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Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Talks Series - Summer 2015


Jesus talks about building a kingdom, but what kind of a kingdom is it? In our morning
series well be looking at some of the parables and through them well see some of the
principles of the kingdom that Jesus is building.

Evil things done to the helpless are always evil, but sometimes things happen to us which
can be part of Gods plan for us. Some downplay their circumstances and live in an unreal
world, others over-endorse them and use them as an excuse for whatever they want to
do. How we react to the circumstances of our lives is crucial, and it defines our destiny.
Romans 8 tells us that God has a great plan for blessing us, and others through us. BUT
God has to prepare us for what is to come James 1:2-4 says we should count it all joy
when problems come our way because God is equipping our character to be ready for
anything as we fulfil our destiny.
In this series we see how some Biblical characters worked through some challenging
periods of their lives which forged them to be the men and women God could use and
what we can learn from them.
7th June 2015
Morning: PEOPLE NEED TO HEAR ABOUT JESUS - Matthew 9:35-38
Compassion for people leads to clarity of vision. Can we have a heartbeat for
the lost as Jesus did? Look to see a friend or a family member, a colleague who
needs Jesus. Look out beyond FFMC to see a harvest field 5000 + new homes
Mark Sleet
Evening: JOSEPH - early in his life he was given a vision of his future destiny of leadership.
He didnt handle that well at first, and we look at the series of seeming disasters
in his life that at the time made any prospect of his dream coming to pass seem
highly unlikely. As he learned to be gracious, not to lose hold of the vision he
had given and see Gods hand in his life, he was equipped for Gods purposes.
We consider what might be happening in our lives that can prepare us to fulfil
Gods plans for US.
Andrew Gardner
14th June 2015
Morning: THE CHALLENGE TO CHANGE - Luke 5:37-38
Being willing to change our hearts our minds. Being willing to change the
Andrew Gardner
Evening: RUTH - a foreign woman held in disdain by Gods people, and whose husband
had died young, leaving her alone, and her life plans in tatters. She threw in her
lot with her Jewish Mother-in-Law and became a refugee in Israel. God
remarkably provided a husband for her, and ultimately she became Great
Grandmother to no less than King David. For those whose life plan is in tatters,
whose family life has fallen apart, we look at what Ruths attitudes have to teach
us about significance.
Esther Scholes

21st June 2015

Morning: COUNTING THE COST - Luke 14:28-32
Paying the price will we give and do what it takes?
Buildings take prayer, planning, people, pounds
Ian Clarkson
Evening: DANIELS life plan seemed mapped out, then his country was invaded, and on at
least four further occasions in his life all that was stable was removed. Daniels
consistency in his close walk with God was both his greatest strength and his
greatest vulnerability, yet God honoured his heart of service with high positions
of influence in three different foreign regimes. We see what Daniels life teaches
those whose workplace is subject to regime change with each regime more
ruthless than before.
Andrew Gardner
28th June 2015
Morning: OUR WILLINGNESS TO WORK - Matthew 21:28-32
Making our yes mean Yes!
Our willingness to work together!
Dave Sewell
Evening: JONAH was a successful prophet in the court of Jeroboam II. Receiving a call to
go to Israels arch-enemy Assyria, to take Gods challenge and promise of
forgiveness was not on his game plan. He set off in the opposite direction, and
God used a variety of circumstances to bring him back. This is a challenge to
those who know they have a call from God, to bring them back on track
Ian Clarkson
5th July 2015
Morning: TELENT SHOW - Matthew 25:14-30
Faithful servants.
Doing the best with all He has given us.
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Dan Feeney
12th July 2015
Morning: PERSISTENT PRAYER - Luke 18:2-8
Dont stop trusting - His kingdom is His work
Dont stop praying - Prayer is our priority
Ian Higginbotham
Evening: PAULs call was to take the Gospel to the Gentiles, yet some calculate he spent
more than half of his life after that either in travelling or in prison. He often says
he wanted to do things, but was stopped by some circumstance or hassle. We
consider how these events might have shaped Pauls ministry to be more
effective and on a larger scale than he might otherwise have considered
possible, and how maybe the hassles we experience may actually be Gods way
of making us more effective.
Dave Sewell

19th July 2015

Ian Clarkson
Evening: JOHN was amongst those disciples who had had to flee from Jerusalem in a
persecution, and then suffered in exile for preaching the Word of God and
speaking about Jesus. In exile he was given a Revelation, but first a challenge
about lovelessness at his own church at Ephesus. This shaped the writing of his
gospel and each of his Epistles. We see how our life may be reshaped from a
hot headed Son of Thunder to a gracious highly loved statesman of the
Ian Clarkson
19th July 2015
Morning: Jason Buckler
Evening: Ben Woodfield
2nd August 2015
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Ian Clarkson and Youth Speak

9th August 2015

Dave Sewell
Evening: Ian Clarkson
16th August 2015
Ian Clarkson
Evening: Dave Harrison
23rd August 2015
Andrew Gardner
Evening: Nick Kenworthy
30th August 2015
Ian Higginbotham
Evening: Andrew Gardner

Fulwood Free Methodist Church

Lightfoot Lane, Fulwood, Preston

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