Salient Deletions and Amendments To The Original HB 4994 (BBL)

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Salient Dol tions aiid Amendments to the Original HB 4894 {to Conform to the Philippine Constitution by: ‘Cong, Rufus B. Rodriguez Chairman ‘Ad Hoc Committee on tha-Bangsamoro Basic Law HOUSE SILL NO. 4804 SUBSTITUTE HOUSE BILL NO. 5811 ‘AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE BASIC’ LAW FOR THE BANGSAMIORO AND ABOLISHING THE AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIN MINDANAO, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9064, ENTITLED “AN ACT TO STRENGTHEN AND EXPAND THE| ORGANIC ACT FOR THE AUTONOMOUS REGION IN’ MUSLIM MINDANAO,” AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6734, ENTITLED “AN ACT| PROVIDING FOR AN ORGANIC ACT FOR THE AUTONOMOUS | REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO,” AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ANACT PROVIDING FOR THE BASIC LAW FOR" THE BANGSANORO| AUTONOMOUS REGION, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ‘ACT NO, 9054, ENTITLED "AN ACT TO STRENGTHEN AND EXPAND| THE ORGANIC ACT FOR THE AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIN MINDANAO,” AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8734, ENTITLED “AN ACT| PROVIDING FOR AN ORGANIC ACT FOR THE AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO" PREANBLE PREAMBLE 2K 0K 200 In consonance vith the Constitujon and the universally accepted Principles of human rights, IBery, justice, democracy, and the norms End standards of Intemational lau, reflecive of our system of He presorbee by our faith, and In harmony with our customary laws, Cultres and vaditons; YOK KK 700 ‘Within the framework of the Constitution and national soversignty as ‘wall a8 the territorial Intearly of the Republic of the Philippines, the tniverslly accepted principles of human rights, Ibert, justce, democracy, ‘andthe norms and standards of inferatonal aw, reflectve of our system Of Iie prescribed by our faith, and in harmony with our customary laws, cues and waditons; “Aniciol ‘Artcler NAME AND PURPOSE NAME AND PURPOSE ‘Section 1. Short Tile. - Ths law shal be known and cited as the | SECTION 1. Short Titl.~ This law shall be known and ctedas the "Basie ‘Bangsamoro Basic Law” [Law ofthe Bangsamoro Aut Region.” [Section 2. Name, ~ The name of he polical enity under fis Basie Law shal be the Bangsamoro ‘niche ‘TERRITORY ‘SEC. 2. Namo, The name ofthe pollcal enfiy under tis Basi Law shal be the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region ‘Aric (GEOGRAPHICAL AREA OF THE 7 ———-BANGSAHORO AUTONOMOUS REGION Secon 3, Contiguous Tonlory.~ The areas wich a GoiEgIOUS | SEC. 3. Configuous Terstory.— Any local government ur & QSOgTaPHIE nd outside the core fertory may opt at any me tbe part of the | area outside the tertoral unsccion of the Bengsamoro but which are {eeltry upon petton of atleast en (10%) ofthe registered voters and | coniguous fo any of he component units ofthe Bangsamoro and within the approved by @ majorly of quafied votes cast ma pits nom identified in th ent may opto be partof the Bangsamoro by hing @ petion of at east en percent (10%) of the Fegstered voters of te intrested local government uni or geographic area The inclus local government unit or ae: ‘Bangsamoro shall be effeciive upon approval bya majority af the vatos cast litical unite directly affected, Pettons for Fa te ened on fe ths and ain 09 you lowing tne enactment of ths Basic Lav. ‘The schedule ofthe plebiscite shall be determined by the Commission on Blectons ‘Aricle Aeicle GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES “Seation &: Promotion of Unity, - The Bangsamoro Goverment all | SEC. 5. Promotion of Unity, ~ The Bangsamoro Government shall promole | promote unity, peace, justice, and goodull among-all peoples, as well| unity, peace, justice, and goodwll among all peoples, as well as encourage a ‘35 encourage ust and peaceful settlement of disputes. Just and peacetu setlement of dsputes. ‘The Bangsamoro abies by the principle that the country renounces (2 paragraph is Deleted) war as an Instrument of ratlonal poly, adopfs the generaly accepted Principles of Intematonal law a part of the law of the land and Eaneres fo the potey of peace, equally, justice, freedom, cooperation, fan amity with a patons. s - _| ‘Aledo V “Arteta V POWERS OF GOVERNMENT POWERS OF GOVERNMENT | ‘Baciion 1. Resoived Powers, = Reserved powers are maiars ove | SECTION 7, Reserved Powers. - Reserved powers are