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SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff ae ve eee "5.070608 PORT RPE Fer a oweTe RSET sparse TERPIED | WODERY LASSENTONE RB On 3-3-15, at about 0805 hours, | was called at home by WSP asking for a DRE to assist Spokane PD with a vehicle VS pedestrian possible fatality collision. lama certified DRE, DRE/SFST instructor and a BAC instructor. | talked to Officer Applewhaite over the phone. He advised there was no obvious signs of impairment on the driver, but wanted a DRE to evaluate at the scene. \ arrived on scene at about 0845 hours. | contacted the driver, who verbally identified himself to me as Robert Alderson. Alderson told me he was coming to work (driving a large truck) and parking in the construction area where they were working. He ran over what he believed was garbage, but someone was in the pile of stuff. | asked Alderson if he would be willing to perform some tests for me. He told me he would. The tests were performed on Lewis (north of Geiger). The street was blocked off with barricades The street was wet (from melted snowlice), was fairly level and had some loose gravel around. It was daylight (very bright out) and temperature was about mid 20's. Alderson was wearing pants, a coat, work boots and a knit hat. Alderson told me he was not diabetic or epileptic. Alderson told me he takes sleeping medication (Mirtazepine, a CNS Depressant). He told me he thought the pills were 10mg, but said he only takes a portion of the pill (less than 5mg). He told me he takes it nightly and took it last night at 9:30. He said he has been taking that prescribed medication for over a year. He said he woke up at about 4:30 this momning (the incident happened just after 7:00). He told me he does not take any other medications or drugs and had not have any head injuries in the past. Alderson told me he did not have any other physical or medical problems. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus: Alderson told me he was not wearing contacts. Alderson's pupils were of equal size and his eyes 14591438 - Miller, Todd 1459628 - Martin, David 03/03/2015 11:33 er: Redacted - 6/6/20. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff poe? TRAFFIC-OTHER Oo 15-070608 tracked equally. Alderson did not have distinct nystagmus. Vertical Nystagmus: Alderson did not have distinct nystagmus. Lack of Convergence: Alderson was able to cross his eyes normally, Alderson's pupils appeared normal (were small, as expected in the lighting conditions). | tried to check his pupils with a pen light, but due to how bright it was outside, the pen light did not add any more light. Walk And Turn: | explained and demonstrated the test to Alderson. Alderson told me he understood. Alderson broke from the heel to toe position once during the instructional phase, did not count his steps out loud until reminded, only took 8 steps on the first set of 9 (counted it as 9) and did not turn as instructed (did a reverse tur). One Leg Stand | explained and demonstrated the test to Alderson. Alderson told me he understood. Alderson swayed and put his foot down once. Modified Romberg: | explained the test to Alderson. Alderson told me he understood. Alderson estimated 25 seconds as 30. I checked Alderson's pulse. His pulse was 70 beats per minute (normal). Based on my training and experience | did not believe Alderson was impaired by any substances. His performance on WAT and OLS were common with what | have seen in the past with non impaired driver's (in an emotional shock) who have been through similar incidents (where the other involved party was killed or seriously injured), | asked Alderson if he would consent to a voluntary blood draw. [_cbupelemental Report #8: ‘CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE | er: Redacted - 6/6/20. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff poe TRAFFIC-OTHER Oo 15-070608 Alderson agreed. | read Alderson the voluntary blood draw consent form, He signed the form agreeing to the blood draw. | requested AMR to respond to the scene for the blood draw. At about 0936 hours, | saw EMT Ron Buckingham draw Alderson’s blood from his right arm (used iodine to clean the area). I saw Buckingham draw Alderson's blood into the 2 gray top vials | had provided him with. The blood vials had white powder in them and expired 2/2016. | collected the blood samples and later booked them into the property fridge. See Spokane PD officer's reports for more information. | CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THAT ALL STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE TRUE AND ACCURATE AND THAT | AM ENTERING MY AUTHORIZED USER ID AND PASSWORD TO AUTHENTICATE IT. DEPUTY: Todd Miller NUMBER: 591438 DATE: 33-15 PLACE: Spokane County, WA END OF ADDITIONAL REPORT _ INCIDENT REPORT Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff Page 4 reer ec amare “infomation "COLLISION REPORT “a “o NT ASSERT ATT] NET ACTONS aE aS eRTTS Raa aa a a Fue 0309/2015 0709" Tue 09092015 07:08 Tue 03092015 07.08 | oo one “1100 ovovers 102 Lewis west of Geiger Blvd, Spokane, WA 99224 rime Scene Processed LOCATION NAME (APPLICABLE) fe. P. Taylor, fe. Applowhaito “VICTIMIWTNESSESIOTHERS: ee D1 Alderson, Robert J mM wannite ov21ii979 36 508" 160 Light Brown ‘BRO - Brown SWE] “F023 n Wall Street, Spokane, WA 99208 oe" City of Spokane Employed (509) 625-7900 (Cell) (509) 879-1479, (Work) (508) 625-7900 avers ens lew [STATE S008 SECORTYRO. rue [OMERD ALDERRJ21481 wa wet Messick, Phil F mM wannite 05/21/1988 26 SSONEY “rra9 w ath Avenue #1, Spokane, WA 99204 “enmeons (509) 359-7375 City of Spokane Employed (509) 625-7900 (Home) (509) 359-7375, (Work) (509) 625-7900 #326 - Anderson, Jon D. 03032015 16:38 Incident Report #1 PD - Incident Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 - Doc ID:4085556 INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff poe? COLLISION REPORT Oo 15-070608 “2 Painter, Caleb Wade u 08/17/1976 38 mite S\"'LY 903 $ Mariam Street, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509) 315-8848 City of Spokane Employed (509) 625-7900 (Cell) (509) 954.8816, (Home) (509) 315-8848, (Work) (509) 625-7800 vericLes Vat Investigative infoemation 38982D WA 122015 Clty-Owned or | 1FVACXCS74DN44354 2004 White City of Spokane (509) 625-7900 fnch wav rn Yor te Cree Cos Yor Cine ED Yer 10/0 vee ChNe Fuso Bh, masaeo Ce Fag oe me Tal