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I express my profound sense of gratitude to Dr. Sanjay Bhayani - my

research guide, who provided me undeviating encouragement, indefatigable guidance
and valuable suggestions throughout the research project. I am very sincerely &
heartily grateful to him for providing me a great break by selecting me as a research
scholar under him. Simply, I will never forget an essential role of him in my life &
I am indebted to my Mentor Dr. Pratapsinh Chauhan, Head, R. D. Gardi
Department of Business Management, who has given me a great opportunity to
outperform in my career and to do my Ph. D.
I take opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. M. K. Padalia,
Vice-Chancellor of the Saurashtra University for his indirect but consistent
encouragement to the research and development.
I also give my sincere thanks to faculty members of Department of Business
Management, Saurashtra University, who debated few key issues and offered critical
comments on several aspect of the study. I am also thankful to the administrative staff
of the department, who has always been a support of inspiration during my entire
I express my gratitude to all those officials who spared their precious time to
me and thus provided me valuable information and insight into various important
issues related to the study.
I am highly indebted to my family who constantly inspired me. I am
enlightened by the constant support by my wife Nimisha, throughout and my son
Shivam, for adding a smile to my face when I was fatigued. And to the Almighty, for

Nishant V. Vachhani

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