be available to students and will be published on the Group 4 Project Blog.

Each team will be assessed by the Science teachers, according to the IA assessment criteria, to
generate one overall mark (out of 24).
This mark will then be modified according to the student self-assessment and the other requirements
described on pages 7, 8, 9 & 10, and an evaluation made by the science teachers based on individual
quality of work and completion of all the Project requirements. These will generate one single mark for
each student in the team.
This mark will be translated into the grade awarded for the GROUP 4 PROJECT for each student.

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Every student must independently maintain a Project Log Book, which will be attached to this booklet
as evidence of their participation in the Group 4 project.
The Project Log Book is your personal record it will not be published (on the Group 4 Science
Blog). The style of the Project Log Book is decided by the student, but it must be completed on A4size paper, in order to be included in the Practical Portfolio(s) and later photocopied. It is
recommended that you at first complete the Project Log Book on your own school Blog, adding to it
as you go along. It should then be printed out to be included in the Practical Portfolio.
The Project Log Book should refer to every stage of the Group 4 Project, from initial discussions to
choosing a topic and theme, to the final presentation. The Project Log Book is thus a diary of the
Project. The Project Log Book should refer to the entire Project where possible, including
contributions made by other teams, to develop the collaborative investigations of one topic.
The Project Log Book provides a record of participation in the Project and shows the manner in which
the student participated. It may also be used as a rough book, for preparing the various stages of the
The Project Log Book should contain a front page, which is completed after the whole project is
finished, which neatly summarises the stages, the dates, and the time spent in each stage, in the form of
a calendar.
The Project Log Book is not assessed as such, on its own, but without its completion in full, a student
can not receive a grade for the Group 4 Project, and the student will therefore not satisfy the
requirements of the IB Diploma.

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The link to the Group 4 Project Blog is:
The opening (Home) page will give a general introduction to the Group 4 Project.
From the Home page various other pages and links and information can be selected, including the
specific page for the 2015 Group 4 Project, called Project June 2015:
Every team is expected to create their own sub-page in the Project June 2015 page, with a suitable title,
according to their focused question.
The team pages form an important and obligatory part of the overall requirements of the Group 4
Project. On these pages should be found ALL the appropriate research, planning, links,
documentation, results, analysis, photos and images which will lead to a better understanding of
each teams participation in the Group 4 Project. You may create further sub-pages within a team
Be scientific as well as creative with the use of the Blog.
Remember that the Blog is in the public domain. This means that any resources and images used must
be credited, and the content of the pages must be acceptable to any reader who might be
researching in your investigation area.

Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

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The Group 4 Project 2015 - The British School Quito - Timetable




to the IA and
the Group 4

Thursday 28th May

14:00-15:20 pm


Monday 1st June

9:00 to 9:40 am

and research


9:40 to 10:20 am



Tuesday 2nd June

10:40 to 11:00 am

Thursday 4th June

All day (Science Fair Day)



Assembly of

Monday 4th June

9:00 to 9:40 am
9:40 to 10:20 am



Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

Description of Group 4 Project, the Blog and handouts
Presentation about the IA and its requirements and
assessment and moderation
Organisation into teams
Introduction of Project theme
Early planning
Teams brainstorm, with the help of PT, JO and SK,
and discuss ways in which to investigate central
Each team decides their area of research and
investigation and completes the summary format
on Page 7 & 8 of this handbook, containing:
1. Names of team members
2. Focused topic for investigation
3. Investigations and research which will be
4. Biology, chemistry and physics components
Teams make very short presentation of their
summary in a general meeting, using a mind
map prepared in the planning
Start of research.
Teams review and coordinate their research
Completion of a precise planning document which
must list all needs and be delivered to Ms.
Daniela Espinoza before the end of the day.
The investigations are trialed and modified.
Investigations are completed.
Data collected and tabulated.
Results are analysed and treated.
Conclusions are made.
Watch Powerpoint 'How to Make a Scientific
Poster'. (2:00 pm)
Tasks are allocated and work starts on
Teams complete all tasks and jobs and assemble
poster presentation
Final rehearsal of presentation
Teams present their work to Year 11 and invited
students and guests.
A plenary session with the audience to discuss the
findings of the Project
Evaluation rubrics completed
Deliver Project Portfolio to JO

Page 6

The Group 4 Project - Summary of proposed research investigations

(Each participant should complete this format)

What is the Broad Research Question?