nallars over Which which auhonty and. jutsdiion ere retained by te Coniral| authority and juisdcton are retained exclusWvely by the National Government. The Central Government stall exercise the folowing | Government. The Natonal Government shal exercise the folowing reserved reserved powers: powers: 4. Defense and extemal securty; 4. National defense and national security, 2) Foreign poley, 2. Foreign poy, 3._Colnage and monetary potoy, _ 3. Banking, conage and monetary policy, _ Postal sonics) CCtzenship and naturalzation; Immigration, 7. Customs ans tariff as qualified by Secon 2(10), Article V of this Basic Law, 8 Common market and global trade, provided that the power to tenter info economic agreements given to the ARMM under RIA. 0054. is hereby fansferred to the Bangsamoro Government as provided in Acie XIl, Section 25 ofthis Basle aw ang 2. Intellectual property rics E Postal sanvee, 55, Citizenship and naturatzation; 6. Immigration 7 ‘the Ombudsman’ 8 Customs and teil as qualified by Section 2 (10), Article V of ~ this Basie Law, ©. Common market and global trade, provided thatthe power to enter info. economic agreements’ gen to the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARM) under Republe Act No. 19054 is hereby Fansfered to the Bangsamoro Goverment as provided in Secon 25, Arce Xilof ths Basic Law, 40. Inelectual property rights; and 11.AlL_oiher_powors “nol_agranted_ to the Bangsamoro ‘Government by this Basic Lav. Tection 2. Concurrent Powors. ~ ConcaTent powers shal refer © the power shared between the Cenrel Goverment and the Bangsamoro Goverment win the Bangsamoro, as provided in te basic Law, ‘The Cerra Government end the Bangsamoro Government shal exercise shared powers wihin the Bangsamoro on the following matters: ‘SEC. 2, Concurrent Powars, ~ Concurrent powers rele 1 the powers shared belwveen the National Goverment and the Bangsamoro Goverment ‘witun the Bangsamoro as provided In tis Basic Law. ‘The Natonal Govemment and the Bangsamoro Government shall exerese | shared powers within the Bangsamoro on te folowing matters: 7. Aucitng, ~ The Sangsamor audtng body shal have audiing ‘esponsiitty over publle funds utlzed by the Bangsamoro, without prejucee tothe power, authority and duty ofthe naional Commission fon Audt (COA), The Bangsamoro “Goverment shall ensue trancparency mechanisms consistent wit open government pracices. o Aang. ~The ody-shall ha siting responsi use and othor funds. or ‘external sou out prsludiee ‘authority, and di snigsion_on Audit 10 ‘amine, audi ‘sll accounts pertaining (0, nd he-use-of funds and properly owned and held in trust by any ‘government instramenialityingluding —aovemment-cwned and = ‘controlled cot (GOCCS} 3. Chal Sanice, — The Bangsamoro Goverment shall develop and ‘adininister a professional el service corps, fo include the powers and Privileges on cll service matters provided in R.A. No. 9054, and hci Serve, tne Bangsamoro Govetnment shall develop and fcminister a professional eli service corps, to ncide the powers and privileges on cil service matiers provided in Republe Act No. S054, and 3 without preucce fo the power, authori, and duty ofthe national Chil] ‘Serce Commission, ‘There is hereby created a Bangsamoro Civil Service oie that shal develop and aémrister a professional cil service comps, without prelude to he power, authority and duty of he national Civ Service Commission, The Bangsamoro Government shall enact a cil service law for fis purpose, This law shall gover the conduct of civ servants, fe qualficaton for non-electve posttons, adopt the met ‘and finess system, and protect cil service elgible in various {government posions, Including government-owned ander controled Corporations wih onghal charters, in the Bangsamoro. The Bangsamoro Government shall have primary dscipinary authority ‘over fis 04 officials and employees. without prejudice 16 The power, authonty and duly of the CMT Senice Commission. “Thare is hereby created 2 Civil Service Office for the Bangsamoro ‘Autonomot administer a professional til service corps. without prejudice to the power, authority, and ‘duty of the Civil Sorvice Commission, The Bangsamoro Government ‘hall enact a cil service law for this purpose. This law shall govern the ‘conduct of cil servants, the qualiiceton for ngyelectve positons, the ert and fitness system, and the protecton of civil service eligibles in Various goverment positon, Incudng goverimentowned andlor Coriroled corporations with

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