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CHAPTER 1—PROBLEM SOLUTIONS wo) re ¥ eV Liga @ raha OLA R08 Note: Volts, milliamps. and kilc-ohms constiute 12 ia) P= PR= 0x 10)?x 110-09 Tihs, should have a 1-W rating 0) P=? R= (40x 10? «1x10 = 1,6 W Thus, the resistor snould have a 2-W roting. (© P=PR=G x10 }%x 10% 10! = 0.00 W W rating Thus, the resistor should have () P= Praia Thus, the resistor should have 1}2 10 10) 0.16 W W rating fe) P= P= 20/0) x 10) =0.4 W Ths, the resistor shouk! have a 1-W rating () P= = 1A x 10) =0.121 W Thue, a rating of EW. should though 1 W would be pradent 10 13 (a) V=dR~10mA x14 theoretically suffice allow fo wv P=ER=(\OmAY x 1 KA= 100 mW (&) R=V4=10VA ma=1010 PoVi=10V «1 mA =10 mW (© f=P/V=1WAOV=01A RaVI=10 VA A= 1008 (0) V=PA=0.1 WAOmA = 190 mWAO A= I R=Vi=10V/ADmA = 1K (© P=PR> 1 =APTR 1 = {1000 WT ER = 31.6 VaR =316 Note: V. mA, KO and mW cons 4 6 ma or Tus, there ate 17 possible resistance values. LS Shunting the 10KALby 0 resistor of value K result rnbination baving a resistance 10K + f Reto 0.99 2 R= 990K 095 => R= 190 ka For 1 10% redaction R Re #1 50% redaction R Rio 0.90 = R= 90k 030 = R= 10k Stunting the 10K2 by a) EMD eesultin 10x 1000, 10 R 9.9 KO, 01% reduction 1000+ 10 * Tor bb) 100K results in 10x 100 _ 10 ew fq = 124100 199.09 ka, 49.1% rebveton TOKO results in 10 = 5 KO, 450% reduction x, RF, To find Ry. we short crsuit Vay and ook back int nade X - 330 +008) (+005) 6811-005) 2.94 =3NV 22K Ro= alues of Re are For-15% resistor lolerance the exveme values of Yo are a 0.08) « 6.8(1 ~0.05) ae asl eta 3.(1 = 0.05) + 6.8(1 0.05) Ove 7=005)+68(14 00 =2.22(1 -005)=2.11 4 275V Rongs =2.22(1 +005)=233 KD wt av \ woo ‘3 i aos a nag win I v j wows. © 2s gener: {two wavs: (a) and (e) with () having b) (two ways: (2) and (d) with () having a lower outpet resistance fr Y= 1s) y2V To reduce Vo 10 10.00 V we shunt the 10.402 resistor by a esistor A whose value is such shat 10 = 24,7 vsv 4 Thus ON io R94 Re 156.7 =157k2 Now, WRIS7 KO 94 h47= Aa s.133% imately 200.2, a shows, stash To obtain Va = 10.00 V and Ro = 3 EX we have 10 shunt both the 47-402 ard the 10k tesistor a showa. To yield an output voltage Vy = 10.00 V we must have (RD 10) = 208/147) ® a 2k w nisy 47a {h- + For Ry =3 A we must ve Ri bRS=S 2) Solving (1) and (2) yields Rnas R=90 which can be used to find, and Ay respectively, y= ISTO R= 0KD 10 LAT Connect a resistor & in parallel with Ry, To make (0) Connect a resistor in series withthe loo resistor R 4, = O2F (and thus the current through A, O81), so a8 to raise the resistance of the load brench by 10% R should be such rey rest Livision ratio tos O20 1k = 0.818 desired valu resistance must be 10% 2 R= 2500 Of Rie, 0.1K f0) ie “T A, i Ty make the current through K equal 0 173 we shot ® by a resistance 2 of valve suck that the current dough ‘will be 203; thes Lid, = 10 — me _ iD axing alae specified maximum of {he prcbiein can be Solved in two ways: te gol cn (@) Conrectw resistor Ry across R, of value Such that R; with a resistor R whose value is such thatthe paral RHR, = B/2, thus lel combination of R, and & is <1 kQ. Thus, ROAR) _ RR, R+G1R/a) "2 Ber! Lik =R,+ LE RSL KO = R=11KQ alzing only one additions correntdiviler across easia Now, subiracting (1) form @) yielde ww 40/,=45, — > h=1125mA ory 1) $rsen Substituting in (2) gives |. # 2) 210-74 L125m9A Now, when a resistance of 15 KO is connec 10625+.1.1250 between 4 and ground, 1.1675 mA oz: faye OT Vek, Gise ts 118752=2.3750¥ Oma To summariz 1.16 (a) Node equation at the common node yields tesa 1 aa heheh haiema— ¥ Using the fct that the sum of the voltage drops across (®) A node equation atthe common nod can be writen ya Ky equals 1S V. se write terms of Vas iY SEAR + Al ae 10h #044) hus, 124, 92h W-v oy sv sre5 Mov 2 V=2375V and fy can be easily Found as 2 Fun V2 82.375 «1.0625 ma= 1.05 mA oat 10 yo WW a 922978 1125 A= 1.3 mA y 7 ya f= 228-1 t8sMA= 119 mA hn Metod () 8 much prefered; fe, moe igi Iesiy We eas posible nub ot arable nd write inte the cce7ndingeinimn mbt of gui (1) AT See diagram ‘Similarly, tne voltage drops seross Rand Ry add up to 1DV, thus 1O= hh + 158s which yielas Equations (1) and @) can te solved together by mul lying 2) by 6, hah =6) a Vpo 188 HA x3KR= 561 mV LAB From the symmetry of the o n Now, if Ry is raised to 1.2 KO the symmety be broken, To ind 4, we use Thévenin’s theorem as fellows: Z U 119 (a) T= 104 ms = 107 5 p-town r = Inf=6.28 «107 (b) f= 1 GHte= 10% He =f = 6.28 10° ads (e) © 6.28% 10? nas fe ain (e) f= 60 He Hf 477 107 rable () ee) rads = 10? rae’s J= B= 1s9x10iHe r=b=628 «10 1900 MHtz= 1.95 10° He 1 r= =0526%10" s 1.20 (a) © Z= joc =— a A z ALJ= 100k, 2~ ALf=1Gk2, (@) Z=jal-=/2nf = prrf 10% 10 z-;a70 DO KHZ, Z=/6284Q 1GH:, | Z=/623 Mice Zz PRX 1D 10x 10% 10 59) 4 10 10" «00110 0.628) 8 1000. (172 — js = —1_— p27 10% 10" 100 x 10° = 107 + p62) 18 zen ¥/0828 - J8S.00) kD (a 2- ab. = 100 +)25% 10% 10x 10 x 16 = 100+ 7628 100 00+ j O Oe Pail Bauivalent ‘The Noxton current ean be found 2 386 mV é = 135 nA Ro mona Ths, 1.24 The observed output vokage is 1 mV/FC which is RS ably under open-circuit conditions that is withou, © ms : resistance must be equal to Ry, Le, 10 KGL R= tit TOY 01M = 100 ko oa + note = OLY 2001 MQ = 1012 a oat bat Gatlin ak, o Se f R, em Op ouireat D iat ct Dividing (1) by @) aives 2 roprsonte he iop rs 14 (R,/10) an THe, = R= 28.010 =F, =9R, 09= Foci,=09i, Sotstinating in (2) gi lar case 0 (adi) 1 ) a 628% 10° Lo! » goo! © 62810" 1x10" 1x10" a anit © erie © 68 «10! Pew? Veld G2 xiot tei! dt" 1.28 (0) Wyou = 7x B= 165 () Vu #33.9/.2 = 28 V ©) Yam = 220% fe SV 8) Yrog ® 220% 3 = 311 kY 1.29 (a) w= 10sin (20% 1089, V 0) 0 120.3 sin ax 0), 6) = 01 sin (10001), V () #01 sin Qn 10%), V 1.30 Comparing te given waveform to that described by Bg, 1.2 we observe tht the given waveform has an tumplitde of 0.5 V (1 V peak-to-peak) and is level i shitted up by 0. V (the first term in the equation), wavelorn look as follows Le Average value =0.5 V Peak-to-peak value= 1) Lowest value =0¥ Highes: value = 1 V =F = 197s oO 131 Thotwoharmonies have the ratio 126/98 ~ 9/7. Ts, these are the 7th and 9h barmoniss £4, 12 wo note that the amplitudes of these two hy ‘monies wil have the ratio 7 t0 9, which is confirmed by the measurement reported. Tivs the fundamental Will have a frequency of 98/7 oF 14 KHz and peak amplitude of 63 %.7 = 441 mY. The rms value of the fundameneal will be 441/2 = 312 mV. To find the Petiod 7 Peak-io-peak amplitude of the square wave we n that 4¥ 1 mV. Thos Poake-to-peak amplitule = 2¥ = 441 x Period T= 4 Ta as I 132 To be barely audible by a relatively young listener, the Sth harmonic: must be lite to 20 KH thus the fundamental will be 4 X12, AC the love end rs down to about 20 He. For the fifth ar higher 10 be audible the Fifth mut be no lower than 20 Hz. Correspontingly, the fusdamertal will be at 1.33 If the ampli tude of the square wave i Vg then the he square wave a resistance & will be ¥2 asine wave of peak amplitude V then RE his power is 19 equal that delivered 1 Ly ROR Thus, Vag = 67-8. This result i independent of fe que 134 Decimal Binary 5 mi100t 135 5, 6 by Value Represented oo1 4 00 “4 01 + oni 2 Note that there ae ho possible representation of er oh Teall (NCO and 1000.For 205-V step see, anatiog signs in 7 the range:43.5V can be represent. leek Input steps Code Coresponding to the LSB changing from 0 t0 | te 25 +s oo waput changes by 10/5% 1/2" = 003125 mA. aie 1.38 There wil be 4,100 samples per secon ith ‘ a1 Sch satnple represent by 16 bits. Thos the tech mo put or speed wll bo, 100 16 = 1.036 x 10° bits pe f 1.36 (a) For N bits dete wil be ibe ter fiom Oto Vj Thus there willbe O — Tdiseretesteps 1.39 @) 4,=2¢= 10¥_ 6 100 viv from 010 Vjs with de stp size given b 10 mV . ‘ «20 og 100 = 40 4B 2 (alee m/Re_Wv7i0a_ OLA This isthe malog change coresponding ta change in i ODA ~ 10 UA Ae LSB, isthe ylue of the resolution ofthe ADC sii ©) Me nvcinan eer | ee when the analog signal late Yoloe iat the midlle of 8 a a bse, Thas the maxi iolwaw 0 og 10" =30uB 1 5 xsepsize = 3 ou 2V Y= 2x10 VV ot Tow This is known as Whe quanta v6, 20 0g 2 10"= 106 4B, ne WV. ar - Ri, Ka ST toma = D2 mk - 022107 999 xa | TOA 100% 107 Reston = 12 049 nV oo 1.37 Whon 6; = |, the ith switeh posit > 10° WW current (Vua/2R) flows to the output. Thus ‘ie sub ofall he currents corresponding to "T wos 2 (6) deisthe LSB 4, Tims by isthe MSE 67,20 log 1000 = 60.48 10 1000 = 108 WW 10 1og49A, = 4O.UB OAfer Yom Shon ww 07 200g 11 = 208 as rate 100. cma _2mA _ 5 Tima ve oF, Dog A, = 26.8 40 er i =282 WA of, 10 tog 4, = 23.8 a ‘Supply power=2¥ 2.V x 20mA = 120 mW Output power = = 42 mW x, 100 Input power mW (negligible) Ample dissipation ~ Supply power Out pove = 120-242-956 nW Supply power *! ~442 x 109 = 120 Amplifier efficieney LAL For VYno=SV The lagest untred sive-wave Ouptt Is of 3.8-V peak amplitude or 38/./2=27Vg, Input necded ia For Vo) = 10 V, the largest undistorted sine-wave out Put is of 8 8°V peak amplitude o 6.2 Vig, put needed $124 mV For Vog = 15 V, the largest undistorted sine-wave output is of 13.8-V peak amplitude of 98 Vig. The 500 = 19,6 11V gy. 1.42 (3) For an outpus wh 15 are just atthe c-of clipping, ie, an output of OV aust have 9 V/1000 = 9 mVjea v) For an ouput that is clipping 90% of the time, = 0.1 90° =9° and V, sin S°=9V ne V, = 575V whic of course does not occur asthe output saturates x29 VTi his result, 3573/1000 = 375 mV {¢) For an output that is clipping 99% of 9 =0.01 908 = 09% V,sin 09°29 and the input must be 573 V/ 1000 or 0.573 Va, 143 When the amplifier is biased at 4 V (Le, at poiet Q), the maximam possible amplitude of a sine-wav ‘ntpun witout clipping is = 1 an To obtnin the lrgest undistorted sine wave output pos sible with this amplifier, it must be binsed halfway henween the saturation levels, ie, at Vg = (B+ 1.5)/2= 75.V (point Q2) and the resulting ouspat will have a 15-1. A75= peak value of 8 144 = 10 2S %S t+ (@) For 9 S2¥, v= 10 The upper limit on 17 is oand by su ten : solution i$ ¥6 = 1.317 V and the corespond 317 V. To obtain versie 1, We evaluate vp ¥io3317 V. The result sth a sketch of in thera skate wot) () Toobtsin ¥ = 5V webins at ¥)=3 V. 5 2 ) ialsgnal gin ain pot = 7) =-5«2Vj-2)=-10 VV (8) y=3 + Vie08 08 10-5034 Yj co ox = 2)? 