Problem Solving Checklist - Math Only

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Math Problem Solving Checklist

Student Name: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

Grade: ______________

Teacher: ___________________________________

Academic Functioning Concerns:

o Identify the main Target area:
o Number Sense (place value, ordinal, NBT, understanding of numbers)
o Operations (OA - basic computation - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division)
o Spacial Reasoning - (Geometry, shapes)
o Measurement - (money, time, standard/metric measurement)
o Algebraic Reasoning - (anything pre-algebraic or involves processing lots of information to order)
o Create interventions/modifications/accommodations for deficit OR Meet with grade level teams
to discuss possible interventions/modifications/accommodations


For grade level team meetings just list problem solving or student concerns signaling your
grade level team you will discuss students. This will only prompt your grade level team. If you
put students first name, last initial and the subject area the whole SST TEAM will come to the

Document interventions/modifications/accommodations on Form F

Parent contact made and documented on Form F
Try interventions/modifications/accommodations for 3-4 weeks before a check back date
Make changes or modifications to plan continue again for 3-4 weeks and check back again
Update Form F need progress monitored by a SMART goal (physical data)
Parent contact made regarding changes and documented on Form F
Update Form F need progress monitored by a SMART goal (physical data)

o Hints:
o Form F ONE target area with good data (need to identify and work on 1 target.
Otherwise, you arent making any progress. What is the most important to fix? What
comes first (phonics before comp.)?
o Try at least two interventions/modifications/accommodations for same target.
o Student is still showing deficit, invite TEAM for more options.
o Put students first name, last initial and the subject area
Additional Notes: __________________________________________________________________________


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