RRTTIORT Ppa Oe esRTORSRE taanarilé | On 3/3/15 at approximately 0709 hours | was dispatched to auto pedestrian collision in the area of Lewis and Geiger Blvd. | arrived at approximately 0719 and could see Fire,Engine 6, was on scene as well as AMR. \ could see multiple City of Spokane vehicles, include large trucks. | could see both sides of Lewis from Geiger had the larger style traffic cones warning traffic of a construction that was at the southwest comer of the intersection. The construction area was an open pit with two large excavators inside where a sewer line was being build. | could see medical personnel were gathered in and around the ambulance where a W/F (who appeared about 50 years old) was being treated. | contacted Fire Lt. Serquina asked about injuries. Lt. Serquina stated the female was "sleeping right there," as he pointed to pile of clothes and blankets that were snow covered and scattered across the private driveway to the old Ranch Motel. On this date the morning was below freezing, but the temperature was climbing quickly. The night before brought about 1 inch of snowfall to the area and | have personal knowledge that the snow fall ended in this are somewhere about 2100 hours on 03/02/15. The items were frozen and had frost aE covTinieD on Next Pace | — Incident Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 - Doc 1D:408: INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff poe COLLISION REPORT Oo 15-070608 and snow on them and the top layer of items were white, just like the surrounding ground and roadway surface. The Fire Lt continued, "The truck with porta potty drove over her.” The main pile of clothes just feet from the back of the truck. | could card board and other clothing, also frost and snow covered, were underneath the truck. The truck was large (26,000 Ibs GVWR) two axle straight truck with a mounted cargo box (like a box van) mounted above the rear axle. The vehicle license plate was exempt plate 38982D. Directly next to the truck was a very similar truck, exempt license plate 38990D. | could see a few articles of clothing and a sleeping bag at the rear of the 2nd vehicle and magazines under the truck. Along the west shoulder of Lewis, just north of the collision scene were three large dump trucks. | asked Lt. Serquina about the victim. He stated, "She had stopped breathing, but is breathing again" and her blood pressure was extremely low. He stated the injuries were life threatened and he was concemed she would not survive. Medical staff stated they did not have ID or a name on the victim. | requested for additional units to close off the roadway of Lewis from Sunset to Geiger and requested barricades for the same. | informed dispatch of the injuries and requested for a supervisor. Sgt. Reisenauer did respond and called out Ofc. P. Taylor and Ofc. Applewhaite to further investigate the collision. Sgt. Storment also responded. limmediately placed my vehicle to north of the scene to block Lewis and used traffic cones to block off Lewis at Geiger. | moved the several City of Spokane employees (approximately 8 people) back from the crime scene toward Geiger and asked who the driver of the truck involved was. A male, Robert Alderson, stated he was the driver. A male that had just arrived stated he was Alderson's supervisor and | asked that male to stand with Alderson, and later keep Alderson warm in his car. | asked Alderson to remain separated from the other employees. The female was transported to SHMC in critical condition. Officers starting arriving to assist. | asked for a unit to respond to SHMC to attempt a statement from the victim and provide updates about her condition. Ofc. Lewis responded to the hospital. | spoke with Alderson and asked him what happened. Alderson related the following information: He works for the City of Spokane. He has been working on the sewer project at this location for the "past 2 weeks." Shortly after 0700 hours he arrived at the work site by making a right turn onto Lewis from Geiger Blvd. He was the "3rd truck here" and proceeded at "slow speed” to park in driveway on the west side Lewis just to the N/W of the intersection. He stated, he has parked there aE covtinieD on Next PAGE | — Incident Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 - Doc 1D:408: INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff pond COLLISION REPORT Oo 15-070608 every day. He could see "stuff" in the road where he parked, however this did not alarm him. Nearly every day he has seen items of "garbage" in the area. He further stated, he thought this may have even been "same stuff from before.” Even after he drove over the items he was not alarmed or believed anything had happened It was after he stopped that his co-worker, "Caleb (Painter)" started yelling, and it was then he realized something was wrong. He climbed down from the large truck and ran to the back where he then realized under the items was an adult female. (End of Aldersor’s statement.) While | was speaking with Alderson | did not detect any signs of impairment | contacted Caleb Painter who related the following information: He works for the City of Spokane and for the past 2 weeks he has been working on the sewer project at Lewis and Geiger Blvd. He was the first City employee on scene at the job site shortly after 0700 hours. He drove in from Geiger and made a right turn onto Lewis. He drove just past the collision site and parked his dump truck along the west shoulder on the wrong side of the road, facing N/B. As past the location where other trucks tend to park he noticed a pile of "stuff" just "foot or two" off the shoulder of the “road.” He was not sure what it was but he did not believe "a person could be in there.” He parked and started walking back toward the object as "Rob (Alderson) drove up.” He did not waive at Alderson not to drive in and just thought it was "clothes." He stated, "It just looked like junk." As Alderson parked in the usual parking spot both the driver front and driver rear tire drove over the top of the object. He then heard a scream and realized a person was under the clothing and what he now knows to be blankets. He stated Alderson was "in disbelief" that this had happened. (End of Painter’ statement.) | contacted Phil Messick who related the following information: He works for the City of Spokane. Shortly after 0700 hours he drove his city truck (very similar