Bearing Capacity Examples 2 Solutions

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Bearing Capacity Examples 2

In all these questions use partial safety factor set 'A2' + 'M2' +
'R1' from the appropriate Tables in Examples 1 above.

A strip footing of breadth 2.5m which is to be founded at a depth of

1.5m in a thick stratum of stiff, saturated clay having the following
characteristic shear strength parameters:
(a) cu,k = 70kN/m2 (undrained)
(b) ck' = 9kN/m2 , k' = 20 (drained)
Water table is at a depth of 2.0m below ground surface; the soil
above the water-table can be assumed to be in a saturated condition
and the unit weight is ksat = 20kN/m3. Determine the design bearing
resistance of the soil at this depth under both drained and undrained


The foundation for a circular oil storage tank is to be 18m diameter

and founded at a depth of 2.5m in a deep layer of granular soil; the
characteristic soil properties are: k' = 30 , ck'= 0, k,bulk = 19kN/m3
above the water table and k,sat = 21kN/m3. Determine the design
bearing resistance of the soil when the ground-water level is:
(a) well below founding depth;
(b) at the base of the foundation;
(c) at ground surface.


Determine the breadth of the strip footing required to carry a design

load of 600kN/m (inclusive of weight of footing) at a depth of 1.5m
with the following characteristic soil properties:
(a) cu,k=65kN/m2 , k,sat=18kN/m3 ,
(b) ck'=5kN/m2, k'=25 , k,sat=19kN/m3 ,
Note: Assume D/B <1.


A small rectangular footing (8001200mm) is cast at a depth of 1.2m

in a saturated clay whose characteristic undrained shear strength
parameters are cu,k=25kN/m2 and k,sat=19.5kN/m3. Determine the
design soil resistance at this depth.


A multi-storey car park is to be constructed with a 3.0m deep

basement in a granular soil having characteristic shear strength
parameters ck' = 0kN/m2 and k' = 30. If the plan dimensions of the
structure are 2550m and the ground water level is at a depth of
3.0m, calculate the total design loads which can be transmitted to
the soil by the structure at this depth. The characteristic unit weight
of the soil should be taken as 16kN/m 3 above water-table and
21kN/m3 below.






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