Predict o Gram

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1. What is a Predict O Gram?

Predict-O-Grams are used to activate a students background and vocabulary knowledge before reading a text. It
encourages students to make predictions about a selection in a text based on key words. This also allows students to make
predictions based on the authors use of words and to see how authors use specific words to tell a story. Not only are
students building vocabulary but it also enhances their understanding of story elements. Predict-O-grams can be given as
an individual, small group or whole class activity. Predict-O-Grams also allows teachers to preview vocabulary and find
out what students know before they begin a unit or a reading activity.
2. Why would I teach this strategy?
Predict-o-Grams are used to enhance students vocabulary before reading, during reading and after reading. It allows you
to preview vocabulary and find out what students know before they begin a unit or a reading activity. Predict-o-grams are
used to strengthen students ability to use key vocabulary to make predictions and set a purpose for reading. It also
encourages students to make connections between words and meaningful predictions. Predict-o-grams help organize
students thinking in ways that guide them to use vocabulary and structure steps needed for students to summarize the
main ideas of a story. It also gives students the opportunity to apply vocabulary and practice their academic speaking
skills by revealing their predictions and retelling the story (Blachowicz 1986). Predict-o-grams can be used as an
assessment to document students ability to make meaningful predictions and to observe students participation throughout
the school day. I think that using predict-o-grams would be a great learning tool to use in the classroom.
3. How would I teach this strategy?
I would teach this strategy by first explaining what a predict-o-gram is and then model it.
Step 1: Select vocabulary from a story to activate students thinking about making predictions and to create a
word list.
Step 2: Give each student a copy of the Predict-o-gram format.
Step 3: Give students the opportunity to make a prediction about the story based on the word list.
Step 4: Students will put the words into categories based on the corresponding story element.
Step 5: Students will then write their predictions down.
Step 6: Students will share their predictions with the group or class.
Step 7: Read the story to students as a read-aloud or a reading where students can follow along. The text could
also be read independently by the students and be read silently.
Step 8: After the students are finished reading the students will revisit their original predictions and make changes
based on the information from the story.
Theoretical Framework or Reference for the Strategy
In the article Predict-o-grams improve reading comprehension, Mary blow states that predict-o-grams teach students how
to utilize context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words when reading fiction. It is a graphic organizer for
sorting words into categories according to the elements of plot. In this article she discusses that prior to reading, the
students are introduced to the words. She says each word and then has them repeat it. She states that they learn to
pronounce the word correctly and they access their aural vocabulary, which is larger than their visual vocabulary. She
also says that many students may not recognize the word, but they may have a sense of the meaning from hearing it in
conversation. They must use their knowledge of root words and word structures to predict the meaning and sort the
words into categories. There are no wrong answers, as we are simply predicting. (2010 , November 9).
Blow, M. (2010, November 9). Predict-o-grams Improve Reading Comprehension.
Retrieved 2014, from Scholastic website:
Ideas for Further Information:
This strategy can be adapted for different content areas as well as grade levels. The Predict-o-gram is a flexible format
that can be changed based on teachers specific needs and liking. Predict-o-grams can also be modified for students with
special needs.

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