to the truck Alderson was driving) to the job site at Lewis and Geiger. He stated he was following Alderson to the job site and watched Alderson park. He could see something was under the snow but did not think much of it as items of "garbage and clothes" are frequently on the ground. The items were harder to tell apart on this morning with the recent snow fall. He too took the same route as Alderson and parked directly next to (just 3-4 feet) Alderson's aE coved on Next PAGE | — Incident Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 - Doc 1D:408: INCIDENT REPORT CONTINUED Spokane Police/Spokane County Sheriff poe COLLISION REPORT Oo 15-070608 vehicle. He placed his driver side along side Alderson's passenger side. He exited and saw "Caleb (Painter)" was running behind his truck and yelling for assistance. He had no idea a person was under the clothes and blankets he now could see. (End of Messick’s statement.) The identity of the female was still unknown and | assisted by searching through the belongings in hopes of finding identification. | was not able to locate identifying information for the female. Of. Lewis then notified me by phone the female had died a the hospital. | notified Sgt. Reisenauer as well as Ofc. Taylor and Ofc. Applewhaite. | located a homeless camp on a rock ledge just a few feet to the north of the collision scene. The rock ledge was about 7 feet tall. In a black brief case | located social security paperwork in the name of Stephanie R. Meier. i checked the name in local records that also showed transient entries and a second last name of Bender for the same individual. | pulled up a DOL photograph and could see the picture appeared similar, however | could not make an identification. | provided Ofc. Applewhaite and Ofc. Taylor with an email copy of the DOL photograph for their investigation and possible identification of the victim. | turned the Social Security paperwork and the brief case over to Ofc. Applewhaite. It should be noted the victim | observed briefly in the ambulance of a slighter build. The female was thin and not very tall, although height was difficult to check do to medical treatment in the ambulance. | completed a collision report. Ofc. Moon completed a CVSA Level 1 commercial motor vehicle safety inspection. Ofc. Moon informed me no violations of the vehicle were discovered For further information please refer to Ofc. Applewhaite and Ofc. Taylor's reports. Ofc. Draper #665 aE No OF wcibeNT REPORT | — Incident Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 - Doc 1D:408: pp - WASHINGTON STATE [ ESErerenes er DUI ARREST REPORT So 06g NOTE: READ THIS FORM WHEN THERE ARE EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES OR WHEN & SEARCH WARRANT AUTHORIZES THE BLOOD Raw. ‘SPECIAL EVIDENCE WARNING 1 WARNING! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR: is} EHICULAR HOMICIDE {UNCONSCIOUS (CUIPHY SICAL CONTROLAINOR.DRWER TE Fetony bu or FeLon PHySicaL CONTROL EF vericuar assau.r ou ARREST RESULTING FROM AW ACCIDENT WITH YOUS BODILY INJURY TO ANOTHER, ATEST OF YOUR BLOOD WALL ADMINISTERED TO DETERMINE THE CONCENTRATION OF ALCOHOL ANDIOR ANY ORUG IN YOUR BLOOD: [DUE TO THE GIRCUMSTANCES OF YOUR ARREST. Ts MLL BE DONE REGARDLESS OF YOUR CONSENT WOL WE sue ore re [ADDITIONAL TESTS ADMINSTERED BY & QUALIFIED PERSON OF YOLR OWN CHOOSING a " Taenaant — Gieer ~ - Date Time NamorTite of Person whe extactes the Boos ‘Sipnature of Person who extracted the blood ae Time o Boos Draw DSrstnuer—cnpins! xen pacoa m case He copy (person om wham the Blood was draw olf wh medica Bat person Unavalabey "copy fProsecut, | copy thet 1 copy oerson wna exacted fe hed VOLUNTARY BLOOD DRAW CONSENT FORW 5 suntan pei fice: Ty _ poe. © ‘bier a sultoentarunt omy blood to tet fo Bee Rr atconal andor ug come ~ understand hat have te igh to reise To ave cansent io valunty Boos araw and na may Fequ fe fcr to obtain a soar waa | ungostand hate blood il be exacted by a physician repstered muse 3 heneepracical nurse. a nursing asia 9 onyicon assistant « nea care assist. 2istresbonde’ an emergonay medical techncan ora Warrier wno adm windroears Dlae |seatze ha te blood wilt teste a ceterrne blood stato! eel ad te aoe the presence: andor elo matiuan oF any Grup dered by ACY 40.61.64) ungeratond at the tes roves u Lagu ascore ove! ana be prasence a avel © malian Bf any Soon ee eke et 40.61 540, pate boreal! ow! and: ine rovence ancl vee: ofmanuane. 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Gieger Offense Type: ACCFATA Accident Fatality Expiration Date: 03/02/2018 Sarisdition: City of Spokane Disposition: Disposition Date: (Case Comments: Case Names Name Type! Other Involvment = Name: Alderson, Rober, J SecM Race: W DOB: 017211979 Address: ‘Additonal Name Information: Case Items Item Number: 002 Collection Purpose: Safekeeping Detail Descriptior Container #: ‘Status/Loeation: Sored In Location - Temp Cage 01 Packaging/Quantty/Item Type: Beggic with -1- Clothing Make/Model: Weight Rec: Value: $0.00 Collection Date/Time: 03/03/2015 -10:45Hrs Collected By: 420- APPLEWHAITE, KENNETH A Collection Location: Geiger And Lewis Mi: clothing, Tem Notes: ‘tem Number: 003 Collection Purpose: Safekeeping Detail Description: Misc clothing/items Container Process: Hold Ia Propety Facility Status/Location: Stored In Location - Temp Cage 01 Packaging/Quantity/Item Type: Boggie with - 1 - Clothing Make/Model: ‘Weight Ree: Value: $0.00 Collection Date/Time: 03/03/2015 -10:4SHrs Collected By: 420 APPLEWHAITE, KENNETH A Collection Location: Grigee And Lewis Wem Notes: Item Number: 004 Collection Purpose: Safekeeping : Detail Description: mise clothing and sleeping bags Container #: aces: Hod In Propony Facility ‘Status/Location: Stored In Location - Temp Cage 01 Packaging/Quantty/ltem Type: Biggie with - I~ Clothing Make/Model: ‘Weight Rec: Value: $0.00 Collection Date/Time: 03/03/2015 - 10:45Hrs Collected By: 420 - APPLEWHAITE, KENNETH A Collection Location: Geiger And Lewis tem Notes: Page 1 of 2 — other: 3/3/2015, 15-0070608 Department Case Number Department Case Report (Additional) Case Items Item Number: 005 Collection Purpose: Safekeeping Detail Description: travel bag with paperwork mand magazines Container Process: Hold n Property Fasility ‘Status/Location: Stored In Location - Temp Cage 01 Packaging! Quantity/ltem Type: No Package Needed - 1 - Miscellaneous Make/Model: Ricardo ‘Weight Rec: Value: $0.00 Collected By: 420 - APPLEWHAITE, KENNETH A Tiem Number! 