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ISSN 13-8812


, , 2010

1618 . 21 . 8110125

- . , -,
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( . 2005).
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-, 5-3 .
. . - : , , , . , ,
? ,
, - .
, zibythides, ,
(Witczak 1999). , , .
. hilms, . Helm,
, (Tomaschek 1980: .1.10; . Detschev 1976: 176),

). , (, )
zalmos (Porhp. Vita Pythag. 14),

-. ,
, - . ,
, - (.
1966: .
296). -
(Apollod. Ep. 10-11).

. - ,

, (.
Paus. 2.17.3 Loeb , ,
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(. ,
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Farnell 1985: 1.310).

Rhomiopoulou 1997: Fig. 3839; . Sprenger, Bartoloni 1977: Abb. 172,
225; Torelli 2000: 120; 2005).

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( . Apollod.
Bibl. 15.7; 2005).

. ,
(Sayers 1990: 77 n27; .
Frontisi-Ducroux 2000: 201 n16), .

, (Loth 1923;
Benveniste 1926; Cahen 1926; Guentert 1928; Friedrich
1979: 231; Onians 1989: 174-186; Linke 1985: 350). , ,
(Casalis 1976; Dundes 1980; Vernant 1989: 139
. lysimeles,
(Theog. 120, 911), (lyto gonata, Od.
18.212; Vernant 1989: 139; Katz 1991: 80).
(Il. 5.176, 11.579;

. Seaford 1995: 65 n144). ,
, ( ), . . (Vat. Myth. 1.21.1).

, .

: , ,
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( Snodgrass 1967).

, . .
( 1980; 2005; Marazov 1996: 110-130).
, (. Curletto 1990:
147-172; Ogden 1997)
(Fortenberry 1991). ,
par exellence, : (Hyg. Fab. 132; Vat.Myth. 1.21.1),
(Anth. Planud. 127, 1 ff) (Hyg. Fab. 132).
, ( )
, . , , -
2005). , ,
(Herodot 2.91; Artemidor Oneirocr. 4.63).
, , ,
, .
, ,
/ ( , .
, ()

, , (Hesiod Erga
180-182; . Ogden 1997). ,
, .
, ,
, , ,
, ,
, , ,
(Od. 20.351-357).
Achlus ,
(Pseudo Hesiod Aspis.144-148, 249f,
264-270). ,

, ( 1988).


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357 ).
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, .
, /
( 1976).
( ),
(, , ).
, gegonota orths, ( , .
Ogden 1997: 32)
( 1988; 2001).

: , (.
Vernant 1988). amphidromia,
(. , Scol.
Plato Theat. 160e; Suda s.v.),


- ( 2006). , ,
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- (Michael Padget
2003: Fig.2). / ,
, (Michael
Padget 2003: n29), , ..,

(Michael Padget 2003: n12). ,


Naquet 1983; Schnapp 1984),

(Schnapp 1984),

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, -


. , ,
, , 157 .
1998; 2005).
, , .
- ( 1992).
, ,
(Anati 1960; 1983; Turcan 1983; 2005). (Lincoln 1976):
(), (, 13

, ) (/).
/ ,
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(Miller 1975; Dubuisson 1978; Puhvel
1987), . -

: ( 2005).
, 14

. ,
, , . ,
. , ,

(Piotrovsky 1969: Fig.80-96). - ,
(Andronikos 1984: Fig.91-103; 1968;
Ognenova 1970; ernenko 2006). 4 . . . ,
, .


, , - .
, , ,
, , . :
() (). ,
(Lincoln 1976) ,
( 2005).
(Menad. Aspis.71-72).
. ,



. /
. . (
), (
), (), ( ), ( . ), -.
. ( ),
(, , ).
( , ). , ,

(, , ).
(, , . .).
, . . - ,
, ( 2005).
, - .
. Kershaw 2000; Curletto 1990: 144-145). , ,
. ,
: ,
, - , , miasma,
(. Parker 1990), .
, (. ,
. .).
. , ,
, : , , (Dumzil 1985;
1992, 2005; 1998; Piccirilli 1984: 141-159; Curletto 1990). / - , (Ogden 1997:
140). , , . . , -


( 1992).
, .
, mtis, ,
stratagema (Detienne & Vernant 1974).

