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WHATISIT FOR? “Avwriten document fora student that ‘desctbes program adaptations andlor ‘modiiealons and servees tobe provided + To formaize planning decisons + To provide evidence of Incwviduatzed planing + To track and report on student's progress se pode a means fr student parent volvement 7 Atadent with a Viner designation ‘apponted te coordnats the + Anon-desgnated student receiving ‘development, documentaton and Rosourea Teacher suppor for more, Implementation of tho EP than 25 hours in a school veer + Schod staf, distict or staff from ‘Sernmunty agoncied may Bo involved + Paonia, and whore appropiate, ine stderr ottreathe ‘pportunty be conslled about {he properaton ofthe EP [WHAT DOES IT CONTAIN? ~ Essental information about the ‘suent strengih/needsileamng feeue! “As soon es pracscar afr the student Jnos been dentition + Present evel of performance + Geals and otjacives for instructional andor betawoural plane ‘+ Support services tobe provided + Acapstation, modifications and ‘seategies + ,2escepon ofthe acs ard ‘names ofthe personel win wl part ofthe program +The period of ume and process for review ofthe IEP

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