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Lengua 2

Donna Fields
The Giver
Chapter Questions 7-9
Chapter 7:
1. How is one trained to be precise in language at three-years old?
2. What do you think about the way in which Asher was chastised for using the
wrong word?
3. What Assignment did Asher receive?
4. What happened at the Ceremony of Twelves that surprises and frightens Jonas so
Chapter 8:
1. What is Jonas Assignment?
2. What are the qualities necessary to do Jonas Assignment?
3. What do you think the responsibilities are for the Receiver of memory? What do
you think Jonas will be learning?
Chapter 9:
1. What happened to the girl chosen to be the Receiver previously?
2. What do you think about the Rules Jonas is given?
3. Which rule would you like to follow the most? Which rule would you like to
follow the least?
4. What is Jonas most upset about regarding these rules?

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