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Tutorial 4: Calculus of Variations

Problem 1. Consider the line connecting (1 ,1 ) = (0,0) and (2 ,2 ) =

(2,2). Show that the function () = produces a minimum path length by
using the varied function (, ) = + sin (2 ). Hint: use the first few
terms in the expansion of the integral to prove that necessary condition of
mimimum is fulfilled.
Problem 2. Find the shortest path between any two points on the surface
of a sphere, using "second form"of the Euler equation. Hint:


= sin
+ , = ; 2 = (1 2 )/2 (1)

1 2 csc2
Problem 3. Find the shortest path between any two points on the surface
of a sphere, using the method of the Euler equations with an auxiliary
condition imposed. Hint: prove that it is a plane passing through the origin:
+ = . Eliminate the constants , by differentiation of the equation
of the plane( + = ; = ) and substitute to the equation. In other
words rewrite equation of the plane in terms of derivatives without constants.
Compare with your result.

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