Vehicle Camel Accident Report 2

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Camel and Bus on Black Top Road

27th July 2007

OGDIII Project

Investigation team:

S/ Name Designati Departmen Title Signature

N on t

Operation Team
1 Aydin Beyatti O.E.
(ADCO) leader

2 Mohamed Al Banna Sr. HSE Eng Member

Transport division
3 Mohd AL Mutawaa Member

4 Errol Lopez HSE Mgr. NPCC Member

Executive Summary:

On 27th of July 2007 at approximately 22:09 hrs the

stampeding camel smashed with the bus near the entrance of
the M/S Bin Fraih Group (1KM towards Buhash from the ADCO-
Bab round about), and after some time the camel was stood up
form the dizziness and ran away whilst the NPCC
subcontractor’s driver Mr. Sayed Ahmad was coming from Abu-
Dhabi to drive coaster bus Plate no-4801. (Actual speed as per
IVMS report at incident moment was 111.0 km/hr).

The incident resulted in slight damage to the right corner of the

coaster bus windshield was damaged.

The driver alleged that he was watching to another vehicle which

was coming form front side. Suddenly he was noticed the Black
camel on the road up slope.

The investigation team partially agreed about the driver

statement as well as assumed that the impair judgment of the
driver to cross the speed limit.

Overconfidence or distraction may be another reason for the


Fortunately the driver and passengers were not sustained any


The police investigated the incident with the driver and report
was issued.

The incident was not reported by driver or NPCC to ADCO control


ADCO A/EPM initiated an accident investigation team to

investigate the incident and find out the root causes and make
recommendation to prevent reoccurrence.

Table of contents:

• Investigation team……………………………………………………..1

• Executive summary …………………………………………………. 2

• Table of content……………………………………………. ……….3

• Introduction………………………………………………………… 4

• Background ………………………………………………………… 5

• Sequence of events…………………………………………………. .6

• Drivers and vehicles details…………………………………………. 7

• Findings, causes and recommendations ………………………… ….


• Recommendation and proposed action plan ………………………...


• Appendices

- incident location sketch

- vehicles’ photos

- Driver’s license and ADSD.

- Vehicles’ licenses.

- Witness’s statement.

- Police report.

- Vehicle’s maintenance report.

- IVMS report.

- T.O.R.


On the 27th of July 2007 at approximately 22:09 hrs the NPCC coaster
bus driver was en-route of Buhasa Camp from Abu-Dhabi along the
Habshan-Buhasa Black top road. While he was avoiding to hit another
incoming front vehicle accidentally bus windshield was partially
collided with a hasten camel which ran into the bus near M/S Bin
Fraih Group, Immediately camel was stood up form the giddiness
and ran away from the accident location.

The IVMS report recorded that the vehicle speed at incident moment
was 111.0 kms/hr.

The driver and personals were not sustained injury.

The police investigated the accident and the report was issued.

ADCO A/EPM initiated an accident investigation team to investigate

the incident to find out the root causes and make recommendations
to prevent reoccurrence.


NPCC crew bus driver named Sayed Ahmed was coming from Abu-
Dhabi to CCIC Buhasha Camp after finishing the shopping of the
NPCC workforce. He was started his trip from Abu-Dhabi at about
20.30hrs for Buhash camp. He reached in front of the entrance of
contractor Bin Faith Group at 22.09.30hrs, which is just after one KM
form ADCO-Bab main office round about. Same time one small car
was coming from his front side & driver started to give his attention
on incoming vehicle to avoid collision and a black camel which was
crossing the road, accidentally the bus hit the camel partially on the
back portion.

The right corner of the coaster bus windshield was damaged as a

result of the collision.

After few minutes the camel was recovered form dizziness, stood-up
and ran away.

Camel colour was black.

The IVMS report recorded that the vehicle was traveling,

approximately 90-95km/h. At the time of incident the vehicle harsh
braked to avoid hitting the vehicle in front that had stopped.

No enough light for sufficient visibility.

The fence which was made for the protection of animals was covered
by sand and making easily access. The near by entrance gate was
also not closed.

No proper monitoring of camels by owners.

Emergency response procedures were not properly followed by the


The police investigated the incident and report was issued.

Sequence of Events:
On the 27th of July 2007 the following sequence of events
took place:

• 20:05:35 hrs the NPCC driver Sayed Ahmed started the trip
from the Abu-Dhabi to CCIC Buhasha camp.

• 22:09:30 hrs harsh braking duration 00:00:02 seconds.

Maximum Value 15.0Km/h/s. Max. speed 111.0Km/h.
Average speed

• 22:09:32 hrs incident took place at the block top road.

• ……hrs the driver informed his supervisor.

• 22:25:00 the traffic police arrived the scene.

• 22:30 hrs the traffic police started the investigation with

the driver.

Driver’s details:
NPCC Driver :

Name : Sayed Ahmed

Designation : Crew bus driver
LicenseNo. : 151546/N
Expired date : 13/12/2008
Age : 51 yrs
Nationality : Pakistani
Years of Experience : 4 years
Company : ANSAB (Subcontractor to NPCC)
ADSD No. : 24362 GTSC July./2006 Abu-Dhabi
Validity : up to 25 /10/2011

The moving Vehicle:

Type : Coaster crew bus (Mitsubishi)
Model : 2007 color gold
Plate No. : AD 48401 green
The damaged parts : Right corner of the coaster bus
windshield was damaged.

Findings, causes and recommendations:
Based on the information gathered from the drivers, the witness,
the police report and the IVMS data analysis the team have
arrived at the followings:

• The incident was took place at the road-up slope

• The vehicle was equipped with IVMS and the driver was drove
at considerable speed (Max. was 111 km/h)

• Camel colour was black.

• Suddenly driver was noticed camels on the road-up slope.

• The small car which was coming from front side and trying to
avoid the collision with camels by harsh braking and

• The bus driver was used harsh brake to avoid hitting the car
which was coming form front side.

• One of the camels ran into the bus and hit the right wind

• Camel was sat down and after about 30 minutes, stood up and
went north into the desert.

• Broken pieces of windshield glass were found at the incident

• No other evidence was found at the incident location.

• No personal was injured.

• The driver has 4 years driving experience.

• The driver has ADSD.

• The visibility was not ideal.

S. No. Causes Recommendations Risk Responsi Target
Rating ble Party Completion

1. Entrance gate of desert was not • Entrance gate NPCC Immediate

blocked. should be closed
at evening time. H (PM)

2. Lighting was not provided on the • Sufficient lighting M NPCC(PM

road at slope up area. should be )/ADCO
provided on the
slope up area.
3. Road was not painted with traffic • Road should be M
markers near the slope up area. painted for proper
attention of
4. Camels were not properly • Camel should be H
supervised by owner. properly
supervised by
• Reflective strip
should be used on
the body of camel
visibility in night.
5. Driver was found on duty since • Long duty hours
morning. should be avoided
specially for
6. Driver was not maintaining proper • Proper speed limit
speed limit. should be
followed by
7. Driving in night time • Night time driving
should be avoided
or minimized.

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