10 = 5(1 4 2¥,608 oF V7 cos? ox) $= 10¥,c05 or-Sv4(4 + Jeor 200) Lov, cesar ~ 2.5¥fcor 204 1 1% second-harmonic istrton: 2,5¥/10¥) = 0.0 x09 y 49 wv =05%10x0 20 lag 2.5= 8B RAO R/O, AXE O)+ Re ons3viw 7 146-20 66 4,,= 40.48 =2 A, = 100-viV 100 — Mao 3 rn « ° 00 100.0 i 100 10x 0 00+ 1 sao vv 201990. 39.1408 Ay = BNO 8 a3 10% 8.3510" WW A Ni 06 10 log (83. 10") = 79.4 dB. For 1 peak output sine-wave cament of 100 Q, the Peak output voltage will be 100 mA x 100.82 = 10 V Correspondingly », will be a sine wave with » peak value of 10 WA, = 10/909 or ans value of 10/490.9 x 3) = O48 V, Corresponding output power = (10/4 =05W 100. Lar moa it Sin ft Sf The signal loses about 99% ofits strength when con nected tothe amplifier input (because &,=R,/10) Also, the outpur signal of the amplifier loses approximately 9% of its stength when the load is connected pow s@) wal stakes into sect. the power wo! Neworthe liteetly 10 the load, ain Ton 109k = 0001 viv is cleasly a much worse situation, Indeed inser: IMO 1, 10a Tae GORD 100 +108 9091 AIA oF 79.248 100 a a7 MO sas issipaiod in the internal resistance of the source.) sin=2 V0 nV. able of proving a marimum voltage Required overall voliage Hach stage is ca gain of 10 (the open-circuit gain value). Por m stages it eascade the maximum (unsttinable) volage gain in 10". We thus sce that we need at east 3 stapes. Fo 3 sages, the overall voltage goin obtained is YW yigy 10 y gy 10 te x = 10 a+ Ts 10) 10 2066 V/V Ths, thee stages suffice und provite 2 gain slight Luger dan required. ‘Me ouput vollage acualy bean #810 mV x 205.6 = 2.07 V 183 ayo ae (2) Reguited voltage sy 300 V/V (8) The enaliot R,llowed is obeained from OMY 5 k,+K,= 100 ke Las hus R,=90 ko, For Ry=90 RO, j= 0.1 8 pes, and mA orga (Overall current gain = x IOTAIA 910° WW ) ICA, wists pea ali ited $V hy Sneek eestor sli os: 1 Bruienn sees nl toler an 39) (0 For B= 9040 and A = 670. he end wal 300 W/V 50. * pA Trae 5 A= 588700 6 R140 (x1 8, = 1009410) on 100g, 10 waa i0" 0 Tee es rae eae [ [ Te Ohw re Diem wot x 1000 x —_100 ima 306 ss viv Connect a resistance Ri parallel with the input and G.=40 mV ir f= Ry ~ Lyd Zl ’ 2 R 1@ 3.9) (R, UR R, i = 2 20x1 at 20+1 toes * Overall voltage gain = 19.05 WV ie 157 A voltage amplifiee i required, 7 e Le 10 kO R 10912 -_ + H To limit the change in v, to 10% as R, vories from 1 to =%9 4 39.2 dB Ok we select K sufficiently large: RE UR yo (by Voltage gain Thus 2, = 100 kA. iit the ct nge in v, corespontiag 10 R, vary to 10 0,10 109%, we select R, sufi ing inthe ronge ently su o rs k,= 100 ) Poser ga A eR Rina =09%009 a 1=001 = 818 W/W = 19.148 i= 00 = 4, =11 Ww ion AM 2 Out (Current amps To limit the change in (resulting from R, vaeying over the range 1 to 10 KO, 10 105 we select sulficinily ow so thay RS Rian / 10 Ts, &)= 1008 as Ry changes from 1 t srfiienly Inge TY limit the change inj 1OK2 10 10% we select, WOR Ths, 8, = 100K Now ford = 10 n= 10° Thus, to" = 10004, _ 100 Too = 1007504 10 9 Ay= 121 AIA 1.59 ‘Transeenductance amplifier. nebo Omv seminal For R, varying inthe range 110 10 KO. and A, imited to 10% we have to select ulicienly large 22 1ORanae y= 100K For, varying in:he range 1 v0 1048 he change ia can be Leptto 1D% if Ri selected suficently large: Re? Rene Tu R= 100K = 121 mA m1: dfn 1.60 Transresistance amplifier ‘4, 10 105% corresponding o &, varying in the to 1OKA, we select R, sufficiently lows Thus, & = 100.0 To limit Ae, to 10% while Ry varies over the range 1 t2 10 KO, we select, suffcienty tow RS Rens /10 1000 1000 1000+ 100" 1000 + 105 = 121x108 [T° } and ge 4 av 10 5(100 10) x 10" B8EVY or 58.98 4 Ry (4x10) A, Bet 1 10x 197 100+ 70 1 20 NA or 65.848 =1936x 10° WW ‘Overal carveat gain THA 0 2000 A. or 65 4B Using the voltage divider rule , [ 7 ag c j 1esc ! 1eie( 2B R+E Ad RrETrse(RTR) ansfer function is of the STC lovepass type with a de gain K=RAR,+R,) and a SAB fre quency @ = 1/C(R\IR,). K,= 20K f= BOKER nd C= 5 pF — = 1.25% 10" rads 1.66 Using the voltage divider me, —w—o-} CR +R) which from Table 1.2is ofthe high-pass type with reek Asa further veriicaion that this isa high-pass network and 7(6) isa high-pass uransfer(unction we observe as 0, Ts) =0; ond that as 4+ we, Ts) = RVR, + Ry) Ao, frcan the circit observe as at 99 =, (USC) 0 and V,/V,= RAR, +R). Now, for Ry = 10 KO, R= jefe sim mumol=5 = ipapyp «OST wa —|}-2 nena vic sft hih-rass STC type Gee Table 2) wi =k 1 atk ORF) Forfi ote 1 sate s0 TCR A, 1 i ¢ a Imx 1020+ 5x10? Thus, the salle val O66 ur 1.68 The given measured data indicate tat this ampli- fier has a low-pass STC frequency responce with a low fequency gain of 40 0B, and a 3-48 trequency of 10" Hz From our knowledge of the Bode plots for Jowspnss STC renworks (Figure ‘of C that wil do the job is C= ) we can complete the Table enties and sketch the amplifier frequen response nZBnneennsA fF . 1 10 “18 Wate ie) as Tidegrees) wot 0 43" " 84.3 1.69 From, wedge of the Bode plots of STC w-pass and high-pass networks we see that this Amplifier has a mid-band gain of 40 dB, + lowfrequency response ofthe high-pass STC type with fgg = 10? He, a high-frequency response of the low-pass STC type with fgg = 10° Hl, We thus can sketch the ampli fer frequency te pense and complete the table entries 2s fll mB ~20anNGeende 1 a) fa) 10 10° 10° 10 10° 10% 107 10° miss) 0 20 37 40 40 20 0 in al 3-4D frequency (6 MIT) is atteibutable identical STC LP circuits in eascade the overall transfer function is that of tice If the with no load- 0 Cth ing effects since the buffer amplifiers have input and eto output resistances) the overall gain will drop by 3 UB below the value at de at the frequency for which the gain of each STC circuit's 1 dB down, This fre quency i found as follows: The irnsfer function of each STC circuits Lt m1) Thus, yan = 7 1 Y 20 low Since when C iv connected the 34IB frequency is reduced by lage facter, the value of € must be much larger than whatever parasitic eapaeitance oniginally existed at node A (ie, between A az! ground) Further deserrinant ‘tmust be tha Cis wow the dora ° lifer 3-4B frequency (i, eis domi L73 R, = 100KQ, since the 3.8 frequency is reduced over whatever may be happening at node B or any: by a very hig im 6 Miz to 120 KElz) Cy where else in the amplifier) Thus, we ean write rust be much larger than C. Thus, neglecting C; we find C, from 150 Kitz = 1 aec(R, IR) a 2x 15010 KIX 10 120 Kt 2 (Ra VR a 6 i cote Now R:= 100 k0 riven Thus Rj = 107 ka ‘ada Salary for node B f modes ak ae a age i ACR oy PR) [ Bmx 1x 10x 1x10 oO x eee \ =106 KO sun a Ra= M9 kQ "| She should connect a capacitor of value C10 node B This will place the corer frequency at where C, can be found from, 10 eH mata * Cr r 7 T(s) = 100. nx 1% 10> 10.6% 1 ; 2 , : = 1.5 F Ty a Note thet if she chooses to use nove A she would need — 1,76 The LP factor 1/(I + J//10') results in a Hove foconnect a capacitor 10 time larger plot like that in Fig, 12a) with the 3 dB frequency 1s fe=10' He, The high-pass factor 171+ 10%) RR ¢ resuks in a Bode plot like that in Fig, 1.24a) with sa the 3 dB frequency 1 sae The Bode pit forthe over transfer funtion can + I & C tained by summing the dB values ofthe two ind wine” Roy aad vidual plots and then raising the resulting plot vert Te l cally by 40 dB (corresponding to the factor 100 in the - = mnameratoe) The result is a Fllo For de input circu, the comer frequency fy i found er) from 4 1 1 REE, | Por Jy $100 Ha, —— 5 100 Dre (10+ 10K) 10 *C\2= 1 = 44x10" Tit Ine 110% 1010 Thus we seleot C= 1x 107 F=0.1 pF. The serat corner frequency resulting feo C, will be 1 fei = win 2ax lO « 110% 10 15 Hi Porthe output circuit, ac m2 1010 casters Select C,= 110" = 1 uP For T,(0).the following equivalent rhe 1 i-k ini Re ty. i g Eig 100 0 c witch can be expressed as (ez GalRaRy) T a! 06 “ "me SAREE resulting in 5 per(Wer aw PxtdOw 10° x 30% I ‘The 3:48 frequency i determined by the parallel RC 7) = TOT) circuit at the ouput 666% Vgew dn ol Precress} fo" 32" Ie ERIE) “anche, Re) +20 cbideende To obtain a value for greater than a specified val frag we select B30 that i a esi saes L)> Baandwidl) = 16 kHz ~ 53 He = 16 Ki FP foe 144 azze Reeth 228C fon fos &s—t— 2 2mfuwC. 