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Individual Assessment

Individual Assessment
Kennesaw State University
Claire Murray

A2 Individual Assessment

This report synthesizes the particular strengths, perspectives, and technology needs
of an individual teacher. This fourth grade teacher completed two needs-based
assessments in order to analyze her current levels of technology uses, as well her
current technology needs in her classroom.

A2 Individual Assessment

Individual Assessment

Mrs. Williams is a fourth grade teacher at The Lovett School in Atlanta,

Georgia. She is a veteran teacher, who has taught multiple different grade levels
within the Lower School. Mrs. Williams is a role model for her colleagues, as she
devotes herself to developing students of character, problem solvers, critical
thinkers, and creative and innovative individuals. She fulfills this mission by
including the use of a one-to-one laptop program in her fourth grade classroom.
After completing two individual needs-based assessments, Mrs. Williams has stated
that she would like guidance on how to increase the levels of technology use in her
class, as well as implementing more effective instructional software programs and

Mrs. Williams is very open to the idea of having a technology coach. In fact,

she is thrilled! She is often mentoring other colleagues in academic areas, so she is
excited to learn acquire news skills herself. Mrs. Williams believes that, as teachers,
we all have valuable gifts to share with each other. Gifts to better one another. Gifts
to better our students. She believes that the use of technology in the classroom is
very positive and beneficial.

After evaluating and interviewing Mrs. Williams, it was easier to identify her

technology needs. One desire of Mrs. Williams is guidance on using technology more
efficiently, sensitive to time. She states, [my biggest challenge in integrating
technology] is time making sure that my unit goals for learning are met. The
integration of technology must efficiently support the curricular demands for the
subject matter (personal communication, July 5th, 2013). She hopes to find

A2 Individual Assessment

effective technology tools to engage her young students while meeting the
increasing curricular demands. Her positivity and drive make her an extremely
eager technology coachee.

Mrs. Williams and her technology coach, Ms. Murray, make plans to meet at

school on three different occasions to review different strategies of technology

integration. Ms. Murray plans to introduce methods to increase LoTi levels and
include more engaging instructional software programs. Ms. Murray plans to guide
Mrs. Williams to more effective technology integration through the use of student
blogs, VoiceThread, and QR codes.

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