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Jaehwi Han

Physical Science Year-End Report

Every day, science evolves and human life gets better. Most sciences involve a lot of physical sciences.
For example, how an air craft would work or how cars can drive more safely. Physical science is the
science that concerns the study of inanimate natural objects, including physics (understanding of physical
science), chemistry (understanding of composition, structure, properties, and change of matter), and
related subjects (Google). Physical science also includes: Newtons laws of motion, mass, force and
weight, momentum and conversion of energy, conversion, gravity, energy, motion, position,
thermodynamics, waves, magnetism, light, etc. Physical science is important in my life because I use it
every day. When doing daily activities or work, I use force, momentum, energy, waves, and motion most
or all the time. Technology evolves human beings, and with physical science people are getting smarter,
wiser, and more intelligent. The topics I apply in my life everyday are force, buoyancy and density, states
of matter, distance, time, and average speed.

1c. Distance, time, and average speed are increasing and decreasing, even stops. They are
everywhere in the earth, and you can find them anywhere. The free encyclopedia Wikipedia
states that a distance is a numerical description of how far apart object are. Distance may refer to
a physical length, or estimation based on other criteria. From reference point which is the starting
point until the destination is the distance. Average speed is the total distance over total time or
the speed that is calculated in special situations. It refers to time the indefinite continued
progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. Without
time, no living object would be able to grow. Time is one of the seven fundamental quantities in
both the International System of Units and International System of Quantities. Our time in earth
is defined by the sun our energy provider. Time is used to define other quantities like velocity
so it gives more power on time. Time is related to everything, including: space-time, time
dilation, relativistic time, Newtonian time, arrow of time, and quantized time. One important
kind of time is the space-time. It is the time that flows in space, which comes down to time
dilation where a difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either
moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses relativistic time
is part of time dilation everything connects to time. I go to school in a certain time and keep the
rule of time. The following is one example of how physical science is applied in my life. I apply
time each second I move, breath, and live. Matter is affected by time no matter what, and will
continue to live in time.
2a. Force is applied to anything that exists. Force is used everywhere and all the time. It is a push
or pull, or any action that has the ability to change motion. It is also a concept of magnitude or
scalar. Force is always another variable of vector. Force is applied to everything unless it is
something you can touch, grab, or that affects mass. Mass multiplied by gravity gives you
weight. In order to move an object, the force you are applying has to be bigger than the static
force. By the Newtons first law, every object has a tendency to be static which is static force.

Force for an example is applied when you are pushing the object to a certain direction or against
something. Some examples of force are acceleration, velocity, gravity, normal force, and friction.
Velocity is the sum of speed and direction. Speed is given when distance is divided by time.
Gravity is a force that exists among all material objects in the universe it pushes objects down
with about 9.8 Newton. Normal Force is a force exerted upon an object perpendicular to the
surface to be the positive direction. Some examples of where I used force in everyday use are
when I walk, talk, and also write or type! When I play soccer, I sprint which is speed and kick or
pass the ball to my teammates my leg pushes the ball to go in a certain direction where force is
applied. Force in other words is a state of an objects movement, they are everywhere and seen
3d. Matter is everything around us. Anything you touch, smell, see, hear, and taste they are all
just matter. But matter has its specialty also they are the states of matter which are liquid, gas,
and solid. The Marriam-Webster dictionary states that liquid is capable of flowing freely like
water and not a sold or gas. It also states that gas is a fluid as air that has neither independent
shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely as well as solid having, involving, or dealing
with three dimensions or with solids. The main point of these states of matter belongs to speed. It
depends on their particles or molecules a group of atoms bonded together, representing the
smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.
Speed is affected by thermal energy or basically temperature. Based on the thermal energy, the
molecules of an object will increase the speed or decrease the speed. As the speed gets higher
and becomes hotter, it becomes gas. The molecules inside the object moves so fast, that it cannot
hold a tight grip of the object or evaporates. If the temperature is about room temperature, the
molecules do not speed up or down and stays as liquid. It can still be touched, but cannot hold it
tight or grip it. Solid is formed when the temperature or speed of the molecules gets slow to a
stop. Because the molecules of the object are slow to a stop, I can easily hold it and grip it tight.
With this knowledge, I can help myself when the climate is very hot or cold. I can know what to
touch or not. For example, if I would to eat an ice-cream, I would definitely be able to know if
its liquid or solid maybe gas. Studying in chemistry will be much easier since state of matter is
the basic of chemistry. Also can lead up to being a meteorologist which takes a lot of
understanding in or hot or cold the climate is. State of matter is the first step to knowing the
secrets of life and mysteries.
8d. Gravity is the force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth or toward any other
physical have mass (Google). But, there is one force that goes against the gravity, it is called
buoyancy. Buoyancy is applied in water liquids only. According to the Free Dictionary, buoyancy
is the tendency or capacity to remain afloat in a liquid or rise in air or gas. The law of
Archimedes Principle says Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by
an equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. The difference in pressure results in a
net force that tends to accelerate an object upwards. For this matter of fact, an object whose

density is larger or greater than that of the fluid in which tends to sink. Density is the measured
volume of a quantity of mass. Density is measured through to equation mass divided by volume.
If the density of an object is greater than the density of fluid, the object tends to sink down.
Density and buoyancy is seen everywhere at any moment. Examples that can be given are times
like when someone is sinking or an object is floating. When someone or an object is floating, it
means that the volume of an object is much greater than the liquid. When it is sinking, the
volume is much lighter or has less density than the fluid. Density and buoyancy are always
happening each time and anywhere that has gas or liquid. It always goes against gravity and
makes the object lighter with the opposing force.
In conclusion I would apply my physical science knowledge and understandings into
being an astronomer in my future. Physical science will lead my life and future to new ways and
limitless possibilities. Knowing about the different kinds of force and vector can improve me
when I am stuck in astrophysics. Distance, time, and average speed are definitely needed when
studying about how stars and planets work. State of matter is not an option since every matter
belongs to the state of matter. Buoyancy and density help me recognize how it will feel to be in
gravity less place. The variety information of physical science can lead to limitless, never ending
possible ways. It will show the opening to the start. Physical science is the routine of the future
and the way for better humanity with more modern technologies that will come.

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