3 R i To satisfy constraint 3), we fistdetermin the de gain as Re de gain GAR, IR, de gain to be rater than a specified value Ay Ee Gul RHR E Ay B+, The first factor on the LHS is (thom constraint (1)) x/100}. Thus his wansfer function willbe independent of frequency (9) if the second factor redhices to unity. This in tum 6,2 ——_“»___ ©) will bappen if x ne) ioo// 1 Suhstitting R, = 10 102 end x = 208% i (1) rests in im ‘hich can be simplified as follow 100 1) =40K0 0!) ¢ Lt) (bed » ‘Subsituting fiyy = 3 MEIz, C, = 10 pP and &, = 10k c la, a) in ty, rests in r 1 +See RS 13kQ § 5 ‘ oa 2x3 x10°%10 o Substimuting Ap = 80, x = 207%, R= 10 KO and & Ck = Gl 3 HO cf, (3) ests in When this condition applies. the stentatr i aid vo bs ; compensate, and is taser function i given by int 80 i885 mav : : (1-2 Jno ya) x10 YG 100 Ve Gre, Ir the more practice value of R, = YOK is wed then which using Eq. (1) above can be expressed ia th 6,2 aa naw aherste form (1-22 )i10 110) « 10° ¥, R 104 vi Rae 1.79 Using he volige-ivider rule we obtain + Ys % = gy when the attenuator is compensated (CR. = its transmission can te determined either hy its where two resistors 2, or by is two capacitors. Cy, Cy and z the wansmision isnot function of fequency. Iie obvi wenient to wrk in terms of it whose response determines iiss ones VV) Ste ale the amplifier ia the low nate hata phase angle of 1° at 100 Ha Using the equation for 27(ja) from Table 1.2 we Ta otsain and solsive ?)=(1/R;)-+9C, and ¥ = (1/8) + ia fom Bbi HL sC3t0 obtain The LP STC circuit whose response determines the se at the high-Trequerey end has 5 4° at f= kHz, Using the relation ZT) given in Table 1.2 we ontan for the LP STC circ en ‘ , (1,1 ; Grea fy = 1950.8 He AL/= 106 Hy the drop in pain is due to th rework, and thus ite value is 183 11 =O8 Vag ~ 06 Von = 0.2Vg 14=0.1Wog = OV 9 20 tog. 217 6B NM, =Vi-V, width of transition region = Vjy~ Vnz=02¥on fora minimum NM of | ¥ => 0:2Voo: Simla 27 | bz doin gin seas byt ; LP STC network. The drop in gain is ‘ im ist 20 og ai én ye Worse cae ity= acs Ya=6h The ou op by 3 4B wea corner toacncen of ap cern ce the two STC networks, that is, ai f= 20,16 Hz and GG S484 SHIT = 10 mw Pars te (©) Dyamnle pover dsipaon =, /evs LBL Nlys Veg Vge32-= 17 16V Saree 10h 1028 = 119 mW Mi Y= Vora 130.813 @uomansluuspelow=re 1 temaximam) = (15 +22) = 185 0 18 + t= kt dr-2in J Te ona Sha, HIGH enV yn (b) Tn the transition region a) Vor= S20! 2024012055 ¥ Yor4 3504-15) Ley v 435.V NM = Vou Yu ML=Va~Vou (©) Vay=5=N (02 x 107 =5—041 OAN=0455 3. N=6 © 0 Poy oy = S—O1)'/2.2 KO = 10.9 mW itis G9) PO ay = SH(O2KE) = GW ; —- 186 () Voun S Mp= Vy =V oe 0223 ‘ai fny= 23-01 22.20 Ni = Von~Vyp2 5-25=2.5V y 4 4 s at | << Y Low _ tn se 10x 10.10"! as () Voth = 0-(0=5)eV" = 5¢ For fr Volt) = Se 0 NS) a 25 fm. = -C10")(10) 2S = G69 ns “a oF tag Volt) = Sem mas y Por tom. Vos . F h=0.010e Volt) = Senos =23.n5 Inu = 069 08 MRS Re volt) = m= (te Hd ty = CURIR, Voi =(Wou = Vode” = Vout we Qu volta) on! hs tna = foln2=O69C (R. 069 CRy Ru RB QED, © = Mtns tou) = $069 CR CRn) O3SCR, for RetR QED. (u) Static power is dissipated only when dhe ouput is low. in hich ease - for Rg ¢ 8. Ree and assuming that Vine, Veo: Thus if the inverter spends only half t 1 this ioW-outpur state, Sl0as = 0. = R228752 © PS10mW = >R>125900 Thos, 196 R587. Selecting R= 2K, =035 x 10x 10"? x2 x 10" = 7s S 2 6.25 mW Unoumbered 1.48 Yu eas T= 109 0. ay z mu io0i £32 10x19 = 909 3 ii = 19 - 0.909 ti A, = 8263 4134 1 05% 100 « 10 « 1 P, 1 = fosxT00 0s w= 701 Unoumbered 1.50 Required overall volage gain = 7.07/0.0 25 VV In ord to avoid the oss of more than 2/3 of the -ogih in coupling the source t the first stage of the amplifier, we have use the type (1), high-nput resistance amplifier asthe input stage. Both type 2 and type 3 do not satisfy this requirement. The type (1), sin of Wand us, amplifier hasan open-circuit wage connect by itself satisfy the overall gain requirement 3 4 | ai rein» O>wo Zima resistance i 200. ive times lower than the 10002 bd 1 o 100 “10 x10 105, io+ 10! 700+ 1000 Overall voltage gain oa viv ie 10 g10% a 100 Thus, this cascade amplifier does not meet specs. The to D ort 100.420 ‘etn Dis too ligh or feeding a load of 1002 which meets te species gun of 235 Viv R= 0sMal ‘ee 19 awd web aS a = rin 4 Dri0q abin¥ en Drow. Hg Oem loose, Chapter 2- Problems aporeximaaly joo YjpThe wvissing any hee capiinent gS tanks prdicted as Soiled 22 = 0.01 =) p00 ool = 09 Dar he minimum vim ber of pins requiredlty loalsa -iipite. 8. Fae cpimanp Was Rupat Aerminals (Upins) and one oukpuk bermbel (apis) Another 2 pins wre required For power Ai the resvits seente be reasonable Similarly tht oiainwer number of pins required by quad-opame (14 = Awd gta Lat [zs 22 Refer te Fig P22. Uy ay KR, yy ie ees Inns WR” oat B Aare stool “Yoo! [3.5 ~ LD 2é | ea The voltage at the positive put hasto Cayg « Win CANE (ee) be -3.000¥ » 0.01Sin (Bit i000)6 = veg Ue -3.0200 Ae (4-G) 300 09 2 Sina 20T i 10.095 Sn Reoont 1 Gay = Ula ee Gig 2 Sin (BOMte 40.005 Sin gocont ee have AAU AL WRG,» A a BROG, Ptaglid | = 20 by Gm fend Y ag, hy MRR experiments 415; 6 Shou that thes CHK 208g Gon = 2aleg 1 60 [aa Sop hv) Rin ery lo to virtval gromd 4 so 10 rocurrenbin oka Closed loop gain a vj, For y evan Be5 Goin wosldbe in tne romge of “3 ONG Lait WSO, £5.57 There are Foor pessibilrhies oe tok pe SL eeny Reeth Bi ee ee tok : Ay Ke [or ' . Me e057 Rb Cc Ga & Hr Rann Rerokr = 8-200 Rajorn Boge pe Heokn Reine ® Gene.5Uy « SR 4G, 23. ~*Y S| & Bate oe =r Ry 2 SR, + Ryn 12ORR = 5R +R idOKR ay lookn Aoles!G= 2618, 6419.95 Ar Sra IF 9ER Lion For largest possible input resistin ts sdet Ry 210M ay Rw Soon R in = Som, ied, Mo alm Beds Ua stan This alditionat eawent comes from thi oukpuk oft aged opp. aN —_—_ = = 2 \Gaie| Ra = Ra Ot Re (ire) R "Rarer Ble : For Small % ar BA] the Aeleante on he lost toe pee Gs-1004, x45 a eee es or more. praia —1e0WlOS ¢ ga We.S< &<-40.F LA Ri sSeeer kn 5 Ba my 1524S (0, £155.05. R 1505 7485 For Usa 15 ONT VAS ASE La tS SO iss a mp HPS bY, IST 4 KK sykn (ook arte 240.8 Y ce a © Assume Ra, PR, ohen Baths. Ye 2100 Vi, eo Ra Rope - Woy fe oe At el ies 299 KA 2 BRe 2 fn Rake 1+Rs ar Re = BAK 2BSEA TY oe Voltage 0) inverting input teranin al nitage of the bp Cont. r wit from ale to tov Ths the error on He denominator. Ts cestore te en sort it depaat a the ses ae be — rol value of Raye wie use GelGje €F Hereby & mtn AP tia A tye og Stok J 2 Ban ee nies > Nae lege = ——— ony, 1% Pa (eae Ra] oe 208, Wok, 0) For Asoo ——— aa Gea 4 Aye oo A, =4 20 Raa Gis Rte t pS ie TR A by For Ax Finite op a te G. Aye he a "Tea ee (# - 5 1 BaRA = AR Ree Gonna 20-§R, ak RA wR + 6R + GR 4h = UAE. Re ee uke R tra 24 T ee Rafe, in Errore = (1+ Bay x aT Gorin Errore = By 00, a ent 4 oh 2 of which con Eemarrmuged to ytd | A] mde) otieke) rece) te aeRO ; or Ae(HE EH) Grids oth, Ra fa i so ig ce whey 4 D4 i 3 | (foe vy GPs (intl (4, 1) 2 101 y This os He wtactaine meguired value fon A, | where we hove wagiected he effeck oF on 2100s 1p Be + RE) = 1000 a | FE Ry eRe Rega 00k =r 1326 at foo Rip = R= books rows — soe faye Sy 12.30 __} to RE, iy ene : AUIo0! Re ty ete oe Al) (-B) GR,» oO ge week) Re) Bee j okay Lat, He foe Tee * eh Raita -_8 Fk, Rane eR 4+ Ra fur he ot hae Bt tr Raley t Reyes) t-*fjgoe ~ 11 hoo» 1 Foo fesie G Ries Fe Be ioe KeSo Kzoo! As Le s10l lV ha & oF t Re. Ry Ae Let YY wy 2 — Re cre + Be) _ v me ® Thus for Az tai! hy ya reduthion of Sef resoits Imonly 057, riducton of the Oued Aeep gale wahesa nominal valet is Bs Gon) So R [338] BR Rak Fron the retulls of exanple 2.2 , thi gador i: ee ciralh in By, 2.8 us give ey: ax Ah, ee 2 Ur eRe) Sear 7 | Ae Rs For Ryo By eRe nie moe an(itle de) 8) Base, =r le LAyefaneinte Ky Tye Tyctt ar Ue Ph a8 é = sw0yj e190 ue Sane Rear 4 Hi ar, f= Bo a cao Fetmind Tat Be Rip. = love , Ro work mr R, = toot Cont [2.34 Re, > if me sgrore the current ascoss 27qIR-@I R= -FIR Ry OSs Be 2 Rat Ra 0) = WV soma Toth, A Tghot mA, L cloe Nal xtooday Ted » y 5 Ue le mA xi00. 