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Dear Reader,

My topic of choice is my favorite place in the world, Ireland. Ireland is a country full of
rich history, culture, and many disagreements. One disagreement in particular led to the splitting
of this great nation. They were split up because Northern Ireland is protestant and the southern
are catholic. The main reason they split up was because of religion. Although, there are
Protestants living in the south quite happily, but some Catholics living in the north didnt fare
well. In the 1960s and 70s they were attacked and even killed. The main people who did this
were in the IRA.
The IRA or Irish Republican Army, were an Irish republican revolutionary military
organization. They were originally called the Irish Volunteers but because of the Anglo-Irish
Treaty, they split up because they all didnt support the treaty. The ones that supported the treaty
are now the main ones that are in the IRA today. The particular topic I want to research is the
whole reason why Ireland became two separate countries. I know, I told you the short version of
it already but I want to get in to the history of it and fully understand why they split. Half of it
was because of religion and the other half was because of politics. A wise man once told me, you
shouldnt mix politics with religion, ever.

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