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The Physician Movie Summary and Conclusions

This movie was based in one novel of Noah Gordon, but this film illustrated in a
real, historic and verdict form, the beginnings of a medicine like science; in other
word .how the experience of how the people use different methods to heal their
pains become to a scientific explanation to the knowledge of the functions of
human organism.
This history begin with a child that lose his mom for a sickness in this time called
belly pain, and in this time doesn't have heel; In our days the name of this sick
is appendicitis. In the film a child with name Rob saw a man called barber,
and he healing a persons for money, after his mother die he interested for a
profession of this man joined him. In this time do an autopsy was a taboo, and not
accepted for the Church. Rob in his road has a necessity to learn more about the
healing of sickness and go to study with Ibn Sin. The religions was a law, an rules
everything, and of the medicine too. Rob had to look like a Jew to study in the land
of Muslims. At that time doctors were learned from experience in rotations as today
and classes taught theoretically; also they wore white.
In the development of medicine to this day the epidemic of Black Death or bubonic
plague, they have been instrumental in the treatment of diseases and
establishment of standards of personal hygiene. Which resulted in the first autopsy
of history, with the approval of dead when he was alive what brought social
consequences because Rob was accused of necromancy but important and
significant for the scientific development of medical science advances; as the cure
of "belly pain" or appendicitis; that was what inspired Rob Cole became interested
in medicine after his mother's death due to the disease and to help others; which
also he could perform.
Which leads me to one conclusion, there is nothing set in stone as to medical
knowledge is concerned; at this time in somewhere in the world medical
science it is evolving.

Jocabed Molinar

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