5. a bd) yARhee 4, bad Gag AMR. yp Pah WW Rulole dy Ry + RyliRy °BGrR AB Re Le Myon Ces © (ALR EIEN J, shay Fined af 1otma é ABE aR ctl my UC Sook An ae atts stoma phe? 3 20b, ey ¢ KA eg 412 2 & ads kage hee oD 12 aro ce@d oan 3 eee teording Go GE gy ABA S — Ryden oo Bee foe geet Soke, Gok.) & (5a, + 23, Ged Fob Lae ehoose the weighted Somer Configumalin tf + ma Ben Rey Rea OKA, Rea forn Ry = 20K B= 4oKn By toKn eS =: Ryesen LA tN Apye 3.3K re pe % oli by he Oy 240 24) 5A wi a guia at ae Byatt ios ac ae ey Bue Rah Bs = Rye SE 9-9 SD R, #108 R= Loe R 5 we hyp = 2KD 38 -6u, Soggesred teitheralioitt eel BEA ABIS™ (34, +34) east Me wept resisbis Noe | tog. Senos ed wi ude the Cire an Fig. 2.) she owepok signal should be g te Gp ae Wye -Ssinwt 5 Bm yu Re TFwt assume: U,= SSinwl a pe je » Rem rwyiF RAZR « joe Rs Tae weighted summer Configurelias a d Be cat Be = 2.5 R, wie => Rye Qa, wile A a Rew tran n. Shap. KR ay Reo ISK =R, % 2 Rae 4 ESA re G20 10u,, 10 oa Ans boot ; fy OU, 100, «10.06.02 Soa Brian 7 Wu GxtaSimannicesty -0dLY go.2 2ar_] == 7 a — aya - FG -4Y + Consider Fig.2et. This 1s @ weighted Summee c. fecording to cq 2st For a weight rine geo (BE sy Megs Hee, Be) a, Be Gy Be : a Tle ese EES E 2 we wag write 2G 25a cay urea, ¢ , he (Bite Zine tety ebay? Ba (tom Gan tak * fae Mig +e Se FS) 0S o& Re (tla, 42a, 4 170 a) 16 ¥, P 2 3 at go me Re Deter gD xt gale 16 = Bhe =12 wher oy 20, ~% aaa we have the pint value of & Fis Ba ap Ry 20) R=ioeR mr he Ry ston Cont. Ma. sibre Grothe & Up HW eaRed ,CatOKA when Ve wo” ay Re Io = look Olmak As inditataa, 4 only depends on Rand Vand te meter pesistomen does nor aPbect + Pelee te te crak in PQUy 4) axing. sepepetibion je Fish Sah Gate ne The output weitage trot ceslhs bn reponse te y x ys has Shao iy go Bey Beer, Then we ah gy eu, y= Bu Felt By tl -~ ay The cireuik stmprbies to p= (in Be ww a(t Pea) Fe pole yj Je ti (fa aa fan gh ~My fim yey, hye, I Son Ur HEE sere Re=F ey I Roa Me Rog wien all inp are present Y= Gr 2-(e r 5 = ay +p iy 1+ Rey Reg, + Rey Ce RENE My + Mgr) by ye By eh, tr Baw A” Ayetenn mz Ree Boer " Pye time SAP alm 2 Ree Cae (Leper 3ftat ay Brae BP + Bb) (BE Jaa my 3 Be amr Re Be (ee ce en pe ge oar han where Rp = Reh cignercng Rpg) Bry Ree Nobe that if the results From Whe lowk 2 constraints difier, wa wooll use au addi neath retittor canaseted Prom tht publhivt input to Zou. wownd . Rog) green. Rp _ yo Sy 4, Kes M 5 248 OO = Bu L y+ Be, 2h 43, ~ 2+ I,) Refer to P247 2 IF Rys 210k => 6 hms 2p 2 330" i ase a Ry = Bay H Buy = OR SS" = 2.48% (Re) Be ats - . 248%, =H 8 Mae MSG eo ee, (fe ) RE 23 ay 1.06 FP -3mrhye 3% eg egg aE ee $3 lre 2.25%» Mp = 2.95% [Do rs) Cont. fhe 2) ay 96d, Apr If Re: Snel 195 Rye Rp 225 Roy FR ew KA ae Rp, HID, fy, = Vei0k =40 kn. Rep= Batok a SoA, 33K Remick As f eet | —A Ae ee . SG nee ® from the Lino above Sistine La Ry B= U4 By (Ryo e Bh ) Rika? Vs Bley Reser te Fig. 250. Setting O20," abhnin Aha output component doe te ue as 4, BO oo, x0 we obtain the output Gmpownt dus bo vs as aM Ue BOR y (ak) 2 Rork tae) = “The total outpul voltage is 4 Pp, = ROC) For U2 10Sin Amn Sot — 9.4 Sin{2rixieo0t) = (0Sin Ante 60 40-1 inchs tenet) = 4 Sn (Arxywoot) — = Les Beaty Ba 24, Usa & © & x HA ap LER Low AF we add oreststor on the a goon goth 1 Ye ny 2K e we Cain Teo my Bat 4 10K a Re sox Fosen. 20, oa relates nT cavern Weaving ») inserting aloffer Ee ge sours, is 0. The lead carmen i conen fromthe power ply of Hee opionp. otto 6.408 put for om inverting, ampiiFice RR, > Ge» cB For oe non-inverting? omplibver Cans Rn QR & « yok WOK (00K. ® Yook Leek joo, & Sek Sok 100K a 0K OK . 1K 0K ‘ pk ek j 1K OR OK Lie aa shunt a Pesister with R Grapentabd: al, torLs LR co aE los(SOR, 4p 40R ooo) «S0XioR 4 TOR 44 0452 ey 408, « oo) S0{PR, OK, ey \00R,, = 3600 = 364: Sy = 3600 me Ryn, BERL R shy i kaiworanen ve 32. 1+ 93 Ve Liens. mh a 11 M+ Beer why Ve rae a ee & Tincompensecual Gompensired Cry 2 ea => AZ GF where Cosme A ejoo © = ES * | ool ol i} ve rot i Jo x20: GU) 1 wo Acyl wk Zoo Gly) 1 ye ee ay) ee is aA-\e oY) ¢ to \o" wo wot : z pe o ACH) wh eh oh ve aso GW) ) ow i 10 a) Ge we f+ BGni0e for inverting amplifier G25 + St ) beh p00 5 2 Gk) AY) Sy) a zl 10 083 b \ 0 oa 4 i j is 0% 2 a 10 10 5 So Replace Re 20.94 Ry oy Re wi . “yo Yoo A 0 & Ks y p “ 0% #9 Gee ‘0 44.44 ’ Lb 1000 AW b= hy —2— (6 V9), 4 UY, -) 5 a 2 06) 33 + ’ & % 2 4t cy my CMRR: 2oloy 94 Ly Ol sani F oaa Desc eMRRe 60.8 Refer bo Fig. PLSAIWHEN potentiometer 13 SAF Go tae batt [ea WV, = 154 3082 | you _ 3s cote TR we assumt R28, Ruy 28, ap 8,2 29 toe Reker to fig. 2.18) wher sat te the bop ite mr 71H 4% Siow pot hen Dobovn ech Carns Ate Dale ar = —— Refer te Cig. 216. Metin Heat Simalar bo eq 215 De have: Ru a Re 2100 therefore according to Bg. |? Se Boni2 doweorio 12 apa oft y Uy 2 ey =rAne 210 Y, Aeasrding to 2.20; Rys2R = 20En T Re, ke were ditfrent by 1, belaen 2 ternal . Rw = ak Rss Rs & Re he Rye st, Rese) gy Rs by | is ott | Rua Bey Bare) The worst cont is WHEN Keay War ihe manwine dan venue \ ak O- B® By) Um” RB Beet ~ eky it we repince ae with Be: & #2 deol + Rr Rhee Ry 2.64 Tn order to host Omideal differential amp of 2B+R MRR) aan 4 Mae Ase a> BB has to be ak its minim Walinaad we Re Waste: tbe ants wie (ga gaan ea Se dpe jont'Ry 8 aoe a. co it Bae soe Ba a Jorn firs Siew * RE (1+ ek ae ) ae) tone. eee AeMoc 2 A. (Goose (eort! . 22 ek ee oe eae SS ep 1 & Kenvajloase oat 01 CHRR= Doles | AA! rode have bo calculal Be Ni baaed on vokins we chese for R-Ry thak gave US alestidnt Yon by apply ing, superpesities : ee Oy Ae x Be oa Oe) Bibi ci weezy 04 cHaR = x Je 1 5 Saal Slab 3udb 2odb (a Reber be Pig. 24g ond €4-2.1¢: Rw = Sa (1B. Be) Parka 1 Ry Taorderte Cokadale Ay, ule ude sopeeposivios tring Fi, di oy BH Ue Be Way Wan © BEY, 9 Ua Ue SB) then veptau, G2 Uf 4 Ob Ra Ope RE a eB iy Sag AR ay at nn Bila San Ye ; 1e Fe BeBe [i+ Bas! uy + Rafe Rites! BRT aye Bie, Som ae Ad Piss! HERe 2a tay) AL |» totog = [aye 2 Me mst nytt in| : ae AR CARR Zoleg) I = | i BR, ter wert enee or maim initia MRR use have co mnanindte the denominakor Swichwsn &Rtey 83> Req UO) Rae Raq (le) Ry = 8, URED alse, Rin = Bar Pa ge ge k Jit ge CMRRe 20 tog | k bere Re opal te et | ze ie (MAR = Zotogl K ict) reine) |elote ! dd | | for KI ae ae FRA y ebe > CARR = 20 bog men oe! ~69db 2.67 MRR =80dh= 26 Bes Ah a At wr h_20.l nto 2 Re ao Ry aM Refer to pR.66 MRR stotey MA! CHRR = to! ar batons sie assumed earlier Rea thin Ba zw api ah ae =r Ryo ee ew oes Rye iMe R stoke (re-T Referts FyP2.68 and &. 219 Cyate apply te SoptrPestion ouput witage SNR U:,- she cube vlbage Sham UF feonmitio® 44 (ooxjiick loo 2 = fy = -% + % A a% n= 1% mY a Aye tofer 20.9 = Re Nod ve cofeulele Ay Reo Ré Riga R- AMA ay Rai Ree Re FR ar Beh CO “Ge 2 608 = $3 wo Kn Rasta arp - SE wo! = tek’, ond 2 — looked $10. 4% i a Be HO th 4 teal A Seg HR FOR Grog CO) 18 gene y Se we cam consider 90. a viet = iets oe nM AR, 2k, Now we coleulale fing raage Ging £25 a7 2K Cregg x tostlltok __ dF (aoe 10K (OE 34 oy 430% Refer to Fig. PRGA; ot de seperpasibon % Be 2M 40h, neat faleulale U2 &; = B&, aH uy. Aue Ba.=) Connect ¢.aedo tageliee Gon. jo eB AAT ye > The creak anata left Hall has tafncte inpck es Iya ifn topet e Ac c Ie 42M, Tp The gone oF the Biter stage tose Kaial sh Yau opanps of tea bist stage setamls ab Sy re KO, HA ny I Geol UE dat y OME ray ¢ ON AS explored in she Lent, tht disadiamtage 4 Cig aaea te thek ots ke 3 i eat eptiBied by a Gat equal ee vdycr bn) ia ave First stage and therefore a. Ver Semel Vem range it asceprable te avéid satomlon b) fr Fig. 2.206 nem OL fe applied 9 for both AEA, ts ait ane oand tarde ZR, This manans Unltage at the output of Ayoub Aa isthe Some OS Veen Hh 6% 614 Ths urndk atlaus he Caerenk Sleds wre B-0.MSinast V i004 =f3-0.0YS enue 208m tynd 1k Be0.04Sint 4 SOKLLS 34 4.04Sin Boke = 3-4.04Sin -b%- usr aaa av 0B Sinwe » “UG =~ 6.08S, Ba0.04 Sint 0 Fasas oo oF Sina Fin Mina + Ah afer be Fig. 2.20.00 Refer be Fig. 2-20 sata ata. Bar etges te MALS =A) COARR . Me Beg [AL 0 (First stage) Now Consider Fy. 2.20.1 Uy, = Uj Rye neta) Tei ae EE Soi = Yim = Cay + Bigs (-%) Cont ce» 20l0y) M4. = sate ek 2) In L.20.b , the Common mode aes is nek ed ond if is only propagated to the oom outpets of te First stage Refer bo ey, 2.22 oe (ip Re) = Hoek Ctr Hook) o 2 hy Se Lie Be) BES Ce BRE) oe obese | = IF all resistors are 1/ ed tm order te toleulole A apply Men bo teeth ingnts ond nett that vy ail appear at both Oniput terminal of tra frstshg, ye Aa we Cam evaivall 0, by analy? second amge as cane dont in prolitie 265, te PbS we Sheed thet IE each of the difeeunkias! ok russe hea txy tolerencey AQ overall ts alse ey Rem 12 alSs 26 WE agen > Aye Bu (ir8h) = 20lY Agenst vemged & = feb CHRR 20 bog 200. Conclasion: Large ene R Com be achieved by eva having relatively large Agia the Fisk stage fy af the Second stage is Aprioek se, Ry. 20K We ae a series conbigunabion of Ryand R Cory: RB, ztoor pet (Pd Minimum gat = 0-8 (te Ba) 205(14 7 \aoncyy 22h Rye \EA, S00 = my Rp ploon 2, @ asian gains 008 05 (14 Breyer eet @ OOark, sores ea Hosea Ry 2 T02F KA SOR = €) Up and Ue com bet” or Uv PP: . 