FHC Report 1

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Falmouth Marine School and Falmouth Harbour

Commissioners Partnership Project

Report Sheet 1: Alex Sullivan Marine Science
Date: 20/11/2012
Project Objectives: To quantify data on sessile marine native and nonnative populations In the Fal estuary using settlement panels; with specific
interest in dock types i.e. industrial or recreational usage (follow on project
from Steve Downing).

Work achieved since last report

Achievements/skills developed
and benefits to you as a result of
your work

Confidence built in dealing with

I have been in successful contact
big organisations such as A&P
with A&P dockyards chief
chemist Mike Pereir, who

Started volunteering with the

arranged a health & safety
Marine Conservation Society who
induction for me and Eirian Kettle
seem very interested in my
(Project partner) so we can come
project and results and have
and go from the Dockyard.
given me the opportunity to write
At Yacht Haven I have added my
a scientific methodology to pose
extra panels and data collection
to their Environment research
has begun here. Furthermore I
have been in contact with

Professional contacts at MCS,

Invasive species expert Lisa
Cornwall Wildlife Trust, FHC and
Rennocks who hosted a 2 hour
A&P docks. Good networking.
identification lesson with the

I have attended an industrial

species present on the panels at
health and safety seminar hosted
the marina (Harriet from FHC
by A&P docks.
was present).

I have placed all necessary

panels at FHC yacht haven and a
panel in A&P dockyards.
I have 4 weeks worth of panel
growth pictures with point
I have finished a draft of projects
scientific write up: Intro and
I have completed two risk
assessments one for A&P
dockyard and another for general

(for if this is the first report of the

year please write down work since
project commencement)

Work/research planned for next quarter (this should be reported about

in your next report):

A professional methodology to give to MCS.

Install control panels at location for next years project successor to
compare data with.
Attempt panel installation in Port Pendennis (this has caused problems
previously due to new wiring on floating pontoons)
Keep taking weekly pictures of panels succession at FHC yacht haven and
occasionally at A&P dockyard (as they are less inclined to familiar visits)
Update Intro and method in accordance with supervisors feedback

Details of
since last report (keep
records and receipts)
Two hard hats and
two pairs of safety
goggles (necessary
to gain access to
A&P) 18.00
General materials
(panels, weights,
polypropylene cord
etc.) 100.00

Benefits to the
company (FHC, CWT,
MCS) as a result of
your work

My project directly
correlates with NGO
initiatives in the area
adding further weight
to their results (i.e.

Invasive species
introduction is the 2nd
largest disrupter to
ecosystems after
habitat destruction.

Extra data to add to


A comprehensive
reference list available

Benefits to Falmouth
Marine School as a
result of your work

Creating a solid
foundation of
network contacts &
media, reference list
and overview for
the continuation of
this important
research for further
generations of

Can be used as a
baseline data study

Progress against Plan:

Loss of previous years control panels which were laid by Steve
Downing & Lucy Barnes
Need a further two panels at A&P dockyard to compare with FHC
yacht haven
Struggling to install panels in Port Pendennis due to new wiring
around pontoons.
Assistance required or issues to be addressed including Health &
Risk assessment has been sent to A&P and accepted however need to
sign overall dockyard/marina risk assessment off by a professional
Would really appreciate some support with Port Pendennis or contacts
for suggestion of a similar floating pontoon in the Fal.

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