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Slide « Sa Ite ko ZI eC) Clarification with rgard to Rules of Division Improvement Hl? elk LRT Hb i Se te el bu Set Abd Srp pst Ft SeFL (Sub item No. 2) 5, SUt26-09-2014,3" ee tAL wba! () Ma candidate appeared in two subjects i.e. (X & Y) and secured higehr marks in the subject of X thin he will be awarded enhanced mark- in the subject of X with the remarks “Marks Improved” while the old marks of “he subject of Y will be awarded to the can fidate in place of lesser marks. (i) fa candidate appeared in more than one subjects and remained absent in one subject while the other subjects improved thén he wi | be awarded improved marks in those sub;ects in which he/she improved and th: old marks will be given in the subject in wh ch he/she did not appear. IPE 25-10-2014 sk 21d by Sho Al WEUL Re be SPSL pe llsil ota + M.S/03 -503/15 3,05 Edel Sty Lue AK PENAL sy Cibo pst AOP ITLL or IESE Sete Eitine bass Ere BertiL LL twLuLg EI eee 0 ms OUR Py CE ogi Ai WELL ’

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