194, 428 or SEP, Fr ee Refer to Fig. P.2-FRaw Since the inpubt ofthat op 04") dort elrust ony cuerenk fo Zt & \, Appters across & Fag Wd a = 86-4, ybab faeces coun (aa.s )* WE UBL Superpesitior: Ope TM GN _ oY Yong: w= Se we des Aste oeeny Tht Estat Currie Wie to both Sounds is toate, t ban = BR = Sea BR AE We circuit in Figure P29 t(@) hes ideally i input resishance,and it requires that both terminals af Zbeavailabe, while the offer circuit has Finite fodve Ay ted = 20 beg tomy A = 1044 input resistence with one side of 2 grounded. Wox3uto7 = Scrol 8 Yip 2 Aa Be mph o5 | As oto my bale ofa sm, te A éo.3ne Su = 3x10 60.32 189.4 MAE w= 10 x Sen Santo My AT ah tHe suf JA ay nioney 0) I Be ctooviy + Be Aap Fay = 10H ® io Hue tus Fyabe tonne JonHare 2 = Ao Ae 4) “Rp a ay, Fay = rome NO MHE Cae SoHE ce) Re o00y, = 20KHa ~Ri e-1000Y, Faaye 20K B= Bde (ip teos) = a0.0208n2 no My Framed nue wie Me Cine ent Aeidy, * gg) -Re 1 ie) 3) ~Sp =-' Pani mae Fae RSF rae BL Ihr eo ene fay HRB eNe : te Bi hw SE Si [zee + 6a 21004, faye Bn? Fiaefyres 8 ae 10 My Fou seas ine FL is o TF % e rom the wesulty of of} aed ©) we Lom dred He Gade plot: tat "Phake Dasiga q Rin for wap, Se loona mr aBrty boo «1 > Re Ky rfonne momy= tmrtoriea a oy gs IS1PF The diode can ba raverse-biaced and thes a0 currant would Flow, or Forward ~biased where current would Flow (®) Reverse biased Ts 0A Vort5V (©) Forward biased I= Sh Vos OV z @ Diode is condveting and thus has % OV drop across it Gonseguretly ® Dede is cut off Ve ay Ze DA (©) Dede is conducting Ve OLD Cuaprer 3 - Pronrems @) Diode is cut off. CHapten SB Peogrems @ ve conor Da conducts so there ‘is no ovtpu' Vpr> OY Vp-- JO oN, @ pv PN N 2 Di aborts to ground hen ve 70 and is of of cohen Ue <0 vlaraly the ovtpot Follows Uk. Vpr OY Vp 7 OY Fates @ We = OV 7 Both Di and De conduct when Uz 70 Vo7 OY ~ The ovtpot ie ahsays shorted to green as ) es Di conducts shen see HA So LESS and “Dia. senduets apy whan. oe xo, Vp+ =10N Vp =aiov f= kis, (ey D conducts when UE> and Da condvets when UE CO- Thos the cekpot Cellos the impot Vpx = ION Vp When Oz>0, Dire cube(G and ve follows Or rE sidhen Uz SO, Di ie conducting and the voltage dividar circuit becomes a whare the wagatwe pack \s 1k + -lOV= -5V Wer koe ») a OV -5y Vpt 10M Vp “SN f= Wkly -When Ue >0, the ovtpet Follows the mput as Di is conductin When Jr <0, Di is cot of) and the circuit bewomes a velhage divider tt “aX Fe tht Mrlhen Ve >0, Di ie catels and Da‘ condveting, ‘The ootpot becomes iW, when VEZ, Di is conduct and De is cote’. The output becomes :- Voz Unt wy Cunerer 3 Proauems ~When Cz <45V Di conducts and Da is cotefl so igtOA. For Uz > u6V Da condvcts and Di ws cok oy input Ge ‘wos dis connecting the All of the current Then Glows through the battery 10S B= HSV = sn? @ So) conduchon angle = 1-26 Frachon of cycle thet te is geen ‘eG t= us Tee os aw 5 Crnprer 3 Proetems igang 7 +( ig dt -cank y are the sam@ for 4 of é ne 7 + [100+ o-36% | ce and y are opposite 6 NEB [sz T Te ve is raduceh by 10% the peak valve of la temas The B22 ¢ otmk same R ippenk * 100mh Ry Po = SOWR but the Srackion AY the cycle for conduction changes | The maximem inpot current eccure whtn one ingot is lew and the other two ace high « < O-tmN RF BOkH BV seg ¥ Bee = Ima oy tmk yy Dr Ds A —o Va OV he Towne | 0-18) 7 15 [ A. condvietne, = amh “Sv =: Ve a Giryex0 20 x (ou20) +20 => = = 0:225mh Pe comdvching Vea “5+, (6) 4:5V () gi h- he Ww -y romos$an. Seuss, st A 24sv L 3-0 a R > ove 50 = The Largast reveme voltage egral to the peak imput voltage. Rove = 1eg.7y (a2 D starts to conduct when UE >0 Week 5 100 ip, prae = bo, avg= fe,emk/e = 29 mh. moximom eavace voltage * Me tpovg e 2 conduchon octurs 100 The marimvm cavarse diods voltage ur = ASm Orin apadestin across is -— For a conduchon angle (i260) that is 20% of a cycle Ba T2624 & i sv 8-037 A= Pfsmo = 14-83V Se Peak-to-peak sine wave voltage =2A> 29:61V Given the average diode current fob i{ Asm@= = df= wom ar). R oh [-« 63 Gs - 12 a | ———— L R R= S75Q. sor ‘| =O! Boar Peak diode corcent = A=I2 . pcp Rg = Peak raverse voltage = ArI2= 26-83 for resmbors specified to only ont significant digit and peak-to-peak a Ae nanrast vel then A=18 50 pak sine wave volkage 2 voltage pe the prak-to- VY and Condechon starts at Ut =ASinBriz 1SSmO IL 2 0-93 ad Con duchon steps at 7-5 eo Frachon of cycle that current 1-28 Fis is Te 28 yoo 205 ar ~ 20% Average diode wreant = 24 2 | fox 26] = 136mA b093, Peak diode currant’ = Ba 2 Ik Pak reverse voltage = Av is 27y [3.6 Vo RED qREEN BV NF =D conducts o Orr ore — No currant Flas =3V OFF ON > D2 conducts a7 - Ve = 7 shece eo 138010"? F Te! 273+ xtc. qs beoxto™ < Ve Em 20 ° 23.5 40 27 150 36-5 for Vr * 25mV T = 16-8°C Sfaxoers 1: Tee = a Ufeos “. Wools = Tee uz 0 B4uGY at ws oFV — ,o1F/sm8 tan t=:tTse 2x10" TC. = sco) ervens | i ov | Fb wl o8V | 273-21 mA Ooty | 3-35 mA ov Te GSA fet i = Te OOS Bow. UOT, «: Tre : wy Jes jas EOF 2 3-21 To ealevlate Te use “V/n Tezre ae =50) “5, = 3UGKIO A Gfoers -¥/ano-02 € (/o 5 To calevlale the voltage at 1% of the maasured corcantl use ies Ole, 50, wa e+ 0.0) = ew Ve = Wt aU In 0-01 = V+ (6028) InCo-or) v |x ts viv | a) ase | ast | nea (vi Cad fay [evi}cy oF [10 |e. ain] 2200? | 55 0-470 6:80 |ImA | -11x10" | 2:26x10""| 0:535| o-¥20 6:80 |l0,A | 5-11 10""?| 2-26x10"" | 0:585 | 0-420 OF [10mh) arKio”| 92-3210! 9.594] 0.470 3.22 a Mt fa Ur Zt Die Tee and. Tre Tee"O* » 2 fo Caleviak nA by i =, yaw Fz = ote zy nae Vr Calevlate Fs by = yy mm 2 Ee; e Avr Caleviate the dede voltige at: 02 byrne J Wy = a Meh ce 323 © The voltage across each diode. is Yo/3 els - Ee re oi eon With one diode the current Through VE os aA Z-te With hoo diodes jn parallel, the. current splits bahweon each diode so that the dicdes each has halé the current vi Z: re Te = ett =x “The change in volbage is AV Va We * Ve In(b) «19 Bn The eorrent Through, D dev es. iol, ws The currant theovgh Do “s Me ae = oor, Zs =G@o-n) e’ ®+0 Ye w(oornr,)e™ = ar, Ve =Ve (Eas Baz] ve (@-01 Fa) - os i ( z ) = 4beBuN — At A consramr TEmpeRaTURE , THE 'oce) HIDE YOUTACE DROP CHANGES WH cumnent accoaoine To AUe Vy ha = 50x10” WHERE 3 x 10°79 (973 + Tere, °C) 7 16» ort T, = wlw-ti)e _ ee © [50] 25 [100-50 v a2 2 Zi(1+ we ) = woe 5[a7-2| so | 32a 17.3 Dy + S2¥SmA Re & constant CURRENT, TNE CIOOE YoLTASE OROP CHANBES With TEMPERRTURE ACCOROINE TO [B26 AY 2 Bln) x Tenrenarone exanee(t) Twos G4) G80 mV ar pA ano OC 788 mV at [mA ano OC CIV mV at | mA ano APC me ower Te 7m 9 pes Dae Oy 21 faco-028) Pm 10-e n= 37 ve vers = ate (fi) = BOmV 173d (25x10) In ESE*) = 20 ie b4mA Re t0/;, = Mays SED [ese J [26] Ar 0" Ves = Vy = 580 mV Ry = 520 k.@ I: goal capa Be Hore uA Jy je" in Gea Vys #80 # 2.3 x [oe 85 bog = BIG mV s Yas? HpAcx 580 ka = 2.08 MOC, Dek pd 3.24 The veltags drop = 200-5807 120aV Since the disde voltage dacreases by gyprximately 2mV for avary °C merase in temparabece , the jonchon tentparalure. must have increased by J 22. gor. 22 60°C. Power bang diésipated = SBOxo* KIS = B- Tharmal Resistance = berrpunbore cise) | = 6/542 oT Soh Sine ont/a(o-028) Yor ewrrant varying bafwosen, 12 0:6mA fe z= 1S mA, the vollags varies From Ui + 2(0-028) ly (SME) 20.3060 to aie Vi = aor) (HHS ) > 0 Othe vollge dacrases by pponath Boal For wvery I°C mersase ia sberparalors. > the volleg, may var by FS OmVv fy the 25°C “peypuabove. variaton BZHEHE For danhcal Slave Tae > currents, viv ene = 104 OA3V% 8.75 a By t ave Ln Since TEMPERA INOOES Symtienty Remains ConsTar RE CWANES APPECTS BTA Je DIFFERENCE vOLTAes Bae 2 1ksL, 8 oy Rates jew tr eC ant a sharin US ORY 1S mA w= 0-6 0-026n% A clutch ef thi graphical conskuchiow termine the “opeeahing point is shown below « HE VOLAGE OUPPEAENCE BET NEEM THE THO, DIODES 15 VO.ATY moEPKROE.sT OF ThE CuRKERM, Howeve?, since THE TU? cufgenrs cfr vally By RFACTOR oF 3 [0.5 mA ro hS oA) WE DIFFERENCE —-vOLTage Wie BE From the about shakh we sa ito th eperahing point must Lie behueen v2 oe and 0-7V and ix 0ato Om A, So Bid the point more accurately an enlarged graph 1s lofted -2, Wfo.o: Yor i s0-3mk= Fi => 0 660-7 mV Foe 2sOdmk= wre OO => Ts 66F- Fa Yor tha oad Mines U> 660m => i = 0-34 mh UW C7OmV => i= 0 33uh an «6 (ei) Graphical | = 0-33%mA Pont = 663-4 AV CONT, Kr Comparing, The graphical resus to the erporaniah mod ger: Tfo-or8 he i e O-B3tuh = 10" D> C= 6G3-omV wohtcl ts ony eileen 03-4) = 9.-amV Ofeater Fran the valance Pow nd graphically | 3.33 Sterahue Ai nalysh s how HH TeO9U Lt 1-09. osmA 1 = 0.6¢02V 0-3393 mk #3 0 > 026ln (2 2393) - o= i did mot change by much stop hance a oo “oz () heatwe Aralysrs one Up oFV ot tps lm® #1 U=0-4FV ins Lo? Ost = Sm oe Tove hea UL= Uj toosin Ze, fo for =1-S mh #3 20-920 roost) 2 ie oy ; oe = O-FIGV = band #4 20 -Herowgln (HE) gb Bn EHF Feo» rf or ss = = os oa ar. . ; veorrotleg@) i, = 2 Deewahon of devakue opsabion 2o-etly = 01084 mh Vp rca — v h3uamh ay 2 5 e-6Ah ye oemmsomley RR ty SS reson = autmh We rane we orsabrowleg tae = e846 do = aap 2. 3 ve oF to-t ley IM lp = 5 -0-362 30 emepey 2 aah as = 0-282 t0-tleg HS = 0.2640 oy v2 08eat Oleg Gas, tp MHnbagy 30 20+ 364y = W.533uA ce \ 20. B64 ot us) by + 0-0: een Ci ea = 0-366N = HALA he weds u=6-36Gto bg Ze be = 0° 36SU wt. 4eS_ 05 0.366 + o.1log 4-467 > o:3@5\ ips e6ieen 336 Veo 3 20-76V ¥ be mer +g Von bar eer con, 3 ‘ x Vee wo Lp tore bor @ 5 seat rire” = F38F ah jo-3 1o-3 oe Re = 0. 947k YD 7a 334 Prew wise hear modal 4 tls

