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‘COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT COUNTY OF: _ Franklin ‘COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA vs. | Mocisera Distia umber, 39-3-02 | DEFENDANT: (NAME and ADDRESS) | wos:Hon, LARRY G, PENTZ a ee | ess: Biayasanssns | 22 NOLLER AV Fit aie Mkts Name | Waynesboro, PA 17268, 5895 Fairway DR West Telpene: (717/762-9411 Fayottevile, PA 17222 EL waa Cas Type TTT 3 IE) Felony Fu TT sFecny Pens CavsdoneanorSoreundra Ss C1 Discs: ED aeaony i Gi e-Fetny Pend. Extedion Deter, [] D-Miemoanor No Extadion IE) eon Sureudinn Stes) AMidemeanor Fu 1 EMsdemeanor Pecing ‘Eloy No Gi Smee oes sameeren xan Osten, Date Fed T ony Be aaa So Reet doe Page DSL—15 52572015 Beatse=y ‘weredn01s-02620-— | Oven" one eee [owe ais Pulesi VA naib Corpetendaniey | BH se Fist Nane Mids Name TastName Gan Creme | aKa Race The Dae Bea Tinaveaen Clase | acrry [Hine Palnenepre Cuan HAIR COLOR Ty anv (ermp Cinco meantn) —— C)Sovteonay autem) Eas) Deno tamns BH eum) h0ns (oan) Ciwaicmmey — Chrexenivedy Qorwicom — Cencerns) 1 BLN onde Seater) BrECSIOR auc eaon Hewes eR ew fron) Dawvean Tazo i na quocon) Tl Pak rin, Dmucarssiren E) cttw) ae pa [Wewnsewomber 17725065, Eaves T7iere019 WEIGHT Oba 775 {LCi Vestn [BNA Cocation za | i [Sau Rane RECT a Batendant FnGRBARCA Ga vos Ci ve a 5 2 “Fingerprint iossifestion: aE z DEFEND EE SEES vin # Tiamat | — Regtaton commiveh. | Soo! ‘Eh NEI Veh. Gade | Reg. HODGEIR 1 _| stickeramirrny ta | exe same | jaw Year [Wake er sae (ear on 1GKS2MEF4SR132737 2014 Gmc. YUKON. Station Wagon | Black x Office of the attomey for the Commonwealth [] Approved [] Disapproved because: ‘Te aay Oommen alte Conplo Sees waet Bo ates pponesby Bey Pu Conearwash poratng Sea FER GRP Sh = 1, Police Officer Mario Angelo Angelini 39910 /9-64 Rae ss re SPRPCETC peered SHON BST ‘of Washington Township Police Department PAG280600 Fiery Coe gy Repeats ashy Pas pay OFT TAT <0 hereby state: (check appropriate box) 1. B® taccuse the above named defendant who lives at the address set forth above Gi taccuse the defendant whose name is unknown to me but who is described as. CF taccuse the defendant whose name and popular designation or nickname is unknown to me and whom | have therefore designated as John Doe or Jane Doe with violating the penal laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at [215] _ Washington Toweship (wieanesnCesy Psa Pas Sassiees] 11408 ANTHONY HW. Waynesboro, PA 17268. HE zee qane in Frankin County [28] ‘onot about 05/22/2015 21:44 Hours 7 = (ares) — ‘AOPC 412A - Rev, 12/14 Page 1 of 7 eh POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Becker Waaber= Date Fle ‘GiniNeScan Number ‘Complaint/Tacident Number |__oR-251-15 5/25/2015 7 663132-1 'WTPO2016-02820 ae i rat oe rr | Betenaane omy hah edge “The acts committed by the sccused are described below with each Act of Assombly or statute violated, if appropriate. When there is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered chronologically, (Settoat abit summary of he facts auflen to avi the d dant of tho nature ofthe offense) charged Ac Stitiiert In asummar ce you must te the peste secon) snd cubeccons) afte taut) or erinaneal) alee waa ho goof the vetin oo iv cf te oflrst ray vince now neato, sl sect number and frenciaintonmation eg PRe) shu at benedeni oem souk ‘ust be established, let ony the lat four dig. 204 PAGode #2131213), I Soltation CT Conspiracy 109024 10009, : | feccne + S08 oD Tie Caos Gace NEC Oran Can — RRS Cae (iterate | E] Safeyzone | [1 Work Zone ‘Satuie Description (inciude the name of statute or ordinance) 75.9802 Driving under influence of alcohol or controled substance Tals ofthe accused sasocated with this Offense 75. Vehicios ‘3802 - Driving under infuence of alcoho! or contolled substance, 3802 at ‘An inlvidual may not drive, operate or be in actual physical control of the movement of @ vehicle afer imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol ‘such that the