006 Collection Purpose: Safekeeping Detail Description: hand bag with calendars and paperwork $5 inside Container # Process Hold n Property Facility Status/Location: Stored In Location - Temp Cage 01 Packaging/Quantity/ltem Type: No Package Neaded - | ~ Miscellaneous MakeModel: Weight Ree: Collection Date/Time: 03/03/2015 -10:45Hrs Collection Location: Geiger And Lewis tem Notes: Page 20f 2 SPO Covet sro [. 4a SCENE 43 LOe 4-87 > Buncers / costtes - Photo Log: Redacted - 6/6/2015 suaorwarmaron POLICE TRAFFIC. nevontno, 3527985, fe a Ss EStaSON REPORT (BEA scc7Lor ' Gio lz Person! ‘LiL Muoopo yyy ¥ “TOME COUNTY + MULES ony s ‘ Bo [s|-[o[s}-[elo}s [s] fol zlolel[zi2 S658 “BU ple] | upmmusrerc way __MTERSECTON Cl_NOWNTERSECTION Lens ones Aves ol aN ww: oneeneoame 12 fer BSC wo 6 eveee NTO BS wa URE T889-379- 1179 Th 5] (eT ALoersow «| Doreer ae fees] 1523 NN wauw sr Soka [va [2 99.219 ‘Ue ANegaraiar lemons A= WN seal Nowe. Lh sa La ot Twa Pele Memeo |2 [i iis) PART A ssi n 005 Collision Report: Redacted - 6/6/2015 oh) pehbtte Hee Soe eee” bP SE | RET cece aay ~ Rasy he Py pe S es ee Ge 0 a Krein Ml H] * BRET we cee. Cennce) [MET Sreounwr |p) — » ni le a NeSERSRS94 KC -ffs)-[J4 « Btmnnen — ESSICK, Wi. Veceum vanae (Lorie he a ict tes) WO | Lewis @) Geeer BLVD Coustmucno (TRAC Cones a a ain) tetas “Te Dawe say C Pasvare Roan) __| Fst west of pew: wwit *) dio TRE Tee eT A Pie oe Cotes ans Rane uve 1 keer Fae Ao Lepr fone _| [ltrs Deo ecine Tee Victron. 2D, Heer "CERI DEQ ARE LNDER PENALTY OF PERU UNDER THE LAN OFTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON TU THE FOREGOWG IG TRUE AND GORREGT. RaW GATES oF. rye Ty _ ahhe Spoke tA estat Peace SOUTTRE aaron oT an mata GBR Ces Wrz oven 82709 ERE 27/7 _| PART. B sexssssw non pace [2 Jor| 3 | 4 - 6/6/2015 ~ Collision Rep: ‘SUPPLEMENTAL PMN cxmcon2 nore isla Bles| 7, Sore ' I 3197 CASE® | AS Lae. ge : COLLISION REPORT | |_| [SOMMERGIA WOTOR CARRIER [ee] fonere |p [or = | , (WR cry oF Pah L ew ete htO0i ee) Suge ‘UW BR /eloz[ [26 eco “| [ADDITIONAL UNITS: {| Loner We O Se Oo oem oe FOS 41] Ce re “LL BBL bs evecare 4 - 6/6/2015 TOTAL STATION MEASUREMENTS Location: Gérgeg /Lewrs Date: 3-3-15° Report #: |S- 00 DEOg Investigator: MUEW#/ATTE Assistant: 7AyCoR Total Station Serial # (circle one): ony Recon Serial #: FS47A28070__ ” RP Location & Description: Ease of Por on Compact CRANE Heig! _ Backsight Location & Description: __Noern_or RP / pier (compacrco)(Geavet Height: 57 25” Weather: Cz eaa /Suins y _Temp: _27 Road Type: _AspHaLT- Road/Traffic Condition: _Faos7 1 5/7005 Notes: “JOWK*! 2816210 Tuk #2 32140 1) Sketch: DRIVERIVEHICLE EXAMINATION REPORT Washington State Patrol ‘Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Section P.O. Box 42614 Olympia, WA 98504-2614 Phone: (360)596-3815 CITY OF SPOKANE 1410 N NORMANDIE SPOKANE, WA 99201 uspot#: Phones: MCIMX#: Fax#: Stated: Location: GEIGER AND LEWIS. Highway: Count MitePost: POKANE, WA, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION Unit Type Make Year State Plate # Equipment 1D 1 TR FRHT 2004 WA 389820 425385 BRAKE ADJUSTMENTS Axle it 1 2 Right = 1424 Left 114118 Chamber C-16 C-30 VIOLATIONS: No Vioiations Were Discovered HazMat: No HM Transponed ‘Special Checks: Size & Weight; Post Crash AME 7 gave # AXLE” 2. 4wec copy Received By Report Prepared By: ef Copy Received ay MOON, eo SP463 ROBERT ALDERSON Ke Origin: SPOKANE, WA Destination: SPOKANE WA, IS 7060 Aspen Report Number: WAD010006633, Inspection Date: 03/03/2015 Start: 9:45:00 AM PT End; 10:15:00 AM PT Inspection Level: | - Full HM Inspection Type: None Driver: ALDERSON, ROBERT J License#: ALDERRJ21451 Date of Birth:01/21/1979 State: WA State: Date of Birth: Shipper: Bill of Lading: Cargo: TOOLS vin GVWR GVSA¥ CVSA Issued ¥ 00S Sticker 1FVACXEST4DN44354 26,000 Placard: No Cargo Tank: “TN WA WADO10008633 03/04/15 Entered IS-CO7 060% 15:09:22 PRINT REQUESTED BY TERMINAL PTUWO2 Incident Wistory for: ¥sP150070950 xref: #sP150070608 Dispatched Enroute onscene Closed 03/03/15 12: 03/03/15 3: 03/03/18 12: 03/03/15 12 03/03/15 12: Initial Type: cc Initial Priority: 3 Disposition: Police BLK: Group: P7 Loc: 5221 W SUNSET HY ,SPK btwn DESKA DR & S LEWIS sf <1400> (v) Name: PATTEN, JAMES # 040562 /123430 123448 (123458 /123935 128649 125653 228722, 225731, 128842 /125842 CAN Source: A SPD7WP Beat: (912134) gNTRY (802 ) HOLD (921234) supp (802 (ase (02 (ass ) Dispos cross PREMPT ) HOLD ) CANCEL ctose 134:30 BY 91105 911134 9:35 BY Pccoa 802 39:35 139235 58:42 Final Type: cc (CITIZEN/communrry contact) Final Priority: 3 Primary Unit: cH3 Map Page: 26 cua cus cus PD - Collision Report: Redacted Addz: "JIM" SAME Phone: 5099817146 ‘TRANSIENT FEM LEFT BELONGINGS ON BACK OF COMP! S PROPERTY. INCLUDING HAND WRITTEN SIGN WILSON CREEK, THEY KILLED JACKIE, I WANT THE FEDS TO ARREST THEM, SINCE WHEN IS MURDER OK. FEM IS POSS SAME FEM WHO WAS HIT BY VEH AT TOP TXT: OF SUNSET HILL TODAY. COMP REQ TC/cc ABOU ‘T THIS. WANTS TO KNOW IF LE WANTS TO LOOK INTO WHAT SUBT HAD WRITTEN ON THIS SIGN. ##H ‘r/Pcco3 VINFO GIVEN TO L248 #8P150070608 + 1248 ADVISED. BEDED PER L248. + COMP ADVISED ITEMS NOT N ~ 6/6/2015 SPOKANE COUNTY. “ i In partnership with the community - SHERIFF OZZIE D. KNEZOVICH & PD oso osv GOA Unknown Date: 03/3/2015 Report #: 15-070608 Key #: 15-03-0002 Post-mortem Name: Meier, Stephanie R. Date of Death: _ 03/03/15 |, T. Boniecki/ K. Storment__, being duly trained and authorized as a friction ridge examiner, have examined the fingerprints/palmprints presented to me by the Forensic Institute of the Medical Examiner's Office. | have compared the fingerprints and have found these prints to be IDENTICAL. Its my professional opinion that these fingerprints came from one and the same person, and can give expert witness to this opinion in open court. Sincerely, PiStersnecD Forensic Specialist (609) 477-2334 1 10-Print card name: ___ Bender, Stephanie Renee 2 Autopsy #:_ 15-0783 Autopsy Date:_03/03/15 3. FBI #: 358435KB3 4 SID #: WA16713155 5. ciD#: (0 (608) 477-4739 | F ($08) 477-5641 1 1100 WMALLON AVE, | PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING | SPOKANE, WA 99260-0300 ies: Redact: Page: 1 of1 Report #: 15-70608 Detective: P, Taylor382 ‘Spokane Police Department ‘Additional Report Date: 03/03/2015 Incident Classification: Collision Location: Geiger and Lewis ComplainantVictim: Race: Sex: