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Uncle Willie and the

Soup Kitchen

Dyanne Disalvo

Vera Williams


The story of a little girl who saves up to buy a

comfortable chair for her single mother after their home
is burned in a fire. The girls family and neighborhood
pitch in to help them rebuild their home on the inside.
Shows a realistic pertinent view of single parenting and
difficult financial situations.



This story takes place in Calcutta, India and tells the

story of Noor Nobi, who tragically lost his children and as
a process of healing, pours his life into nurturing caged
birds sold in the local market back to health and letting
them go free. Through compassionately caring for other
creatures, he finds healing for himself.

Bob Graham


A little boy finds a bird with a broken wing, but is the only
one who notices. He faithfully nourishes it back to health
with the help of his mother. This book poses the question:
who will help a small little thing in the midst of a big,
busy world?

Emily Pearson


On her way home one day, Mary decides to do one

simple little good deed, and as a result, the entire
neighborhood is positively affected. This book shares the
message that even a child can make a big difference.

Lynea Gillen


This book highlights all the good people doing good

things in the world despite bad things that may be
happening around them. It invites children to be aware of
these good people and how they make a difference and
inspires children to practice compassion to be one the
people who make the world good.

R.J. Palacio

This story follows Auggies, a 10 year old boy with a

craniofacial anomaly. This multi-perspective story shares
the pains and joys of Auggie going to school for the first
time and trying to fit in, and his friends and familys
journey of learning compassion towards their classmate
with special needs.

Laura E.

A young boy wants a skateboard for his birthday, but

doesnt have the money for it. When he sees a homeless
man collecting cans on the street, he decides to do the
same to raise money for his skateboard. However, when
he realizes that this man needs the cans to have basic
needs that the boy takes for granted, the boy decides to
give his earnings to the man.

Yangsook Choi


New to school, a Korean girl name Unhei is scared that no

one will accept her. She doesnt tell any of her
classmates her name on the first day, asking them
instead to guess, but when a classmate visits her home
and excitedly accepts Unheis culture, she bravely shares
her real name and her classmates welcome her. A story
of compassion towards children of different cultures, who
may feel out of place in the classroom.

Joung Un Kim,
Soyung Pak


Sumi is a Korean student who only knows one English

phrase, and is very nervous to go to school for the first
time. However, her teacher and students see that she is
lonely and afraid and reach out to her, showing
compassion and changing how Sumi feels about school.

A Chair for my
The Birdman

How to Heal a
Broken Wing
Ordinary Marys
Extraordinary Deed
Good People

The Can Man


The Name Jar


Sumis First Day of

School Ever

A boy is invited to observe his Uncle Willie as he prepares

food in an urban soup kitchen. This book does not
present the homeless guests of the soup kitchen in a
degrading way, but is merely informative. A good way to
introduce this topic to young children. Would be well
paired with service learning.

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