How can the sciences collaborate to identify and generate solutions in Ecuador to some global issues?

What is the single topic which you will investigate?

What questions in each of the subject areas could be experimentally investigated in the
topic you have chosen?
Biology issues

Chemistry issues

Physics issues

What might be one research question which links the different investigations you are
proposing and what is its link to one of the 20 global issues listed in Our Choice, Our

Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

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Who are the members of the group? What areas of research and experimentation will
each one of them be responsible for? Include someone who is responsible for
coordinating everything.

Create one planning mind map for the group which outlines what you will be
researching and how everything is linked together. (This mind map will be the basis of
the preliminary presentation made to everyone together at the end of the planning
Complete an equipment request, for everything you will need from the Science
Department. Things the Department cannot provide must be brought from home.
No Apparatus/Equipment/Che

Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015



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Alone you will reflect upon the participation of each member of your team and record your evaluation using the
rubric below. These evaluations will be put with those completed by the other members of your group and by your
teacher(s), and will be moderated by your teacher(s)according to the IA assessment criteria and band levels. The
maximum score is 7 points.

Did not participate in the work of the group; did not stay with the group; showed no consideration, thought,
or interest in the activity; did not contribute in any way; did not want a learning experience.

Only participated because it was obligatory or when instructed to do so, and had to be coerced; did not
voluntarily offer to participate or contribute; put forward no ideas to the group; did not participate or was
unnecessarily negative in discussions; a burden to the group and not a team player; was not motivated to
benefit from a personal learning experience.

Participated reluctantly; only seldom offered ideas or to participate in the planning or design of the
investigation or the poster; not usefully constructive in the group discussions or did not listen; preferred
others to work; was not able to usefully benefit from a personal learning experience.

Participated as needed; prepared to help and work with group members; shared in the planning or design of
the investigation or poster as required; participated usefully in the group discussions; consequently
benefited from a personal learning experience.

Participated and shared in the whole process; offered useful ideas and initiatives; an integral and
constructively active member of the group; aware of the need to benefit from a personal learning

Helped the group to understand the project, using personal knowledge and experiences; actively helped to
plan and design the investigation and poster; undertook tasks voluntarily; helped to lead the group to good
results; listened to others and accepted their suggestions; was seeking to benefit from a personal learning

Good leader; active, positive and constructive participation, using personal knowledge and experiences;
helped others throughout the project; did more than his/her share; showed most initiative in the design
of the investigation and poster, and offered many sensible ideas; good insight into problems and offered
rational solutions; dedicated to achieving a personal learning experience and accomplished this most
successfully by understanding personal strengths and weaknesses.

PRINT the full names of your group. INCLUDE YOURSELF IN THIS LIST. Use the rubric above and write a
score (1 to 7) which is your evaluation of the participation of each group member, in the space beside the name.
Names of Group Members

Score (1 to 7)











Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

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Write a short statement, outlining how you contributed to this Group 4 Project. This is not
published on the Blog.

