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Le Chanh Trung, AE3A

The graph shows the apartment sales in Australia in hundreds of thousands from 2000
to 2014, with a prediction to 2015. Overall, apartment sales have fallen of moderately in
the fourteen year period and are expected to increase until 2015.
From 2000 to 2002, the fall in interest rates led to a significant increase in sales from
500,000 to nearly 600,000. As a result of the Goods & Services Tax has introduced in
2002, sales decreased steadily to 450,000. In 2004, the government changed laws for
foreign investment and ownership, which resulted in a slight increase for two years
ending at 500,000. During the next two years, sales fluctuated between 450,000 and
490,000 because of the economic uncertainty. Over the next year, sales remained
stable at around 490,000, but in 2008 sales bottomed out at 230,000 as a result of the
Global Financial Crisis. In 2009 sales grew significantly about 400,000, this was due to
the Australian government introduced the First Home Owner Grant Scheme. In 2011
sales decreased slightly to 480,000 as a result of the Australian government canceled
the First Home Owner Grant Scheme, but in 2013 sales began to upturn to around
400,000 and it is predicted to continue to increase in 2015.

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