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Profil :

L 127x127x11 mm
Plat 5 x 260 mm

Total Area of Built-up Section
Total area: A0 = Ai(1) + Ai(2) + Ai(3) + Ai(4) = 9,560.0 mm2
Center of Built-up Section
Qx = Ai(1) . Xi(1) + Ai(2) . Xi(2) + Ai(3) . Xi(3) + Ai(4) . Xi(4) = 2.30e+06 mm3
Qy = Ai(1) . Yi(1) + Ai(2) . Yi(2) + Ai(3) . Yi(3) + Ai(4) . Yi(4) = 1.47e+06 mm3
X coordinate of center: xc = Qx / A0 = 2.30e+06 / 9,560.0 =240.3 mm
Y coordinate of center: yc = Qy / A0 = 1.47e+06 / 9,560.0 =153.9 mm
Moment Inertia of Built-up Section
Ix0 = Ix(1) + Ai(1) . [Yi(1) - yc]2 + Ix(2) + Ai(2) . [Yi(2) - yc]2 + Ix(3) + Ai(3) .
[Yi(3) - yc]2 + Ix(4) + Ai(4) . [Yi(4) - yc]2 = 1.89e+07 mm4
Iy0 = Iy(1) + Ai(1) . [Xi(1) - xc]2 + Iy(2) + Ai(2) . [Xi(2) - xc]2 + Iy(3) + Ai(3) .
[Xi(3) - xc]2 + Iy(4) + Ai(4) . [Xi(4) - xc]2 = 4.07e+07 mm4
Radius of Gyration
Radius of gyration about X axis: rx = (Ix0 / A0)0.5 = (1.89e+07 / 9,560.0)0.5 =44.4
Radius of gyration about Y axis: ry = (Iy0 / A0)0.5 = (4.07e+07 / 9,560.0)0.5 =65.2
Section Modulus
The fathest left point: XL = 108.8 mm
The fathest right point: XR = 371.2 mm

The fathest top point: YT = 18.8 mm

The fathest bottom point: YB = 289.2 mm

Profil :

L 102x76x16 mm
Plat 5 x 160 mm

Total Area of Built-up Section
Total area: A0 = Ai(1) + Ai(2) + Ai(3) + Ai(4) = 7,720.0 mm2
Center of Built-up Section
Qx = Ai(1) . Xi(1) + Ai(2) . Xi(2) + Ai(3) . Xi(3) + Ai(4) . Xi(4) = 1.74e+06 mm3
Qy = Ai(1) . Yi(1) + Ai(2) . Yi(2) + Ai(3) . Yi(3) + Ai(4) . Yi(4) = 1.19e+06 mm3
X coordinate of center: xc = Qx / A0 = 1.74e+06 / 7,720.0 =225.1 mm
Y coordinate of center: yc = Qy / A0 = 1.19e+06 / 7,720.0 =153.9 mm
Moment Inertia of Built-up Section
Ix0 = Ix(1) + Ai(1) . [Yi(1) - yc]2 + Ix(2) + Ai(2) . [Yi(2) - yc]2 + Ix(3) + Ai(3) .
[Yi(3) - yc]2 + Ix(4) + Ai(4) . [Yi(4) - yc]2 = 1.51e+07 mm4
Iy0 = Iy(1) + Ai(1) . [Xi(1) - xc]2 + Iy(2) + Ai(2) . [Xi(2) - xc]2 + Iy(3) + Ai(3) .
[Xi(3) - xc]2 + Iy(4) + Ai(4) . [Xi(4) - xc]2 = 1.09e+07 mm4
Radius of Gyration
Radius of gyration about X axis: rx = (Ix0 / A0)0.5 = (1.51e+07 / 7,720.0)0.5 =44.3

Radius of gyration about Y axis: ry = (Iy0 / A0)0.5 = (1.09e+07 / 7,720.0)0.5 =37.6

Section Modulus
The fathest left point: XL = 145.9 mm
The fathest right point: XR = 304.1 mm
The fathest top point: YT = 43.0 mm
The fathest bottom point: YB = 265.0 mm

Profil :

L 152x152x25 mm
Plat 5 x 310 mm

Total Area of Built-up Section
Total area: A0 = Ai(1) + Ai(2) + Ai(3) + Ai(4) = 19,120.0 mm2
Center of Built-up Section
Qx = Ai(1) . Xi(1) + Ai(2) . Xi(2) + Ai(3) . Xi(3) + Ai(4) . Xi(4) = 4.78e+06 mm3
Qy = Ai(1) . Yi(1) + Ai(2) . Yi(2) + Ai(3) . Yi(3) + Ai(4) . Yi(4) = 4.66e+06 mm3
X coordinate of center: xc = Qx / A0 = 4.78e+06 / 19,120.0 =250.1 mm
Y coordinate of center: yc = Qy / A0 = 4.66e+06 / 19,120.0 =243.8 mm
Moment Inertia of Built-up Section
Ix0 = Ix(1) + Ai(1) . [Yi(1) - yc]2 + Ix(2) + Ai(2) . [Yi(2) - yc]2 + Ix(3) + Ai(3) .
[Yi(3) - yc]2 + Ix(4) + Ai(4) . [Yi(4) - yc]2 = 7.06e+07 mm4
Iy0 = Iy(1) + Ai(1) . [Xi(1) - xc]2 + Iy(2) + Ai(2) . [Xi(2) - xc]2 + Iy(3) + Ai(3) .
[Xi(3) - xc]2 + Iy(4) + Ai(4) . [Xi(4) - xc]2 = 1.04e+08 mm4

Radius of Gyration
Radius of gyration about X axis: rx = (Ix0 / A0)0.5 = (7.06e+07 / 19,120.0)0.5
=60.8 mm
Radius of gyration about Y axis: ry = (Iy0 / A0)0.5 = (1.04e+08 / 19,120.0)0.5
=73.7 mm
Section Modulus
The fathest left point: XL = 95.2 mm
The fathest right point: XR = 405.0 mm
The fathest top point: YT = 85.2 mm
The fathest bottom point: YB = 402.8 mm

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