- Vo - ; b Gruen Vos03V l= imh nea, The currant throvg the dede is geen by Up-Vpo wnted to Gand By = PR peava ater Voo and Gp Using the exporankal nodsl to find “ e tom fe the “Lede voltage af Spa ~Uoe - 6m boy = Welw (4 = O-81SV Frm Ure 8G uing the ginen fuk: ips OF=-WOO ik © p> O-81S-WeD_ = [Owk © % @ => 2815-Vee = 10 © 07-0 Vso = 0-682 Using the piecevoisa hinear modkl O-C8F Ay Ups0-6e? + rl Using the exponenhal model, tm © ows (4) ‘wise — ERPONENTING. Error ip Tienes GR) Un)» (Y)__ (nil oS 0642 65K 2% 5 0-751 0780 “as 14 086@ o-ese 34 3.38 ooking a& He copy of Fie 312 beless, we “ae af tye imk > Up =0-FU ip mh > Ups O-8V So slopo= t= Wl = gowh es 08-0? for qoxu> “Te find Udo! ‘nny ee that nbereact points vohar Com ting Hog (@ The load line intersects the exporenial moi of: Up=oF3N ly = Lamb (BD The fead Une ntersedds the. shaght=Vne modal at 3.34 fp load (2h) (slops> Yow.) Po sgh tne B ntersechiom Of I lead beard Sgn be mac nbereehon see rent Core. 2 03 OF DoK OR ee Cale lahing the paramibers > 4 Voo Ge the badtiry plus redator model Yefnuy to= Te n=\ Tor f= 0-1 Tp Ubz = OF + O-0as IOs For Yo= loTy U3 = 0-44 0-025|q (10) = o-758V Note that since the spenfieahens foe all of the duadis ave gen for O-FV, the and yolleqae are We came as the voltage chang for relakue carrents are “oidependent to Ip QTs. iE 2 ee i ae cl |, ee Us= VYoot In i Ug? Voot imth © o-oo Ves - Uae (os-ivz)5 cons, 0-458 - 0-642 = (0T~0"1Tp) For the. difference iw curomarts fo vary by only 1% => = vot tp: bon ome = 001 (ino) Y= tov. For V=2N @ R= Ik AE Vos 09 Co = 220-1344 No=0-6\) Cpz= E5S = Iiyh da = et 2108 Loy Thao The prrcntege difference is Ole = 19 DG T= o:0u © ip For (a) p= Imh f= oot 1 (6) To= Ih one © T= tun = B= ®>*0 0-642 = Yoo + otTy xo-ouz rs = Veo + © DOLTF Veo = 0-64 inf Loe R NE Using Up e0-b > pra 0-6 R oo V= 2[oa tor tog =125v NeZE => Use 3 eats of hobs v= 2 (oF vorleg SB) = 12a4y Pracawisd lintar modal sa a half- woue vechhar ideal, T2200, + + pi Yoormosy RS F fox Uz Q\bo Uo= UE-We p Tork thus, Uo = 0-49(ve- 0-48) for LEQ Ueo for Uz OSV Sketch of hausfer ehavacterishie + A stopo b-48 oy atey}> > t 3-45 Refer to axample 3-2. ~ Covsranr Vocrage @ HOV Dor rpc Woke Fb GL0-2 - da Orre-1 OReaA ’ —y, Lean ay W-074 —t © ~04410 Ska] © ~OF+10_ 7 5 = | tomht ~10v tov &) fi : Ble 7 a] aL + yo VY aay estoy wnt {ton ov V> 10+ 12g (i0)}H0-% = 3-6) 3-46 | @ ay (Oke © Y=-3+0-9 =2-3N Yo yx 3423 10 “av = O53 0A cont: = Ge Ike yoaenieay. zee 265m ener 4 Feok. W Vo \40-7= av. ~3v ¢ 3N © Bs 25t3.-0-Gah ong jon DBA. 3-528 Eoag lok & BV -av t ELE = oF6mAD (a) SEF oo Le Gees 4 =0h_ SIE bac r cok of, -o3bah’ : yaoue o-c9r® | 7 lok e j 1 =oSuh ~5V B49 (PR al Cl ba fF T+G& -0% (tenzee 20 Ve 20D = 3-98V 0-199 mh Yo, panke = RZ UE, peat ~0-% 5b R s (2002 ~ O-% 50 *3-BPkQ Ruvarar voltage = ore = 164.3. The design 1. the somo, since Tha spr, se >>O7V 3.5 Battery AUS resistance model Yoo. Yoo 2 Boog | VE tinte: Hadite / has 10x the arta Tp 1s Yo as big . “ln lo= Tse = Vs— yo 12 yoor 2 conduction engie Conduction starts whtn Ui> 12 +o LE> i2-66V fe 24 Sm B= 12-65% 8 = 0-585 rod Conduc hon anit = T-20 = 2031 rad Frachon of eget 2 2-03) Fer conduchon “aa Oe i = Mahe So %o, peat ioo+2. as Macimom cauerse vol occurs acres the dwds olin TL ig ot its negahont pak. and 1 apval to 244 it= BOY For aeununt Wnctked to zich, 5 Dono 0s boa = = OF fo le} toy 2.62 Using the 22 ponenhal. odel Winuy le- Tse FoR A +10mV cance fan 2 hth othe) ips age wnet banyan % cnanges w= x100 ips 7 (\-4a2 ~ 1)x1o0 = N92 (1.221-\)r100 = Fon bh Om enna [Patents — \ To nance =) -670-i)wo > 38% _ne | (0.2194) 100 = - 18% Each diode has the corrent 2 ol. , 10 Sach dede has a coral signal. tesistance Ook Gs WE . 2926 56 4° Ds 2-04 Re? “ho = 0:26. Tor one dodo conduc Ok rp) 2 223 a= > 0-259. This ie Me came ne Ry. We con think of the parathd connrdion vivalant to as & single diode having, 10 times the Jonchon aren of wach diode» This large diode soy is fad sith 108 the carmeat (or Ge ate nea, POUR) ark fils exbubity the = same srmall- < raastonct. ao IO Now: parallel smaller duodes - =n & Gres é Vr Now consider The series esichanes = de Bz ef OZR to conned a diode Wr sRs Fer Tt cavallah corbinution about: Rea, = Ploseds sage: Ye = 10mV 0-05 : O08 + ITE [Se kane an eguinalent resishonce, the single drode cody all = 204 F6 mY ~ Te imh ofthe OF woold weed avearies 3-333 eV ~ T= Ome Fesishance 10K as small or TRO4 WV ~ TE Lh O O22. Saerdbically + 4 Tow Cove ea sie & ‘ = fee we co ™] BG XE =0-23 a x J] = +0-26 =0-3 365 [ — Re=tOkhR, asi, alms diode Voy = 9-08 OOD +k2sr SMALL = 6.025 Signe o-0tS r (o'r © ERUNKENT Cece iT For the carrunt change limited fo 710% ot Eg malay toe taponinkal woah ua gat xy oe og te Te fink {te ematl-cignal eeapene® Jo, open the de currat source T, turd chert the capaciboys C and a Also riplaw the déndo. us th | PS swall stqual vinis tanu LVS -2-63mU_ to B38) This ic Ha emount the eoipet will ory Ferm WWAe henyean diode cacrent -~ “Drvide this by the speape gens quate in the problem 40 fed Ba Tinie on tte siput gyal AUs = QUE Vo/oy = “263 mV 23E mU@ BOSE Ooju, 00025 |6-26 to 4-76 oa 0:6226 [26-3 to 23-4 oot 025 © 263 to 228 0-004 26 2680 tp 230 n=) $) mt tt yw oe hee WD: Wr> oto imi small srgnal modal when D) §Dz ace conduding x ss fy fe @ Fs Ouk Diet, => Woy i me Seo © reiuA T= 904 G= 22085, Tig = 2S osi0€ Ao 0 10" F 225k > 25:26. Vhs = OO, @ Fe loan Tre 100uh G = 28, Fin = 2025, 4 fooK10% oxio-F = 2505 SF FED ve INA Ves oF & AY &) E=eo0un fa, = 202s Goo xe a THE BIAS CURRENT Ww EACH bes 210 pa THE DIODE Res srawiz boc 4 2.5k0.. 7% tim tHe err Signe Te A maxiocum OF (O/, BIAS, THE CURRENT stiial must Br PA. Tues, THE sianne vorrace Acease NSTARVEO" Q1ODE Wie BE TV WHich 1S RePROX MATELY THE WE TO WHICH THE PUT Stanind ine SHovLn BE Lum iTEO. u@ We Tima) | m/v, Wy) o oO o°3 0.147 0.0 0.647 0.1 0.952% 1.0 0.995 0.9915 ___| (b) Ie THE srenac cuneent i$ TO BE famineo: 8 £10, rae ciel 10 Qre0d vorTags Any cay BE FOUND FRom 2 OAM 2 04 To At = @ AYb/\h = THUS, FOR n= | Avy = 2.63 NV rot 2.38 WV 04 aprhommarery 24.5 mV con. leesnm) For me DIG cuRRenT To Remains dithiw TIDZ oF mere de Gias CURRENTS, THE SIGAAL VOLTAGE ACHass EACN O/00E MUST Be LienrreO To 4.5.) Now, if Aipean = Fon WE Can oom THE FOULOHIN SITUATION $4.5 ~ —A-——_A— = A vasa #2,5mV- 42S mle We see tuar Ve= SaV ano je Sel 2 0.5 pA Wka , Thus, EACH OMOE 15 CARRYING A cuRaen Siena of 0.25mA, For tis To be ar most 10% oF THE de cuRRENT, THE de cuRRENT IN EACH DIODE must OE 7 ckast 2S yA, Tr Fouows twa THE musinver vacok oe T most ee Suh (o FoR T= IMA, I, 0.5 mA, ano €or wm srenae oF 10). Tp20.05mA, Thos igs hig = O-lMA ane tHe CORRESPONDS MAXIMUM Vy 15 OlmA x Oka = IV The coRREsPoNGme PEAK WUT Can BE FUND BY DIVIOING Vy BY THE Taansonssion FACTOR oF 0.795, THUS Aina = sine; = [OOS V Mascrme Shc FIGURE Eacn DISDE Has [4 = SC SM 50 SoA NE et 3.58 Oprning, the current sowne we gat the Follow: emall -siqnal To vVt-o-#tnVr QED. i) m=! Wo = aie For AVe ale a S$ ° nA Hm Be. igo My : ——— w2teore ,_ 10-0 es Sao Ts, j-o7+e05 Ses Toy 1-944 mA DT, R= Vrod = w-0F | x To Thos the diode shoo be a fomh- diode « A (© ee m diodes — = OT Ips Veo og g. maVr) 7 R ae const Vi 0Fm mnt = male J mtr V™OTm YP-0-F ma Vio tm mavr -© U2 =16Ve bus. => bes tmA In For a load carat of 2 to tmh, mont’ be gember Han FmA. Thos. the S mA soves would not do We ove Wt 40 choose bebusaen the 10 and Gok sowvas. The (mb aoora providis lowe load vaqolahions hucavse the diodes will have wore corrent lowing “Through thane at all bes This i chew tales Load ‘Ragolah ow VE Tatonh Wee Lea. Vax me SS aihax Wrosr2? eo = Yo te ip AV, = (om) to 22: 3nd f+ The eal be pale mupple is “120 - (22-3) & 100m Bead Replaker = Be. 100. es 5 =-20 m_ mA Lead Ragolakem for T= 1Smh . Hue thi canunt Horough He diddre chant Ron © to 1S mh ccorraae only Avo = 0-1 In ( ¥/i3) = -49m/ Lord Kyalaton > The obviows disadvantage 'Smh svpply is the hegher cearresnt dibs pahion AMlerrale colohow of Line’ Ragulation. using The small sigwal mended open, feet ¢ be Tair oF US$ 2 tah - e amy i Lead Rigvithon = SYS = -214 =-2nlhy = Whats the bas eomnt Ep = 10-45 fav the lomf seorce => BVe = -2x2x0.02c v ee eT aes Ze logs Fo IS mf cove Ep = 15~ Slateh of cotpot :- we 4 eee fay fea] }@ Va=Veo tla Ter to > 46 + F * BoKI07 Te= 8st Powe rabina, Ve = Vaot * 2Ter = 46 + ¢xIBOKID> = loa P= Ib-yxworio = Lo4w ® Vero + GO Tar 4:1 2 Veo + 30% 10x10” Va v. s Ve= &&+ 20 xK20x10%~ 9-44) P2a4xtoxio> — = L8emW G+ 2x Lar Ve = @-@+ 2nO0KIO >= ZV P= Fxrooxro> = pow @) I> 1-2 Fexsnio & = loo Ya =l#.2 + 160x wWxo =(g-sV P= Wax lox = xmw © HS = Veo 1S x 20x10 Veo = 2:2N Veo Bar 15x uoox t= 34 Pos PR xuDKI0> = Z1>W 3-65 @ Thue ©8V zenro prosihe BxOE = 20-4N with 3x10=302 Feistance - Nagtuding Ry we howe food Ralakion = ~30" nth (b) For BV anne we war 4 deodis to provide 20°44 with 4x30 > (202 susisteuce Load argu latin = = 120 Yh 3-66 Small wignal model for hie vagulahons 92.0 —A——2 sO ts oe due 2 5 boy S+e2 Ge SS e bua = By x Avs = 5 a ae = tet mV (37 J Vp = Veo + ta Lar G1 = Vago + 5 28% /0-F Veo = 8.16V Ve * Veu + 5Ip 20-16 5 lOmA Vz = 9.01V for Tg = l00mA Vz = A46V Tz = 1kmA 7.52 Vyq +18x30 » 107? =7 Veo = 7K V wnicn 1s > Top Re 1-75 . 