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For successful completion of the Group 4 Project and in order for the Project to be included as 10 hours
of practical investigation, each participant and everyone in the team must participate in all the
activities and turn in all documentation (or copies) to support their participation in the Group 4 Project.
Completed Log-book each student
This should demonstrate a minimum of 10 hours spent on the project.
Final Presentations
1. POSTER which is the final presentation of the teams work and results. This should be based upon the
common format, and include pictures, graphs, summaries, etc. There should be a Title (Research Question),
an Abstract, an Introduction, a Detailed Research Question, an Hypothesis, a description of the Method,
the Results, the Conclusions and Evaluation, and Acknowledgement of the references and resources which
have been used. A photo of the final presentation may be included with other material from the group 4
Project in this Handbook, as evidence of your participation. This evidence may also be uploaded onto the
Group 4 Project Blog. The Poster must satisfy all the needs of assessment for the IA, as described on Page 3
of this booklet, and in the IA Guide Book.
2. MIND MAP/CONCEPT DIAGRAM which, on a single sheet of paper, links all the major ideas of the
groups research investigation to the central theme: OUR CHOICE OUR FUTURE
3. An ORAL PRESENTATION during when the team will describe their research and investigations, and their
results and conclusions.
Personal contribution each student
A paragraph documenting each participants individual contributions to the project.(See Page 10 of this Booklet)
Evidence each student
Each student should provide some evidence of the work they and the group completed. This may be photographs
(of the experimental investigation, or of the final presentation, etc).
Evaluation of the Participation of Individual Team Members. Everyone is required to make an evaluation of
the participation of each group member in the project, using the format Evaluation of the Participation of
Individual Team Members. (See Page 9)
Proper completion of Blog page(s) - Group

Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

Page 11

To help students realise they can make a difference by
empowering them to work internationally with their peers to develop solutions for global

In 2002, Jean-Francois Rischard published High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them,
This decisively influential book was published in 2002 and has inspired important environmental debate and
policy making, most especially under the logo, "OUR CHOICE; OUR FUTURE".
Global Issues Network is a worldwide forum which promotes the involvement of students in the active search
for solutions to some of the critical problems which we commonly face.
13 years on, Rischard's book, the logo and GIN could also serve as the keystones for the BSQ 2015 Group 4

These are the issues which were identified by Rischard:

Twenty Global Issues, Twenty Years to Solve Them

Sharing our planet: Issues involving the global

Global warming
Biodiversity and ecosystem losses
Fisheries depletion
Water deficits
Maritime safety and pollution
Sharing our humanity: Issues requiring global
Massive step-up in the fight against poverty
Peacekeeping, conflict prevention, combating terrorism
Education for all
Global infectious diseases
Digital divide
Natural disaster prevention and mitigation
Sharing our rule book: Issues needing a global
regulatory approach
Reinventing taxation for the 21st century
Biotechnology rules
Global financial architecture
Illegal drugs
Trade, investment and competition rules
Intellectual property rights
E-commerce rules
International labor and migration rules

The BSQ Group 4 Project 2015

Year 12 IB Group 4 Project May 2015

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Each group should choose one global issue which is embraced by the list presented by Rischard, and
research and, by using scientific experimentation, investigate how the sciences can collaborate to
identify and generate solutions to the problem. The chosen issue/problem must relate to Ecuador in
some way.
The research and experimental investigation should be evidence-based and show a level of
sophistication worthy of an IB student. The evidence must be gathered through both research and
Here are some examples of what might be researched:
Natural disaster prevention and mitigation Volcanoes in Ecuador
Global Infectious Diseases - The Ecuador response to the Swine Flu epidemic
Biodiversity and ecosystem losses - Where have all the animals gone?
Biodiversity and ecosystem losses The Petroleros v The People v The Nation
Water Deficits Quitos water imbalance
Water Safety and Pollution The problems of the Rio San Pedro
Deforestation Illegal logging in Amazonia
Illegal drugs Cocaine production in the Andes region
Fisheries depletion The Galpagos problem
Intellectual Property Rights Who owns the biodiversity of the Amazon basin?
Global Warming Global predictions Ecuador realities
Of course you may use any of the ideas above, but I am sure that you can also come up with something
worthwhile yourselves.

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The general needs of a scientific poster, but...


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Two example of a Scientific Poster

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Examples of Mind and Concept Maps

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