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D : Diena
E : Elvira Yolanda
D : Hi, Elvira
E : Hi, Diena
D : What are you doing now ?
E : I am reading a novel
D : What is the kind of novel ? What is the title ?
E : The title is twilight, novel by Stephany Meyer
D : I know that novel, its good read novel. Lets go to the canteen, Im
E : Come on, Im hungry too
D : What do you want to eat ?
E : I want fried chicken and mineral water, please
D : Ok, I will order it for you
E : Diena, Do you know where is my novel ?
D : No, I dont. You bring it with you, arent you ?
E : Yes, I am. But, my novel not at me now. Had you borrowed to see the
sypnosis ?
D : Yes, I had. But I already return it to you
E : But, my novel not at me. Im sure you forget to put it
D : Impossible, I see your book on the table
E : Come help me look for my novel
D : What is it under your chair ? It seems your novel
E : Really ? Is it under my chair ?
D : Yes, just try to see it
E : Oh My God, youre right, its my novel
D : It seems fall when you hold it
E : Ok, thanks. Let us continue to eat
D : Yes, nice idea

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