350 Ms OL 19 = — ae Fee Avt = tiv AVA stl, 1efo.03 5,950+(),37) 0.03) BLOM V 0 = Vz0 4 HVe O.aS Vo = 2.55. tr WV 0 Ve av s1.18s natn 2 280.2. ihe 0.03% 05 27.155 x det Ly? 20mb Lo ° 1 Fist ‘Design ~ FM supely aun Groen Pacwneres PV ry262, 2ombe By ace Dax 0-28mA Ty F802 easly “eupply earvent wll adore bree Re 9206 2 hing Regulahon = b Uo mar RUS GER = Brno eas all 43°S Secon Desien © binitd errant from 1Y supply % Veo = caleulale Yoo hom Va> Vaot % Lar G¥= Varo +5 KOT, Vro= 6-7V Re ht = g 025 be Line Recwanon = Ae = 250 bs 7504 7200 75.4 mit 75-4 me 3:70 ISV 10% Vez Voor Ie qs Se fw, Y rab] is Va f Py - fea ra0('eve Yor BTS BO(o-CD = FIZV Tee 18/2 = 1BmA Das 10 #913 = IPI3 mb R= 18-913 2 aoe go 19-13 Bs) 2 10°33 - “io - Hooves Ye? q-l4y Vez r93 +30 (' vale B34 ISTO: is]e tate iv fo £O13Y variahow jn 20 tpot volte. Halfsng Ha load eurrat 2 Re doobling Ye = PRR + 20(\5 Ve - Me. ) Zeon > 10-33 A285 2 G-2ev errs 7 Oe N26 = G14 = ORV incranse on ovtpot vallaye Mi tha edge of the byealebeuon cation Ve2Veo 2 @-¢3V Den =0-Suht BV ees Aouust ov ipot voltage. = Sav dine Ragulahon = = 39 aD 200+30 295) av v Load Regolahon = (uk) 2-294 at (@ Yar lo Veo t Bar 7 (0-028) => Veo> 2:925V Yeo + © The mimmum curred ol. Bmi ceuns whin CLs 20mA and Vs 8 ab 16 mininw M of 20 (1-O2S) = ITY. See the creck baskow: Rg 15 (Veo + Ta) 2045 € 1S( 1-825 + (6-008) ) zs £ 205-6. Chine Rgslahen 2 2 033 WW ¥ Sr h 128% chonge im ls z25V Vo changes by £532 = © 165 mV corresponding to 1168 eng Te £100 = 165% 3358 RA R = Ve. Se, in 5 phe ins phe wa C veo = ate In (ho) = oF leg GBs) GF oF Ort be (GF) Rink. = oF to log (22) Oy Bi) oe oe os oor Ma \ oF be a Oe UF 5 oF 532 to og lor [a36 J wen 09 : /-+>— , % Ves Mee ip ROVems Gor Vo 7 gE -0-4 = le zev Comduretion gins ot UB? BNE Sine = 0-% Oa St az) 20-0412 rad Condochon sods at To wo Conduchon angle » 1-28 > 3-0 “ha dinda emaluche for RDO AER Of The ye : 1 Ve, ave, #{ RASmp-oF AP hs ME Yoo = 6-299 Conduchcon cbarla at 8 =Sn7 20.0412 ma ard ands at W-e. Cortvrcteon ange 21-20 8:06 red in nek eyete The the aye ym he Wea gee Te a heaves Mole Hot IPH Mle of he cycle. There tl ke conduction » tween wench of the tro cbiveles emelact for holy the tre y is. nom of Fhe opel. 2 be el z[ 1VESmgb -0F doh e = feuey Tien R= Be -2vp = DE -1y > IsS7V Peake yolloge. acrons ae Oa snt tin 20-0826 rad Fachim of cycle thet DB, 4dz cxdat {8 TE2E x 100 > HRY Me ar —— Woke Da 9 Dy conduct in “tha olla te 2(ara)= VaMh ypa ax edt thaws FP condveton sntieval 1-5 | AT Sin@ ~ 2p AG = a> WR tose ~ 4 ey” ° = alters) — 14 (28) r rT Us, con. For tho Vs > Tine unde * he, fn i oko > re Belay Ire - oF lee no Jz note. | ee CK B08!) center bnppedd Ow Te, aug» IOV Ye = E (00-4) = se 2U Taras Patio = 20 ipye yeaach tae 2h cone bpd £0 Riker bo Fg B22, For Wo 10¥ Ve = Baht sieeay Jars Rabe = 20. 9.499 4] Lae! 141 ©® fr Voyeg =100V, Ve = EA lord = isqeav Turns Bahia: GO = 1.06540 | 6-3 Geo RO Ole : 24 fa tO% =D tums Raho = G+] Piv= 2VL5 Une a 2x yyy oF 2 = Be-gy Using a fackev of 1S fov safely wae sult a dihe chewing a! PIV aahay 1 Tle circuit is a Pall wane ethfor wit conbva fappaol uw won The eeveit ean ba aaaly ped hocking ont vat and UR" aypee tly J Hogg e Vpvang = 4 WSnP oR Ap = 15 assumed = 2b -oF a * 5B Ve>dorv Vr “HF = 2a-coy Hao voltage eerons seemdany os . ole aoa a Loe hang at Dy Pus Ye iy “Met (ye -0-#) 2 2Vs-oF TE chooting a dude | ao llous A Rafely mongin af LepIve BV 3-83 > - oe fa ket, ([ Eves cH | | - \e b en @\e = Ne ~ eo) £4, (8:28) o:\Np- Voo) = (Np Veo) Mer Yoo) = (Ve a 4 euxgowle® * [eb tue (i) Yr Ur = 0.01(yp-Vor) = (Vp-Voo) 7 CR Ce (667 yr © ©) Savy = Vp -Yoo - 2Vr We 0.9- E(a-od)ou cae es oh) &) Vaaug> (adz-0-4) (1-28!) 2614 conT. ® i) Yer condyebion ange wate Sheet) 24 (2-30) we Pane the TKO Np -0-4) (Wp-e-¥) = (ee 2 O4U% vad we Fraction of yh pve Fox condueloon = ar 7100 w) BEX Jarno.) (NP-°F) » 074 raf Vp-0-# Fachon of e4 ele = TL e100 = 2.28% ©O@ ve * (3:31) inary a(+0 ate vs) ) = Mees. (14m 2 (Ve-Von)) \ ¥ 04(Vp-vox) ) Ss SE (“iE ) Ie lex 4H) forage ag (on) / = 23Sah NE tect nave Tee We/R> eye hut Ment we weed ieaugs wae R whek is eceunaL. @otopan® Ee (vv wr fEbete). = sea (wee Fea) 8) oak (oR) > ee 3-84 i) Urs 0-1(Vp~ Yoo) = (eto) a2FCR Th Cachor of 2 aseaunle —— for dechorgt occur “Vi. ret pried te c= 1 = Gere * 33h i) c= 2468) 100-01 al» . Yoo - Er ® (0 Frackow af eyotn 2 200K 1 r i) Frachon of Cycles aflesh — ii) Lovage wa (es ® i): @ Ver 09,0238) @ 4, = T (ier FER) = 2238 iD mz wis ay) © Bak a) be zuf eur \ [a5] Yves o 1 (Ye -Vror®)) > Np-po ECR discharge aCatrs only swir aT ede C= We=2\be). . (p= zoo) HONER wi) c= . clever) FR BSB ae Wy Frachon of ajua= Babe x190 “Dx 100 = Ly. 2% B) Frackon df ayels [LEE a0 = 45% ss 45h ©» beam? S38 (ue ne ad W) Log = Sag ( T/yome) * BSGuN ®, @ ty 99 (we 5) 2223 mh Gt > sag (142m JER) = Zodnh Vp 2-2 Vena WO = Wh (©) Vez (\p-Yeo ) TT. Eg (2-20 e (828) ca) Sano boxe x 160 et Tee Pry > Vp-Vo0- “72. Vp * Voy 01g Np IS + 16-4 @® ——— lo, aug = Ta (v4 m/44219)') = vusing Ta = Ubavg R 15 Iso 2S cat hae R by, “(ow LE J eh £1 on qs a J SVE AY @ Hey fo U5 = et Ure= 16-FU PMS Vollag® across seemdony > 2KleF eS ve > BBN © ue, wy *- (@2z) Me a Ve = Ge = Zxcow Ges6 * C= 444-4 WE © Wp -Voo) + Vp (Fa D,) = 206-4) 0-7 = Bua Zo Using a SO%o waren Div s(a24) = 49U (A) ning & (3-24) brary = Ee (ism ae) = oes AL © Unig &,(3-28) = — = 15 (1+ am] fz) Us= BE IV, R250. CONT. “hee tev 3-84 = 16+ Moo = IP Getta = EL. pay P RMS Seendony Dolley > Et say (= Ne woke: we get the. 26 OR seme voli Can Ie “the Fall wast rahfisir 25 THeORC KES as dastunqei wir The seme ant d he Ce 444-4 we THe mkt paskis the samt — IV, Deering tee dade off atinwal, Yo cepaithey dacbevgts Hamagh ruciabey R according 0 . edi sacra eeanp Pivs lo ue) of Dasd—Voo = lot oF = lb BV - tee. Tor 4-3 OFS ay. Tee) 93> 9-0(i-THe) Alowsing A SO%lo war NE this 1s (3°38) (D Uesy 3-34 Uo,avq = Ve~Noo ~ b. Ur : : = 43-20 Roan = Te (40 [Me fou ) ope do,max = Te (t+ 27y Ve have ) > tre t+ Jen ) Charge gouned loorio”® x 0-93 = oxi K 40xID* Loymex = Leman be max 4 + Voymax /\ees = 4+ VF hoo wg fe The Aecton nga (Ie is <= Bf fo Fig 382 and Leb copautor Cu commtd aenoro sade of the dead rustalevs R. The hoo aupplio, Sp wed og ae dette Brehin a full wane skp deiitan, to thet hoard on the enti ~ Sypd~ Heanebesmse caret » “tov cael sup¢ly, tte de ote is SV and he nipples is IN powe~ fo pale « Phun Sor 15+ Ye, & follows That the pak valar of wevet he 15-64 0-7 = [o-2V, Vellage cron secondary = 2( 2) szy UV RMS across secondary = AB. = 2244 Veme Turns Ratio = 20.5 Gag: Ral 2.4 5.242 | tee 8. (3:35) be fed Ron loans JVeiave_) Je 8/2) ut fq, (328) Disetingie eccves even. T= de >c- #5 _ “ - paeree ae Res a Consider Ds wohan broking at PIV view D p= ots . 2 Se le e8rFV B rtoving for SO% afuly margin UE 70 Dy contach De cate P PN = 1S x3I% = 4pev O20 Dy earesy Use (884) te fod Toyaigh Te (ve wf ePue ee Vor Jr (1+ Fe) a s2Ue whan te diode is cond- _~ uirhual gud oes ) Ue = 2v Teg es oy De @) Geen ue-2y oe esgy Sn = 23 » o qv. UesRy Vergy Une 23Y us BL Haenpr & @vzs-2 o> um=2 Sn = BAN o- =e ee ee Pa lll 344 @ GE 2ESY the ducde fh = and the erent suduae for G e—_4__ Vo With the dade condudding wt haves ea ; ay tacomed the z died. vordocts {tos ton. Uh soln. Ss eva, Uy 207 i$ 4) oer 2-63V ve Similarity for (8), 6) @ v hs PIKES US 2 | 4p | 7 both D, D, go foe meth eh zen | ots i * Pr aU ~y Deke PRD. Dow Dron OFF DLOFF Foe Ue RSV ~Di on bok ivy 2% Imtt DAV of Ue = 2-R+ EA) [3.4%] For ead, diode ioe Tae ey We =-29-Me-3ey Nas Hi { sa For the zener diode ee Yee azo. | okt. = ef 2.2-Vee™ oxic? x20 Veo= FOV 1 ' DSH D ig ds off HL & Dos The like “Rvecholls ove * (2x0-68 +¢0) = £9.30 Fer Ur > G3 (aswellao ft UE <~ 4-8) Te, Gyr Terre. 30) yygqy = 20D: nosy TKR vm itiate tearstey” °S7Y cont (0-09) = nord "Int ) gf Ube er inet? 7 reCve-09) = Ue + 10 -ip (-0-#) for De! Ur = Vem 10 Steubuig, oa poahwa ——_ foo ad Sy Urrat6U i ony tues 3 p00 i / Te OTD Yer Ur = 10V Vez aro.2¢(10~ 3-16) # oN, Us = 0% Fo-1lea ('%e+) @ be Aro DD off DT=0 Te De sy Une tet eS ©) Fer EKO DyDa YD Ue=0 Ts-T) Ug= -(Ynrese) Uns -(Ug +t) conT - (0) bust of ports fv Un 20 6 tool] nxeoi| 4 oe o-b01 [ower | 0: bor ea oot bey oF V5° V4o ot eh 2b oO} Co B30 ot 19z ad 6 zou 454 oe zp Sie (8) Lick of Ponts for Va SV CONT. D fo tor VE SEV ologe THR x Vy Feo - a St 2782S G0 2S 10 30375 Bo S825, Oo 3.8325 lo SFG (VD * Unlhage ts clang " cates * ae Dy has a constont dinke beep fra enna tad ferme, allege ick ree! whe points foc —FS UES V ot catewad a2 eden lslew MA ot Reo ney oFe-erc lo=-Tme =i"? Tes 6-14 vio A. rivers So For Dedtouse iy -6-4iqxse Dp condochng tps =O Fer the Di, Da arm conduncl Re Glowing quatiows Ne be gy Wellies ao ont (MY RY 220 => Vy Hl Vel- 2AM =200 fom ® 2@ we Crd Bok Ni= 2Ve Than OD andy oN aps 3[M|#20 => Ive|~ e-63V Vi = 13-33V_ The veoult is: +R2aV 7 jan = oG9V cont sae O° Tq rey © lo , AN) Mag arte veneer toate 7 coals Se YOPropie + Moola) sin is i “Cen (CEH 1200 suniploged foc enat (#) ob X ow ( we Be ohtu Sa Fie ro 413-32 | > 0-52 2-cm at - b— ~6-6FV py, Re €8 = tuk 3:10 © n dopil No» Ano =10'* Myo L fT 6 = 6Te Be Su xp™ Eee VIZEY foe | kero faa Hachon of s 6 rongedaleais = 2/5 6105 Ts gay xtc + $2) xi Tr Yathcn a Race &) aes WS 2GeKoT = gg 7 x10" (4) Pdoped Na = Peo= 10° /om> 213 sani0? soTxi0 293 FES xT -P3x10 e- 1 . B73 eyaxio® 284 x0" BC ProHe + Me Ma) BAF ase gra SHOE OD inbvincie siheon Gee th VCP He MHe) = 1 Tene Grano cure + rem" 41580) S22ERIO Qeem —= 226x104 R= RY = 2 few CONT df . 