individuals rendered incapable of safely driving, operating or being in actual physical contro of the movement ofthe vehicle “To Wit: The defordant did drive & vehicle ator imbibing sufficient amount of alcohol rendering him incapable of safely driving the vehicie. BAC 214%. Soliton TH Conspiracy | aaa 18°03. Ba 75 1 M 5404 0D Te Carns — Gece “NOE Ore ale ___ VERNER Cote 1 mierstae | 1 Safeyzore | 1] workzone | Siatute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance): ‘75.3802 Driving under influence of alcoho or controlled substance ‘Reis of he accused associated with this Offense: 75 -Vehicles ‘3802 - Driving under influence of alcoho! or controled substence 39026 ‘Highest rate of aleahol.An individual may not drive, operate or be in actual physical control ofthe movement of 2 vehicle after imbibing & sufficient amount of alcohol such that the aloohal concentration in the individual's blood or breath is .16% or higher within two hours ater the ‘ngividual has driven, operated or boon in actual physical contr of the movement ofthe venice, ‘To Wit: The defendant did drive a vehice ater imbibing a sufficient amount of alcohol such tha the alcohol concentration in his blood | aRESRETTTT ama her within two hours after he has drive he vei T [7 Solicitstion BAG 214% TT Conspiracy | | | ‘AOPC 412A - Rev. 12/14 8%. POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number? ‘GAN/Livescan Number Complaint/incident N CR-251-15 [szszo1s 7 663132-1 WTPD2016-02620 PER ede Test Billy Ralph Hodge [= toon | t0 08 | at ¢ 7 | 1 __ [Summary Sesan Shean Tee Cosi Gale NEC Oto Cams UCRNRE em esden Num 1 imerstete | 1 Safety Zone Work Zone ‘Statute Description (include the name of statute or ordinance}: 175.3362 Maximum speed lrits ‘Rais ofthe accused sssocisied with this Offense: 75 - Vebicles 3962 - Maximum speed limits 3362.81 35 miles per hour in any urban cist. To Wit: The defendant dc travel ata speed of 51 mph in a property posted 35 mph zone. ‘AOPC 412A - Rev. 12/14 Page 3 of 7 $84 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number: ‘OTN/liveScan Number “Complaint/incident Number cr-25]-} _ ‘WTPD2018-02820 Defendant Name aan 2. |ask that a warrant of arrest or a summons be Issued and that the defendant be required to answer the charges | have made. 3. verify that the facts set forth in this complaint are true and correct to the best of my knowledge or information and belief. This verification is made subject to the penalties of Section 4904 of the Crimes Code (18 PA.C.S.§4904) relating to unswom falsification to authorities. 4. This complaint consists of the preceding pages) numbered _{ __through__7 The acts committed by the accused, as listed and hereafter, were against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and were contrary to the Act(s) of the Assembly, or in violalion of the statutes cited. (Before a warrant of arrest can be Issued, the affidavit of probable cause must be completed, sworn to before the issuing authority, and attached.) _oszsiz01s 7 AND NOW, on this date, 6/9/15 _ | certify that the complaint has been properly completed and verified. An affidavit of probable cause must be completed in order for 2 warrent to is Ca 39-3-02 arnt neg ———— AOPC 412A - Rev. 12/14 Pege 4 of 7 fh: POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT [Docket Number: Date Filed: ‘OTN/LiveScan Number ‘Compiaint/incident Number 5/25/2015 T 663132-1 WTPO2015-02820 et | We ta Billy | Reiph Hodge AFFIDAVIT of PROBABLE CAUSE On Friday, May 22, 2015, ! was conducting speed enforcement at 11408 Anthony Highway, which is a properly pasted 35 mph zone, using the ENRADD speed timing device with serial number 539 and certified date of 05/07/2015. Timing was done in a stationary mode. ‘At approximately 2144 hours | observed a black GMC Yukon, bearing PA registration HODGEVR, traveling north bound passing through the ENRADD speed timing device. The ENRADD display head indicated the vehicle to be traveling at 51 mb Upon catching up to the