Dynamic Problem in CAESAR II

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If, during attempted run of a CAESAR II Dynamics job, the configuration was set to output a time

history animation file, then this can create a large data file that is not required for checking your job,
please turn it off;

As you may have to prematurely terminate the job in the eigensolver so that no *.c2 (an archive) job
file is available to send, then zipping up selected files from the working folder (not including large files
not associated with this job, or unnecessary files see documentation) may help.
Your attachment only has 1 part of a mutli (5 ?) part 7z archive.
See Chapter 5 of the Technical Reference manual; c2TR.pdf in C2_Docu subfolder of root install
folder, for more information on dynamic job settings.
Increasing Memory Allocated (Mb) may help although system resource exhaustion (see Task
Manager) may indicate any issues on your system.
I hope that this helps,
Duncan McElrue
Senior Application Engineer

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