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Recording Q2


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extracurricul game club
ar activities

Cas Henry

Thoughts: What did you do? Problems

encountered? Successes? Feelings?
Ideas for next time?

of hours
16 Hours

In this activity the plan was to make a

Pokemon game that included new features
and was not the same as other Pokemon
games. So every monday and thursday we
went to mister Chochlas room to plan on
what to do for the game. The first two days
was focused on giving ideas on what this
game should have and what should not be
included. I think this was the most difficult
part since everyone had different ideas so
choosing the best ones was difficult and
sometimes someone would get angry
because his idea was not chosen. Then the
next days was only getting the computer
programs that were going to help as making
the game.

15 Hours

This activity was part of our CAS activities

from the school. This project was to go to
Henry Davis which was a orphanage. In this
activities we had to do activities with the
children from there. We had different ages
and each time we when we had different
children from different ages. A problem we
encountered was the first time the lack of
organisation we had. But at the visits
continued we were more prepared. The
activities with did with the children was to
do some sports and to give them lessons of
english and maths. This was a sad activity
because at the end of the day we had to
return to our homes and the children
sometimes were sad that we were leaving.


ar activities

15 Hours

This activity was also part of the CAS

activities from our school. This activity we
went to a poor school to give the children
english class and maths class since this were
the two things that lacked in the school.
The problems we had was that each time we
went we had problems because we were not
very organised. Also it was difficult to give
class to the children as sometimes they did
not want to work. Again it was a sad
experience to see the children sad when we
had to leave the school.

5 Hours

This was an extracurricular from the school.

I choose to do this activity since this was a
sport that I have never played before and I
wanted to learn more about it. This activity
was every tuesday after school. The class
was divided in two sections the first section
was to learn some new skills like learning
how to serve and how to pass. This was a
difficult part since this were new skills and
it took time to get used to this new skills.
The second section was to play a game this
was the fun part of the activity. At the end I
think this was good since now I understand
more of the sport and know how to play it



30 Hours

This acuity was done over 6 days 5 hours a

day. It consisted of 2 hours of knowing all
the rules of driving and the laws of Ecudor.
Then it was 3 hours of driving. This was
challenging since it was a thing I have never
done before so it took time to get used to
drive. It was successful because at the end
of the 6 days I learned how to drive so I
learned a new skill.

3 Hours

In this activity we stayed after school to

prepare a song for the different days
parents come to school like the family fun
day. This was a fun activity because we
learned a lot of song that I have never
listened before. Also playing with other
people was a fun activity to do

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