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Re: Pending questions

Jeff David
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Mr Grigg
Desert Snow has attempted to work with the media in the past. Our words have been
manipulated, changed and/or completely not mentioned in order to meet the needs and agenda of
the media writing the story. So for that reason I will only comment by saying.
Desert Snow has been in business since 1989 and have trained thousands of officers throughout
the United States and Canada. We are a leader in this field and have a reputation second to none.
We continue to train officers across the country on how to successfully and professionally find
major smugglers, terrorist, child abductors and other major criminals. Our success stories and
results speak for themselves. Law enforcement in general is under attack, but sadly without
these hard working dedicated officers this country would be over run.
Thank you
Jeff David

On Jun 1, 2015, at 9:43 AM, WILLIAM GRIGG <> wrote:

Mr. David, are the Desert Snow/Black Asphalt instructors certified law enforcement officers?
Is your organization still operating out of the Logan County Sheriff's Office in Guthrie,
The Washington Post profile published last fall said that your father has a "yacht and condo at
Cabo San Lucas" purchased with the profits accrued through teaching his interdiction methods to
narcotics officers. Is it fair to characterize you and your father as secondary or tertiary narcotics

profiteers -- and, if not, why not?

Will Grigg
"If you can't do something smart, do something right." -Derrial Book (b. Henry Evans)
> From:
> Subject: Desert Snow
> Date: Thu, 28 May 2015 18:46:11 -0700
> To:
> Mr. Grigg's
> Thank you for the inquiry about attending the Desert Snow class in Boise.
> However I am sorry the class is closed to Law Enforcement Officers
> Thank you
> Jeff David
> Desert Snow

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