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Mid Canterbury Technology Centre

Mc Lean Street,
Ph 03 308-5190

Pupils developing a sense of achievement and self worth through enjoying success.

Life Skills through Technologies of Material, Food and Health

Mrs Karen Christensen

- Soft Materials Technology/Food & Health

Mrs Linda McClea

- Soft Materials Technology/Food & Health

Mr Richard Browne

- Hard Materials Technology

M.C.T.C is a specialist facility to teach Mid Canterburys year 7 & 8 students the Technology and
Health Curriculum. We are a dedicated team who work independently at MCTC and set high
standards. These standards are also demanded and achieved from the children who attend the
Centre. We offer students a 2 year programme which is divided between Soft Materials, Hard
Materials Technology and Food & Health. We aim to develop a sense of achievement and self worth
through pupils enjoying success in activities which have problem solving and practical applications.
An interest in the Technology, Food & Nutrition can be further developed at secondary school and
tertiary level before embarking on a career in tourism, fashion, food handling, and building
related industries. It also provides a basis for craft interest in leisure time.

Hard Materials Technology

The technologies the pupils will experience in the workshop cover a wide
range of areas. These include materials and process, graphics (technicial
drawing), electronics, structures and mechanisms. A wide range of
different materials from wood through to pewter casting, acrylic and
electronics are part of the programme. The pupils are encouraged to use
their own individual ideas when finding solutions to different situations. We
believe the best way we can achieve these goals is through a skills-based
We focus on these skills Problem solving
Project Planning
Values and Beliefs
Own Quality Control
Self Motivation/Management
Team Work
Confidence with equipment

Calculating skills
Reading & writing Skills
Scale Modelling of ideas
Thermo setting/forming of plastic
Solid, plastic, liquid, gas
Operation/use of kitchen appliances
Alternative cooking methods

Food Safety and Hygiene

Use/Operation of sewing machines
Developing Healthy Food Choices
2 & 3 Dimensional drawing skills
Casing of Liquid metal
Using the Lathe

Soft Materials Technology, Food & Health

The 2 year programme is divided between Soft Materials, Food & Nutrition.
The first semester of each course has an emphasis on basic skills and techniques. The second
semester involves more of a design emphasis encouraging individuality and creativity while building
on sequential skills. Pupils will be required to bring some materials and some will be provided by
Food & Health
The programme promotes safe-food handling practices and assists
students to develop the skills they need to prepare food safely.
Effective food and nutrition education will enable students to make
informed decisions about food that will contribute to their own wellbeing and that of other people. We hope to encourage pupils to gain
confidence so they can contribute towards meal preparation. eg snacks
through to simple meals.
Soft Materials

This programme initially builds on skills and confidence when using the sewing machine. The
projects require students to use designing and planning skills and they are encouraged to
individualise their projects.

Operating procedures and hours of attendance:

Town Schools - 9:00 am to 2:45 pm
Country Schools - 9:30am to 2:30 pm
Please ensure your child does not arrive before 8:45 am.
If you are intending to pick up your child from the Centre please do so before 2:50pm.
If your child is absent please still inform your school as normal.
There is no opportunity to buy any food or drink.
The student will need to bring their own packed lunch and morning tea.
Lunch hours - 12:00 to 12:40pm (Country Pupils)
- 11:45 to 12:30pm (Town Pupils)
Technology fees are payable to your school and they will advise when it is due. To maintain the low
fee, parents are expected to supplement some materials.
If a pupils behaviour is unacceptable, the contributing school principal will be contacted and
parents will be phoned or a note sent home. We want your child to enjoy their time at the Centre
and are more than happy to discuss concerns with parents to ensure each child receives quality
time. Please feel free to contact the Teachers (308-5190) or Principal (303-7208) if you have any
concerns. Parents are welcome to drop in at the Centre and are encouraged to do so.

Mid Canterbury Technology Centre

Mc Lean Street,
Ph 03 308-5190

Pupils developing a sense of achievement and self worth through enjoying success.
Dear Parent/Caregiver
Welcome to the Mid Canterbury Technology Centre. Your child will attend the Centre one day a
fortnight for Technology, Food and Health. To help your child settle easily and safely to our
learning environment, we would ask you to forward information to us relevant to your child.
Health Problems
Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes. If any medication is required could it be named and labelled for
storage, and brought with the child on their first visit.
E.G, If allergic to bee stings please tell us how severe the allergic reaction will be and what we need
to do for your child.
Learning Problems
Dyslexia, ADHD, Reading and Writing problems, Eye Tracking, Deafness.
Behavioural Problems
If your child has relationship problems with other pupils.
Please return the slip below to your childs school so the MCTC staff can process it before
your childs next visit to the Centre.
Many thanks
Karen Christensen, Richard Browne & Linda McClea
Pupils Name:

___________________________ Ethnicity__________________Year 7 / 8

Contact Name of Caregiver: __________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: ________________________
School: _________________________
Details on relevant problems:

I give consent for the internet use at MCTC, based on the agreement from my childs host

Parent/Caregiver Sign

I give consent for the use of photos, images and my childs work to be used on the MCTC
Weebly website.

Parent/Caregiver Sign

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