vehicle I saw it eos the canter line and make jerking movements to return to the lane of travel while negotiating a right curve: | activated my emergency lights and the vehicle continued on crossing the center line again while negotiating the ie curve, while an oncoming vehicle had to swerve to the shoulder. Vehicle then pulled across the road appearing fo pul into the driveway, instead pulled onto the grassy area along the west shoulder. Vehicle came to a stop with the front passenger corner sticking out into the road. | saw the driver door open as | exited my patrol car. ! approached the vehicle finding the operator fumbling with his wallet in an attempt to retrieve his drivers license. The operator was identified as Billy Hodge Jr. | asked him where he was coming from and he reluctantly told me he had just left the American Legion in Waynesboro, PA where he had consumed 4-5 beers. | could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his breath and noticed he had slurred speech and red glassy eyes. | requested Hodge to exit the vehicle to perform a series of field sobrity tests. ‘As Hodge exited the vehicle | saw that he stumbled backwards into the open driver door. Hodge then watked to the rear of is Vehicle as requested. ! noticed that Hodge swayed while standing sill, Hodge indicated he did not have any injuries that would prevent him from completing any belance/coortination tests. | requested Hodge fo stand with his right foot infront of his lat foot and keep his hands down to his sidos while | ‘explained/demonstrated the walk and turn test | saw that Hodge could not maintain this position and took a normal stance. | ‘explained/demonstrated the test several mes due to Hodge stating he could not remember everything | told him or did not understand how to perform the test. Once Hodge confirmed he understood the test | told him to being and saw that he took ‘normal sized stops, raised his arms, swayed, side/crossed stepped. ‘The next test was the one log stand. Hodge again flied to maintain the starting position while | explained and demonstrated the test. Hodge stated he understood how to perform the test and began when instructed. He raised his right foot for a couple ‘seconds then cropped i to the ground. | told him to keep going until | tokd him fo stop and he told me that he could not do the test. | administered the pre iminary breath test to Hodge with a result greater than 08%, {old Hodge he was under arrest for driving under the influence, placing him into custody and into the rear of my patrol car. | transported Hodge to the Waynesboro Hospital fora legal blood draw and upon our arrival | took him into room 2 as instructed by hospital staff. read Hodge the DL-26 form verbatim and he agreed to the testing of his blood. Blood draw was taken from Hodge's right hand due to his refusal o have blood drawn from his left arm and the phlebotomist could not find a vein in his right arm. Vials used for the blood craw had an expiration of 10/2015. ‘Once compisted at the hospital | transported Hodge back to my station were | completed processing him, to and photographs. lude fingerprints ‘AOPC 412A - Rev. 12/14 Page 5 of 7 #84 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Deca amber Date Fede Pon7iivescan Wamber [ Complain ictdent amber CR-251-15 8/26/2015 T 663132-1 1 WTPD2015-02820 ee wide Task [silty Ralph Hodge Once processing was completed Hodge was released to a responsible adult {ater received a fax from Waynesboro Hospital showing Hodge's BAC to bo 214%. |, __Police Officer Mario Angelo Angelini___, BEING DULY SWORN ACCORDING TO THE LAW, DEPOSE AND SAY THAT THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING AFFIDAVIT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, INFORMATION AND BELIEF. June ‘Sworn to me and subscribed before me this_9EB__day of. Date. Magisterial ‘My commission expires first Monday of January, fone AOPC 412A - Rev. 12/14 Page 6 of 7

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