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Shantaye Jones

Creative Writing/ 8th period

April 15, 2015

Creatures of the Sea

As she began to buckle herself up into her wheelchair, she passed by a picture of
Alejandro. Then thats when the memory came back to her in a flash. All of the screaming,
crying, mourning, and the people who didnt believe all came back to her. It happened when the
couple decided to go on a romantic getaway trip. Their names were Dakota and Alejandro. They
rented a Tuvie boat. They loved to go scuba diving and explore all of the beautiful colors of fish
that lived beneath. It wouldve been a love that wouldve lasted forever and ever until the
getaway that they went on. That last scuba dive under the water.
The water was blue as a blue rose. As Dakota was examining the sea creatures she began
to notice a fish fin like no other fin she has seen before. The tail was a rosy pink with a couple of
sparkles on it. The fin material looked very peculiar for a fish that lives in the water at the Santa
Cruz Island. She followed it behind a huge grey rock. When Dakota went behind the rock she
saw nothing there.
When she turned back around there was a beautiful women right there in front of her. She
had dark brown curly hair. Her eyes were emerald green. Her skin was a very light brown. She
smiled at Dakota. Not the friendly smile and said, Hi, Im Natalie. Dakota eyes began to widen
after she noticed that the women was talking and breathing underwater. Dakota noticed that this
wasnt just no ordinary women, she had a pink tail. She was a mermaid! Natalie began to look at
Dakota in a weird way. Dakota began to immediately swim back to the boat.

When she made it there, she screamed for Alejandro to help her. As he began to pull her
out of the water, Natalie pulled Dakotas leg back down with a hard force. Both Alejandro and
Dakota fell into the water. While they were in the water they began to notice a vast amount of
blood everywhere. It was coming from Dakota. Alejandro raced towards her. When he reached
her he pulled her back onto the boat. Natalie pulled off Dakotas right leg. OH MY GOD!!!!MY
LEG IS GONE!! she screamed.
Alejandro checked to see if Natalie was anywhere near the boat. Two minutes later he
spotted her. She was floating on top of the water about five feet away from the boat. He ran to
start the boat. When he made it there, the boat refused to start for him. He could hear Natalies
laughs from there.
When Alejandro went back on deck, Natalie began to sing a siren song. The words were:
Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, a wiser man. We know all the pains that the Greeks
and Trojans once endured. On the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it soall that
comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all.
When she was down singing this song, she had Alejandro under her complete control.
She ordered him to get a knife and cut off his legs and hand them to her. Alejandro did as he was
told and cut off all of his legs up towards his thighs. He crawled to the edge and handed her his
legs. That was all she wanted was a pair of legs so that she may walk the beach or eat at a
After sixteen more hours, a little canoe noticed their boat and came to help. Alejandro
didnt make it. He died because of the lost an excessive amount of blood. Dakota lived; she will
never be able to walk again. She told the people on the canoe what had happened, but they didnt

believe her. As she now sits in her wheelchair letting that horrific memory fade away from her
head she whispers, I love you Alejandro.

The Awakening
Red car, sweaty bodies everywhere. Hands in the air like we dont care. Cause came to
have so much fun now, you might get some now! this was the last song I remember dancing to
with my friends: Kevin, Nohemi, Cheli, Adrain, and John. Then next thing I know, Im laying
down on a wooden square floating in The Okeferokee Swamp. How did I get there? Now thats
the actual question.
It happened when my friends and I went to go party for our last semester at college. We
all decided to go to a beach/camping party on Cocaa Beach. We all noticed that Cocaa Beach
isnt that far from the Okeferokee Swamp. The party theme was Luau. It started at 3 p.m. and
ended at 10 p.m. the next day. There was Starbucks coffee, brownies, balloons, goodie bags, a 6
foot cake, pineapples, watermelon, tiki dancers, torches, 67 family tents, hula singers, limbo, and
palm trees everywhere. It was late, and we were still dancing, eating, and drinking the whole
night away. Thats all that I could remember.
I was floating in the swamp for five minutes since I woke up, thinking of ways to get out.
I wouldve swam but I didnt know what was in the swamp. Also, Im not the best swimmer in
the world so I would pretty much stuck there. I decided to keep yelling for someone to come and
rescue this damsel in distress. I also noticed that I wasnt too far from Cocaa Beach. Then as I
soon begain to realize that I was out of earshot, I began to stop. I notice a big green rock in the
swamp, not too far from me, I thought it was a turtle. The big green thing started to move closer
towards me. As its head lifted out from under the water, my soul left my body.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, five tiki dancers from the party the previous night came to
rescue me. As they told me to stop screaming, they found this really long stick and reached it out
towards me. I grab the stick and they started to pull me out of the stinky, disgusting, gross
Once they guided me back towards the beach, it made wonder. Where they watching me
this whole entire time? Were they the ones who put me in there? How did they even know I was
here? Wait, did they put me in the swamp because I thought that their dancing was a little bad?
But I didnt say that out loud, I only thought that. Were they reading my mind? Are they reading
my mind right now?
After going paranoid, I eventually realized that they arent mind readers, and that they
werent the ones who put me in the swamp. They were actually walking past the swamp from a
performance they were doing for the turtles and spiders. If it wasnt them who put me in the
swamp, then who did?
When I finally made back to Cocaa Beach, I noticed a cup. I walked towards it and
picked it up. When I touched it, it brought a flashback from last night. Someone gave me this
drink, I say to no one in particular. Then a face appears in my flashback. Cheli. She was the one
who went to go get me a drink.
I walked over to our tent. I made sure no one was around and I went through Chelis
duffle bag. In the second pocket to the left, I found some drugs. The description said that two or
more will make you drowsy and forget things. In big bold red letters it also said dont ever mix
with alcohol. It had to be her, all of the evidence is right here. I went to go talk to Adrian by the
bar. I asked him about yesterday. When we were dancing, did Cheli come and bring me a
drink? No, but you did ask her can she bring you one, but she said go get it yourself. So you

went to the bar and flirted with the waiter for a free drink. Wait, hold on so Cheli didnt get me
a drink? Do I have to repeat myself? Adrian replied.
I walked back to the tent and read the bottle of drugs again. This time I noticed that there
was a name on them. The name read John Garza. Why are Johns drugs in Chelis bag? He
mustve put them in there to frame her. Now that Ive thought more about that night, John was
sitting next to me at the bar. He mustve slipped some into my drink. Why would he do that? He
must still be upset about me rejecting him a week before the trip.
As I saw John walk towards the bar, I went to confront him, Why did you put drugs in
my drink!? I said . What are you talking about? he responds as his face turns red,Nah, I can't
even lie to you I put some drugs in your drink just to get back at you. So you put me in the
swamp as well? I couldve died out there! Ok wh-what ? I might have been upset with you but
I like you way too much to put you in a swamp. You must have been sleep walking. Thats
another side effect of the drugs. You get sleepy instantly, you forget things and you sleep walk.
But its still your fault! You were the whole reason why I was out there in the first place!
After those last words, I left and informed everyone else about what John did. We all
decided that maybe John should get a taste of his own medicine.

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