- Curletto 1990: 142-147; 2005).

, , (



) - , . .
(Marazov 1991).


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, . .

epoptes, ,
, hiera, (Burkert
1987; Kernyi 1977;

Simon 1988; Clinton 1992: 86;
Frontisi-Ducroux 2000).

(.-. *wid-, . witness, . -- .
. Burkert 1996: 171).

( .-. *nes-, 22

, , .
no, , . Nagy 1990: 203; . .
. vadmna, , , Gnoli 1979: 418). ,
), .
( 2006). , ,
/ (.
Widengren 1979).

(. hm mang),
(Marazov 2000:

. .,

1996: 220-242; . , ,
Widengren 1979:

Gnoli 1984: 216; 2003).


prosopon (FrontisiDucroux 1995: 100). ,


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.. ,

( 2001). ,
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(. Gnoli 1979; Gignoux 1981, 1983;
2003). , (Gignoux 1981), (.
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(Nilsson 1927).
, - ( - .
Gnoli 1984: 216-217),

( ). ,
(. ista),
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/ ,
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( ), .
(. . epopteia)

(Dk. p. 376: 22 ff)
, ,
1979: 352). , . . 25


, .

( 1992: 328 .). ,
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, (Calame 1987).
( 2000).
, .
, , (Frontisi-Ducroux 1984, 1991, 2000;
Korshak 1987; Calame 1991).
: /, ,
. ,

. , , aporrheta, ,

. , . .
: , ,
, .
, ,
(agria derkomeno; Pseudo Hesiod. Aspis.
236). . -

, (Il. 22.93-95).
, drakon, ,
: , , (derkomai, endrakon, , ,
Frontisi-Ducroux 2003: 115-116). ,
(Empedocles Fr. 415 = B 84 Bollack;
Theophr. De Sensibus.7-24 = D. K. 31A 86).
, , (Dumzil 1985;
Lincoln 1991: 131-137).
1994: 89-114; Kershaw 2000).
, , ,



, , .

, .

, , (
. Frontisi-Ducroux, Vernant 1998).
. ,


1980; 2005; 2006).
, , ,
(Mallwitz, Herrmann 1980: Taf. 62-65). ,
, ,
, (Herodot
5.6; Athen. Deipnosoph. 12.524e-f; Plut. De sera num.
vin. 557c; 1980: 80-82). ,

(Clastres 1977: 135s). , ,

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. ,
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, , ,
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- . ,
, , .
, , ,
(, ).
, .
. , (

(Carmichael 1977).
, . .
. ,

, 31

. ,
, , .

(Jeanmaire 1939; Brelich 1969; Curletto 1990: 152-156).
, ,
, .

, . 32

(, , )
(, ).
, .
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. . , .
. ,
. , ,
, . . ,
. , ,
. , (Half-man, .
Szab 1941; Needham 1980). ,
1979), -

: -
, ,
Palladia. -
/ , ,
, (.
Apollod. Ep. 9). -
( Paus. 1.26.6), ,
(Kroll 1982). agalma () Archegetis, ,
. , (. Tertul.
Apologia 16.3.8)
(Euseb. Praep. Evang. 10.9.15), (Apollod. Bibl. 3.14.6),
(Plut. De daed. Plataens. Fr.158)
, ,

, ,
(Serv. Aeneidem 8.679; , , . Austin 1964). ,
, , (
, , . . ),

(Diodor. 5.47-49; Dion. Halic. 1.61.2-4; 68.2-4). 34

(Dion. Halic. 1. 69.3;
Gantz 2004: 1135).

