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Abortions in US

Research Question: How does age and marital status affect abortion?
Essential Questions: What is abortion?
The official definition for abortion is the deliberate termination of a human
pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Whether or not you are pro choice or pro life abortion is still a very prevalent idea
around the world. Before the supreme court case of Roe vs Wade only 4 states
had legal on request abortions. Now all states provide legal abortions. However,
certain states have regulations on what situations are acceptable.

730,322 abortions were reported to the CDC in 2011
13.9 abortions per 1,000 women aged 1544 years
In 2008, 84.3% of all abortions were performed on unmarried women
17% of all U.S. abortions are from teenagers
Sixty percent of women who have abortions already have one child, 44 percent
are married or have a partner, and 69 percent are economically disadvantaged
88%-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester
Unintended pregnancies and unplanned births are highest among African
Americans and Latinos, and accordingly, those groups have the highest abortion rates
40 percent for blacks, 29 percent for Latinos.

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