DOB: Suspect: Race’ Sex. DOB: X-Reference #'s Department Status: Further investigation NIBRS Status: Not Applicable Detective P. Taylor 392 Approved by: Sgt Zac Stormant #O#8 On March 3, 2015 | responded to Geiger and Lewis to assist Officer Applewhaite on an injury collision. | used the total station to measure the scene with the assistance Officer Applewhaite. | certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. (9A.72.085) Further Investigation Officer P. Taylor #392 Collision Investigation tionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/20: Page: 1 of 3 Report #: 15-70608 Detective: Applewhaite #420 ‘Spokane Police Department ‘Additional Report Date: 3-11-2015 Incident Classification: Collision Location: Geiger / Lewis, ComplainantiVictim: Race: Sex’ DOB: Suspect Race: Sex. DOB Reference #'s Department Status: Settled By Officer NIBRS Status: Not Applicable Detective Applewhaite #420 Approved by: Sgt. J. Fertakis #110 Witness: Taylor, Alissa M DOB 9-23-69 1509 S Lewis Spokane WA. 99224 509-844-2029 (cell) 509-924-5800 (work) (On March 3°, 2015 at about 0726 hours I responded to a vehicle vs pedestrian collision with life threatening injuries at South Geiger Boulevard and Lewis Street in Spokane, Washington It was a clear sunny day with frost on the roadway and light snow on the ground. | entered the scene southbound on Geiger and parked just north of Lewis. This scene was barricaded and contained with police vehicles. There were also cones and construction equipment throughout the area. Once on scene | was briefed by Officer Dean Draper. Draper informed me that the pedestrian involved had been transported to the hospital and her injuries were life-threatening. He then pointed out the area where the pedestrian had been lying on the ground and where the truck possibly ran over her. Draper told me that he was filling out the basic collision report and that he had spoken to the driver of the truck and the person who called 911. Draper told me that the driver and two witnesses were still on the scene and pointed out their locations. | then walked the scene with Sgt. Storment who was already on scene. There were some tire prints on the roadway since the roadway was still covered with frost and light snow. These prints/ tracks led directly to the trucks finally parked location. The truck's pathiprints was chalked by Sgt. Storment and |. tionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/20: Page: 20f3 Report # 15-70608 Detective: Applewhaite #420 It should be noted that Corporal Harding was on scene prior to my arrival and had photographed the scene. Officer Taylor arrived on scene with the measuring equipment. He assisted me in measuring the scene! I then contacted the driver of vehicle number one Robert Alderson who was sitting in a vehicle with a supervisor and other employers. He told me that he and others were working a construction site at the scene and was just pulling into his normal parking area when he saw what appeared to be two stacks of clothes laying in the parking area/driveway. He said that there has been clothes, garbage and other debris left in that area prior so he was a custom to seeing debris in that area. He said he drove in a westbound direction over the clothes and only after he was parked did he realize there was somebody under the clothes. Alderson said that after his truck was parked, he got out and heard a female scream. He said he and Caleb provided medical attention to the female, giving CPR until medics arrived I provided Mike Lowdon, the crew supervisor of Alderson, Messick and painter, with the incident number and my contact information in case they had questions. On 3-4-5 | called the medical examiner's office to find out the identity of the female that died after the collision, She was identified as Stephanie Meier. | added her information to the collision report. | also contacted Phillip Messick who told me he parked his truck to the right of Alderson within seconds after Alderson parked his truck. He said he also saw piles of clothes on the ground and it did not appear to be big enough that anyone would be lying under them. He said that at that location he has seen garbage and debris before and thought it was more of the same. He said when he exited and walk back to the back of his truck when he saw a female who was being cared for by Anderson and Caleb Painter. He confirmed that the area he parked in has been a dumping ground with leaves and other garbage on previous occasions. He said that today it appeared to be clothes on the ground and he did not believe there was anyone inside of it. I then contacted Caleb Painter to find out what he saw prior to the collision. He told me he pulled up on the job site on the comer of Geiger and Lewis. He traveled northbound on Lewis and looked to his left and saw what he thought were some clothes on the ground where the construction crew has been parking the Box Vans. He parked on the west side of the street just pass the easement/driveway. His plan was to pick up the clothes before his coworkers arrived to park. He said he parked and he was almost to the box of his truck when he saw Alderson pull into the parking area. He said as Alderson pull into the parking area he heard a female scream, “oh my god! Oh my god” and then he saw the back of a female’s head. He said this female had labored breathing. He and Alderson instantly went to provide aid to Meier and began CPR. Messick came back to help them with the CPR and he (Painter)called for medics. tionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/20: Page: 30f3 Report #: 15-70608 Detective: Applewhaite #420 On March 11", 2015 | contacted Alissa Taylor at her work phone number (509) 924- 5800 reference to the collision that took place at Geiger and Lewis. Taylor had contacted Blaine Stum of Councilman Snyder's office reference the Geiger and Lewis incident. She had seen the deceased the day of the incident. Taylor told me that she has known the deceased (Meier) for the past 3 years and her wife has known her for over 5 years. She said Meier has lived in the area of the incident for quite some time (Homeless). She said on March 3%, 2015 at about 06:45 am she was on her way to work and saw the defendant's sleeping bag and other debris spread out on the roadway in a 10 foot radius. This roadway was an easement the lead to old hotels just to the west of Lewis. She described