, ,

(Verg. Aen. 2.172-177; Plut. Cam. 20; Beschi 1994).
, , , . , ,
, (. Brelich 1939

/. :
Aen. 8.679).

(Pettazzoni 1906: 605-701; Hemberg 1950:
89-92). ,
1980). , -
, , (Apollod. Ep.
9-13; Ovid. Fast. 6.421ff).
). 35

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(Polyen 1.5; Paus. 1.28.9). ,
, (.
Gantz 2004: 1134).


, , , ,
. . , ,
, ,
, , .
. /
, . , / ,
(Belting 2004: 49). /
(Moscalu, Voievozeanu 1979) , agalma,
, . (.
Thompson 1944; Kroll 1982). - , -, ,
, , ,
, ,
(, ),

(. ).
prosopon ,
( ,
. Hyperid. Pro Euxenippo 24-25).
agalmata edos kosmos
(. Plynteria Plut. Alcibiad.
34.1; . Deubner 1932: 17-22). , (. .
Herrington 1955), .
, . ,
. ,


, (Srbu,
Florea 2000: Fig. 38).
. : , /,

, .

(. . .
. Frontisi-Ducroux 1991, 1995). 38

Phallen Kephallen ( . . ,
Frontisi-Ducroux 1991: 193-201), , (Paus. 10.19.3).
- , -, .

, - , . ,
, ,
, , Tit Liv.
- ,
, , ,
(Tit. Liv. 1.55.5-7; 5.54.7; Plut.
Cam. 31; Dio Halic. Ant. rom. 4.59-61; Plin. HN 28.15).
, caput,
(Varro De la ling. lat. 5.41). , , (. Borgeaud 2004: 157-189).
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4 . . .,
, .
2-1 . . .

, ,

(Marazov 1991). ,
, .


, ,
agalmata (Gernet 1969: 93-138; Faraon
1992: 4-7; Gantz 2004: 1131sq).

, ,
. , (Faraon 1992: 9). , : ,
Deipnosoph.437b). .
, (Faraon 1992:
7, n30).
. , 1

( 1980, 1992). ,
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(. ),

(. Faraon 1992: 6-7 Ogden 1997: 24-28).
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ad loc.). , ,
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(Faraon 1992: passim).
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(. . )

, . . 42

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Bibl. 80 p.177 = FHG 4. p. 63 n27).

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( ) , :
, ,
, -, ,

- .
agalmata ,
, , , , (. PMG 4.3127; Faraon 1992: 103-106).
, ,
(Faraon 1992: passim),
, ,
, .
: , (- )
, . .

(Ussishkin 1970).
/ .
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, (Scol. Il. 6.311
Lycophr. 263; Suda s.v. Palladion). ,
, - (Herodot 4.5).
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( ), (Verg. Aen. 2.172-177).


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. ,
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, (Manolescu 1996: 97 n14). , ( )


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( 2001, 2005).
// ,

, agalma,
. , (
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(. ),
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( 2005: 82; .127-128).

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( ,
- , . .).
( 2006d).
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. ( 2005b: 11).
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(Hoffmann 1994).

, , ( ) .

1995: Fig. 105)
, (Farnell
1985: 1.287). Gorgo (Hel.
1315) Gorgophonos (Ion. 987), ,
, ,
(. Hygin. Astron. 2.12).
, . ,
(Gantz 2004: 540).
(Besig 1937; .
Laporte 1969). ,


. ,
(Diod. 5.73),
, (Pindar
Pyth. 32-38).
(Vermeule 1981:
139), . .
, (Rose 1974:
(. baskanos). , , , (
(Hygin. Astron.2.13.4).
, Gorgpis,
(Farnell 1885: 1.288) Glaukpis
(Diod. 1.12.8), . ,
, . . (Piccirilli 1984: 12). ,

( 1973; 1975,
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(Nilsson 1927: 491).

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