Test 3 Za 9to Odd

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Name: __________________________


1. Charity shops
a) clothes
2. Retailers
b) waste material that will be put under the ground
3. Bulk
c) people who sell things
4. Purely
d) shops which donate all their profits to charity
5. Garment
e) very large quantity
6. Landfill
f) only
7. Denounced
g) fight
8. Bob sleigh
h) strongly criticized in public
9. Catchy
I) a vehicle for moving across snow or ice
10. Struggle
j) easy to remember and sing
present simple tense
1. John __________ (read) a book now.
2. What __________ (you do) tonight?
3. Jack and Peter __________ (work) late today.
4. Silvia __________ (not listen) to music.
5. Maria __________ (sit) next to Paul.
6. How many other students __________ (you study) with?
7. The phone __________ (not ring).
8. What time __________ (your friends) come?
9. Who __________ (John shake) hands with?
10. What country __________ (they visit) at the moment?

1. We (sat / were sitting) at the breakfast table when the doorbell (rang / was
2. He (met / was meeting) a lot of friendly people while he (worked / was
working) in California.
3. When they (left / were leaving) the museum, the sun (shone / was shining).
4. The students (played / were playing) cards when the teacher (came / was
coming) in.
5. While the children (slept / were sleeping), their parents (watched / were
watching) TV.
6. It (started / was starting) to rain while she (watered / was watering) the flowers
in her garden.
7. When I (opened / was opening) the door, it (rained / was raining).
8. While Henry (had / was having) a drink at the bar, his wife (swam / was
swimming) in the sea.
9. He (heard / was hearing) a loud bang while he (tanked / was talking) to his
10. While he (took / was taking) a shower, his dogs (ate / were eating) his steaks.

present perfect past perfect
1. You __________ (see) that movie many times.
2. You __________ (study) English before you moved to New York.
3. Man __________ (walk) on the Moon.
4. Tony knew Istanbul so well because he __________ (visit) the city several times.
5. _____ Susan ever _____ (study) Thai before she moved to Thailand?
6. There __________ (be) many earthquakes in California.
7. Our son __________ (learn) how to read.
8. We __________ (have) that car for ten years before it broke down.
9. Mary __________ (love) chocolate since she was a little girl.
10. Doctors __________ (cure) many deadly diseases.
Will going to
1. I __________ send you the information when I get it.
2. You __________ meet Jane tonight.
3. __________ you make dinner?
4. He __________ spend his vacation in Hawaii.
5. Dont worry. __________ be careful.
6. I __________ (not) tell anyone your secret.
7. Who _____ you _____ invite to the party?
8. __________ you help me move this heavy table?
9. They __________ drive all the way to Alaska.
10. I __________ translate this email, so Mr. Smith can read it.


One of the first uses of maps was to indicate property. In Ancient Egypt people living
along the river Nile drew simple maps of their land in order to help them find their
property after the river flooded. As man began to travel, he used maps to help him find
his destination, and his way back home. Then when he began to explore the world he
drew complex maps of the sea and the coastline of the New World.


0 30 = 1;
31 45= 2;
46 65 = 3;
66- 80 = 4;
81 100 = 5.

Good luck

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