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Branden Zavily 1B OL TL Florida Stare University essay prompt: Plarida Stare University is more ihan just a world-class academic instlauién preparing you jor 1 future career. We are a caring community af well-rounded individuals whe embreace leadership, Jearning, wervice, and global awareness With this tr mind. which of these characteristics appeals moxt 10 you. ind why? ‘The churucteristics are all great ones. Not all of them, though, are as greut as they seem, They all appeal to me ina certain way and it’s hard to choose when they do, Global awareness is nol a strong suit of mine. don’t follow all the political and economical things that happen. | occasionally watch my local news and the world news when something really serious goes down That's as far as [go with global awareness, bul on the other hand Ido know a little something about the other three. ‘They kind of entice me about the same amount, so I'll choose the rest of them. [have a little experience in leadership positions doing ROTC. 1 was the co-commander for marksmanship, which is basically just shooting pellet guns at a target. [ft doesn't sound interesting at first. but when you hit your first bull’s-eye it's like veining the jackpot! You get this burst of exeitement and it feels greal for a moment. You just sant to keep shooting 4a vou can gel the same feeling again, Tremember when 1 got my first bull’s-eye, it was awesome! T got so excited [ accidently shot my gun and it bounced off the wall and hil another person in the face Lost the feeling real quick because | felt had and he had to go to the nurse, Anyways, whem you de ROTC you arc always ina leadership role because you have to be a nile model for other students and also when you ga out fora competition you have w set the example for your school that you're representing, Learning is one of the most important things between all of the characteristes, You are always learning about something whether you realize it or nel. My step dad is one of those smartest people I know and he learns about things al! the time. He was an the navy for about twenty five years and he did a lot ol sceret things that he can never ever talk about and yet he didn't know that ketchup and mayonnaise are really good together. Learning is a essential part of living are lives and creating mew ideas with what you lenmed to make life better. Lf Henry Ford didn’t learn how 16 make the Model I. we still might be using horse drawn carriages. He did in fact learn how to make them and here we are loday with cars that can go faster than two hundred miles per hour. no one could of even dream about going that fast back then. ‘Service is kind of a tricky topic, You could be talking about joining the military and serving your country or you could be talking aboul serving your community. In a way, aren't they the same thing? If you join the mililary you're serving the country, but isn" your Branden Zawite, iB anti Mlorida State University essay prompt: Fioride State University is more than just eworkEcless academte insti¢ntion preparing you for a Jfliture career We are a caring comminmity of well-rounded indivicials wha embrace leadership. learning, service, and global dwareness Whh this in mind. which of these characteristics appeals most io vou, and why? community in your country? If your serving your community, don't you think that there ts most likely a military person in sour community and let's say he's hurt or sick or something like that. If you nurse him back to full health, you're technically giving anew soldier to the military.and he will go Gh to serve his country and. in tum will serve his community. I want t serve my country but not in @ military way. Twant to be a FBI agent and hepefilly work oul in the field. At first ] wanted 10 he a police officer but | figured out how rmuch they make and then suddenly 1 dido’t want to be a police ulficer anymore. Jn conclusion, | ain not Very aware im global awareness: 1 um aware in leadership. learning, and service, Although this was a hard essay at frst, but then T realized Tean do this T just started typing about my time in ROTC. Then [ went to lesening and started talking show! my step dad. Service cume up and I just thought (it almost done! I still think that Jeaming is an essential process to all of this, actually why didn’t | just right sbout that in the first place?

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