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The text below is about a gotong-royong activity carried out in

a school.
Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the
remaining line there is one
grammatical error in each line.

Underline the enor. Then, write one word to correct the error in the space
provided. An
example has been given. The correct word must not change the meaning
of the sentence.
There are no spelling and punctuation errors in this text.


Last Friday, Sekolah Menengah Kampung Kancil organised a gotong-

royong. The gotong-royong begin at seven

students were asked to gathered

in the morning. The

e.g. beqan

in the school field. They were then (a)

divided of five groups and were told by the teachers what their duties


were" The students then went to different locations of a school. one


group of students had to clean up the classrooms. They clear

out the


cupboards but took down old notices. They then cleaned the windows.


They later sweeps and mopped the floors. Another group of students


cleaned up the canteen. They wiped the tables


or benches. other

students has to pick up rubbish at the field. Another group

cieaned the school compound and drains. The

cleaned the toilets.

of students


finally group of students


After the gotong-royong, the students were tiring


but glad they had cleaned up their school.

(10 marks)

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