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Nichole Morrison

Period 9
Tomorrows Teachers- Option II
Science Experiment
Sugar Cube Experiment
Grade 2
Student Understanding:
Students will be able to
Identify what the sugar cubes represent
Explain what happens to the sugar cube
Apply the sugar cubes to real world rocks
Apply the sandpaper to weather conditions
Understand erosion
Draw what happened to the sugar cubes
Essential Questions:
Why study science?
What makes science interesting?
Why is no science the exact same?
Why are no rocks or rock formations the same?
Why does erosion happen?
Resources/ Materials:
Sandpaper wrapped in the inside of a jar
Box of sugar cubes
2 minutes explaining erosion
1 minute explaining what the sugar cubes and sandpaper represent
7 minutes passing the jar around to shake
8 minutes for the questions
Content Standards:


Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners


Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or
through other media.


Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested
detail or clarification.


Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Formative Exit Ticket
Sugar Cube Breakdown

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