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Feshbach, 1987; Rudolph, Hammen & Burge, 1995).

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(Dodge et al., 1990).


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(Asher & Dodge, 1986). (Hargreaves, 1978), (Galloway, 1982), (Cairns, Cairns & Neckerman, 1989) (Kupersmidt &
Coie, 1990).
(Newcomb & Bukowski, 1984) (Coie & Dodge,
1983). (Rogosch & Newcomb, 1989).
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(Galloway, 1982).

(Kupersmidt & Coie, 1990).

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Keefe, 1995) (Berndt, Laychak & Park, 1990).
(Epstein, 1983). , ,
(Wentzel & Caldwell, 1997).


(Tuma & Hallinan, 1979).
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(Kaplan, Gheen & Midgley, 2002). , . ,

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(Kandel, 1978; Ide et
al., 1981; Epstein, 1983) .
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