the deceased sleeping bag as a blue color like that of the disabled placard. She said that normally when she has seen the deceased in the area, she's not sleeping in the roadway or driveway but she's normally to the left of the driveway or to the right on the rocks whether on the first level or second level. She said that as she was driving by she could see the sleeping bag and other clothes on the road way to her left with lots of the clothes and stuff all around. She also said usually at this time the deceased would have been getting up and unpacking as she drove by. | asked Alissa is she saw any part of the deceased body and she said, “No.” She only saw the pile of stuff on the driveway but could see the sleeping bag (bump up). She said she recognized her sleeping bag from the numerous contacts she’s had checking on Meier. \ certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. (9A.72.085) OFFICER APPLEWHAITE #420 Collision Investigation Unit tionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/20: Page: 1012 Report #: 15-70608, Detective: Applewhaite #420 ‘Spokane Police Department ‘Additional Report Date: 03-17-2015 Incident Classification: Auto- Pedestrian Collision Location: GeigeriLewis ComplainantVietim: Race: Sex DOB Suspect: Race: Sex DOB: X-Reference #s: Department Status: Settled By Officer NIBRS Status: Not Applicable Detective Applewhaite #420 Ayproved By Sot John Griffin COLLISION RECONSTRUCTION INVESTIGATOR SUMMARY SYNOPSIS On March 3", 2016 at about 0726 hours officers responded to a vehicle vs pedestrian collision with life threatening injuries at South Geiger Boulevard and Lewis Street in Spokane, Washington. This location was cconed off for a construction project involving the City of Spokane Water Department employees. A City owned box truck was pulling onto an easementidriveway which was being used for parking on the construction site. ‘There were what appeared to be two piles of clothes spread out approximately 10 feet across this driveway. Both ox vans pulled onto the easement/driveway and over the clothes. The first box van drove over the pile of clothes that was on the south portion which the deceased was laying under. The box van ran over the top of the female (Stephanie Meier) laying amongst the pile of clothes. She later died as a result of her injuries. On 3-4-15 I called the medical examiner's office to find out the identity of the female that died after the collision ‘She was identified as Stephanie Meier. | added her information to the collision report IDENTIFICATION OF THE SCENE The collision occurred on a drivewayleasement that is west of Lewis and north of Geiger. | walked the scene with Sgt. Storment who was already on scene. There were some tire prints on the roadway since the roadway was stil covered with frost and light snow. These prints! tracks led directly to the trucks final parked location. The truck's pathiprints was chalked by Sgt. Storment and I, The deceased, Meier, was not at the scene. There was blood on the ground in the area of impact. CONDITIONS It was a clear sunny day with frost on the roadway and light snow on the ground. ve: Redacted - 6/6/201! Page: 20f2 Report #. 15-70608 Detective: Applewhaite #420 ROADWAY Lewis Street is a two-lane street but reduces to a two-lane road with a 25 mph speed limit. The lanes are wide with no lines or markings on the roadway. There is gravel and dirt on the shoulder of the roadway. It is a straight surface with a slight grade asphalt surface. This drivewayleasement is near the intersection of Geiger which curves onto Lewis. VEHICLES INVOLVED Vehicle #1 is @ white 2004 Fregt Flush Van with WA exempt license #38982D registered to the City of ‘Spokane, Pedestrian Pedestrian: Meier (Bender), Stephanie R. DOB 05-03-1961 was laying on the driveway amongst two piles of clothes that laid across the drivewayleasement that was being used for parking by City employees for the construction project. DESCRIPTION OF THE INCIDENT Pre-collision: The City box van was tuming in a westbound direction from northbound on Lewis over the clothes and only after he was parked did he realize there was somebody under the clothes. Alderson said he did not realize that he ran over Meier unti after his truck was parked Collision: The City box van drove over the clothes and over the deceased who was laying on the street amongst the clothes on the roadway/easement. Post-collision: The deceased screamed and the witness saw the back of her head after the truck rolled over her. The witness (Painter), the driver (Alderson) and another City employee (Messick) provided CPR and called 911 for help. The deceased was transported to the hospital where she later died, CONCLUSIONS This collision can be directly contributed to the fact that the deceased was lying in the roadway/easement underfamongst some clothing in a construction site. The box van was attempting to park on the same roadway in the construction site. The box van drove over the clothing to park at the previously used parking area. All (3) of the people at the scene described the area as a pile of clothes on the ground and they all did not see @ person ‘amongst the clothing. None of the people involved saw Meier prior to the collision | interviewed a 4” person who checks on Meier often and she said that she could not see any part of Meier as she drove by that morning but saw a bulge in her sleeping bag as she drove by. She said that Meier did riot normally sleep on the driveway and was usually getting up as she drives to work. