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Since you wouldn’t let me buy you

anything I made you something =]

Your Snow Angel

You have given me everything and
more than I have ever wanted . YOU
are the only thing I need to be happy.
Nothing I could ever give you could
compare to that.. I wish I could give
you more but I know we can’t afford
it. But I do promise to love you
forever and make every Birthday/
Valentines day the best you have
EVER had =]
I don't
Is this in my head?
know what to thin
und and
He knelt to the gro
d said,
pulled out a ring an
"Marry me, Juliet -
never have to be a
t's all I
I love you and tha
really know.
d - go
I talked to your da
pick out a white d
aby just
It's a love story - b
say 'Yes.'"
You are the bestest boyfriend EVER I
hope you know that. I wouldn’t want to
be with anyone else. I really hate not
being able to see you as much as id like
but I know that will all be over soon and I
will get to see you everyday. You make
me so so happy and I am so glad to have
you. Thank you so much for making my
life so much better and helping me get
st so you everything. I love knowing you
know every
will always be there for me no matter
minute I spend
ith you Iis love
one you more than you will truly
f thoseknow.
moments I
would never
take back <3

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