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Theme: Discovering Myself

Dear Parents
This is to inform you that we would be starting with our new theme Discovering Myself
Learning Outcomes:
1. Learns about self-i.e. about gender, body parts, sense organs, feeling &
2. Able to give self-introduction.
3. Able to understand the importance of sense organs and caring for them.
4. Learns new rhymes and songs and enact with actions.
Rhymes: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands and
You put your right foot in
Song: Tooty ta ta and This is me
5. Enhances imagination through stories.(Story: From Head To Toe and The
Belly & The Members )

We would appreciate your efforts to encourage your child to talk about the days learning at
home. If you have any theme related materials that will add to the school experience of your
child and would like to share these with us such as toys, picture books, picture cut outs,
videos, etc please label it and send it with your child. This will be returned to you at the end
of the theme. Should you feel you can personally add to this theme, we would greatly value
your contribution in the class as a story-teller, a guest speaker, or in any other way. Please
contact your childs teacher for further details.

As always, looking forward to your active participation in your childs happy learning!


Oi Team

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