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS There was no speed involved nor any mechanical issues with the vehicle involved during the full inspection by Officer Moon, tionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/2015 4722015 15-0070608 Department Gase Number Department Case Report (Additional) Related Case #'s: Case Information Case Officer: 591438 - MILLER, TODD Offense Date/Time: 03/03/2015 - 07:08HIrs Offense Lacation: Lewis! Gieger Offense Type: ACCFATA Accident Fatality Expieation Date: 03/02/2018 Jurisdiction: City of Spokane ispositior Disposition Dat Case Comments: 030915 - OK to release items 2-6 to Amy Bender (sister of Vietim) per Officer Applewate (in person). teb/656 Case Names ‘Name Type! Othier Involvment Name: Alderson, Rober, J SexM Race: W DOB: 01/21/1979 Home Phones Address: 1D: Additional Name laformation: SNA: fase Items Item Number: 007 Collection Purpose: Evidence Detail Description: 911 recording Container #: Process: Hold In Property Facility Status/ocation: Stored In Location Temp Envelope Locker 088 Packaging! Quanity/item Type: Envelope containing ~ 1 Disk,Video DVD (Ced & Ly) Make/Model: Weight Rec: Value: $0.00 Collection DateTime: 04/02/2015 -07-40Fes Collected By: 420 - APPLEWHALTE, KENNETH A Collection Location: Wea Notes: \cosspdbeast ETRACKADOWeparment Case Select. RPT Page | of 1 — Other: Redac 6/6/2015 04/04/15 10:14:32 PRINT, ¥ TERMINAL PREN1O Incident History for: @P150070608- Xref: #SP150070950 Entered 03/03/15 BY 91104 911116 Dispatched 03/03/15 BY PCCO3 318 Enroute 03/03/15 09:35 Onscene 03/03/15 07:19:28 Closed 03/03/15 15:47:00 Initial Type: ACCINI Final Type: ACCINJ (ACCIDENT/COLLISION INJURY) Initial Priority: 2 Final Priority: 2 Disposition: 1¢ Source: 9 Primary Unit: 1248 Police BLK: SPD7WP Group: P7 Beat: Map Page: 26 Loc: § GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK <1800,1800> (V) Name: PAINTER, CALEB Addr: SAME Phone: 5099548816 /070854 (911116) ENTRY VEH VS PEDESTRIAN. INJURIES. FIRE ADV 7070854 SFCSEND Incident data pushed to folder 7070855 (#*#**4) SECACK 1167153 7070922 (318 DISP = T41. #665 © DRAPER, DEAN 7070935 (665 ) *ENROUT T41 7070935 (318 ) ASST N33 #1042 © MASON, DION 7070938 (1042) *ENROUT N33 7070951 (911116) SUPP FEM 30-40'S. COMPL SAID HE WAS INVOVLED. /071007 SUPP FEM CONSCIOUS/ALERT. BLEEDING /0712100 CHANGE MALE --> PAINTER, CALEB, TXT: CALEB WAS IN A SEPARATE VEH. DRIVER OF VE H THAT RAN OVER PED. , IS AT LOC. 7071107 SUPP TXT: HHH /071130 SUPP TXT: ON LEWIS. ### 7071928 (318 } ONSCNE Tat 1072052 CALLBK T41 — T/PCCOS , START BARRICADES, NEED IT SHUT DOWN AT GEIGER & SUNSET /072101 ASST P310 ‘[S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #365 HARDING, RAYMOND /072103 (456) CALLBK T/Pcco3 1204 ADVISED BY MDC /072114 (365 ) *ENROUT P310 7o72120 (318 +=) MISC 41 ,LIFE THREATENING, WILL NEED SUPERVISOR, CITY INVOLVED VEH /072137 (456) CALLBK ‘T/PCco3 STREETS ADVISED 7072151 (318 ) ASSTER M10 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST , SPX] #786 NOLLMEYER, TREVOR 072319 CALLBK P310 T/PCCOS ,CALL PAUL TAYLOR AND HAVE HIM RESPOND /072450 (456 ) CALLBK T/PCco1 1435 1455 /072520 (318 ) ONSCNE N33 Jo72606 (456 ) ASSTER 1455 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #135 LESSER, RANDY 1072613 ASSTER 1435 [S$ GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #392 TAYLOR, PAUL /072636 (318 ) ASST #151 #369 ‘TILLEY, RONALD G 1072638 (456 ) $PREMPT 1455 1072638 SASSTER 1445 /072638 EXCH T4s5 1445 7072638 (369 ) *ENROUT E151 5 = PCD Mi; ed - 6/6/2015 /072725 (483 ) *ASSTER T40 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #483 MOON, BRADLEY /072731 (456 ) ASST 1204 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST_, SPK] #150 REISENAUER, CHUCK /072735 (838 ) *ASSTER M18 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] 4838 STORCH, SHAIDON /072854 (440 ) *ASSTER M14 [§ GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPX] #440 LEWIS, CHRIS /073120 (318 ) ONSCNE MLO 7073237 (365 ) *ONSCNE P310 7073621 (456 ) CALLBK ‘T/pcco3 ,;WSP ADVISED FOR DRE CALL OUT /073628 (455 ) NEWLOC 1435 [SIG 1 /EQUIPMENT] 7073749 (483) *ONSCNE T40 7073750 (318 ) MISC 310 HAVE M14 GO TO SHER WHERE VICTIM IS HEADED 1073752 CHGLOC M14 (SHER ] (073952 ONSCNE 1204 7074007 (369 ) *ONSCNE E151 7074235 (318 +) ASSTOS L248 #648 | STORMENT, ZACHARY J 71074650 ONSCNE M18 1074713 ONSCNE 1445 7074728 (456) CALLBK T/PccoL. L204 GIVEN NUMBERS FOR L164 AND RISK MANAGEME, NT 7075258 (318 ) ONSCNE 1445 7075413 MISC N33, MEDIA IS ON SCENE /075619 NEWLOC 1435 ($ GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK) 7075824 (440 ) *ONSCNE M14 7075834 (369 ) *CLEAR £151 , PSTAT/ASST 7075948 (786 ) *CLEAR M10 , PSTAT/ASST 7080410 (456 ) ONSCNE 1435 Yogoa26 (1042 ) *MISC N33, BARRICADES ON SCENE, BLOCKING LEWIS @ WINSOR 7080s46 (456 ) CLEAR L204 1080653 CALLBK 't/PCco3 |WSP N404 DRE IS IN SERVICE CALL 1445.. /081214 (838 ) *CLEAR M18 /081537 (591823) ASST TSO 4591438 MILLER, TODD (081538 (591438) *ENROUT TSO 7081606 (456 ) ASSTER CHAP1 [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #CHAP1 WILSON /081647 (665 ) *REMINO T41 MWANT,,,,,, ,ALDERSON,ROBERTJ,1979, 01,22, ys rs++ /082223 AREMINQ T41 MVEH,38982D) pyr rss rreesreerrerrees 492640 (483 ) *REMINQ T40 — MVEH,38982D, rr; rs srr rvrrsrvrerereee 7082830 (456 ) CALLBK T/PCCO3 , COMMAND PAGE SENT 7083002 (440) *MISC Mid, UPDATE FROM HOSPITAL- FEMALE STILL UNIDENTIFI ED. GOING IN TO SURGERY AT 0827 HRS /083057 (456 ) ONSCNE CHAP1 /083120 (318 ) CALLBK T41 T/PCCOS: ,CALL STA - WE HAVE A ‘GO-PASS’ #47327 - CAN T HEY TELL US WHO PURCHASED THAT? 083200 (456) CALLBK T/Pcco3 /084552 (591438) *ONSCNE T50 mee joaaesi (665) *REMINO T41 NWANT,,,,,,,MALNQUISTJENNIFERL, 1956,12,01,,1,, 084708 *REMINQ T41 — MWANT,,|,,,,MALMQUIST, JENNIFERL,1956,12,01,,,, /084730 SREMINO T4200 MWANDS (0 yy ry erry /MALMQULAS4RA) Ky yyy errr /3 ) - POD Mise Other: ed - 6/6/2015 /090019 1090354 7090548 /090700 7091513 /091708 7091906 /091945 /092108 /092455 /093408 {093522 1093800 /093841 /093841 /093914 /094028 7094331, {094707 (094949 7094955 /095006 /095131 /095639 095917 7095929 7095946 7100119 7100323 /100403 /100421 /100547 /100827 /100846 /100925 /100948 /100949 /101018 /101849 (102333 D - PCD Mi; Ges) (31g) (59839 ) (991823) (CHAP ) (318) (456) Gis) (483) (318) (ase) (440) (456) (591438) (is) (591438) (ase) (1042) (440) (591438) (483) (440) (CHAP1 ) (440) (665) (591438) (665 (591438) Other: *CLEAR $PREMPT SUPP SUPP SUPP *ONSCNE MISC CALLBK CALLBK CALLBK ASST *ENROUT *ONSCNE MISC MISC CALLBK *ONSCNE CALLBK *CHGLOC *CHGLOC CALLBK *CHGLOC CALLBK *MISC *MISC *MISC *MISC *ONSCNE *REMINO *REMINO *REMINQ *CLEAR *MISC *CLEAR *REMINO *CHGLOC *REMINQ *REMINQ *CHGLOC *ONSCNE 310 T40 CHAPL Tal Tar 40 T40 T40 Ta1 Ta1 Mia ‘50 750 Tal 750 N33 M14 m4 M14 750 T40 Mia M14 CHAPL M4 Mia Ta TS0 Ta1 T41 T41 50 ed - 6/6/2015 DsP: 1K ,PSTAT/CES ‘TXT: TSO REQUESTING AMR FOR VOLUNTARY BLOOD DR AW TXT: AMR ADVISED TXT: AMR ADV THEIR SHIFT SUPERVISOR IS ER FROM DEACONNESS FOR THE BLOOD DRAW ,;MEDIA OUTLET ON SCENE REQUESTING STATEMENT IF THERE IS A SPVSR AVAIL T/PCCos /SEE LAST STATEMENT - CAN YOU HAVE PIO CONTACT PLEASE ‘T/PCCO3 ,;DIRECTOR COTTON ADVISED. T/PCCO3 |) IF MEDIA GETS AHOLD OF DIRECTOR COTTON. ("NO SUPERVISOR ON SCENE AVAIL FOR MEDIA. COTT ON WILL ALSO BE SENDING OUT A PRESS RELEASE [S GEIGER BL/S LEWIS ST ,SPK] #483 MOON, BRADLEY 03/03/15 09:38:01 Message To: 1204 PCCO3. Fr om: TAL on caN YOU ADVISE L204 T7 ON THE VICTIM DURING SURGERY T/peco1 15204 ADVISED T/PCco3 | UPDATED COMMAND STAFF PAGE SENT [PROPERTY] (PROPERTYUS S1] T/PCCO5: |HAVE STREETS RESPOND TO P/U BARRICADES [PROPERTY] T/PCco3 STREETS ADVISED. . ; PSTAT/ASST REPORT # GIVEN TO HOSPITAL CHAPLAIN ROXTE :T7 FEMALE UPDATED M20 MWANT, , , ,,» ,ALDERSON,ROBERTS,1979,02, 22,541 MVBH,CO6206B, ss esrrvrrreeenesertrsy MWANT, sy y11 1041+, TOUGAGEA17R2 | VICTIM UNCONCIOUS ENTIRE TIME, NO STATEMENT G IVEN /PSTAT/ASST MWANT, ,,,,, ,MBIER,STEPHANIER,1961,05,03,,,+,++ [vP] MWAND, yyy presser e/MBTERSR396KC, yy pry 40047 MWANT, yy yy) srs 0 er sMBIERSR396KC,X, rrr every [1 - PAPER] /102552 /102837 /102842 /105121 7105126 /105534 /105807 /110600 110603 /112134 (125653 /140228 (140409 /142520 /154739 /154700? /154700? 