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Dear United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Hello, my name is Allanah Richman and I am writing this letter to you to explain to you
the importance of living in a globalized world. Even though I have many reasons for writing this
letter to you, the main reason is to talk about what the world has evolved into because of
globalization and what it can further become with your support. Living in a globalized world is
one of the most important things about todays time and keeping the world updated and not
dated and living the way we did before globalization.
This year in class I learned about globalization, and why it is extremely important to
todays time and the way we live today. I also had the opportunity to learn about the United
Nations and the importance of Human Rights, especially today in 2015. When learning about
Human Rights, I learned that according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are
13 guaranteed human rights for everyone. Human Rights and globalization work together
because without human rights, we would not have globalization and it would not have the
importance it does today.
Imagine living in a world where there was no McDonalds in Japan or China, or where
people did not wear blue jeans in the winter and fall seasons. Globalization, defined as the
process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas
and other aspects of culture (Wikipedia) is the cause for the everyday things we see in our
lives. The world has been impacted so much because of globalization and we wouldnt be living
in the world the way it is today without it. Globalization goes along with westernization, known
as a process whereby societies come under or adopt Western culture in areas such as
industry, technology, law, politics, economics, lifestyle, diet, clothing, language, alphabet,
religion, philosophy, and values (Wikipedia). Both are so important in todays time and allow
people to live the way they want in the world the way it is today. If we didnt have the impact of
globalization and westernization, where would we be in the world today?
Recently I saw that one of your key priorities is building a safer and more secure world
by innovating and building on our core business. In your 5 year action agenda I see that your
plan is to construct an enhanced partnership for peacekeeping, building a more global,
accountable and robust humanitarian system, revitalizing the global disarmament and nonproliferation agenda, enhancing coherence and scale up counter-terrorism efforts and address
the heightened threat of organized crime, piracy and drug trafficking. My opinion on this is that
the main focus in the 5 year plan should be to address the heightened threat of organized crime,
piracy and drug trafficking. Organized crime has become a huge issue around the world, no
matter where you are. Paying more attention to the crime and drug trafficking issues will allow
you to build a safer and more secure world for people to live in.
I thank you for taking this time in reading my letter and understanding how important it is
to live in a globalized world. By understanding the importance of it, this allows for you as the
United Nations Secretary General to bring into light any issues that may be occurring due to
globalization and westernization. Many issues can occur due to globalization and
westernization, with the possibility of the main issue being that different countries around the
world do not want to accept globalization and westernization, causing them to live in the past
and not in the present where the world is constantly changing and evolving overtime.
Allanah Richman

Word Count: 617

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