1200tro - fro dx WwW x 2:26 x0" Sxio 2 ~ao GE si 2260107! = exo" (2x eee ; mas Mow 4 Cpe + Por) © Tage = Dacgr ? 8 C1 war Pr) © +8 > oud (ioZ aso + 10% use) * ii bk FIS*3BE ai é-v | y wore 10S ew Raw 2 No Pye Bie mec Pay cety Nb *. Janges in Nt ado oe Tengen 2 Coon e repr) & aA Zronc"l(1350Ne) he = oF * oxi Legad Alp = et atl fempivang ert lesnnt) Ae 126"C 4 400K eH fe cen Ca EoiGn ad aye el ere) 2 2x0 niger Ea a Foncesrenrion catfis exephs emt off twreaisic B60 wo Bq 10% too geo 2 19 to qo «eo to 30S tt wshant Din = Viste, 2 Dr = Vite = 2:028 tp Ex] Bev (sat) | 10 sae Mies tienes that CAN | : (ae te) = - ey oie Vin Gp ian Ase hu = be He AbNa 4 Wy hnvats OS SAL, U2@-26207") swore Way eSpROt = Vee Ye In (Hina) « “ols Z 70-633 Wag * #na%y= /PG G+) me Yn) 4) zlwaersno Ja 1, shen tessies! (ioe a) (oesse8) = 2pan04 om BP xn > Na - x = 10 Np Mt Ox wep = EE fi 1 O22 aan ne 2 fst bre Bu G2 g Lar A awe reno os io) vooxr0% to*r10 ) Cathet Cy Gn, 1 G-eene™™) Woon * Weep 2-83x10~ = 14-6 107% = 14-6 fF Y= BNxA - rex" oor > we 1D ne ourstt (ae Ys= } Mane Ny Alp BW = ¢ Mam 26, ro i er) con, n a 3.120 8 IPE (ite) 7 Aaa (Pe) er) . 2 YAr mo ee Cae) fe Tp. Delnth 2 unm” . x, Date No 20x5x 10" 3 1e = Tp tT, > 100Tq rIn 2 nh C= Cio dhe) Tn = for = 22uh Ne tIV Cj) = o-beF pee Tp = 00049) = 290 uh (er os —— mn Ve=t0Y G+ 26 cF 2 3-120 rf (ey Tp > Agni Dp (e =) “rN Bd Ty= AGA Da (eo ew mee) +938) = p-smh_ for Pon Nae? Nb Cie beuakdenm eceuns 2. Bes Agta (gh He ine) He aetaye eT ¥ Ne . euritank dan ben fits He witmens value ie. Ab ad be 2Smh LHe Tee Agr’ De. bani (De \ dice ipalem is lmrded to half the abed talns +f 60 mth’ if He deerpahor is allowed terse be the wale value + Pet Bo) to LN = ott) 16 100" ceo 7 (reno si i Vir I~ De le -1) > o-2xto> _ Mort a orzo (e*)) = 0.2410 vim Dees Sverre minoaily change = + Qa “y = plp tT, & TTp = Gee) (0-210 2010" c Geeks UL Vr Vr = omy oto poe pais ~ £20p™ a Mee | npux| wT" it G@)hrst comeidur Ep: P(Xn) = Pao ev Tp = Np yd Pro = Thus, Zp = sr cnr es) ¢ Th~ Agape (Yr Gane 7) ws? D=Tp +Th han or ea Vr re ») a The sere charge) Gp) com be fs ay lily Se ein of the Ale nen cena dene ty ag > Aga 2[ Gay Ii x] zm P(e ar \ (We xe) $9 (Je) Chapter 4. Problems ot 6g, 6: ad BHI reqial drain” currents wwe Aas Polen sle- mo te = Ma Wa” A PnSg the capacitance per unit aren is: G, yg 2 BSI", ——— — on i qa aSan or nea Ll fon Sam mr Gog x SESE = 64 Fie tay een ar Gy = OCF E, to @ Jom . eS decal For IPE capaeitante,we Mequare amarena: — for small Yo:

Em MM ef allel ton AfoO Bad 2) trode region Vk Yas -y, 4221S 10f:5-043002-4 x08] 20-f2mn A) Saturation region: Ys Veg Me hye br 0 S 106(5-0.8%, 9. Da pees | see eee fio | Osan Las] | Refer to Rip. th, ip W so if wis haired, tan. ty wood alle be habe. The vertical ens, ‘pyhaa to be divided by 2 t gor 1 bho ° 0 ef fps Vesee , 2 Aves) For Yay et DY by looking at the conrespondig curve soc oy, 415, wl cbserve thal Gs “4 te <0.5625 mA For on devite with, 7 halF the width, ® tis divided by wy This graph is rot dependent on Fg 42s dependsat on My white, 1B 55 KM les yr] fos. 2 Vese=YE 1900 pst Yes ~Ve 00 Nowfor a device with twice the width: Cnt » Walesa Ve? ose” Wevesu ed For Vggzi-S¥ Lats Rer'gg, = 1008, vy Soap = for Vog= 8.5" PS e 299. « 100-A. : 2 “3 = fp Sky Wes YJ or 0B , Yegcte® =r ese Yeminn Varta aY for deobm A: OF Veg t= 4 arVgs oS ea L401 Veg “ps min Gs % 75 Vos ps tdivals operclon in salaraben mode; apeb ee & wy eys Hak i weesiys® e perts Sate de bxu ous coy (s-u2203-4)=r Wye Be Dafne tn made region tor, Goth’, Gv niiness Toi Khewh © -V,)00 -0-7fy iF HaBopNys : 60 250 [(2.095)01 -o91 J Melo 2 F vgs 2 BV Nps 2018" than §, = Smoopasiess 2 | 163.125 4A Ur, whe channel reach pincheFFa Jyg 37, the channel reach pincheFFat 1sY For whieh: Aydaat0x 2.25.9 a For dhe channel 2 eemenin dontinons oie. 8e 0a Yosd Yor4 =r Yosmaw Tl? Fn fost yg ‘e Wyatt ar rpg tO Ls “5s s. mr oh ee gto Yost WW me rags too 4) tog KL 50 oF Wis halved gis oe aa yg (208K Bg AL $0 iF L ishalvdy ragie also halved! 52° < me ¢ SH ©) Gp Oe So iF both Wand Lonetaived, Wataye onchomged and 0 dots toe. WoL rs 4 ORAL necording to qh. son. Since Uses is Bere in Fig. PuLlB, there Maca teancaye 4 ECO region pete BH Wee ups -.5 if we replace vy by Tord Kode, be Kwovypt ; where wz TO pelea 4.19 = A¥os | = a y “Vis cmet Ts Galaslale Yy Onsider the ABC trinagit Mate Lehn ty © 2r20 2HOY my Yaw 36V oot vi" ge Sub L Dep ve fprormA ain ahh SpelMA bine 20KA 42) Weyl where Vy is Completely process Arpedik. Also, G2 YA. therefore to adieve desived ogorich 1s 4 Raves larger} we shoslh werease Le Le Ae be apn Tnordec to keep Ty unchanged Wi vate as te shay onchanged There fore Wetele eHoym . Ge ts mpteks) Y= = SOV (far sina) Vg = MvoSMyive = Deo fer nea device) SM x lee, 4.92, Ne o.a2 oe FOV far “Al =p y 500 2 O03 2 Bat 2 2.13/00 es teas For Voy raised From Wee SU, dp increases from Boph to BAISHA Ae 241 chugs int, Bia a Bf change in ig In ondte to reduce bie by atachor 2, Aig hal to, bettie, or egisinletiy han to oe doubled. In order to dovble vq, Uj Fadi ke Be Aalalad aia ia Houle do by devbling the Langit a3 G jt i ae %gl don é av de % * Mos = 2" > Vag -M 10-5 ap dbvice in Sotvralion fe WY? aL at300 IG 0.162.500" Ny ak atten } 2 a AFR Mo tae - ates 3% er eiyeSiua, Mos ' 34 ao e82 colo. yo 50100 ig Hos 33 al on 30 0000 Te vA 405 Lis l0oU Yael iE Lit doWed isl Y= Axtooraer hal ze.003 i" 0) iF Mos os Fixedsten tp is halved sasa rasott of david ng L le We of dooldng pth ak Leodwh Gnt 6 an 2.918 fs oS utd TG". pe E TRIE nye ndetd® fend IF top =to0nm 2.58 16 Y is tpt ak 0ST than when by is choupal my Sith, 5 Gost. = (28 Tim on OF yg 3S . a O) ye HY ax Vyger 9-35 Yap triode region Hf es-%)%os te Nos] ca C ig 280 [ESAS WeH)— Let] co-onh ae or %, vy ostlees! ¥ 3 ; SY ay gg e-3-SYaNe of awedgeol ecneatn MM gy YS UMDS) 2904-32 bg 38)=0.52mA Vig z¥¥ar v= wo) Vp) Jobh=1.6% = cas*ciee My cue’ eae Mog a5 6-35 mababuralien ai tay Ts mereasad by 0 factor oh: m1 8010.57 (1400295) 20.54m—h frome By. M34 Youd or Fey OF Halt 5 & ah edno serve My fone by VgecBaeVyge to" Lens ms aren Yay 2a bat 108 )=B7HU for Hoge” Vp SY Fer Ng 2 ip = Ag Bor3. FC \povetinte) = 054m A Turefore for Toa 1d yaaa” VL gg Hd tps) Howe aeideir cere 2G ul a) 24K WMI ae Be Bin 4 Be Bie (Mey MSFN leg Ma) Be 54 434 ae EE: » a". Solio . Bohn - 2BYe 1 TOT OT Vee Ge Timer Ye YM type mode Oo ' 0 2 5m N Se 10 8 Sw ON Se b 2 5 BMS So Pose 2 5 2 5 HP oe © 3 5 3 4 Beh Sb 3 5 26 mop oe d 4 2 6 6 RN Sh Ww os 4 4 6 3 DON Take 00 oF St 0) Lromiter Ls yee Thik mush Ge an NMOS spt Scanlon ed eee ACEO Oe at whe VegS¥s 400 oI, Ia Coy HL OY aut MAME BM er oI, 46 ve crag Se b) tremsibr ds 23 saa! wy. aS¥ Tralee Vos then the daviee io in Grade region 2I0= fy Geel [Hy Yah Lal] Ot-Ho Wis.syy Prot moo, og me uso. Fy le ‘ 2 Deli way zh¢ ‘hab cow be In order to Galtulale RL inert ed te series with We drawn » Vos hes te be equal to Yes V, So thak the device 12 opendling on the edge oF seTitralon. Mogl= Note thak Since ty is the Stuwty, Vos, Shays the Same 9) Pon, # 2k. 0.5 EA b) vy 2-28 -24 1-0-5 : ee we vpn hme Nort that Va is Feed theovph Yo oe gn = Vy -1uof ve 23% wy be © Nes=-3V =r, 0¥, 23". low for Vis be waits Roun, = 1 ose DV BV GoM e Vetsttn v, ond dean mecins thet, hte be Yp has to be 1Y, ba resislor Adding 4 ee 5-224 ond shia leaves IP vollage top oo Ae resist Rogas aL no SE Tr ordir te calewaG. the Largest Resictor Oued te the oli nate that Since tho gale doesnt dred any CUE the valle of the Tesistoy ig nmcabarial Gar. Now we Calalae Agar, aeeming that the oitege drop aecoss the eumemk sora ‘ent leant oY, . oy eeY chen vec eBay Vy BB eT BF See Shas? by Ay derFT UY Yeje~ 2 SH) ase ° 1 Ver eaNade 3 = 25eR T= Yopevo np 3-0 217% ay RS ee Vg e¥g, a Satoracbinn be ENo ep Nog? Coles me For @ to conduct osmh: = Beh - HH. Since the galas are connected begets Dith trasistors nave the same Yog ond hc a trond asd ro.stik or matkiply iy by F Sop We Set to Fig. PH. 36 ON p60 SAL. L-VS = (0.4 yl MiB Alng aT shee be big. P43? * a gi 5 ROMA Ka 1204 VSN) ha BH Ng 23-15 aY 5» 190 ade rine le (2-1) mr vi, © Afton Re S35 912.5KR a Raver te Rig PHSB Vega SY (Be fhadvinon cy SayerweTte Veaed! 28 tank avon 2-08 ar wn flon Yeage SY Ase | Refer to fi, IBA Vos a5 —6tger peaked a (2a6tp BF my 8% 3p advo BAS ee 0.633 mA =t Tp okStmA is not aceeprable becouse | ge winich. {6 ner than % Tyne B9S mk Lomb 76Y Veto ese results host Hak altel Up ard KW are cubled Ty js only decreased by 0 and ty i# 5j. Therefore the concesiomis only increscad by ee

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