1154700? /193437 D - PCD Mi; (483°) (2042) (ses) (302) (318) (591438) (320) (456) (4550) (320) Gis) (665) (G20) (aaa) Other: *CLEAR *CLEAR *ONSCNE OK OK CHGLOC MISC *MISC *CLEAR CLEAR CROSS CALLBK CALLBK cross *CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR CLOSE, cross T40 N33 Tal T41 50 445 1445 T50 T50 1435 T4a1 T41 T4aL 1445 L248 L248 ,PSTAT/ASST PSTAT/ISP [PROPERTY] ,GIVEN # FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT FOR CLEANUP OF V ICTIM’S BELONGINGS /SSTAT/ASST SSTAT/RPT /1B #SP150070950 ‘T/PCCOz CAN YOU PLEASE ASK FIRE DISPATCH WHO THE LT W AS ON ENGINE 6 AT THE COLLISION THIS MORNING A T LEWIS AND GEIGER BLVD. THANKS ‘T/Pcco3 , LT TONY SERQUINA #sP150071094 DSP: 1K --> 1 ,PSTAT/CFS PSTAT/COLL PSTAT/RPT #SP150071461 04/04/15 10:17:00 PRINT BBQUESTEDRY TERMINAL PREN1O Incident History for: #SP150070950, Xref: #5P150070608 Entered 03/03/15 12:34:30 BY 91105 911134 Dispatched 03/03/15 12:39:35 BY PCCO3 802 Enroute 03/03/15 12:39:35 Onscene 03/03/15 12:39:35 Closed 03/03/15 12:58:42 Initial Type: CC Final Type: cc (CITIZEN/COMMUNITY CONTACT) Initial Priority: 3 Final Priority: 3 Disposition: CAN Source: A Primary Unit: CH3 Police BLK: SPD7WP Group: P7 Beat: Map Page: 26 oc: 5221 W SUNSET HY ,SPK btwn DESKA DR & S LEWIS ST <1400> (V) Name: PATTEN, JAMES H 040561 Addr: "JIM" SAME Phone: 5099817146 7123430 (911134) ENTRY TRANSIENT FEM LEFT BELONGINGS ON BACK OF COMP’ § PROPERTY. INCLUDING HAND WRITTEN SIGN WILSON CREEK, THEY KILLED JACKIE, I WANT THE FEDS TO ARREST THEM, SINCE WHEN IS MURDER OK. FEM IS POSS SAME FEM WHO WAS HIT BY VEH AT TOP #123449 (802) -HOLD 7123455 (911134) SUPP TXT: OF SUNSET HILL TODAY. COMP REQ TC/CC ABOU T THIS. WANTS TO KNOW IF LE WANTS TO LOOK INTO WHAT SUBJ HAD WRITTEN ON THIS SIGN. ### /123935 (802) DISPOS CH3 7125649 (456) CALLBK ‘T/PCCo3 / INFO GIVEN TO 1248 7125653 cross #SP150070608 (125721 PREMPT CH3 7125731 (802) HOLD 125842 (456) CANCEL , L248 ADVISED........COMP ADVISED ITEMS NOT N EEDED PER L248 125842 CLOSE CH3 D - PCD Mise Other: Page: 10f1 Report #. 15-70608 Detective: Applewhaite #420 ‘Spokane Police Department ‘Additional Report Date: 3-11-2015 Incident Classification: Collision involving @ death Location: Geiger/Lewis Compiainant/Victim: Race: Sex. DOB: ‘Suspect Race: Sex. DOB: X-Reference #'s Department Status: Settled By Officer NIBRS Status: Not Applicable Detective Applewhaite #420 Approved By Sgt John Griffin On 4-2-2015 | responded to the Spokane Police Radio/911 facility to pick up a 911 recording CD reference a collision at Geiger and Lewis. | collected this CD and placed the CD on property as evidence. OFFICER APPLEWHAITE #420 Collision Investigation Unit Additionals - Detective: Redacted - 6/6/20: IS“7Ogag Sexe tts Cons OFFicEOF THE MEDICAL EXAMINER MEDICAL Exanen SALLY'S AIKEN, M.D, o1neD. Howann, MD. Fonansic Pammovocist Forinsic Pamotocist | AUTOPSY REPORT AUTOPSY NO: 15-0783 NAME OF DECEDENT: MEIER, STEPHANIE (aka BENDER) UDF S. GEIGER, 030315 | DATE OF BIRTH: 05/03/1961 SEX: FEMALE DATE PRONOUNCED/FOUND: 03/03/2015 | DATE OF AUTOPSY: 03/03/2015 @ 1300 HOURS | LOCATION: FORENSIC INSTITUTE @ HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL; | SPOKANE, WA. | RESPONSIBLE PARTY: SPOKANE COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER'S OFFICE PROSECTOR: SALLY S. AIKEN, M.D. ASST PROSECTOR: RANDY SHABER NOTICE: THIS REPORT IS CONFIDENTIAL IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON being given this report because you are named in the statute below as being authorized | to have a copy of the autopsy or postmortem report, either of which may Include other reports and records. These are highly confidential documents! You may not give or show any of these documents to anyone except as authorized by law. RCW 68.50.105Autopsies, postmortems - Reports and records confidential - Exceptions. january 2, 204.) (1) Reports and records of autopsies or postmortems shall be confidential, except that | the folowing persons may examine and obtain copies of any such report or record: The personal representatnve of te decedent as defined in RCW11.02.005, any family member, the attending pliysiian or advanced regstered murs Practitioner, the prosecuting attorney or law enforcement agencies having Jurisdiction, public heath ofssls “the | department of labor end industries in eases in which {thas an interest under RCW €8.50.103, or the secretary of the department of social snd health services or his or her designee in cases being reviewed under RCW74 13.640. Cho) Notwithstanding the restrictions contained in this section regarding the dissemination of records and reports of autsose¢ OF postmertems, nor the exemptions referenced under RCW42.56.240(1), nothing i this chapter pronbits 8 corres ‘medical examiner, or his or her designee, from publicly discussing his oF her tindings vs to any dest sebsec to te Jussdiction of his or her office where actions of a law enforcement officer or corrections officer hove been determined to be a proximate cause ofthe death, except as provided in (b) of ths subsection. (6) A coroner, medical examiner, & Nise her designee may not pubikly discuss his oF her fincings outside of formal court or Inquest proceedings vf there io ending or active criminal or civil action, conceming a death that has commenced prio’ to Jonuery 12014" (3) The ‘coroner, the medical examiner, or the attending physician shall, upon request, meet with the family of the decent ts

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